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Iran and Russia to co-op in shipbuilding, aviation & automobile

Iran and Russia to co-op in shipbuilding, aviation & automobile


Fatemi Amin made the remarks while speaking to reporters upon his arrival in Moscow.

He travelled to Russia with the aim of participating in the Russian automobile exhibition and signing economic MoUs.

He said that the relations between Iran and Russia have been growing, and this growth is more evident in the last year and has entered a new phase.

Referring to the start of exporting gas turbines and technological products to Russia, he announced the possibility of signing economic memoranda in Russia.

Several issues will be pursued during this trip, the most important of which is the start of joint cooperation in the field of shipbuilding, aviation, and automotive industries, he added.

He also pointed to the presence of 50 Iranian companies in MIMS Automobility Moscow, saying that the grounds have been paved for starting joint cooperation between Iranian and Russian companies that are active in this field.

He stated that two Iranian cars "Tara" and "Shahin" will be showcased in MIMS Automobility Moscow.

I was myself hoping for RD-33MK if you read my posts in IRIAF I have always said that this is the turbofan to get into Iran with TOT.

Where did you get this figure of 6952 KG/h consumption rate of AL-31?

If they are installing AL-31 on an F-5 then I believe the rear section of the plane will have to be enlarged to accommodate the AL-31 and probably the air intakes will have to be enlarged too. Additional CFTs will have to installed to provide additional fuel.

I guess what we have been discussing on the Kowsar thread is finally coming true. A larger Saegheh/Kowsar with a powerful engine, CFTs, and avionics. If it carries 4 x CCD guided Azaraksh, it will be a proper 4+ generation interceptor in the sky.
by multiplying 0.790 lb/lbf/h and 19,400 lbf which will be 15,326 lb/h which is equal to 6951.757 kg/h
Iran and Russia cement alliance with grain, drones and satellites
The two U.S. rivals are accelerating efforts to build trade and military ties as they face international isolation

By Benoit Faucon
Aug. 27, 2022 9:00 am ET

TEHRAN — Iran and Russia are forging closer ties than ever, as their international isolation pushes the two staunch US foes toward more trade and military cooperation, alarming Washington.

In July, Iran became the world’s largest buyer of Russian wheat. This month, Russia launched an Iranian satellite into space, a rare success for Tehran’s space program. And last week, the Iranian military held joint drone exercises with Russian forces, as the United States warns that Moscow is preparing to receive Iranian drones for use in the war in Ukraine.

The flurry of activity shows how the war in Ukraine has accelerated efforts to bring Russia and Iran closer together, which have often spoken of closer ties but with little results. Both states share an opposition to a US-led world order and both suffer from harsh US sanctions. But until this year, their relationship had been weighed down by competing agendas in Syria, Iran’s historic suspicion of foreign interference, and Russia’s historic role as the dominant power in Central Asia and the Caucasus.
A closer Russia-Iran alliance would help both countries mitigate the impact of Western sanctions by finding new markets for their products and strengthening military cooperation that could help Moscow’s war in Ukraine and regional activities. from Tehran to the Middle East. US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan recently called the burgeoning relationship between Russia and Iran a “deep threat”.
The growing ties were punctuated by Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Tehran in July, on his second trip abroad since ordering the February 24 invasion of Ukraine. Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi visited Moscow in January, when the two countries pledged and military cooperation.

Overall, bilateral trade has increased by 10% between Russia and Iran this year. In 2021, trade between the two countries jumped 80% to $4 billion, according to Russia.

Some observers say that apart from food and military cooperation, the relationship still has a long way to go. China traded $14.8 billion worth of non-oil goods and services with Tehran last year, according to Beijing customs statistics, and the two countries have a 25-year $400 billion trade deal. China is also a big consumer of Russian oil which is shunned in much of the Western world.

Esfandyar Batmanghelidj, managing director of the Stock Exchange & Bazaar Foundation, a think tank focused on economic diplomacy, said a revived nuclear deal – which Washington and Tehran appear close to concluding – could spur more Russian investment in Iran.

