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France not to allow women to wear abayas in schools: Minister

Peaceful Civilian

Oct 18, 2011
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French Education Minister Gabriel Attal said that the country is to stop women from wearing abayas in schools as they are violating the strict secular laws of the country, regarding the attire worn by some Muslims as a "religious gesture," as the decision triggered mixed reactions from observers.
Attal told TF1 television: "It will no longer be possible to wear an abaya at school.
He further said that he would give "clear rules at the national level to school heads ahead of the return to classes nationwide from September 4."
According to AFP, the right and far-right had pushed for the ban, which the left argued would encroach on civil liberties.
The decision comes months after a long argument over the wearing of abayas in schools, where women have not been allowed to wear the headscarf.
There have been reports of abayas being increasingly worn in schools and tensions within schools over the issue between teachers and parents.
"Secularism means the freedom to emancipate oneself through school," Attal said, describing the abaya as "a religious gesture, aimed at testing the resistance of the republic toward the secular sanctuary that school must constitute."
He maintained: "You enter a classroom, you must not be able to identify the religion of the students by looking at them."
A law of March 2004 banned "the wearing of signs or outfits by which students ostensibly show a religious affiliation" in schools.
This includes large crosses, Jewish kippas and Islamic headscarves.
Unlike headscarves, abayas — a long, baggy garment worn to comply with Islamic beliefs on a modest dress — occupied a grey area and had faced no outright ban until now.
But the education ministry had already issued a circular on the issue in November last year.
It described the abaya as one of a group of items of clothing whose wearing could be banned if they were "worn in a manner as to openly display a religious affiliation". The circular put bandanas and long skirts in the same category.

Policing of clothing​

Approached by head teachers' unions about the issue, Attal's predecessor as education minister Pap Ndiaye replied that he did not want "to publish endless catalogues to specify the lengths of dresses".
At least one union leader, Bruno Bobkiewicz, welcomed Attal's announcement Sunday.
"The instructions were not clear, now they are and we welcome it," said Bobkiewicz, general secretary of the NPDEN-UNSA, which represents head teachers.
Eric Ciotto, head of the opposition right-wing Republican party, also welcomed the news.
"We called for the ban on abayas in our schools several times," he said.
But Clementine Autain of the left-wing opposition France Unbowed party denounced what she described as the "policing of clothing".
Attal's announcement was "unconstitutional" and against the founding principles of France's secular values, she argued — and symptomatic of the government's "obsessive rejection of Muslims".
Barely back from the summer break, she said, President Emmanuel Macron's administration was already trying to compete with Marine Le Pen's far-right National Rally.
The CFCM, a national body encompassing many Muslim associations, has said items of clothing alone are not "a religious sign".
The announcement is the first major move by the 34-year-old minister since he was promoted this summer to handle the hugely contentious education portfolio.
Along with Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin, 40, he is seen as a rising star who could potentially play an important role after Macron steps down in 2027.

It’s ok French are just desperate to stop the spread of Islam and historically speaking they have only helped it grow from strength to strength

Off course having the title as the quickest surrender’s in Europe also has a lasting chip on their shoulder

Today more than 10% of French society is Muslim its a lot more than UK and by 2030 it’s expected to be over 25% these numbers have the French spooked

By Then influential Muslims will be in power like in UK and Adhan will be on loud speakers inshallah
France can show us the way by banning the practice of all religions in their territory.

The gall of the immigrants. They migrate from a country with almost no freedom to a country that treats them nice, and they want to bring ancient customs from their own land to destroy their hosts.
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Islamists love to defend their oppressive gender apartheid policies by saying it is their country and their culture

So what's good for the goose is good for the gander, France can set their own policies and it's their country so you can't do a damn thing about it
France can show us the way by banning the practice of all religions in their territory.

But France has declared itself as a free and democratic society and always uses the word “inclusive society” in Europe

They stand for freedom of expression by words and actions

Yet Muslims are be singled out so blatantly ?

Then you wonder why everyone hates France and they insist on being humiliated at least once each century when the nation faces complete destruction by either UK, Germany or Russia

Worst thing about French is they are French

Islamists love to defend their oppressive gender apartheid policies by saying it is their country and their culture

So what's good for the goose is good for the gander, France can set their own policies and it's their country so you can't do a damn thing about it

But why France declares itself as a free and inclusive society and labels itself as such

Is this not hypocrisy?

You do realize Muslims are not like Christians we don’t allow anyone to disrespect our religion and book

We actually stand for something

So you either take that into account for your calculations or else
But why France declares itself as a free and inclusive society and labels itself as such

Is this not hypocrisy?

You do realize Muslims are not like Christians we don’t allow anyone to disrespect our religion and book

We actually stand for something

So you either take that into account for your calculations or else
You live in the UK, one of those supposed hypocritical states

So you don't stand for much in reality
Islamists love to defend their oppressive gender apartheid policies by saying it is their country and their culture

We give more freedom to minorities than these Western so called champions of freedom and democracy.
Minority women in Muslim countries, whether Hindus or Christians, are not required to dress like Muslims and can freely dress like prostitutes. But Western countries are forcing Muslim women to dress how they want. Which one is oppression - take your pick.
You live in the UK, one of those supposed hypocritical states

So you don't stand for much in reality

UK is way more diverse and our religion and culture is encouraged from nursery

We have Eid celebrations starting aged 4 and we have kids as young as 6-7 already wearing Islamic dress in mixed schools

We also have our own Islamic schools on land donated by government and money raised to build them donated by British people

We have call to prayer on loud speakers and during ramadhan even non Muslims join us in our celebration and fasting

France is like the gutter and UK is like a beautiful 5 star bedroom mansion

Don’t compare

Which so why 35,000 refugees currently waiting in Cali for low tide to come over to UK and not stay in that gutter and trash can called France

Get a education
Islamists love to defend their oppressive gender apartheid policies by saying it is their country and their culture

So what's good for the goose is good for the gander, France can set their own policies and it's their country so you can't do a damn thing about it

I would have totally agreed with you, if France, in the last 100 years had not put themselves in pedestal and lectured other countries about freedom and equality.

The country now is neither free (from religious point of view) nor equal. From my observation, France, albeit not yet as strict as Saudi Arabia, is now similar to countries like Malaysia or Kazakhstan on religious freedom.

Extreme and radical "freedom", in the Western sense, will surely lead to extreme and radical totalitarian.
Islamists love to defend their oppressive gender apartheid policies by saying it is their country and their culture

So what's good for the goose is good for the gander, France can set their own policies and it's their country so you can't do a damn thing about it

What happened to women’s rights ?

You do know the kids are french ? Or is it just your racist bigotry on show ??

Thank God I live in U.K. where you can dress or undress how you like .

It’s ok French are just desperate to stop the spread of Islam and historically speaking they have only helped it grow from strength to strength

Off course having the title as the quickest surrender’s in Europe also has a lasting chip on their shoulder

Today more than 10% of French society is Muslim its a lot more than UK and by 2030 it’s expected to be over 25% these numbers have the French spooked

By Then influential Muslims will be in power like in UK and Adhan will be on loud speakers inshallah

There are three things the French are really good at.

1. Surrendering early.
2. Victimising the people they have colonised 3. Victimising the people they have colonised who have since migrated to their country.

Burkha, hijaab,

What is abaya now?
An abaya is a gown/dress.

Let’s ban baseball caps for Jews as it’s a sign of covering of the head

Lol .
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