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Indonesia defense acquisition program 2020-2024

Rafale acquisition

Indonesia bought 6 planes in 2022 February using 1.1 billion USD credit line

Indonesia finance minister then has approved another 2.9 billion USD credit line for another order of Rafale that I believe will include parts sustenance, additional engines for spare and possible ammunitions (update).

Total foreign credit line is 4 billion USD for all planes. If the interest rate is 10 % then total amount of order is 3.6 billion USD (1.1 billion USD credit line for 6 planes + 2.9 billion credit line for next order (not yet executed) )

1.1 billion USD credit line is for both 6 planes, training for pilots and maintenance, and TOT for maintenance for Indonesian Aerospace and Air Force personnel. If the interest rate is 10 % then total purchase is 990 million USD

According to France media latest report which is also stated by Jane Defense, Indonesia ordered Rafale F4 version. I assume one plane price is at 150-160 million USD as 6 planes x 160 million USD = 960 million USD. The rest of 30 million USD for training, TOT maintenance, delivery cost, and some spare parts. The breakdown number is just my analyst.

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There will be refurbishment and modernization programs from MoD for old vessels, aimed at +30 years old vessels, such as Parchim, Fosch, FPB.

Indonesia has 14 Parchim class Corvette, 12 FPB (missile boats), and 11 Teluk Gilimani Class (Fosch) ship (LST)

PT Pindad Indonesia delivers ammunition for Ministry of Defense


Finance Minister, after approving overhaul and refurbished of Indonesian Sukhoi squadron at around 212 million USD, now the Ministry has also approved the upgrade program at 96 million USD.

(23 F16 C/D planes refurbished and upgrade program possibility to get approved is higher then, afterall F16 C/D refurbishment and upgrade program have already entered Green Book (Approved by Minister of Planning)

Funded by foreign loan
Alman Helvast also has reported that Indonesia Finance Minister has approved N219 acquisition program intended for Army. Based on previous news the contract is for 10 planes



Indonesian Aerospace has also got 1 order of CN 235-200 for Indonesian Navy, transport variant. The order made during Indo Defense 2022 event in November


Jakarta (02/11) PTDI and the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia agreed on a contract for the Procurement of Fixed Wing Transport/Cargo Moderate Aircraft in the form of 1 unit of CN235-220 along with supporting material/equipment with a contract value of IDR 748 billion.

The contract document was signed by the Main Director of PTDI, Gita Amperiawan and the Head of the Defense Facilities Agency, Air Marshal TNI Yusuf Jauhari in Function Room Hall D of the Indo Defense Expo and Forum 2022.

Military Satellite Acquisition

Finance Minister has approved 300 million USD (funded by foreign loan) military satellite acquisition in December 2022. It will likely between Airbus Defense and Space vs Thales, or maybe Turkish company could enter the tender

Defense Ministry will pay its debt to PT Pertamina for fuel (2019, 2020, 2021) at 1.4 trillion Rupiah in 2023. There is budget allocation in 2023 state budget (taken from Defense Ministry budget) for that.

BMP (bahan bakar minyak dan pelumas)

AlhamduliLLAH, another sales for Indonesian Aerospace.

Finance Minister has agreed for 3 CN 235-200 transport version acquisition for Indonesian Army. Expected order is in 2023. Financed by foreign loan.



Prabowo buy 2 brand new Falcon 8 X, these that comes are secondhand planes and for temporary (rented to Indonesia Defense Ministry until two Falcon 8 X finish being built in Dassault)

The first batch of Rafale acquisition (6 planes confirmed order) is likely delivered in early 2027. Those planes are Rafale F4. Previous 11 SU35 planes order has been scrapped, replaced by 6 Rafale F4.

Minimum Essential Force Program


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