Russians have flocked to the Islamic Republic in recent months, often to discuss ways around sanctions, Iranian businessmen say. Russian is often heard in shops and hotels in Tehran these days, as Iran remains open to Russian travelers who have been cut off from much of the West.

At the city’s grand bazaar, Hossein, a carpet seller, said the number of Russian customers had doubled since February and now accounted for half of his clientele. In the lobby of a luxury hotel in Tehran, the only Europeans were Russians who brought their laptops for a business meeting with Iranians in black suits.

Deals on the table include Iran selling clothes to Russian buyers to replace Western brands and auto parts to struggling Russian automakers. Discussions have taken place on an export corridor from Russia to India via Iran and on the establishment of a banking system completely immune to American sanctions.

Tehran’s state-run National Iranian Oil Co. has also signed a deal with Russian energy giant Gazprom PJSC to invest $40 billion in Iran’s natural gas industry.

Both countries badly need trade partners, even if they are limited in their ability to help each other. The International Monetary Fund predicts that Russia’s gross domestic product will contract by 6% this year. The IMF expects Iran’s GDP to grow by 3% this year, but the country is struggling with 50% inflation and a currency that has hit a record high against the US dollar this year.

Iran is offering Russia its expertise to avoid Western sanctions while Moscow appears to have given Iran the preference for agricultural exports amid fears of food shortages.

Among the biggest signs of warming economic ties: Iran overtook Egypt and Turkey as Russia’s top wheat buyer in July, picking up twice as much as those two countries with shipments of 360 000 metric tons, according to data intelligence firm Kpler.

Iran and Russia have both struggled to find banks to handle their commodity deals, trade experts say. Their booming trade is a marriage of convenience at a time when European traders are avoiding new contracts for Russian grain and other commodities.

“Iran can only buy wheat from a limited number of sources,” said Masha Belikova, a grain analyst at commodity pricing agency Fastmarkets in London. “When the war broke out, Russia was the target of sanctions and had to deal with payment problems. Iran was one of the few countries willing to accept “such a political risk”.

Iran’s hardline Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps is holding a military unmanned aerial vehicle, or UAV, competition with the Russian military at their Kashan airbase, south of Tehran. Iranian state television showed IRGC members displaying Russian flags as they led a parade of soldiers from Moscow.

The White House has alleged that Iran hosted a Russian delegation in Kashan in June to showcase its attack drones. He says Iran is training Russian soldiers to potentially use the weapons in Ukraine.

Tehran-designed drone technologies have become a key instrument of asymmetric attacks carried out by the Islamic Republic against Saudi oil fields and by allies in the Gaza Strip, Iraq and Yemen.

Tehran denies Russia’s war aid plans in Ukraine. Brig. General Ali Balali, a senior IRGC air force officer, said last week that the drone drills were aimed at combating global terrorism. The military drone competition, which also involves Russian allies Armenia and Belarus, was first launched in 2015 but is normally hosted in the former Soviet Union rather than Iran.

On August 9, Russia launched an Iranian satellite from a facility it controls in Kazakhstan. Iran says the satellite will help strengthen “management and planning capabilities” in the fields of agriculture, water resources, disaster management or border surveillance.

The United States suspects the satellite could be used by Tehran to help monitor Ukrainian troop movements.
Watch your mouth! Salar is a respected member of this forum who never insults people when he makes his arguments...he just puts the writing on the wall for you and you resort to ad hominem because of a sore arse. You have the geopolitical insight of a gnat. Iran is making power moves. There is also hadeeth of Muslims uniting with Christians against a common enemy. Nothing wrong with being civil with people of the book who don't want your destruction.
Quran itself has a verse forbidding alliances with judeo-christians. You and @SalarHaqq want to disregard and go against the command of Allah now? Have you gone stark raving mad?

We are a client and Russia is a vendor and in other cases a technological and economic partner. It will not come to our help if we were sinking...it proved this with Cuba and North Korea as well in the past.

