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Anza Mark III

can anyone claryfy that is it possible to intrigate anza-3 missile with
talha or any other mobile platform ?
can anyone claryfy that is it possible to intrigate anza-3 missile with
talha or any other mobile platform ?


What is the neccessery Technology for develping a High alltitud and medium alltitude SAM system.
What is the neccessery Technology for develping a High alltitud and medium alltitude SAM system.

radar Technology that can lead the SAM to the target. :coffee:

there are three basic techniques that can be adopted in detecting and tracking the target.

Targets for long range hiigh altitude SAMs will usually be acquired by air-search radar, then tracked before/while a SAM is "locked-on" and then fired. Potential targets, if they are military aircraft, will be identified as friend or foe before being engaged.

Active homing
Active homing uses a radar system on the missile to provide a guidance signal. Typically electronics in the missile keep the radar pointed directly at the target, and the missile then looks at this "angle" of its own centerline to guide itself. Radar resolution is based on the size of the antenna, so in a smaller missile these systems are useful for attacking only large targets, ships or large bombers for instance. Active radar systems remain in widespread use in anti-shipping missiles, and in "fire-and-forget" air-to-air missile systems such as AMRAAM and R-77

Semi-active homing
Semi-active homing systems combine a radar receiver on the missile with a radar broadcaster located "elsewhere". Since the missile is typically being launched after the target was detected using a powerful radar system, it makes sense to use that same radar system to track the target, thereby avoiding problems with resolution or power. SARH is by far the most common "all weather" guidance solution for anti-aircraft systems, both ground and air launched. SALH is a similar system using a laser as a signal. It has the disadvantage for air-launched systems that the launch aircraft must keep moving towards the target in order to maintain radar and guidance lock. This has the potential to bring it within range of shorter-ranged IR-guided missile systems, an important consideration now that "all aspect" IR missiles are capable of "kills" from head on, something which did not prevail in the early days of guided missiles. For ships and mobile or fixed ground-based systems, this is irrelevant as the speed (and often size) of the launch platform precludes "running away" from the target or opening the range so as to make the enemy attack fail.

Passive homing
Infrared homing is a passive system in which heat generated by the target is detected and homed on. Typically used in the anti-aircraft role to track the heat of jet engines, it has also been used in the anti-vehicle role with some success. This means of guidance is sometimes also referred to as "heat seeking".

Contrast seekers use a television camera, typically black and white, to image a field of view in front of the missile, which is presented to the operator. When launched, the electronics in the missile look for the spot on the image where the contrast changes the fastest, both vertically and horizontally, and then attempts to keep that spot at a constant location in its view. Contrast seekers have been used for air-to-ground missiles, including the AGM-65 Maverick, because most ground targets can be distinguished only by visual means. However they rely on there being strong contrast changes to track, and even traditional camouflage can render them unable to "lock on".

How does the Anza III compare with other MANPADS such as Javelin, Igla, and QW-2?

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How does the Anza III compare with other MANPADS such as Javelin, Igla, and QW-2?

Javelin is not a MANPAD.. its an ATGM..

Now, the Anza Mk-III is roughly equivalent in performance to the Sa-24 version of the Igla..
It is based on the QW-2 but with a few refinements to the guidance program.
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We can't match india or western air superiority in near future, so we should invest in sam systems with multiple ranges to target missiles and aircrafte
5 km is too little range atleat we should have 25, 50 , 100 etc , which can be fitted in vehicles with multi launch
Javelin is not a MANPAD.. its an ATGM..

Now, the Anza Mk-III is roughly equivalent in performance to the Sa-24 version of the Igla..
It is based on the QW-2 but with a few refinements to the guidance program.

Javelin is not a MANPAD.. its an ATGM..

Yes Javelin is primarily an ATGM, but it can also attack aircraft if the target is laser painted and when Javelin is set to direct mode. Javelins can target nearby aircraft such as attack helicopters, though yes it is primarily an ATGM but also has the capacity to serve as a MANPAD.
Yes Javelin is primarily an ATGM, but it can also attack aircraft if the target is laser painted and when Javelin is set to direct mode. Javelins can target nearby aircraft such as attack helicopters, though yes it is primarily an ATGM but also has the capacity to serve as a MANPAD.

In that respect the IAI LAHAT and 9M119 Refleks systems can also engage low flying helicopters..
But they were never optimized for and/Or primarily designed for that role.
Hence do not fall under the category of SAM's or MANPADS for that matter
We can't match india or western air superiority in near future, so we should invest in sam systems with multiple ranges to target missiles and aircrafte
5 km is too little range atleat we should have 25, 50 , 100 etc , which can be fitted in vehicles with multi launch

Agreed 5km range isn't optimal, though Anza III can certainly attack attack helicopters and other low flying aircraft such as drones or even low flying jets. Though Pakistan needs to develop Anza IV with at least 25km operational range and advance sensors which will allow the missile to hit high altitude targets.
Agreed 5km range isn't optimal, though Anza III can certainly attack attack helicopters and other low flying aircraft such as drones or even low flying jets. Though Pakistan needs to develop Anza IV with at least 25km operational range and advance sensors which will allow the missile to hit high altitude targets.

The ADGE of Pakistan is laughable at best.
There were very little long range circles to integrate within our new C4I system when it was in development.
The longest ranged ones are near key spots.. ..the rest are just tiny V's that will have to move around rapidly on orders in any hope of intercepting the enemy.
Pakistan needs SAM very bdaly & Pakistan's only option in China. To be honest China has made serious amount of progress in every field, so Pakistan needs to stick with China because nobody will give anything to Pakistan today.
Can it shoot down a drone? If yes, why arent we deploying it in waziristan area?

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