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France to cut Afghan combat role & leave by 2013

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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France to cut Afghan combat role & leave by 2013

French troops will start handing over security to the Afghan army in March and focus on training until pulling out of Afghanistan completely at the end of 2013, President Nicolas Sarkozy said on Friday.

Sarkozy suspended training and support operations on the ground last week and sent his defence minister and armed forces chief to Kabul after four of their soldiers were killed by a rogue Afghan soldier.

While the French decision was not an outright retreat, the move effectively brings an end to Paris' frontline military operations, a decision that could prove a boost to Sarkozy ahead of a presidential election.

Paris has 3,600 troops in Afghanistan as part of the 130,000-strong Nato-led force. French troops mainly patrol Kapisa, a mountainous province near Kabul.

Speaking after talks with Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai in Paris, Sarkozy said France would only have a training-and-support role once Kapisa is handed over.

"President Karzai has assured us that Kapisa province where the French contingent is based will pass under Afghan responsibility from March," Sarkozy said.

One thousand French troops were due to leave by the end of 2012 and the rest by 2013.

"From that point on France will engage in training and support activities," Karzai said.

"It is right that Afghanistan has to provide for its own security and protection of its own people and provision of law and order. Afghanistan is now ready to take more of this responsibility."

In Washington, the State Department gave a measured response to Sarkozy's decision, which it said had been thoroughly discussed both with Nato and with the Afghan government.

"What we are gratified by is that this was not precipitous, that this was worked through carefully with Nato, with the Afghans and in consultation with all of us," State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland told reporters.

"This was a national decision of France. It was done in a managed way. We will all work with it," Nuland said, referring any questions on the operational impact of the French pullout.

Sarkozy said he would speak with US President Barack Obama on Saturday and Paris was preparing a plan to present to Nato at a defence ministers meeting on Feb. 2-3 proposing the handover of all foreign combat operations in Afghanistan next year.

"It's important that you understand that this agreement was done with President Karzai and with our allies in an organised and reasonable manner," Sarkozy said. "Our soldiers have done a tremendous job in Kapisa. We are not an occupying force."

France to cut Afghan combat role, leave by 2013 - Hindustan Times
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