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Indian trolls spamming rape threads against Pakistan

We are quite serious about rapes in India. You are still not at our level, sorry to say.
We never want to be at your level for ANYTHING - that’s the reason why Pakistan was created - your one of the retards that start retaliation threads. This is your ID today - when you get banned you use a different ID - that’s your obsession
Rape is disgraceful anywhere to score cheap points or snigger by putting retaliation threads can be reserved only for lowest forms of human.
We have had several horrible cases of violent crimes in Pakistan.

Instead of having sympathy and letting Pakistanis discuss those matters, Indian trolls are trying to score political points by opening rape threads against Pakistan.

They are pushing a false agenda that Pakistan is just as bad as India when it comes to these crimes. This is simply not true.

Here are a sample of such threads created recently by 3 different members on three different incidents. There seems to be some coordination here.

that is very uncalled for . indians should not open thread on rapes in other countries.
Wrong on so many levels.
Indians on a Pakistan forum that spend their time hunting on the net for bad news in Pakistan then launching it on here in retaliation because a thread about a 90 year old being raped in India was brought up and Indians feeling hurt ?
The difference between Pakistan and Indian posters can be seen by looking at the Lahore rape and the sheer anger frustration and disgust by Pakistan posters wanting a change - as apposed to what Indians do - bury heads in sand and google bad news about Pakistan.
As one of the sane posters from your land - don’t tell me you are blinded by the difference?
Rape is disgusting wherever it’s committed. What’s equally disgraceful is denying or not responding and then instead to counter the argument try to point low and cheap jabs at your neighbours.
Now tell me this is not going on? Maybe difficult but try to be honest?
I'd agree with many of the points you're making, just adding that such deplorable behavior is not confined to one particular nationality. You cannot compare the best of one to the worst of the other and arrive at a conclusion. There is no high horse upon which to look down the other.

Given our numbers, you're going to find large no. of people with a very diverse viewpoints. If you're going to look at the worst of us and extrapolate it to mean the rest of us, you're going to have a very skewed picture albeit one that fits natural biases. For every negative tweet, posts etc. you've mentioned there are a greater number who are vocally opposite, yet they are ignored. Scientific methodology dictates to look at the entire data set before coming towards a hypothesis, the opposite seems to be happening when people are confronted with data diverging from what their biases lead them to believe. Each source is either dismissed outright or alleged to be tainted. When one side refuses to even discuss or exchange ideas with groups other than what they despise because they hold one fraction to be the representative of the whole then beyond that what is left to be said ? Is that not more akin to burying one's head in sand?

I'd also acknowledge your points about having negative experiences with Indian members on this forum and other social media outlets, on issues such as these. They are a shame to their nation, and are mentally defunct, to put it kindly. The one-upmanship between us tends to get out of hand and brings out the worst in some people.

I'm also heartened by your reaction to such abhorrent incidences, regardless of where they occur and by whom. In this regard we are in complete agreement. As a local, I'm more inclined to believe your word about such local matters rather than the media, who, we can both hopefully agree upon, can no longer be expected to be a neutral narrator. Why is it so difficult to conceive then, that there are people who share the same value system as yours and are as opposed to the such evils on this side of the border. A significant number of them may not post it online, or express themselves in a way through which the global community can interact with them, but rest assured, we do take action to eradicate and failing that to punish the perpetrators with a vigor unmatched for any other heinous crimes.
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We never want to be at your level for ANYTHING - that’s the reason why Pakistan was created - your one of the retards that start retaliation threads. This is your ID today - when you get banned you use a different ID - that’s your obsession
Rape is disgraceful anywhere to score cheap points or snigger by putting retaliation threads can be reserved only for lowest forms of human.
I never use another ID. I might check on news now and then about India on PDF, so I could keep up when I am unbanned.

