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Compulsory Military Training for Pakistanis

**Note Pakistan is not at state of war other then India

Let us be clear
  • No State of War with USA
  • No State of War with UK
  • No State of War with Australia
  • No State of War with any nation of world beside India

In South Korea all people age 18 go thru Military Training of 1 year to be prepared against North Korea

Not sure exact duration however it is mandatory

  • Only time exempt is granted is if it is Pro Soccer player etc. playing overseas so they make a special request to delay the training till later part of life

a) In Pakistan's School , well technically we don't have a culture of Fitness , so any training will likely be a hindrance as many students will shy away from physical activities. Highschools don't have Gyms

Military Training does requires a certain level of Physical Fitness

b) Many Youth live all their lives with their family , so the concept of boarding school or living away from their family is a daunting task at a certain young age

  • If Pakistan makes Gyms , mandatory with each High School , so students have access to physical fitness tools it covers the need of Military training from a fitness perspective

The Weapon's training is generally easier aspect which can be held in Small weekly seminars and practical

I feel living away 2-3 Months is valuable learning tool to build character

I favor
  • a) Sports
  • b) Gym accessibility and Mandatory grades /participation 3 years part of highschool
  • c) Camping Knowledge

Your Priorities are quite similar to that of the Arab world, they want to live in peace. Peace without a war is inevitable.

Now what I or others can do to outreach your vision of knowing the current world circumstances? We can't do much about it, however all we can do is to explain it that why is it important.

You have single-handedly out disproportionated USA, UK and Australia, and why is that because probably you have not fought against them personally.

Let me please explain you few things, US, UK and including Australia funded insurgents inside Pakistan against Pakistani Military, their proxies have played a vital role in destabilizing Pakistan during the times of so called War-on-Terror. I'm not discussing here that we have to take a revenge against them therefore I will continue with the future implications.

China has to liberate Taiwan one way or another no matter what the world thinks or how it reacts, Taiwan liberation is imminent. And the Western world specifically, US, UK, Australia & for some extant France and Canada will do whatever it takes to stop China, they can't stop China by imposing sanctions or halt trading with China since they have done that already and their was only little or no impact on China's ambitions, so their is only one alternative is left and that is to go to war with China (I won't go into the details of how how big this war will be, limited one or full fledged one).

Now, if Western Countries decides to go to war with China, Pakistan than automatically will be dragged into this war, no matter how much we want it or not.

China's continuously growing influence in the world-militarily, technologically or politically is worrying US and it's Western English allays, since their domination is on stake. They have to fight this through and war is the only solutions left to them.
:pop: We are not at state of war

  • Covid-19 is Top Priority
  • Economy is Top Priority
  • Kashmir , and Dealing with India is a Priority

The countries you mentioned routinely sit on table and sort out matters with other similar nature and similar stature they have a mechanism to discuss matters with China / Russia

Today there is some tussle 4-5 months later leaders will sort out their differences
The minor tussles are part of global influence

China & Russia are Global powers I am sure they can professionally address the matter

Our main foreign policy is negotiation on table for peaceful resolution

However a training club is a great recreational activity instead of video games

a) Weights Training / Fitness is good hobby for Civilians
b) Weapons shooting Clubs are a great pass time for Civilian

I don't think I recall any nation threatening China or Russia
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big NO to compulsory military training . we cant afford. and we dont need. chances of war are 0.00001 %. the war we are facing is economic war that is breaking our back. the future of pak is very dark from economic point of view and all the leaders are responsible for this. tabdeeli sarkar is just the final nail in the coffin. pak should impart education and skill to our youth so dat they can withstand the coming economic default.
Having a draft makes defending your country a lot cheaper than having an all professional army. For the same defense budget you can field a much larger army.

It is funny this has to be explained on a defense forum.
We've had a set up which was active before called 'Civil Defence Trg' we can simply reactivate it and get all institutions involved.
For decades compulsory military training for Pakistani youth has been a subject of debate. However, this crucial issue has had always become more of a political debate than a strategic necessity.

Currently Pakistan has only 640,000 active military personals, and we have pretty much the same numbers of military reservists. The upcoming wars will be ferocious it will inhale millions in a matter of time and if we do not have at least 4-8 million well trained youth yet alone we might not get a chance to even safeguard our borders, penetrating through enemy lines seems far fetched dream to be honest. (Apart of Nuclear war, Apart of how many allays we will have, it's a debate for the later stage).

Countries that we call allays, like Iran, Turkey etc they all have mandatory military training for their civilians when they turn 18. As far as our youth is concerned 90% of them kill their enemies in PUB-G. Though we Pashtuns have a history of using weapons against their enemies even we aren't equipped or trained enough to stand against well trained adversaries in an open combat (I'm referring to US, UK etc not India).

For many times I have wrote to GHQ that they must start at least a 3 months military training for those Civilians who are eager to protect their motherland voluntarily, always got this response "don't worry we are here to protect our Civilians, if our Civilians starts to learn how to fight what good use do we have as soldiers?" I believe this dialogue looks great when we are at peace, not at war.

Need your valuable opinion on this guys!
Having a draft makes defending your country a lot cheaper than having an all professional army. For the same defense budget you can field a much larger army.

It is funny this has to be explained on a defense forum.
depends on duration as well. frankly i do not agree with conscription - i was drafted as well; while i had a good time and lead to a great career in the industry. Many were not fortunate. Lot of abuse as well.
depends on duration as well. frankly i do not agree with conscription - i was drafted as well; while i had a good time and lead to a great career in the industry. Many were not fortunate. Lot of abuse as well.

Interesting. What would you say to a minimal draft - unlike the SA experience with large scale drafting. Just 100,000 men from a population of 220 million would be a drop in the bucket. They would operate under their own command, separate from the main professional standing army that is present today, and supplement, reinforce, act as a reserve for it in battle, but be organizationally separate (to avoid abuse and other reasons).
Interesting. What would you say to a minimal draft - unlike the SA experience with large scale drafting. Just 100,000 men from a population of 220 million would be a drop in the bucket. They would operate under their own command, separate from the main professional standing army that is present today, and supplement, reinforce, act as a reserve for it in battle, but be organizationally separate (to avoid abuse and other reasons).

Trust me, you do not want to do that; you are creating a parallel competing force. We went thru a paramil force that was the most brutal in our history aka 'shadow force'. Even we had no idea who these people were.
Trust me, you do not want to do that; you are creating a parallel competing force. We went thru a paramil force that was the most brutal in our history aka 'shadow force'. Even we had no idea who these people were.

There is a likelihood of war with India over Kashmir. India has twice the regular number of soldiers and 3 times the reserve and paramilitary forces. What would you suggest is the best way, with a limited budget, to expand the army?

Conscription seemed to work for Korea, Israel, Switzerland, over 20 other states. Conscription was used by Rome and even by Nazi Germany at different phases of the war.

Could it be we can make conscription a palatable solution for Pakistan, for surely Pakistan doesn't have the money for an expansion along present doctrine and budget lines.
have done NCC ... did firing twice, teesri martaba pakra giya aur khob latain khayen on my butts along with daddu chaal ... damn best part of my inter

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