And you should see what these "people of the book" think of Muslims. Go ask what kind of names they have for North Caucasians and how they exploit them...you're not immune from that either.

No problem bro, i would add his main premise is false about alliance with ortodox as some thing that will help muslim to get rid of western claws of muslim world, i find it delusional same as what arabs do with siding with west blindly just because they fear Iran.
No, but there is nuance in, russia is not you friend either you simply share some common interests in the moment, they show their double face in syria which ally/friend allows and tolerate constant attacks on your assets and to be blunt i consider russia also part as zionist block right now out of the control but still. if you look on settlers structure in modern time russian contribution is significant and they did not at any moment discouraged their citizens to occupy palestinian lands or severed ties with israel because of it.
so, i understand real politic and lesser evil thing and all i said that should not be to enthusiastic about it as the things changed fundamentally.

I know and we appreciate it, also i am fully aware that we did some things because of those you could forget on us completely but you understood context broadly and did not happen.

that will not happen, we are one of the rare muslim communities which is above that narrative due long time existential threat and we actually suffer because all this sunni/shia divergence and disunity among muslims, so we will not add any more fuel to the fire for sure.

understand that, you shoud juice that opportunity as much as you could but not falling in their orbit doing so.

regarding ukraina, honestly i support their fight on principle level, imagine hypotetical scenario that turkyie is in position of russia with all their attributes and iran is like ukraina and they start to mess with azeris and encourage them to separate from iran without really valid justification and against established international norms, you are smart enough to conclude that is not the right thing,
on the other hand that does not mean that i should not be bothered by double standards and lack of honesty in day by day approach and what particulary bothers me is their tolerance and support for putin allies in balkan and in my state while they add gasoline in ukraina, i mean, if the russia is the enemy show consistence out of the ukraina to if you want to be credible and trustworthy.
It is believed this imran hossein character was caught by his ex-wife viewing a russian pornographic film. Explains his attitude, certainly.

Bosnia is very special for me, not least because it was the theater in which the Ghods Force of the Sepah debuted. I hope no war with the sewerbians (🇷🇸) comes but in case it does, Iran should throw everything into defending BiH.

I want every war crime the sewerbians committed avenged with ten times the brutality of the original.
Quran itself has a verse forbidding alliances with judeo-christians. You and @SalarHaqq want to disregard and go against the command of Allah now? Have you gone stark raving mad?

Who are those "Judeo-Christians"? Because so-called Judeo-Christianism is a rather flimsy concept which was coined or at the very least popularized by zionists and their supporters. Traditionalist (non-zionist) Christians in numerous denominations have starkly taken issue with the term. Unsurprisingly, the Holy Qur'an makes no mention of it.

Furthermore and as we discussed with brother Daylamite Warrior above, scholars have explained that what the Qur'an forbids is for Muslims to befriend or take as protectors an alliance of Jews and Christians. Now in spite of their (worsening) bilateral relations, Russia and the zionist entity aren't considered as actual allies nor is there a formal alliance between them. Under the present international system, it's the USA and zionist regime which fit the criterion.

Nor has any one of us suggested Iran and Russia ought to enter a full fledged alliance. We, just like our Supreme Leader, would like to see mutual partnerships expand to their historically highest levels.
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Nor has any one of us suggested Iran and Russia ought to enter a full fledged alliance. We, just like our Supreme Leader, would like to see mutual partnerships expand to their historically highest levels.
As long as it remains limited to this, I have no problem whatsoever.
Quran itself has a verse forbidding alliances with judeo-christians. You and @SalarHaqq want to disregard and go against the command of Allah now? Have you gone stark raving mad?

We are a client and Russia is a vendor and in other cases a technological and economic partner. It will not come to our help if we were sinking...it proved this with Cuba and North Korea as well in the past.

And you should see what these "people of the book" think of Muslims. Go ask what kind of names they have for North Caucasians and how they exploit them...you're not immune from that either.

