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History of Genocide of Muslims in India

So if this is just "letting off steam" for you. then why are you taking all the time in the world to criticize me, my actions, and wax endless eloquence about who should I get support from or not? How is that letting off steam? Why am I the object of your "letting off steam"? Get a girl if you want to let off steam for crying out loud.

The fact of the matter is, you cannot get yourself to even, offer some words of support. Even if those words are just to "let off steam"?

I simply said let the guy figure things out for himself, and dont need to sermon and steer him...and micromanage him as to who he should and shouldnt engage with and make common cause on something with.

Some lessons are best learned the long arduous way.

You make the choices you want to and you own them and fix them if needed in the end if you are rational and reasonable enough....just like the East Bengalis did...after the founding concept of faith-brotherhood at expense of all else that makes a nation tick came crashing down.

If you find people in remaining rump-state, conveniently split from the sordid affair by geography and much else..... that haven't learned from that, put a mental block on it even or even justify that grievous perpetration as good or fair (given this topic title is about the "genocide of muslims"...and that's clearly the biggest one done with full political direction and backing in the region and not very long ago either). If you find them as "sympathetic" to you...that is your finding to make...no one elses. No one should be concerned about it, you are the owner and bearer of your conscience....no one else.

If roles were reversed, I'm sorry I would not make any common cause with a country of hindus that genocided fellow hindus (and people of all faiths and identities in general to begin with)...simply because I am some Hindu like them and they assert or shower some sympathy to me in the current day as I live as a minority under oppression. Not till they come clean on it at the very least like the Germans did post-nuremberg. Its really that simple to me. I would not find them credible, I would not find their claim of support and sympathy genuine in the slightest. I would find it distasteful and repugnant. I would query each one specifically first on that subject, a clear litmus test on consistency for this topic....before accepting any support on the grander overall subject.

Who supports you on something is intrinsically linked to the why...as their support (on such hypocritical grounds) can, in fact will.... weaken your own position. That's my opinion and perspective. It need not be yours or anyone elses, and I do not impose them on anyone.

If its not so simple to you or a view you share at all, so be it...we are simply going to have to move on to another topic, there is nothing much left to say. This in fact will be my last post in this thread.

In the end the ongoing issue is by our people, it will have to be fixed by our people, no one else...its none of their business. People should also not have to be micromanaged on it and sermonized to, the avenues and attitudes that exist for doing so are rather the root of the problem and strife. The choices you make on everything is your right, as long as they do not impose on my rights. Nothing does so here obviously, so I simply said let it be and let what arises from it also be.

Yes this is somewhat blowing off steam too, you really think I am after changing your opinion or choices on this forum? Nope....I didn't even address you initially, I addressed the one trying to steer you in his own way...and told him theres a better way to proceed in my opinion....letting them be, and letting them learn things themselves. Most of my posts are for few worthies in the audience rather than specific members being quoted/replied to begin with.
Mmm this is our fault. While people @Pakistani Fighter came to free us look what happened to his people. Time for him to go back and free them?
So many Punjabis from Indian Punjab were massacred and forced to Pakistani Punjab by Sikhs and Hindus. Same case with 'Kashmiris' of Jammu

Wish Muslims had migrated to Pakistan in 1947. They refused one migration and are in constant migration within India since then. Wish they had stood for Kashmiris when they were undergoing Indian state sponsored terrorism... one could only wish for this!!!
British and Hindus ate up our land.
There is no taboo. Either you want to taken seriously by Indians or Pakistanis. You cannot be both.
No. Muslims should not check the nationality of those extending sympathy to us. I know their State does lip service to us at best, but many Pakistanis genuinely wish to help us out. Something I can't say about Hindus in India (or Pakistan).

I do not have power to change anyone's opinion and I do not want to do it either.

@xeuss is a mature and educated man. He should decide what he wants to be.

I can only say @xeuss is currently a god's gift for the ultra right on both sides.

Give a Muslim ONE thing - anonymity. And he/she will say the same things as xeuss and I do. Try it. Test it. Go to any of our 'ghettos' and do a social experiement. You will get the hint.

Would you care to clarify the "consequences of my actions"?
He is trying to point out that our own views are somehow responsible for the actions taken against us. We are responsible. Not them.

There was never a genocide of Muslims in India.
Fact: There has ONLY been Muslim genocides in Independent India. And of the Sikhs, but I guess they stand with you now.

British and Hindus ate up our land.
Much more land went to Hindus, this is a fact.
India is do what is BEST for Country for a long time, like our founding forefathers BR Ambdekar and Sardar Vallabhai patel etc wished to do.

Bwahahahahahahahahaha, there's something called a brain which you clearly lack. Resources grow with the pace of population, not with a quantum jump. Also, your national fertility rate is even greater than the most highest and backward of communities in India and was even greater than in past, what would you have done? Stop having babies to make space for us?
Secondly, Ghetto don't have electricity? :rofl: :rofl: Go and google what a ghetto means.
just hysterically laughing won't make your point to be authentic.. in the past 7 decades Muslims have not been able to reap a single economic benefit .. so stop giving lame excuses.. and go back and do introspection as to why Muslims are subject to a perennial genocide and forced to live in ghettoes? if you can't do then see some brain specialist ..
India is do what is BEST for Country for a long time, like our founding forefathers BR Ambdekar and Sardar Vallabhai patel etc wished to do.

Modern India is built on Islamohobia
Everyone knows about the genocide of Hindus in Bangladesh by Pakistani forces in 1971 and in Kashmir also. Same with the genocide in Mumbai in 2008. These are all facts that no sane minded person can challenge. There is enough material out there about it, You can challenge the numbers for Bangladesh but the not the fact of genocide in itself.

