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Indonesia General Election (President and Parliament) 2024 news and update

Indonesia will have 3 confirmed President Candidate for 2024 General Election.

1. Anies Baswedan (Nasdem, Democrat, PKS)
2. Ganjar Pranowo (PDI-P)
3. Prabowo Subianto (Gerindra, PKB)

Megawati Soekarnoputri announced Ganjar as President Candidate for PDI-P. Puan Maharani possibly will be VP candidate.

Jokowi support Ganjar Pranowo

Seen two of them in Presidential plane and Presidential car



Comparison of Speech between Ganjar and Anies after being chosen as President candidate from Indonesia major political parties (PDI-P and Nasional Demokrat)

Few years back, Governor Anies Baswaden

now , as at 2023 the project is 80 % completed
Prabowo meet Jokowi for Halal Bihalal during Eid Holiday. Both bring their respective families. Prabowo also brought 2 leaders from his own Gerindra Party.


Indonesia’s main party names anti-Israel Java governor as presidential candidate​

Last month Ganjar Pranowo called for boycott of Israel’s participation in the U-20 World Cup, leading to FIFA withdrawing hosting rights​


Central Java governor Ganjar Pranowo waves to journalists after he was selected by the country's largest political party, Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle, as its candidate for the 2024 presidential election in Bogor on April 21, 2023. (ADITYA AJI / AFP)

Today, 11:43 am

JAKARTA — Indonesia’s largest party said on Friday it has nominated a popular provincial governor as its candidate for the 2024 presidential election, with outgoing President Joko Widodo backing the decision.

The selection of Central Java governor Ganjar Pranowo as the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle’s (PDI-P) candidate for the February 14 election was announced by party leader Megawati Sukarnoputri.

“It is an honor but also not an easy task for me,” Pranowo said in a livestream of the announcement. “It is our momentum to consolidate and unite powers. One for all, all for one.”
Haviv Rettig Gur and David Horovitz on the judicial overhaul - ToI Community webinar
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Pranowo will face stiff opposition from former Jakarta governor Anies Baswedan, who is seen as close to Indonesia’s conservative Muslims, and Defence Minister Prabowo Subianto, who is running for the third time.

Widodo threw his support behind Pranowo, popularly seen as a moderate who will offer a sense of continuity.

Widodo, president since October 2014, cannot run for a third term under Indonesia’s constitution. The PDI-P is the most powerful party in his ruling coalition.

Motorists commute past a poster for the Indonesia 2023 FIFA Under-20 World Cup football tournament in Jakarta on March 30, 2023 (BAY ISMOYO / AFP)

He described Pranowo as “a leader who is close to the people and always grounded.”
“The change of leadership should not turn away from the continuity of Indonesia’s national progress that must continue,” Widodo said.

Pranowo has been a governor since 2013 and is seen as down-to-earth and social media-savvy.
However, his popularity took a big hit last month when, along with the governor of Bali, he called for a boycott of Israel’s participation in the Under–20 World Cup that had been due to be played on the island.

Indonesia and Israel do not have formal diplomatic relations and support for the Palestinian cause is high in the world’s most populous Muslim-majority nation.
Football’s governing body FIFA removed Indonesia as the tournament’s host over the political turmoil, leaving local football fans in dismay.

Top Leaders in PDI-P

From Left to Right

Puan Maharani (Parliament Speaker/Soekarno Granddaughter), Jokowi (Indonesia current President), Megawati Soekarnoputri (PDI-P Chairman/Soekarno daughter), Ganjar Pranowo (Central Java Governor/PDI-P Presidential Candidate), Muhammad Prananta Prabowo (Soekarno grandson)

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Jokowi visiting Megawati House for Halal Bi Halal (Islamic Silaturahim after Ied /Indonesian Islamic culture)

Istiqlal Mosque, Central Jakarta


Nazarudin Umar is likely picked by PDI-P to be Ganjar Pranowo VP candidate

Nazarudin Umar is Istiqlal Mosque Imam

Sandiaga Uno is also considered to be Ganjar Pranowo VP. Both Nazarudin Umar and Sandiaga Uno have close relation with PPP, an Islamist Party that is currently supporting Ganjar Pranowo and with good relation history with PDI-P.

