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China-Pakistan Science and Technology cooperation center inaugurated in Beijing​

November 29, 2022

BEIJING: In a milestone move to boost bilateral cooperation in science and technology (S&T), an S&T cooperation centre was launched in a webinar held in Beijing on Monday.

The S&T centre was initiated by the Zhongguancun Belt and Road Industrial Promotion Association (ZBRA) and Pakistan’s Special Technology Zone Authority (STZA).
Speaking at the forum, Pakistan’s Ambassador to China Moinul Haque said that information technology emerged as an important area of China-Pakistan cooperation during the recent visit of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, as reflected in the establishment of the S&T joint working group under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

The envoy added that the S&T centre would be a significant move towards enhanced bilateral cooperation.

In his speech, ZBRA President Zhang Xiaodong mentioned that “taking the centre as a platform, we will mobilise all parties in China and Pakistan, especially hi-tech enterprises and institutions, to develop and gather resources for science and technology cooperation”.

He added that a delegation of Chinese S&T enterprises would be formed for a visit to Pakistan next year for in-depth field investigation.

Terming the S&T centre a “liaison office for Chinese enterprises”, an STZA officer noted that apart from boosting innovations, people-to-people and student-to-student cooperation channels, the centre will also build a business-to-business platform for the transfer of technology, collaboration and cross-border investments.
It is learnt that the centre will focus on cooperation in the fields of artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, robotics, financial technology, blockchain and biotechnology.

Chinese medical team concluded 14-day aid in Pakistan​

By Wang Kai | China Economic Net Nov 30, 2022

Chinese medical team concluded 14-day aid in Pakistan
Chinese expert team provides free medical care to the flood affectees in Khaipur. [Photo provided to China Economic Net]
GUILIN, Nov. 29 (China Economic Net)-“After the 14-day aid in Pakistan, we are ready to continue giving full play to our professional strengths and enhance exchanges with Pakistan and contribute to the reconstruction of Pakistan’s health system”, said Mr. Huang Wenxin, head of China (Guangxi) Medical Expert Team for Aiding Pakistan in Flood Relief.
The team has concluded its work in Pakistan from Oct. 28 to Nov. 11 for post-flood medical treatment and infectious disease prevention
During the trip, the expert team, consisting of experts on gastroenterology, infectious diseases, respiratory medicine, dermatology, general surgery, nursing, monitoring, analysis and prevention of infectious diseases, drinking water sanitation, mosquito vector monitoring and transmission, environmental elimination, and laboratory testing, visited Islamabad, Karachi, and the badly-hit Khaipur District in Sindh Province.
In Gambat Relief Camp, the team donated medical supplies to Khaipur, including antibiotics and antiviral drugs for respiratory tract infections and infectious diarrhea, dermatological topical medication for infection, anti-allergy medicine, anti-diarytic medicine, mosquito repellent medicine, antimalarial medicine, malaria detection kits, protective clothing, medical masks, etc.
Chinese medical team concluded 14-day aid in Pakistan

Chinese expert team donates medical supplies urgently needed in the disaster area to the Khaipur health office. [Photo provided to China Economic Net]
Experts in the team together with local doctors provided free medical care to the flood affectees. “We also checked the water source and impact of mosquitoes and flies in the camp, and discussed with the health officials of Heilbul County on how to strengthen health education for the flood victims and promote a healthy lifestyle”, Mr. Huang Wenxin told China Economic Net (CEN).
Chinese medical team concluded 14-day aid in Pakistan

Chinese expert team provides free medical care to the flood affectees in Khaipur. [Photo provided to China Economic Net]
“I’m deeply impressed by the patients saying thanks to us, the hospitable local doctors, and the full support from local health officials and security personnel”, Mr. Huang Wenxin recalled.
The team also met with Pakistan’s national and local health and disaster management authorities and put forward suggestions on post-disaster medical treatment, sanitation and epidemic prevention. It is suggested that national health campaign, medium- and long-term plans regarding the construction of hydraulic projects, and epidemic surveillance can be carried out to improve urban and rural sanitation, enhance the capacity for flood control, drought resistance, and disaster prevention, and control epidemics effectively.
ISLAMABAD-Pakistan and China have agreed on enhancing cooperation for export promotion under the umbrella of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) for meeting Pakistan’s ambitious export target of up to $250 billion in two phases.

