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Indonesian President Hopeful Ganjar Pranowo support KF21 program


Jul 25, 2013
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KF21 get highlighted by this lovely lady saying why Indonesia current administration is not serious in the funding side ?



Ganjar said the funding should be prioritized. He said the main problem is due to current administration who dont prioritized the program. The solution is pretty simple and can be solved easily if the government see the program as important.


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Ganjar doesnt answer the question whether we should complete Rafale acqusition or not...

Indonesia only order 24 planes so far, total plane being ordered based on MOU is 42 planes.

Men, I love this lady who asked this question......


PS : Until now there is no additional Rafale order after the 24 planes being ordered, and Finance Minister hasnt approved F15 EX order proposed by Prabowo for around 8 planes. I dont think we are going to order any F15 EX, President has already criticized Prabowo acquisition program. Unlikely goes through with current Palestinian massacred by Israeli under US support.

Indonesia order of Rafale is using long term loan and it is strategically important to not too dependent on US fighters as we got embargoed from US in the past that made we have to grounded many of our Hercules and F16 during early 2000's.

KF21 is still using critical US components like F414 engines. Rafale order is basically replacing previous acquisition plan to order SU35 from Russia, under current situation it is difficult to order Russian fighter, so we replace it with Rafale from France that is currently having strategic partnership with Indonesia. Despite so, it is also very possible to just order 24 planes considering our currency pressure

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To remind you guys that Ganjar is not part of current administration, he is now the biggest rival of Prabowo Subianto who is backed by Jokowi


Here is Indonesian payment + some information

Development program is started TD phase (2011-2012 December)

Complete Payment. Only ADD Korea and Indonesian Aerospace who participate (some KAI engineers were also inserted there but as institution they are not yet involved)

2013-2018 (internal research in Indonesia) we paid it ourselves, outside the program cost

EMD phase (2016-2026)

2016 : Yep complete payment

2017 : Not being paid, the Mindef said he forget to send the budget to Minister of Finance (administrative failure- but I guess maybe some mafia has a hand there). Need to inform you guys that KF21 program will likely wipe out any foreign plane order so many people dont like it due to their private interest (corrupt guy)

2018 : Our engineers show some restriction on several technology like flight control system, sofware development, etc during development (violating previous deal)- The restriction is more due to USA side since the technology are US technology

2018 : Start to negotiate but still part of the program. Our engineers in Korea around 114 (reported by Yonhap based on ADD information) staying until CDR complete (design completion and meet the customers requirement (SK and Indo Air Force)

We dont pay in 2018


2019 : We paid again in full

2020 : We dont pay and all of enginners come back home in 2020 May after CDR completion in September 2019 (single seat design completion)

2020 May forward : Some work package of Indonesian engineers are being done in Indonesia for double seats design and some structural analysist (airframe) and plus some airframe manufacturing in Indonesia (alluminium and metal component only since we havent had the composite manufacturing for CFRP (composite material like being used in F35)

2021 : We dont pay but in August 39 engineers come back (mostly production engineers)

2022: We paid again in November (small amount)

2023 : We paid again in February, much greater than November 2022 payment

2024 : The budget has been prepared and ready to be disbursed in 2024 (more than double 2023 payment)



Gov cannot make payment plan until completion since 2024 is final year for Jokowi. Cost share payment is paid gradually until 2026 based on the contract. 2025 payment is made in 2024 August Budget meeting with parliament, so I think our gov will try to look on how we can pay in that year much bigger than in 2024. While 2026 payment will be decided and made by new President as the result of 2024 election.
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One of the Indonesians who was involved since 2011. He represented Indonesian Airforce.

2011 news

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Indonesian still need to pay around 700 million USD

Calm down, our state budget is more than 200 billion USD and the payment completion is in 2026, payment is done gradually every year.

Ganjar pledge Research budget at 1 % of GDP



Focus on local defense industry

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Prabowo position in KF21 Program


ADEX 2023: KAI optimistic of Indonesia's ability to fulfil KF-21 cost-share agreement​

17 October 2023
by Akhil Kadidal


Amid concerns over Indonesia's delays in meeting its cost-share obligations for the Korea Aerospace Industries' (KAI's) KF-21 ‘Boromae' 4.5-generation fighter aircraft project, a KAI official, at the Seoul International Aerospace & Defense Exhibition (ADEX) 2023, said that a recent meeting between South Korean and Indonesian defense officials left room for optimism.

According to the KAI official, Indonesian Minister of Defense Prabowo Subianto has given assurances to Eom Dong-hwan, the South Korean minister for Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA), that Jakarta would honour its financial agreements to the programme. Janes previously reported on the 5 October meeting between Eom and Subianto, however, the Indonesian Ministry of Defense has not provided specifics on the outcome of that meeting.

The official, a member of the KAI KF-21 development team, told Janes during Seoul ADEX 2023 on 17 October that Indonesia still owes KRW1 trillion (USD739 million) to the project as part of its cost-share agreements. Total project cost is KRW 8.8 trillion (USD 6.73 billion USD)

Under the current agreement, Indonesia's cost share involvement give it access to four joint development facets of the engineering, manufacturing, and development (EMD) phase of KF21 program.


