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How will we look back at the present situation from the future?

War Thunder

Mar 12, 2013
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United Arab Emirates
That our corrupt and American lapdog folk sitting on the helms managed to inherit a traitor finally who sold off the country and its people just to prove his loyalty to his masters?
That there was none among the higher officers who were bred and maintained by the country's taxpayers to actually stand up and fix the problem, but every one was busy staying safe in their rank so eventually they will get their chance at looting some plots and earning some real estate in foreign lands before retirement?
I thought most of our people send their kids to the Army as officers with the idea of securing a job, free school, free medicine, and free space for living and an everlasting pension, and its actually proven now.
How many of our mothers actually send their sons to be an officer for the country? Maybe we should do a survey for that too.

And not trying to take away the credit or sacrifice of those true sons of the soil who actually lived and died for the country. But how many are they?

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