Yes the Quran says not to take the Jews and Christians as awliya which means that we shouldnt be relying on them to protect us or to become allied with them (Arab states ahem!). Thats the default. Now some scholars say if out of desperation you need to fight a common enemy and ally with them, then you can do it same as how we can eat pork out of desperation etc. This is an issue of dispute. But I agree, the Quran is steering us to be united and fully Islamic...but we are in the age of fitnah and nation states drawn up by taghut.

However Quran and Sunnah doesnt forbid us from dealing with non-believers justly, especially those who are good to us and don't drive us away from our homes. That means we can trade and be cordial with them provided there is genuine reciprocity. The Muslims traded with the polytheists during the time of the Prophet.

Yes there is a lot of racist sentiment amongst them, a lot of it is to do with the Ottomans, and in turn the Ottomans were harsh on them because of the Crusades. Greeks especially are someone of the most Islamophobic and racist.

Where Imran Hossein is basing all his over-pandering to the Orthodox Christian is based on a hadeeth that in the end times Muslims will unite with Rome to fight a common enemy. He has identified Rome to be Russia as the inheritors of Byzantine Orthodox Roman empire. There are issues with this. Firstly, he forgets to mention that after this alliance the Muslims will fight the Christian Romans over what the factor for victory was, Allah or the cross, and Muslims will be victorious and regain Constantinople. He needs to be honest with these Orthodox and give them the full picture. Also Rome will come with 80 flags, and that sounds like NATO or US led. Russia couldnt muster 2 or 3 flags if it tried, imo.

So now you know my stance on the issue. Im trying to think who the common enemy of the Muslims and the West is. Some radical Sunnis say west and Arabs will unite against Iran, some including Imran Hussein say Russia and Muslims will unite to fight the west et al.

Personally I think a Muslim should not side with anyone, be patient, until the khurooj of Al Mahdi (Alyahi Salaam).

I also never said Russia will send troops and fight for us...but they will be shipping plenty of arms via Caspian sea. They have seen how the west is arming Ukraine and they wont forget that. That would be huge for Iran and why I likened an engagement between the west and Iran with Vietnam but on steroids.
Yes the Quran says not to take the Jews and Christians as awliya which means that we shouldnt be relying on them to protect us or to become allied with them (Arab states ahem!). Thats the default. Now some scholars say if out of desperation you need to fight a common enemy and ally with them, then you can do it same as how we can eat pork out of desperation etc. This is an issue of dispute. But I agree, the Quran is steering us to be united and fully Islamic...but we are in the age of fitnah and nation states drawn up by taghut.

However Quran and Sunnah doesnt forbid us from dealing with non-believers justly, especially those who are good to us and don't drive us away from our homes. That means we can trade and be cordial with them. The Muslims traded with the polytheists during the time of the Prophet.

Yes there is a lot of racist sentiment amongst them, a lot of it is to do with the Ottomans, and in tern the Ottomans were harsh on them because of the Crusades. Greeks especially are someone of the most Islamophobic and racist.

Where Imran Hossein is basing all his over-pandering to the Orthodox Christian is based on a hadeeth that in the end times Muslims will unite with Rome to fight a common enemy. He has identified Rome to be Russia as the inheritors of Byzantine Orthodox Roman empire. There are issues with this. Firstly, he forgets to mention that afyer tjis alliance the Muslims will fight rhe Christian Romans over who was victorious, Allah or the cross, and Muslims will be victorious and regain Constantinople. He needs to be honest with these Orthodox and give them the full picture. Also Rome will come with 80 flags, and that sounds like NATO or US led. Russia couldnt muster 2 or 3 flags if it tried, imo.

So now you know my stance on the issue. Im trying to think who the common enemy of the Muslims and the West is. Some radical Sunnis say west and Arabs will unite against Iran, some including Imran Hussein say Russia and Muslims will unite to fight the west et al.

Personally I think a Muslim should not side with anyone, be patient, until the khurooj of Al Mahdi (Alyahi Salaam).