Current Position : Under Control of Sri Mulyani, Indonesian Finance Minister, who has biggest power under Jokowi administration when it comes to state budget


Indonesia remains committed to continuing KFX/IFX cooperation with Korea

Jumat, 27 Oktober 2023 21:53 WIB

The Indonesian Ministry of Defense stated that it remains committed to continuing cooperation in developing the KFX/IFX fighter aircraft with South Korea.

“This is cooperation between countries and a national priority program. "As for the state program, whoever the government is, it must continue," said the Director of Defense Technology and Industry, Directorate General of Defense Potential, Ministry of Defense, First Marshal TNI Dedy Laksmono in a workshop organized by the Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI) in Jakarta, Friday.

He made this statement in response to the issue of stalled payments on Indonesia's cost share commitment for the KFX/IFX project, even though according to the initial agreement in 2014 Indonesia was charged 20 percent of the total cost of developing the fighter aircraft.

Meanwhile, 60 percent of the total cost of the project worth 8.8 trillion won or Rp. 100 trillion is the responsibility of the Korean government, and 20 percent comes from the aircraft manufacturing company Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI).

Dedy admitted that the limitations of the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget were an obstacle in paying Indonesia's cost-share, which reached around IDR 14 trillion until 2026 for the development, engineering and manufacturing phases.

According to him, the Ministry of Defense is only able to allocate around IDR 1.5 trillion per year for contributions to the development of KFX/IFX, an amount that is far from enough to pay Indonesia's obligations.

"For our budget at the Ministry of Defense, this obligation is very difficult. We have proposed increasing the budget, but the Minister of Finance said it was not possible," said Dedy.

Therefore, the Indonesian and Korean governments are still negotiating to find a solution to this problem. "In the future, we hope to be able to fulfill this obligation. Because we are also embarrassed, it seems like we have agreed but in the process it won't happen because there are APBN limitations," said Dedy.

Meanwhile, KAI Indonesia Office Chief Representative Officer Woo Bong Lee said that the Korean side had allocated as much funds as possible to continue the KFX/IFX project.

“We have increased the budget as much as we can get, even by borrowing money from the bank. "Now we are waiting for the money to come from the Indonesian side," said Lee.

He hopes that the governments of the two countries can immediately find a middle way to overcome this funding obstacle, so that the partnership between Korea and Indonesia can continue to be maintained.

“In our opinion, the Korean government will not take a bad decision on this issue. "And as far as I know, the Korean and Indonesian governments are still discussing this issue to find the best solution," he said.


One of the strong supporter of KF21/IFX program inside Jokowi administration, Jaleswari, joins Ganjar team.

She is the one that said Indonesia must continue its cooperation in KF21/IFX program during the fragile period. Close to the core power in Jakarta and working in security issue under Jokowi administration.

Her opinion on KF21 program 2 years ago can be seen on the interview when defense analyst, Connie, criticized Prabowo acquisition program.

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Prabowo position in KF21 Program


ADEX 2023: KAI optimistic of Indonesia's ability to fulfil KF-21 cost-share agreement​

17 October 2023
by Akhil Kadidal


Amid concerns over Indonesia's delays in meeting its cost-share obligations for the Korea Aerospace Industries' (KAI's) KF-21 ‘Boromae' 4.5-generation fighter aircraft project, a KAI official, at the Seoul International Aerospace & Defense Exhibition (ADEX) 2023, said that a recent meeting between South Korean and Indonesian defense officials left room for optimism.

According to the KAI official, Indonesian Minister of Defense Prabowo Subianto has given assurances to Eom Dong-hwan, the South Korean minister for Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA), that Jakarta would honour its financial agreements to the programme. Janes previously reported on the 5 October meeting between Eom and Subianto, however, the Indonesian Ministry of Defense has not provided specifics on the outcome of that meeting.

The official, a member of the KAI KF-21 development team, told Janes during Seoul ADEX 2023 on 17 October that Indonesia still owes KRW1 trillion (USD739 million) to the project as part of its cost-share agreements. Total project cost is KRW 8.8 trillion (USD 6.73 billion USD)

Under the current agreement, Indonesia's cost share involvement give it access to four joint development facets of the engineering, manufacturing, and development (EMD) phase of KF21 program.


Prabowo team also promise to spend 1.5-2 % of GDP for research, it shows good understanding on how important R&D is.

As some one close to KFX/IFX team, I need to disclose the fact that it is Prabowo who come to President in March 2021 to support KF21/IFX program after he discussed the program with DAPA Korea and PTDI in Jakarta. This is inline with November 2021 completion of renegotiation between Indonesia and Korea on KFX/IFX program. Democrat party under Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono family lead also has joined Prabowo-Gibran coalition for 2024 election. SBY administration under democrat who accepted SK proposal to jointly develop KFX/IFX in 2009.

Bappenas ( Ministry of Planning ) that is involved in Indonesia long term planning 2024-2045 program also has stated the important of defense industry to propel Indonesia into developed nation in 2045.

So in conclution, KF21 program is very likely to get full support under new administration, regardless who will be the winner.
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SK parliement chairman to talk about KF21/IFX program to our foreign minister, Retno Marsudi, is a good move.

Retno Marsudi is a long and close friend of our Finance Minister, Sri Mulyani, and will be a good person to lobby Sri Mulyani to support the program funding, both are also women.

Our Foreign Minister team do support the program.
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