The federal government has set an ambitious target for Medium-Term Export Roadmap (MTER) to speedily enhance Pakistani exports to the world to $100 billion in the first phase and to $250 billion in second phase, official documents available with The Nation revealed. Interestingly Pakistan had achieved an export target of $31.8b during last 75 years, and now wants to enhance it to $100b within next five years, and to $250b in the second phase of MTER. The enhancing of cooperation for export promotion under CPEC has been agreed between China and Pakistan.

The Ministry of Planning, Development & Special Initiatives has drafted an MoU aiming to enhance Pakistani exports in Phase-1 to $100 billion within a period of five years. The memorandum of understanding (MoU) aims to strengthen the mutual cooperation under CPEC through a dynamic arrangement focusing on the promotion of Pakistani exports.

Under the MoU, both the countries to work and collaborate to develop a holistic Medium-Term Export Roadmap (MTER) to speedily enhance Pakistani exports to the world to $100 billion in the first phase and to $250 billion in second phase. It has been agreed to set up a Sub-Working Group under the existing CPEC Long Term Plan Joint Working Group (JWG) framework consisting of leading public and private sector experts to conceptualize and materialize the MTER.

The JWG will evaluate the existing trade, industrial, and investment policies and work on tradable sectors which can contribute to the MTER targets.
I still don't understand how they're gonna achieve this when they've done nothing to improve the export situation. If anything, things have gotten far worse for exporters, and exports are DOWN across the board.

APCEA donated 400 tents to flood-hit areas across Pakistan​

By Fatima Javed | Gwadar Pro Dec 7, 2022

ISLAMABAD, Dec. 7 (Gwadar Pro) - All-Pakistan Chinese Enterprises Association (APCEA) with contribution of its members donated 400 tents to Islamabad Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IWCCI) and Jamhoori Wattan Party (JWP) Baluchistan for the flood affected areas of the country. The donation ceremony was held at the Chinese Embassy in Islamabad.
In a tweet APCEA maintained that China and Pakistan continue to stand firm in times of crisis. During the ceremony, Vice Chairman APCEA, Sun Youcheng remarked Pakistan-China friendship has always stood the test of time, in the face of all disasters.
He also shared APCEA contributed Rs15.5 million to the Prime Minister’s Flood Relief Fund 2022 in August and since then it had launched various rounds of donations. He also expressed his gratitude to IWCCI and JWP for their valuable assistance in this regard.
President IWCCI, Rizwana Asif expressed her most hearty gratitude to the government of China and the business community for their consistent support in these testing times.

China offers $112.33 mln financial grant, $14 mln in-kind support for flood relief​

December 12, 2022

ISLAMABAD, Dec 11 (APP): China has offered Pakistan, a cash grant worth US$112.33 million for post-flood reconstruction activities, besides sending the in-kind support worth of $14.06 million (100 million RMB).

Besides the Chinese government grant and in-kind support, the additional support also came from China including 100 million RMB ($14.05 million) from the Chinese Army, 125 million RMB ($17.57 million) from the Chinese People’s Association, 17 million RMB ($2.39 m) to Embassy of Pakistan in China, 2.1 million RMB ($0.3 million) by Red Cross Society of China and US$0.067 million were provided by All Pakistani Chinese Enterprises Association, according to official documents.

In September the Chinese government committed to provide grant assistance of $42.13 million (300 million RMB) under the agreement on Economic and technical cooperation signed on March 30, 2022, between the governments of China and Pakistan for post-disaster reconstruction.
Similarly, another MoU was signed on November 02, 2022, in China for the provision of a grant worth $70.2 million for post-disaster reconstruction in flood-hit areas of Pakistan.

As per details of the in-kind support, the documents show that so far China has dispatched 8 flights, and 9 commercial consignments carrying 13000 tents, 10,000 blankets, 1000 boxes of cookies, and 10 tons of tomatoes.

The consignments were received on August 30 to September 23 and the receiving authority was National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA).

By land, China send 200 tonnes of onions on September 11 through the Khanjarab border, GB, the document added.