GTFO here with your BS.
STFU you idiot .. Hindu terrorists are doing genocide of Muslims in India for the past seven decades and you come to f here justifying that with shoddy data ... this is not your godi media forum where you can get away with all your bullshit ... you should be ashamed of your community of what have they done to Muslims in India instead of justifying it..

@Foxtrot Alpha please look into this bhakt troll who is constantly derailing the thread and justifying the Muslims genocide in India.. thanks..
I simply said let the guy figure things out for himself, and dont need to sermon and steer him...and micromanage him as to who he should and shouldnt engage with and make common cause on something with.

Some lessons are best learned the long arduous way.

You make the choices you want to and you own them and fix them if needed in the end if you are rational and reasonable enough....just like the East Bengalis did...after the founding concept of faith-brotherhood at expense of all else that makes a nation tick came crashing down.

If you find people in remaining rump-state, conveniently split from the sordid affair by geography and much else..... that haven't learned from that, put a mental block on it even or even justify that grievous perpetration as good or fair (given this topic title is about the "genocide of muslims"...and that's clearly the biggest one done with full political direction and backing in the region and not very long ago either). If you find them as "sympathetic" to you...that is your finding to make...no one elses. No one should be concerned about it, you are the owner and bearer of your conscience....no one else.

If roles were reversed, I'm sorry I would not make any common cause with a country of hindus that genocided fellow hindus (and people of all faiths and identities in general to begin with)...simply because I am some Hindu like them and they assert or shower some sympathy to me in the current day as I live as a minority under oppression. Not till they come clean on it at the very least like the Germans did post-nuremberg. Its really that simple to me. I would not find them credible, I would not find their claim of support and sympathy genuine in the slightest. I would find it distasteful and repugnant. I would query each one specifically first on that subject, a clear litmus test on consistency for this topic....before accepting any support on the grander overall subject.

Who supports you on something is intrinsically linked to the why...as their support (on such hypocritical grounds) can, in fact will.... weaken your own position. That's my opinion and perspective. It need not be yours or anyone elses, and I do not impose them on anyone.

If its not so simple to you or a view you share at all, so be it...we are simply going to have to move on to another topic, there is nothing much left to say. This in fact will be my last post in this thread.

In the end the ongoing issue is by our people, it will have to be fixed by our people, no one else...its none of their business. People should also not have to be micromanaged on it and sermonized to, the avenues and attitudes that exist for doing so are rather the root of the problem and strife. The choices you make on everything is your right, as long as they do not impose on my rights. Nothing does so here obviously, so I simply said let it be and let what arises from it also be.

Yes this is somewhat blowing off steam too, you really think I am after changing your opinion or choices on this forum? Nope....I didn't even address you initially, I addressed the one trying to steer you in his own way...and told him theres a better way to proceed in my opinion....letting them be, and letting them learn things themselves. Most of my posts are for few worthies in the audience rather than specific members being quoted/replied to begin with.

Yawn! Still lot of words to say absolutely nothing....but nothing to say about the issue at hand.

How hard is it to say a few words of support for the Muslims of India?
Tell you something buddy - Pakistanis are far more sympathetic to us than you will ever, ever, ever be.

Why are you so special. After all they don't have any sympathy for the Uighur. And those Muslims are in a lot worse shape that you are. Are you sure they are not playing you.
Modern India is built on Islamohobia

why Islamophobia why not Buddhistophobia or Sikhophobia or Parsophobia or JewPhobia or any other phobia as they all exist in India and they are REAL MINORITY RELIGIONS in India??

What is your opinion on Buddhist Burma and Jewsish Israel and Atheist China(uighur) and etc??
Why are you so special. After all they don't have any sympathy for the Uighur. And those Muslims are in a lot worse shape that you are. Are you sure they are not playing you.

There are two different things here. One is a governmental response, and the other is a general public response.

The governmental response will always be subject to geopolitical concerns. Tomorrow if India and Pakistan make peace, I know the tweets from Imran Khan will dry up. Indian Muslims will be forgotten and left to their own devices.

The response of the public will generally be based on information available as well on individual prejudices.
By and large, individual Pakistanis are more sympathetic to our plight. This more than what we get within our own country. You have seen the response of Indians here and around you, so I do not need to educate you on that.

My premise is simple. If anyone wants to advocate on our behalf, I would not object to it. I find our situation to be alarming enough to be left choosing on who should or should not speak on our behalf. I welcome all words of support, regardless of agenda or geopolitics.

At the same time, if Indians do not want Pakistanis or Arabs or UN or US to speak on the behalf on Indian Muslims, they need to simply stop the abuses in India. It is as simple as that. The events cited in the original post were not concocted. They were events where Muslims were singled out and killed, and in most cases, received state sanction. To make matters worse, justice was never accorded in each of those instances.

At the end, we are Muslims of India and deserve better than what we have been given. We just want to live in dignity and safety in India, where justice is served. Sadly, over the last 40 years or so, our situation has deteriorated.
Why are you so special. After all they don't have any sympathy for the Uighur. And those Muslims are in a lot worse shape that you are. Are you sure they are not playing you.

Why are you wasting your time on an American Muslim?

There are Indian Muslims here who we would be better served engaging with.

People do not understand the definition of genocide firstly.

But of course the title will remain.
why Islamophobia why not Buddhistophobia or Sikhophobia or Parsophobia or JewPhobia or any other phobia as they all exist in India and they are REAL MINORITY RELIGIONS in India??
because Muslims have ruled Hindu majority Hindustan from 10th century till 19th which is not digestible to Hindu supremacists ..

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