Sandiaga Uno

2 prominent Indonesian figures become PSI members who is lead predominantly by younger generation politician. PSI is nationalist party.


Sri Mulyani Prepares Election Funds Until the Second Round​

NEWS - Widya Finola Ifani Putri, CNBC Indonesia
June 06, 2023 17:45 PM


Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - Indonesia will hold General Elections simultaneously in February 2024. Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati said that she had prepared the funds in detail, even if there was a second round.

"If then there are 2 rounds like at that time I said, we have made a contingency fund if there are 2 rounds, because the budget is quite significant," Sri Mulyani told media crew at the Ministry of Finance, Jakarta, Tuesday (6/6/2023).

The 2024 election fund, said Sri Mulyani, starting from logistics, distribution, to witnesses has been budgeted in the state budget. Later, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) will convey in detail the budget.

"So all democratic events have been included in the state budget that we are compiling and Mr. President will deliver it in the DPR. Some of it is included in K / L, some of which we reserve first before leaving, the budget will not be issued, "explained Sri Mulyani.

In addition, the government also prepares a budget for the election preparation period to the Election Organizing Commission (KPU) and the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu). For disbursement will follow a predetermined schedule.

This election budget also includes the needs of Regional General Elections (Pilkada). Although, usually the regional elections use the APBD budget, it does not rule out the possibility of using funds from the APBN.

"There are regional elections where the budget is indeed more than the regional budget, but just like the previous regional elections there are some sometimes needs that are not synchronized, we also from the state budget usually step in," she said.

I suspect Indonesia next President will likely be Ganjar Pranowo. Currently he is head to head with Prabowo Subianto. I think he can win debate against Prabowo and will likely increase the voters after debates is conducted.

PDIP then must get ally from Islamist parties like PPP or Nahdatul Ulama by making either Sandiaga Uno (endorsed by PPP) or Erick Thohir (most probably endorsed by Nahdatul Ulama) as his VP in order to win votes outside East and Central Java.



VP for Ganjar I would say will likely between these two, both are Jokowi economic teams and successful entrepreneurs, both are likely able to make sure that Jokowi economic policy and reform will continue. Very market friendly IMO.



Latest Indikator Survey (Good credibiity)

Here are the survey results of 19 candidates:​

  • Prabowo Subianto 25.3 percent
  • Ganjar Pranowo 25.2 percent
  • Anies Baswedan 12.5 percent
  • Erick Thohir 5.0 percent
  • Ridwan Kamil 4.9 percent
  • M. Mahfud MD 2.8 percent
  • Susi Pujiastuti 2.2 percent (female- entrepreneur, former Jokowi Minister)
  • Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono 1.9 percent
  • Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno 1.1 percent
  • Khofifah Indar Parawansa 0.9 percent (female, NU figure, East Java Governor)
  • Puan Maharani 0.7 percent (female, Parliament Speaker)
  • Sri Mulyani Indrawati 0.7 percent (female, current Finance Minister)
  • Airlangga Hartarto 0.5 percent
  • Tri Rismaharini 0.4 percent (female, current Jokowi Minister)
  • Gatot Nurmantyo 0.4 percent
  • Bambang Soesatyo 0.2 percent
  • Zulkifli Hasan 0.1 percent
  • Muhaimin Iskandar 0.1 percent
  • Bahlil Lahadalia 0.0 percent
  • Others 1.7 percent-TT/ 13.3 percent
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She is likely becoming Indonesia next First Lady (my prediction)

Siti Atikoh, a daughter of great Ulama in East Java.



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