Likewise, by sea China sent three ships in the first batch carrying 15 containers with 77,000 blankets, 9000 boxes of compressed biscuits, and 3,300 water purifiers. in the first batch.

In the second batch, China sent 15 containers carrying 5000 tents while in the third batch the country dispatched 60 containers carrying 23,000 blankets, 10,000 emergency sleeping bags, 8000 tents, 15000 folding beds, 500 gasoline generator sets, and 1500 cotton tents.

Besides, the in-kind support, the Chinese government also offered to send two technical teams (disaster assessment, medical and public health) to help the government of Pakistan in the immediate rescue and relief activities and in the subsequent rehabilitation and reconstruction process.

The disaster assessment team arrived in Pakistan on October 11 and left on October 21, whereas the medical team arrived on October 28 and will depart on November 11, 2022, the document added.

Book on Pakistani scholars’ student days in China launched​

By Mariam Raheem | Gwadar Pro Dec 15, 2022

Book on Pakistani scholars’ student days in China launched

BEIJING, Dec 16 (Gwadar Pro) - China-Pakistan relationship has proven to be time-tested and unbreakable, and has grown stronger with each passing year. In recent years, bilateral cooperation between China and Pakistan has increased many-fold in all fields, especially in the areas of science, technology, economy and education.
This was stated by Prof. Akram Muhammad Shaikh, Director General of Pakistan Scientific and Technological Information Centre (PASTIC), at the online launch of a book on China-Pakistan friendship today. Titled ‘In Quest of Knowledge’, the book is a compilation of the stories of 20 Pakistani scholars during their student days in China.
Speaking at the launch, the professor also highlighted that around 274 Chinese universities offer scholarships to international students each year, as reported by the China Scholarship Council. Currently, almost 28,000 Pakistani students are enrolled in several Chinese universities, benefiting from the world-class arts, intellectual and academic facilities. The rise in the number of students from Pakistan is mainly due to a series of policies introduced by the Chinese government.
The event was organised by the Pakistan Study Center at Beijing Technology and Business University (BTBU), in collaboration with the ECO Science Foundation. Chairing the session, BTBU Executive Director Dr Di Yuna, who is also the co-editor of the book, briefed that Pakistani students in China are important emissaries of Sino-Pak friendship and play an important role in Sino-Pak cooperation.
“To enhance mutual understanding between the youth of China and Pakistan, we have jointly published this book together with the National Nanoscience Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences (NCNST) and PASTIC. We will also present the books to relevant institutions to enhance mutual understanding,” added Di.
Dr. Kamran Amin, Postdoc of the China Academy of Sciences (CAS), who is the initiator, mentioned that college for some of the students profiled in this book was a time of intense learning, personal growth and self-discovery, where they faced and overcame challenges and forged lasting connections and friendships. He explained, “through their reflections, we get a glimpse into their experiences, their hopes, their dreams and their plans for the future. Their tenacity, ambition and dedication to learning inspire us. It is hoped that the book will serve as a source of information to inspire and guide more Pakistani students who want to study in China.”
In a foreword to the book, H.E. Moin ul Haque, Pakistani Ambassador to China, wrote that the Pakistani alumni of Chinese universities are serving at important positions in reputed multinational companies in China and worldwide. A significant number of such students are also engaged in many Chinese companies working on CPEC/BRI projects in Pakistan and thus serving as the true ambassadors of Pakistan-China friendship.
The Ambassador is hopeful that ‘In Quest of Knowledge’ would become an inspiration for many more similar endeavours and become a source of guidance for young Pakistanis who wish to embark on the journey of knowledge and wisdom in China.

Pakistan, China to enhance collaboration​

Discussions to encourage B2B engagement between Chinese investors and their local counterparts

December 17, 2022

Pakistan and China are set to enhance collaboration for rapid industrialisation in Punjab, especially for encouraging B2B engagement between Chinese investors and their local counterparts.

China’s Consul General to Lahore Zhao Shiren during his visit to the Punjab Board of Investment and Trade (PBIT) held discussions on different areas for increasing cooperation between the two sides.

Zhao appreciated efforts of the former and current industries secretary for promoting the relocation of labour-intensive industries from China to Punjab by leveraging a strong network of Special Economic Zones across the province both in the public and private sectors.

