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I am upset over why PDF caters so much to Indians?

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NDTV is a big sponsor of pro pak news, you should have targeted other channels.

Def forum India allows pakistanis as long as they are there to debate and discuss, but they get chucked (as with everyone) if they sit around contributing nothing and trying to derail threads. We have one guy who we tease quite a bit for marrying his cousin, but hes not booted off even though he is agressively anti India.
Yeah well ... contributing to the forum is name of the game... but from my personal experiences I have had with most Indian origin accounts is they turn out in end just be trolls (not calling anyone here though). :) :)
I like to let the Indians talk.
o_O You overhead everything, you young reprobate? If you had chirped up, we'd have kept the language clean.

they turn out in end just be trolls

So for 13 years you build up a good reputation, then some Johnny, who's been here 1/10 of that time, comes by and you're in a waste-paper basket.

Just kidding.
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I don't mind the hostility.
It isn't the hostility, or the occasional mindless racism.

It's the coarse language.
I don't mind the hostility.
It isn't the hostility, or the occasional mindless racism.

It's the coarse language.
Coupled with cross dressing Euro-Turk-Arab descendant Pakistanis it’s unacceptable I tell you. I mean how dare does this forum not let the viewpoint of a single quasi racist or quasi-fanatic Pakistani be the only one acceptable and halal? Its downright unPakistani of them.
I suggest throwing acid on their wives, mothers or sisters at the least or letting the truest of true Pakistanis .. those once we get rid of the libtards, Qadiyanis, muhajirs, most Balochis/Pathans and Sindhis unless they scream our exact script out, shias, non compliant barelvis and other beliefs, women unless they at home in Burqas or in licensed Mujra houses and anyone darker than us.. those Pakistanis to go ahead and stone them and be the sole representatives.
I don't mind the hostility.
It isn't the hostility, or the occasional mindless racism.

It's the coarse language.

I think youthfulness mixed with a sense of nationalism is the cause for such language. It's OK to disagree, however let's not dehumanize or degrade each other. Unfortunately this does happen here and seems to be firmly fixed within this community. Maybe I am a wishful thinker, but here's hoping that we can bury our nukes and ensure we lift people from the subcontinent out of poverty some day. All these young 'guns' shouting the loudest need to calm down and go read history books for a change; nothing good has ever come out of warmongering and senseless hate.
I think youthfulness mixed with a sense of nationalism is the cause for such language. It's OK to disagree, however let's not dehumanize or degrade each other. Unfortunately this does happen here and seems to be firmly fixed within this community. Maybe I am a wishful thinker, but here's hoping that we can bury our nukes and ensure we lift people from the subcontinent out of poverty some day. All these young 'guns' shouting the loudest need to calm down and go read history books for a change; nothing good has ever come out of warmongering and senseless hate.

I think I managed to convey the wrong nuances with that complaint that was intended to be largely humorous. Let me hasten to make amends.

First, within the forum itself, we are blessed with an administration and a moderation team that is very balanced on all but one issue, and that issue is not the issue of balancing a sense among Pakistani members that this is after 'their' forum, and the sense among the better-inclined Indian members that they are equally entitled to all the privileges of any other member, that nationality should not come in the way. Balancing these sometimes contrary impulses is something that this team has managed well. I say this even as a responsible person on another forum, committed to institution building in that forum.

Second, on the grey areas beyond the literal text of our posts, the portions where a human side comes out, however much some of us struggle to suppress it in the vain hope of seeming and of being more calm and dispassionate in our discourse. The rational and lucid language and terms used are fine; these are the skeletons, and it is our additional flourishes and embellishments that make these conversations worthwhile, beyond the mere attraction of the well-argued thought. So there are many friendships that have developed, through these very conversations. Very many of them, and they did not develop out of cold, pre-planned intent, they developed out of our instinctive warming up to another personality very well obscured behind the anonymity of the internet. The few clues you have bestowed on us through your posts make it clear that those of us who seek you out, respond to your posts, and put up sensible and humane answers may very fairly expect to be rewarded.

