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At 90pc, census data shows ‘dip’ in Karachi’s population

Karachi’s population has only increased in size.

There is a constant influx of Pakistanis from villages and small towns. Heck Kemari is full of Bangladeshi folks. Sorabh Goth is probably bigger than Peshawar in terms of population. And then there is an equation of producing like rabbits.

The reason why Karachi’s population will be kept to a bare minimum is because if they don’t, more local bodies, provincial assemblies, national assemblies seats will be assigned to Karachi. This would mean Karachi voters will hold more sway and reduce PPP stronghold.
Karachi’s population has only increased in size.

There is a constant influx of Pakistanis from villages and small towns. Heck Kemari is full of Bangladeshi folks. Sorabh Goth is probably bigger than Peshawar in terms of population. And then there is an equation of producing like rabbits.

The reason why Karachi’s population will be kept to a bare minimum is because if they don’t, more local bodies, provincial assemblies, national assemblies seats will be assigned to Karachi. This would mean Karachi voters will hold more sway and reduce PPP stronghold.
Let’s put influx of people from other areas of Pakistan aside. The natural growth through births of a typical Pakistani population is enough to guarantee increase.
Oh I am not making any statement about the validity of the census or it's accuracy.

Just stating what the guy in charge of the census says.

If he was lying, or if the implementation of the census is not as stated, then this indeed is a very serious issue that needs to be addressed.

I would definitely not be surprised if PPP has fudged the process up for it's own gain.
Most definitely, back when they counted Karachi's population at 16 Million, that too was a joke.

If MQM does actually quit the Government on the matter of Census count, they just might be able to gain some foothold in Karachi again otherwise they are dead and buried.
Let’s put influx of people from other areas of Pakistan aside. The natural growth through births of a typical Pakistani population is enough to guarantee increase.
Bengalis in Kemari area have got NICs.

Same for recently arrived Pakhtuns bhais in Sorabh Goth.
Most definitely, back when they counted Karachi's population at 16 Million, that too was a joke.

If MQM does actually quit the Government on the matter of Census count, they just might be able to gain some foothold in Karachi again otherwise they are dead and buried.

Would be interesting to see.

Unlikely though, estab has too much stake now, it won't let the govt fall because of MQM of all things.

Heard Fawad Ch say that Karachi will lose 2 seats if the census results go as they are. What a joke.

Also read a twitter conspiracy thread that interior Sindh and Balochistan would be given a greater share of seats in order to facilitate PPP. It is a fact that the estab sees Bilawal as a PM, but I was still skeptical of this level of fudging to change demographics. But now it does seem plausible.

Interesting times ahead.
Do you reside in Karachi? If you do then you must know how inaccurate the census count is. If they are actually counting people where they are residing then there must be some other gimmick to count only 50% population of Karachi.
How can people who have been living in karachi for years be counted anywhere else.It doesn't make sense and the census rules say that you will be counted where you have been living for last 6 months.
Government should target population figures around 6 to 8 million for Karachi. Many millions left Karachi between 2018 and 2022 fleeing the oppressive regime of PTI-PPP.
The province which is showing an very high increase according to reports is balochistan.Could it be that many Afghans have been counted in the census
Rubbish if you go 3 am night you find people Hussle everywhere from 8am to 12 pm Karachi roads are jammed I think they are calculating Karachi population from bharia town to kalır only

Increase homes but people are not living it's propaganda of Punjab to show Karachi population less to get more funds seats in parliament
MQM deserves this only. Really happy seeing MQM like this.
The rule is that people will be counted where they have been living for the last 6 months and if these people have been in karachi for years than they can only be counted in karachi.The rule is same for all of pakistan.
Aur tho vote MQM ko ap logon 😂
A day or two ago Adil Raja said that in 2018 Zardari gave a huge amount of money to Bajwa and then DGISI Faiz Hameed to ensure that PPP sweeps the provincial assembly.

The Zardari and Bhutto-Zardari families have become so rich and powerful that they now control the generals.

In the past the generals used to sell Pakistan to America for dollars and green cards. Now America doesn’t give dollars anymore. It is the crime families that have dollars and the generals sell themselves to them.

Zardari is the richest man in Pakistan. He is probably worth US$ 30-40 billion. Sharif may have only US$ 20-30 billion. While Sharif can be out of power occasionally, Zardari has been ruling non-stop for a long time over his main source of income, Karachi.

Karachi’s population will be whatever Zardari decides.
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