He assured complete support and other steps to encourage Chinese investors to relocate to Punjab and form partnerships with the local investors.

Chinese company to provide free cancer screenings for 10,000 Pakistani women​

By Staff Reporter | Gwadar Pro Dec 23, 2022

Chinese company to provide free cancer screenings for 10,000 Pakistani women
Landing Med AI screening devices being loaded for Pakistan [Photo provided to China Economic Net]
WUHAN, Dec. 23 (China Economic Net)-Recently, Landing Med, a medical technology company based in Wuhan, China, dispatched three self-developed cervical cancer screening devices along with 5,000 sets of supporting consumable items to Pakistan. With these AI-powered devices, 10,000 Pakistani women will receive free cervical cancer screening and early diagnosis of tumors.
This is the first batch of devices under the China-Pakistan AI Cervical Cancer Screening Program. In the future, more will be provided to Pakistan. Landing Med will also establish a Cloud Diagnostic Research Center for Akbar Niazi Teaching Hospital to provide nationwide cervical cancer screening in Pakistan.
Compared with artificial diagnosis, AI screening excels in speed and accuracy. Even an experienced pathologist can only examine up to 100 cell slides a day. In addition, some pathological cells that do not show obvious changes in the early stage may be missed when being observed through the microscope. The AI-powered screening device, on the other hand, can automatically find traces of cancer cells in digitized images within minutes based on decades of manually accumulated diagnosis data and algorithm models.
According to Sun Xiaorong, founder and President of Landing Med, as Pakistan has a huge population, there is a large number of women who need cervical cancer screening. In this regard, efficient testing methods are required to enhance coverage.
To benefit women in remote areas with scarce medical resources, the company has developed a 5G+AI cloud diagnosis platform where experts from over ten countries can hold consultations on reports uploaded to the cloud platform, which saves patients the trouble of repeatedly visiting the hospital for sample collection and report analysis.
The China-Pakistan AI Cervical Cancer Screening Program started in 2019 on the ninth meeting of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Joint Cooperation Committee when two think tanks of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences signed an MoU with Pakistan’s Ministry of Health to jointly provide AI cervical cancer screening services in Gwadar Port and other cities in Pakistan. Landing Med signed an agreement with its Pakistani partner in November 2021 to execute the program.


China-Pakistan Youth Community brings warmth to GB​

By Mariam Raheem | Gwadar Pro Dec 23, 2022

GILGIT, Dec. 23 (Gwadar Pro) - In awe of the imposing mountains and the inescapably cold winter, the China-Pakistan Youth Exchange Community paid a three-day visit to the Gilgit Baltistan region and handed over 1,700 packages of food, tarpaulins, quilts, blankets and other supplies to the local people.
China-Pakistan Youth Community brings warmth to GB

Materials distribution launching ceremony
Following the recent biblical floods, a significant number of GB people are living in tents and makeshift wooden houses as their homes have been devastated by the deluge.
Standing by the people of GB, the China-Pakistan Youth Exchange Community distributed the second batch of relief supplies to Gilgit, supported by the Tencent Charitable Foundation and the China Foundation for Rural Development. Relief supplies were distributed in the areas of Gilgit, Ghizer, Khunjerab, Hunza, Nagar and other areas.
China-Pakistan Youth Community brings warmth to GB

China-Pakistan Youth Exchange Community distributing supplies in Gilgit
Accompanied by officials from the local governments and chambers of commerce, the community drove for nearly four hours to the Ghizer district, to distribute anti-disaster and cold-weather supplies to 800 families.
Qurban Ali, Chairman of the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) Capital Office, lauded the China-Pakistan Youth Exchange Community for its long-term assistance to Pakistan.
The community was warmly welcomed and received at the office of the GB Disaster Management Authority (GB-DMA). Zaheer Uddin Babar, Deputy Director of the Authority, briefed the community on the situation in Gilgit and the difficulties faced by the affected people. He also revealed the measures taken by the Gilgit government to rehabilitate the flood victims. He hoped that the community could cooperate with more public welfare organizations to help the affected Pakistanis in their long-term recovery.
In Nagar district, where a large number of houses and buildings were destroyed by the floods, the community distributed materials to 400 affected families. Relief supplies were also provided to 500 affected families in Hunza, Khunjerab. Mr. Irshad Sadan, Vice President of the Nagar Chamber of Commerce and Industry, expressed his gratitude to the community for the timely help extended by China to the people of Gilgit.
"This event exhibits a strong brotherly friendship between China and Pakistan. I hope the baton of love from China will help them rebuild their homeland as soon as possible. I also hope that this love can cascade into the sea of charity and strengthen the deep friendship between China and Pakistan," concluded Ma Bin, the focal person of the China-Pakistan Youth Exchange Community.


