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Banned Words on PDF

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you can twist it however you want, its your nature.
your burn in a special place contradicts your bollywood twist.

your fancy writing can not hide the fragrance anymore.

Your are exposed and resorting to your Indianess level by using personal attacks and insults. I am amused, how innocent Pakistanis thought you were a sane person all these years.

refrain from idiotic behaviour or you will be treated and responded accordingly.

Brother he approved my actions that day, even though he didn't have to.
Let's leave it please.
read the post again na man.....

I did, in fact twice. The essence of post lies in -

1. Indians dont deserve civility and thus they can not demand it
2. If Admins ban slurs/racial remark, the forum will become toothless and cant counter Indians. This is in fact insulting to learned Pakistani members who count on content more than abuse

But not all was disheartening in your post, the below point of yours have weight too

Simple advise is, do not behave and show your style of Indian civility and manners here, put forward your and argument and point in a civilized manner (Not the Indian Bharat rakshash, social media and Andh Bhakt Sangi mob manners) and no one will have any reason to call you any names.

However, will you contest my observation that posters are using these slangs/slurs too freely even when they are not responding to any foul mouthing individual? Isn't it being used to target even those who are not even posting but just reading the content?
Do not worry, let him continue.....

He is just showing his true colours.....its good. more he carries on...more we will know what was hidden under Mr. Intellectual.

I saw it the first time when they were talking about Kashmiris in a derogatory manner, I think Mods hit the jackpot in banning that kind of discourse.

If we can relay which subjects are off-limits on PDF, it will stifle Indian trolls greatly.

All I want is to be able to use Gangadeshi, as it is a great part of my own ideology as a Pakistani and a descendant of the IVC. Our identity has been usurped and stolen, we need to fight back and re-introduce Pakistan to the world. When we explain to people the nuances of the Indus and Ganges, people will start to understand what Pakistan is, and conversely what India is.

This whole concocted history of 'united India will fall to pieces.
Your keen and undivided attention is on public display; no assumption there. My existence does depend to some extent on support; without performing fleas, life would be dull.
your keen and undivided attention was to mask and hide your true personality, which failed and you exposed your true personality by the choice of words.

That can be NO assumption for you only if you have bill of sale for your productions on my name.....you seem very sure that it was not an assumption......

your performance is always behind the scenes.....only you know......and your assurance says it.
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