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Indian News: ISI plans to spread AIDS

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Oct 3, 2005
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United States
Are you kidding me? :idiot:

Pakistan's Inter-State Intelligence (ISI) plans to spread the AIDS virus among personnel of the Indian army and paramilitary forces through contaminated syringes in Army hospitals : Indian Intelligence Report

Pakistan plans to use HIV/AIDS against Indian Army.

According to an intelligence report in India, Pakistan plans to use Islamic terrorists in counterfeiting supply of syringes to Indian Army, Air force and Navy hospitals and health units to inflict AIDS and HIV in Indian Jawans and military personnel.
According to media reports, The Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) [an Indian paramilitary border force] has received an intelligence report that Pakistan's Inter-State Intelligence (ISI) plans to spread the AIDS virus among personnel of the Indian army and paramilitary forces.

A recent intelligence report from Delhi had apprised the SSB of the ISI's design, likely to be implemented with the help of some militant organizations, SSB Deputy Inspector-General G.S. Sarna told reporters here.

Addressing an awareness camp on AIDS Sunday [13 August] at Madan Jote village bordering Nepal, 30 km from here, Sarna asked SSB personnel to frustrate the ISI plan by practising safe sex.

The SSB, which is engaged in guarding the Nepal and Bhutan borders, has taken steps to check the supply of syringes to its hospitals and health units.
According to Sarna, a little negligence at any stage of testing of the syringes may have serious consequences.

The SSB is also conducting blood tests of its recruits at Ranidanga, its headquarters in north Bengal, sources said.
Aids virus cannot survive outside for more then few seconds.

I balme gays in Indian army for this problem or maybe drugs with shared needles.
:D Can't let this one go...

"Maybe ISI's gonna screw them over?" :D :D :D

Just for laughs guys...
Whaahahahah...dude you're hilarious! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Next thing you know. It was ISI which used rain to wash away Mumbai last year and similar monsoon rains this year! Better yet, its ISI's sinister idea that hoards of monkeys invade Indian cities to disrupt life and businesses! Oh boy... I could go on all day long with this!
A.Rahman said:
Aids virus cannot survive outside for more then few seconds.

I balme gays in Indian army for this problem or maybe drugs with shared needles.

You're saying we can't be infected through needles and razors used on infected individuals?
If the blood is dried, no, you cannot be infected by HIV though you will be infected by everything else associated with dirty needles.
I always used to wonder why Aids wasnt spread by mozzi's. That would have been terrifying.
A.Rahman said:
Aids virus cannot survive outside for more then few seconds.

I balme gays in Indian army for this problem or maybe drugs with shared needles.

Rehman Bhai you were too good, just for laughs
lol :P :P
What nonsens BTW

Addressing an awareness camp on AIDS Sunday [13 August] at Madan Jote village bordering Nepal, 30 km from here, Sarna asked SSB personnel to frustrate the ISI plan by practising safe sex.[/quote]

hahahhahahah "frustrate the ISI plan by practising safe sex" thn wht it has to do with ISI sryinges :) Sarna should had warned the indian forces as saying "becarefull why having sex as u furstrated lot is not doing it safely " ;)

I dont think so they are doing sex with sryinges hehhehehhehe
HAHAHA lol, Could'nt stop laughing atlast,

This indian media cant let go of any oppertunity to blam Pakistan.

Today Aids, tommorrow heart attack, dayafter tommorrow anything.;)
386 cases of HIV/AIDS among Indian troops

New Delhi, August 09 (Online): There are as many as 386 cases of HIV/AIDS among Indian forces, including Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Border Security Force (BSF) and Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) .

Indian Home Minister Shivraj Patil admitted this while speaking in the Lower House (Lok Sabha). He said, 304 cases of HIV/AIDS had been found in the CRPF and 82 in other paramilitary forces.

The causes behind contracting of HIV/AIDS and large-scale suicides among Indian troops in occupied Kashmir are mainly due to denial of leaves, long-drawn service durations and frequent quarrels among the forces' personnel.
The troops have also been greatly demoralized while quelling a genuine liberation struggle, waged by Kashmiris against Indian occupation .
Sarna asked SSB personnel to frustrate the ISI plan by practising safe sex.

ISI has infiltrated the condom supplies. :flag:
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