I also never said Russia will send troops and fight for us...but they will be shipping plenty of arms via Caspian sea. They have seen how the west is arming Ukraine and they wont forget that. That would be huge for Iran and why I likened an engagement between the west and Iran with Vietnam but on steroids.
I agree wholeheartedly, brother. Although to tell you the truth, russian xenophobia isn't from some bad experience - if it was so, they should hate mongols but they in fact worship them. It comes from a misplaced superiority complex.

Insha-Allah, the Emam {ATFS} will return and deliver us all.
I agree wholeheartedly, brother. Although to tell you the truth, russian xenophobia isn't from some bad experience - if it was so, they should hate mongols but they in fact worship them. It comes from a misplaced superiority complex.

Insha-Allah, the Emam {ATFS} will return and deliver us all.

Bare in mind, the Russians have that white northern european blood, plus some Greek blood too, and aryan blood thrown in there and these are 3 potentially racist cultures. That said I think Putin is trying to unite the different ethnicities in his country. I mean their indegenous people are Mongolic so I can see why they have high regards for them.

Inshallah, ameen.
Bare in mind, the Russians have that white northern european blood, plus some Greek blood too, and aryan blood thrown in there and these are 3 potentially racist cultures. That said I think Putin is trying to unite the different ethnicities in his country. I mean their indegenous people are Mongolic so I can see why they have high regards for them.

Inshallah, ameen.
Truthfully, I care zilch about what russians think about me or anyone else. I've had experience with them and they're hesitant to fight unless they're drunk, have numbers or both. Rather, they resort to insults and then retreat if the situation is bad for them.

My problem is that I don't want them to be put in a position where they can do to Iran what they did to Havana in 1962 or Pyongyang in 1992. The roadmap for bilateral ties with them needs to be planned carefully with contingencies and a killswitch.
Truthfully, I care zilch about what russians think about me or anyone else. I've had experience with them and they're hesitant to fight unless they're drunk, have numbers or both. Rather, they resort to insults and then retreat if the situation is bad for them.

My problem is that I don't want them to be put in a position where they can do to Iran what they did to Havana in 1962 or Pyongyang in 1992. The roadmap for bilateral ties with them needs to be planned carefully with contingencies and a killswitch.

Well that's your opinion, but Islamically what Iran is doing is permissible provided innocent Muslims arent affected.
Iran to export cars to Russia 2022

Magnificent. In keeping with our beloved Leader's statement, we need to boost bilateral trade with the Russian Federation. And it's happening right now as we speak, much to the despair of the pro-western crowd, enraged as they are at this brilliant example of a partnership on equal footing with an adversary of NATO. To these people, the only conceivable form of interaction with any outside power is complete subjugation and vassalage on Iran's part, namely to the west. Hence their quasi-systematic, sometimes unavowed and sometimes openly exhibited nostalgia for the shah era, when Iranian sovereignty and independence were getting stomped upon by the USA and the zionists. The Islamic Republic is showing how it's done.
Those cars looks really good, how they are positioned in terms of safety, electronics and additional equioment in comparation with western brands?
Safety is medium, electrics and additional equipments are almost good but not in class of Volvo, Benz and BMW

After all they are economical cars but very luxury and with some additional equipments and overally good

They can work for a decade without any major issues like Japanese cars and slightly better than Chinese cars
Those cars looks really good, how they are positioned in terms of safety, electronics and additional equioment in comparation with western brands?
about safety these cars are not too long on the market and there are in limited amount in streets so you can't talk about their safety or build quality .
but let just say Iran-Khodro and saipa at best can be considred between low-medium to Medium when it come to quality control in their production lines it sort of hit and miss if you are lucky the car work for you for years to come without problem but if you are unlucky you may get a faulty car at the time you buy it and then you face the problem of getting it fixed and finding part for it many of spare parts on the market are not quality products but fake copy that you my not be able to find at first glance , sadly many repair shop even the one that are supposed to work with the auto makers don't use quality parts when they service it and a normal average person have no way to understand it .
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