A brief aside before going to the really big thing: you must have noticed - apparently you have been with us formally for eighteen months now - that there are eminences, the Holy Trinity of the forum, and, in addition, there are warm and affable, measured and judicious people among your compatriots. It is their attention and approbation that we all aspire to, and it is sometimes forthcoming. Those are good days. I am deliberately refraining from singling out any of my own countrymen (and a possible countrywoman) as any brash and foolhardy attempt at doing that may result in my pitiful remains being found in condition suitable for the preparation of any keema dish. Be assured that there are significant numbers of good people on both sides - on all sides - and that they will become apparent to you as you keep posting, if they have not already become apparent.

What is really important is that you should have no doubt whatsoever that the cut and thrust of daily diplomacy and daily military interactions between two neighbouring countries have ABSOLUTELY no inhibiting effect on people from either side gaining a respect, almost an affection for each other. You may find less of it on this forum, because the milieu here is combative. In real life, I have ample evidence that these national affiliations and ties, while they have an effect on our basic stand and posture, do not hold back understanding and pleasing exchanges. This is now beyond questioning or doubt.

So, please, Sir, do not misunderstand my schoolboyish mischief for a real obstacle, and trust that you will find the right kind of people on this forum. Even more, this is to assure you from personal experience that you will definitely also find such people outside the Internet.

I look forward greatly to reading your future posts.


Please see #126. Aal ij wale.
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It is very typical how you guys attack and brandish a member who differs from your views as a conquerer and an enemy against everyone else. You mock and belittle others as an enemy when the reality is that we all should consider Modi's India a rogue state.

It is no secret that PML-N supporters have a weak spot for Hindustan. Nawaz Sharif has instilled affection for Hindustan in his supporters. We see a clear example here. Nawaz Sharif was ready to sell Pakistan and Kashmir to Modi. Nawaz Sharif's supporters have no qualms about such treachery.
:man_in_love: :man_in_love: :pakistan:, khota karahi ke samaraat
Why not name them? What is there to be afraid of? Like as if we don't know these moderators and members.
looked at the rants of post #124 and than I fully understand what you are talking about here
Indian members are allowed, if they are willing to debate in a sensible and fair manner on issues like the Kashmir dispute.
All are your wishful thinking Sir. I will counter you as per the points made by you.

1) You are talking about 2 year war campaign. Do you think you will be be able to bring this much manpower and can your economy absorb it ? There are very few handful country which can think of doing this. It will be logistical nightmare when you will be having a war in enemy country. You just have to see your population compared to our one state only i.e UP. North India will be like a fort and trust me you can never go down south. You will get heavy resistance in North India (Punjab,UP,Bihar,Haryana,Himachal Pradesh, Uttrakhand,Rajasthan) will tear anything coming from your side. Punjab, Uttranchal is known for providing Soldiers and they are too hot headed including Haryana. Secondly Afghans will never come to support you and that too the numbers you are providing is BS to talk. Why did not they come during Kargil war when we were economically week (we were about to bankrupt in 1991). Afghans need money. Trust me we can open another front for you from Afghanistan or Balochistan by paying the right money.

2) As said previously you cannot bring this number of Afghans. Afghan Taliban has a force of 150K. Why people are not joining AT and will join you knowing that it is not their problem. We don't have any grudge for common Afghan and they don't have against us either.

3) You are still living in 1500-1600 years when Moguls came and annexed part of North India. We had kingdoms back then and it is not so that they did not get any resistance at that time. Marathas, Maurays did not surrender in front of them. It was a different era. Muslims invaders were powerful as compared to kingdoms of India. How Britishers threw them out ? Logic is the same that they were much powerful than muslims.

4) You cannot sustain a war lingering for 2 years. Trust me you cannot fight for 15 days seeing your economy. I am not saying we are economically good either but better than you.

Everything you typed out is a fantasy or oranges and apples.

