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Mossad and UAE in action. Time for missiles to rain down on unoccipied military bases in the Emirates.
Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) affiliated Telegram Channels are reporting that Iranian Nuclear Scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh-Mahabadi has died due to an assassination in Absard, Damavand County, Tehran. Reports are unconfirmed at this moment in time. Reports are circulating that an Iranian nuclear scientist has been assassinated in Absard, Iran on social media sites. The reports claimed that Iranian Nuclear Scientist Mohsen Fakhri Zade has died due to an assassination.


Who is Mohsen Fakhrizadeh-Mahabadi

Mohsen Fakhrizadeh-Mahabadi (محسن فخری‌زاده) (born c. 1961) is an Iranian officer in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and a Professor of physics at the Imam Hussein University, Tehran. Fakhrizadeh-Mahabadi has been subject to a UN Security Council asset freeze and travel notification requirements because the Council says the IAEA has asked to interview Fakhrizadeh-Mahabadi and Iran has refused to make him available. According to the UN designation, Fakhrizadeh-Mahabadi is a senior Ministry of Defence and Armed Forces Logistics scientist and former head of the Physics Research Center (PHRC). The IAEA has asked to interview him about the activities of the PHRC over the period he was head, but he had refused.

Western intelligence notes

Western intelligence charges he is or was the man in charge of Iran’s nuclear programme, Project 111. Western powers assert Project 111 is or was an attempt to create a nuclear bomb for Iran, though Iran claims its program is solely for civilian purposes and that the information provided by Western intelligence agencies is fake or forged. According to the New York Times, Mr. Fakrizadeh is described in classified portions of American intelligence reports as deeply involved in an effort to design a nuclear warhead for Iran. The United States is reportedly keeping pressure on him.

An internal 2007 Iranian document leaked

An internal 2007 Iranian document leaked to the Sunday Times identified Fakhrizadeh as the chairman of the Field for the Expansion of Deployment of Advanced Technology (FEDAT), the cover name for the organization running Iran’s nuclear weapons programme. The document, entitled Outlook for special neutron-related activities over the next 4 years, lays out a four-year plan to develop a uranium deuteride neutron initiator.

So many iranian scientists have been assassinated by joos and yet there's hardly any retaliations from iranian sides.
Iranians are nothing but hot air, so much talk and so little action.
If indians tried to do anything funny with our scientists I am damn as hell sure their scientists' head would be rolling in streets of Delhi and Mumbai.
Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was always under threat, even Netanyahu mentioned him by name.

We have to wait for official confirmation
If he is dead then RIP...I just hope one thing..I hope the Iranian officials keep their mouth shut and do not as usual line up and shout Revenge BS....Do the revenge first then open your mouth...Keep your big mouths shut for now and just grieve his passing if that is what happend.
They killed 6 of them and no one paid a price so here we go..next!
If there is a war, then Pakistan will unfortunately be dragged in, be it by direct conventional means or by mossad/raw/cia proxies crossing the Balochistan border.
So many iranian scientists have been assassinated by joos and yet there's hardly any retaliations from iranian sides.
Iranians are nothing but hot air, so much talk and so little action.
If indians tried to do anything funny with our scientists I am damn as hell sure their scientists' head would be rolling in streets of Delhi and Mumbai.

The Iranians are full of hot air alot of the time, they lack to ability to hit or respond to anything meaningful. If the strikes last year on airbases were lame compared to the cost that Iran bore. Israel will get away with this, without issue.

It is suprising how freely Israel can operate in Iran, and not the reverse.

Thankfully, the Indians are smart enough to understand if they tried any funny business with us, we will respond in kind, then with interest!!!
The Iranians are full of hot air alot of the time, they lack to ability to hit or respond to anything meaningful. If the strikes last year on airbases were lame compared to the cost that Iran bore. Israel will get away with this, without issue.

It is suprising how freely Israel can operate in Iran, and not the reverse.

Thankfully, the Indians are smart enough to understand if they tried any funny business with us, we will respond in kind, then with interest!!!
Can you imagine indian airforce crossing border and killing Pakistanis at whim. PAF would lay waste to their FOB. Iranians need to retaliate and retaliate hard this is the only way to make your enemies fear you.
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