First-ever Pak-China food festival soon​

By Staff Reporter | nation Jan 2, 2023

ISLAMABAD-President of All Pakistan Chinese and Overseas Youth Federation, Aasma Ismail Butt on Monday said the Federation would organize the first-ever Pak China Mega Food Festival from its platform to highlight the cultural cuisine of both friendly nations. She said the festival would have stalls containing traditional foods of Pakistan and China. The purpose of the festival was to further strengthen Pakistan-China friendship by introducing each other’s food culture and traditional delights for public awareness. She expressed her prayers and best wishes for the success of Pakistan and the Federation at the beginning of the New Year 2023. “We have to work together for the security and development of the country. The decades-long friendship between Pakistan and China is getting deeper and stronger with every passing day,” she added.
China pledges additional aid of $100 million for flood victims in Pakistan

January 11, 2023

ISLAMABAD: China is pledging an additional $100 million to continue supporting Pakistan’s recovery efforts from the devastating 2022 floods, announced Luo Zhaohui, chairman of the China International Development Cooperation Agency (CIDCA), while attending the International Conference on Climate-Resilient Pakistan held in Geneva, according to China Economic Net (CEN).

Officials from some 40 countries as well as private donors and international financial institutions are gathering for a meeting in Geneva on January 9 as Islamabad seeks help covering around half of a total recovery bill of $16.3 billion.

This funding reinforces China’s commitment to the Pakistani people and will help address the climate crisis.

President urges for enhancing trade in discussion with outgoing Chinese Ambassdor​

January 18, 2023

ISLAMABAD (APP) – President Arif Alvi on Tuesday stressed enhancing bilateral trade with China, while saying the strengthening of business could prove mutually rewarding.

Talking to the outgoing Chinese ambassador Nong Rong here at the Aiwan-e-Sadr, the president noted that under China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), 19 projects were completed, 28 were under construction while 41 were in the pipeline.

President Alvi said the CPEC was a transformational flagship project of the Belt and Road Initiative, which had the potential to act as the pivot of regional peace and connectivity.

The expeditious completion of four broad clusters of cooperation — Gwadar Port and its auxiliary features, energy projects, transport infrastructure and industrial cooperation including the development of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) — will change trade, business and investment outlook of the country, he said.

The president observed that with shifts underway on the world stage, there was a need to further expedite the progress on CPEC so that the goods should start moving from South China to Gwadar port and upward in a regular manner.

The second phase of CPEC should be pursued expeditiously to promote agriculture; innovation and IT sector; industrial cooperation; livelihood generation and poverty alleviation; automobiles, textiles and leather manufacturing; and shifting of Chinese industries to Pakistan wherever possible, he added.
The president noted that the signing of China-Pakistan Free Trade Agreement in January 2020 had further liberalized the trade resulting in a significant expansion in trade volume
s adding that as per data for the first 11 months of 2021, bilateral trade reached a record high at US$ 27.8 billion registering an increase of 60 percent with the corresponding period of 2020.

Pakistan’s exports amounting to 3.6 billion US $ also registered an increase of 68% year over year.
The president expressed his satisfaction over the encompassing cooperation between the two countries in the fields of defence to socio-economic development.

He conveyed his deepest gratitude to the people of China and President Xi Jinping for extending generous financial support to Pakistan which helped the country to deal effectively with the financial situation faced by it and during global warming-induced super floods last year which proved helpful in alleviating the suffering of the flood affected persons.

The president said the Chinese grant to the Presidency would be used to build a digital outreach platform to provide help to people under stress or facing mental health issues.

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