Of course, I opened these threads, why should social activism of PDF be limited to Indian rapes. It should be universal.
We never want to be at your level for ANYTHING - that’s the reason why Pakistan was created - your one of the retards that start retaliation threads. This is your ID today - when you get banned you use a different ID - that’s your obsession
Rape is disgraceful anywhere to score cheap points or snigger by putting retaliation threads can be reserved only for lowest forms of human.

This is a Pakistani forum, not impartial place for Indians to leave their nonsense posts here. If a thread is create with malintent against Pakistan, it will be dealt with severely. The moderation has been consistent about this issue.

Indian issues with their government, military, and judicial system condoning rape, etc. against enemy minorities in their own country deserves its own thread, that is specific to the Indian society, culture, and environment which is having a bad effect on youth in the country.

In Pakistan, such things have been unheard of until now. We are still grappling with it. The whole society is in shock, and we have near consensus on how to deal with these culprits as per Islamic fiqh. This is a new thing, whose problems we will get to the root of soon. ISI domestic wing FIA is on the case. We will know the extent of the problem soon enough, in sha Allah.

The issue is being discussed in Pakistan affairs, and everyone can see the effect on us all. We are quite open about our views as Pakistanis on this Pakistani forum.

It is not the time for Indian trolls to score cheap points. If it continues, then I will alert Mods to control it.
Do you really think India doesn't care about rapes? Indians have several outlets where they vent our frustrations among ourselves just as Pakistanis do in this forum.

"All four accused were killed in an "encounter", a term used in India for killings by police,[56] at around 3:30 am IST on 6 December 2019, under a bridge on Bangalore Hyderabad national highway".

This is what happened to rapists in Telangana. India has since passed several acts making rape a capital offense with even death penalty if it involves kids.

Read up Disha Act, the rape cases to be fast tracked and judgment to be passed mandatorily with in 21 days.

We are quite serious about rapes in India. You are still not at our level, sorry to say.
You don't have the faintest idea about rapes in India do you? Things getting better are they? Really?

When Asifa Bano was raped and murdered in a Hindu temple, at least 2 members of the party you voted into power in your country actually led marches in support of the rapists. This tells us all we need to know about the mind set of the majority in the secular republic to our east. However, there are plenty of facts to back up the stereotype and hyperbole.

Let's not start on the tongue cutting and eye gouging and Dalit murdering that actually accompanies many of the rapes, not to mention the female fetocide and systematised abuse of females that occurs routinely in the secular republic to our east.

Sorry, digressed again - easily done on such a serious topic taken not so seriously by Indians, as is their way.

Every 15 minutes, in case you were wondering. That's the frequency of reported rapes in the secular republic of Hindustan. Some would suggest 90% of rapes are unreported in India by the way. Not sure how these are matters to be proud of. Far more frequent than in Pakistan btw (around 2 hours - not good, not a matter of pride,but since you and your pals decided on an "et tu quoque" or "we're better than Pakistan" line of defence for India's abysmal rape record, it's worth setting the record straight).


In India, "If many offenses are registered in a single FIR case, only the most heinous crime – one that attracts maximum punishment – will be considered as a counting unit.

For example, if there is an incident involving abduction, wrongful confinement, rape or gang-rape and murder, it will be listed in the NCRB data as murder."

So all those rapes with murder, rapes with abduction, torture and mutilation that occur in India are not recorded as rape in your national statistics. Indians fudging data is a subject of great derision in economic and medical fields - but this is serious, and isn't really a laughing matter.

"...rate of murders post-rape has increased, mainly because the culprits know that the chances of being given life-long punishment are high, hence they end up murdering the women after raping them."

So now that tougher sentences are in place, rapists are more likely to murder their rape victims out of fear of being accused by the rape victim later. And then of course, the national audit records it as "murder" and ignores the rape because of the aforementioned data fudgery. What an inspired way of reducing the rape rate in Hindustan.

More than 90% of rapes in India that are reported have been committed by a perpetrator who knows the victim.

Moreover, the whole "not at our level" deflection doesn't even hold water when scrutinised.

How's all that sand around your head?

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