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How can we better PFF?

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Mar 24, 2006
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Let's talk about what the public demands.
Don't be too strict. It tends to scare off many away at times.

Use green layout instead of blue, that way it'll give it a more Pakistani style look into it.

The words are kinda tiny and its hard to read the text times because of the smaller screen size. Most people nowadays have Monitors that are 17" and up, pretty big and the tiny text really doesn't help either. Remember Bigger is Better and gets the readers attention when they can clearly see the text more easier.

But that's just me.

For example:

Al-Khalid 2 or Al-Khalid 2
I like all three suggestions...

So bring out all suggestions. Related to policies, layout, our website, content or something totally new
Flags of nationality and signatures would be a good consideration also. More smileys too.
I have accepted and implemented all the suggestions members have provided. PFF is yours, we will make it the way you like it. :)
Any more suggestions? I would say grab all the butter cookies while you can! :)
There is a limit on the amount of text posted in a mail. Some articles are big enough to pass the limit. The poster need to do multiple posts for that article. Can't we increase the amount of text posted in one post?
One more thing.
The bigger the font size (Text) the difficult ot take a print out of the important articles.
I do take a quite few print outs for night reading and expect a clean readable copy. So please look in to this as well.
How and from where (thread? site?) do you take prints out?

Also it has been a while since amount of text posted in a post have been increased. Please check that.

webby how about adjustable font sizes?

Hmmm for some reason the browser's adjustment of text from the View menu doesn't work.
on that note.... post the link sure, but whenever making such large posts, sometimes its better to just give your own summary.
If you use the "view" section for fonts adjustments on any board. It wont work, because thats how the script is aimed to be.

Why big font not friendly, and professional looking than the previous one?
If I take the print out even in 'Landscape' for an open post, I do not get the full text. It is clipped at the ends. Because the Left Frame that contains the posters signature and avtaar takes a lot of space. This normally happens regularly.
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