4. We can fight for upto a decade non-stop by simply arranging arms and ammos including supply lines it is not hard for us to do that. Economy? India is the poorest country on earth but alas once few nukes are exchanged the entire economy goes out of the window anyways as nuclear winter kicks in and crops fail. I have been trying to explain that this conflict won't be all roses and love. It will chellenge the human will..

1. There will be resistance in North India specifically the places you mentioned but trashed as the weight of our forces will solely come down on North India. As we both know the Center and south won't fight once the head is severed.

3. We can mobilize 500 divisions meaning 10 million forces if necessary and all equipped. We certainly have no lack of forces. I do believe we can utilize the afghans as we please because they will have things to gain here which is wealth and including the Indian ocean basin.

I do believe that Invading India today could somehow be much easier compared to the yesterday type of Invasions which took alot of time but here it could happen at much faster rate and under 2 years counting from the first bullet fired ofcourse
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Everything you typed out is a fantasy or oranges and apples.

4. We can fight for upto a decade non-stop by simply arranging arms and ammos including supply lines it is not hard for us to do that. Economy? India is the poorest country on earth but alas once few nukes are exchanged the entire economy goes out of the window anyways as nuclear winter kicks in and crops fail. I have been trying to explain that this conflict won't be all roses and love. It will chellenge the human will..

1. There will be resistance in North India specifically the places you mentioned but trashed as the weight of our forces will solely come down on North India. As we both know the Center and south won't fight once the head is severed.

3. We can mobilize 500 divisions meaning 10 million forces if necessary and all equipped. We certainly have no lack of forces. I do believe we can utilize the afghans as we please because they will have things to gain here which is wealth and including the Indian ocean basin.

I do believe that Invading India today could somehow be much easier compared to the yesterday type of Invasions which took alot of time but here it could happen at much faster rate and under 2 years counting from the first bullet fired ofcourse
@The Lost Brother

I strongly recommend that you leave Genghis Aibak alone. He is seriously troubled. No point belabouring him.
As an Indian if one chooses to be on PDF, it should be for reasons better than giving a 'mooh tod jawab' to Pakistanis on random topics. If you already hate them, and vice versa, what is the point wasting your time here? Constantly trolling only keeps the cycle of hate alive (unless that is the objective) and reinforces the prejudices that ironically you are trying to alleviate.

On topic - I don't think PDF 'caters' so much to Indians. Indians and Hindus are openly hated here, and there is clear tolerance for insult and hate towards them and their religion/Gods. But then, the OP is not known for very reasonable posts or being transparent about his motivations, so no point responding to something written on a false premise.

I don't have any grudges against moderation on the forum. In fact I think moderation should exist only if violence is being promoted or thread is going off topic. Hate and prejudice is better exposed than swept under.
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As an Indian if one chooses to be on PDF, it should be for reasons better than giving a 'mooh tod jawab' to Pakistanis on random topics. If you already hate them, and vice versa, what is the point wasting your time here? Constantly trolling only keeps the cycle of hate alive (unless that is the objective) and reinforces the prejudices that ironically you are trying to alleviate.

On topic - I don't think PDF 'caters' so much to Indians. Indians and Hindus are openly hated here, and there is clear tolerance for insult and hate towards them and their religion/Gods. But then, the OP is not known for very reasonable posts or being transparent about his motivations, so no point responding to something written on a false premise.
If you report the messages being racist or Hinduphobic, they'll most likely deal with it in your favour.

PDF is actually very accepting of Indians, some are able to offensively troll for long periods of time before they are banned. (Usually for derailing threads).

But having objectively critical Indians, in my opinion, is a positive. The goal here is for productive and objective discussion, not creating an echo-chamber.
If you report the messages being racist or Hinduphobic, they'll most likely deal with it in your favour.
I can report positively that this works.

PDF is actually very accepting of Indians, some are able to offensively troll for long periods of time before they are banned.
Two thoughts.

On the one hand, these long-term thread blockers need a helping hand - and foot - out of the thread, because they stop the serious discussions getting under way that should be the object of the thread.
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