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Iran's Infrastructure projects...

This project is a game changer, and shows (once again), the vision that Iranian leaders have.

To all those people on PDF who think Iran would "never close the strait of Hormuz", JUST WAIT. You thought Iran had fake weapons until they started causing real pain, now you will think Iran is bluffing about closing the strait, but now we know its a real possibility, and as always, Iran will close the strait only when certain red lines are crossed, because Iran has little natural motivation to do such an act.

But if you come from afar, and make the mistake of sitting your "advanced aesa radar having frigate blah blah" inside the persian gulf, if Iran locks that strait, the warships are only sitting ducks. Iran can decide at anytime when they will visit the bottom of the gulf, afterall its shallow.
I agree...beside some real economic benefits of this project the political/military motivation for this project was so immense that it was done in ONE year...fast and furious for Iran.. apparently the Oil minister was personally following the progress of the project.:cheers:
I agree...beside some real economic benefits of this project the political/military motivation for this project was so immense that it was done in ONE year...fast and furious for Iran.. apparently the Oil minister was personally following the progress of the project.:cheers:

Alllsooooooooooo....i'm also wondering if these projects are "prefunding" related to the startegic China-Iran deal recently signed? Anyone who thinks that deal is fake or isnt leading to a streeeaaam of $billions moving from China to Iran, you're surely not up to speed as required or you're a conpsiracy theorist masking as an intellectual (1 or 2 might spring up, lets see).
And here is one infrastructure facility to advance Iranian basic science. This facility will be part of Iran's "National Accelerator Project".

Iran launches first phase of large-scale light source facility project
Wednesday, 21 July 2021 8:28 AM [ Last Update: Wednesday, 21 July 2021 9:44 AM ]

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

An illustration of the Iranian light source facility that will be built in the city of Qazvin.
Iran has launched the first phase of constructing its first-ever light source facility designed by Iranian experts, in what has been described as the largest technological project in the country’s scientific history.
The national accelerator project was launched during a ceremony on Wednesday, with Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi and Sorena Sattari, vice president for science and technology, in attendance.
Synchrotron first invented by American physicist Luis Walter Alvarez, is a type of particle accelerator in the form of a circular ring that generates electromagnetic radiation.
The synchrotron radiation provides a powerful possibility for studying the molecular structure and changes in the shape and composition of cells during chemical reactions. It is used in various research and applied fields in physics, electronics, medical sciences, radiotherapy, pharmacology, industry, biology, environment, and archeology, among others.
The Iranian light source facility project has been designed as the first large-scale laboratory for nanotechnology research and interdisciplinary studies in Iran and is meant to meet the technical and professional needs of scientists and researchers.
The first stage of the plan involves its general, conceptual and infrastructural design, and the second step will feature the formation of research and development (R&D) units.
Iran’s light source facility includes an electron storage ring with a circumference of 528 meters, in which electrons are stored with an energy of 3 gigaelectron-volts (GeV), current of 400 milliampers (mA) and emission of 0.477 nanometers (nm).
It will be established north of Imam Khomeini International University (IKIU) in the city of Qazvin in an area of 50 hectares, with some facilities already set up there.
Currently, physicists and engineers with different specialties are directly working on the project. Additionally, about 200 scientists, researchers and professors from various universities, scientific centers and industrial companies in Iran and abroad are contributing to the plan.
and a video to show you more of the future facility.
Wouldn't it make more sense to build thermal power plants instead given how cheap gas is for Iran and how sparse water is?
Wouldn't it make more sense to build thermal power plants instead given how cheap gas is for Iran and how sparse water is?
You are right..Iran should be building Thermal plants close to population centers (connected to the grid) and small to medium size solar/wind power plant in rural areas...Keep in mind that the cost of Power transmission from point A to point B is sometimes higher than the cost of plant itself..in a vast country such as Iran a small town can benefit from a stand alone small solar plant "not connected to the Grid"...Solar cells sheets are such a low tech industry (relatively!) that Iran should be manufacturing them in millions..for a country with so much sun energy and so much natural gas we should not be talking about lack of power . If you have cheap power you can pump water from the sea desalinate and distribute...ALL that it takes is Planning ...labour and pipes and pumps and etc all made in Iran no need for hard $$$ so no excuse because of sanction.

I was reading the statements from current Minister in charge of power and water saying Iran has 1/3 of world average rainfall so that is why we have water shortage..Someone should remind this moron that YOU are the man in charge why didn't you plan accordingly..Your job is not to recite statistic it is to do something about it..lol...Yes Iran needs Leadership in economics matters and that has been lacking.:undecided::undecided:
The best solution for desalination plants are for them to be powered by renewable energy, not fossil fuels / carbon fuels, otherwise it's detrimental to the environment anyways.

Also using pressure/filtration to desalinate is much more enviromentaly friendly as opposed to boiling the water with heat. The issue then becomes what to do with all the left over salt water.

Fortunately many plants (including some types of tomatoes) can be grown with saline water. The alternative is to dump the waste back in the ocean, but that can hurt the life found in the ocean.

The entire process requires careful planning and can lead to difficulties when too much saline waste is produced.

This documentary goes over it very well.

I really hope for these desalination plants to be completed among power plants that we need to solve some water and power issues facing the country. I’d love to see Zayandeh rud with a streaming river again.
Iran has more natural gas than any country on earth. Iran is no 1 when it comes to natural gas reserves. For a long time people thought it was no2 but no its number 1. However natural gas extraction is not good for the environment. Iran has massive potential for renewable energy. I believe that that's the best long term solution for Iran, renewables and a combination of other methods

Wouldn't it make more sense to build thermal power plants instead given how cheap gas is for Iran and how sparse water is?
Iran has more natural gas than any country on earth. Iran is no 1 when it comes to natural gas reserves. For a long time people thought it was no2 but no its number 1.
I dont believe this is correct. To start off with, Russia has more gas than Iran. But other than Russia, Iran is next in line, even Wikipedia shows that.
I dont believe this is correct. To start off with, Russia has more gas than Iran. But other than Russia, Iran is next in line, even Wikipedia shows that.
I dont believe this is correct. To start off with, Russia has more gas than Iran. But other than Russia, Iran is next in line, even Wikipedia shows that.
Few years back with discovery of new gas reserves Iran indeed became no1 reserve holder ..Russia certainly is no 1 producer of the gas..the reserve figures are dynamic and change with new discoveries..I am not up to date on that but wicki should not be considered a good up to date source on the subject.
Note: Iran is no 1 gas and oil reserve combined...it is called Barrel of Oil Equivalent or BOE ..
I think it is appropriate to put this news in this thread...few historical notes about this massive railway project.

It started in 1927 under Reza Shah..British refused to finance and build it unless it was an East- West corridor instead of North South..This was because British wanted to connect to their colony in India. Iran wanted north-south to unite the country and have access to the Persian Gulf. So Iranian financed it by having a heavy tax on Tea and tobacco.. Germans produced the material s and engineering and Iranians built it and it took 11 years.( I have seen video of its construction ..not a bad quality )
Trans-Iranian Railway now on UNESCO’s World Heritage Site
Sunday, 25 July 2021 3:32 PM [ Last Update: Sunday, 25 July 2021 4:18 PM ]

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

The UNESCO designates the Trans-Iranian Railway as a World Heritage Site.
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) have designated the Trans-Iranian Railway a World Heritage Site.
The designation was finalized during a Sunday meeting of UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee, according to a statement on the UN body’s website.
“The railway is notable for its scale and the engineering works it required to overcome steep routes and other difficulties,” read part of the statement on the listing.
The committee inscribed three other sites from China, India and Spain on its World Heritage List on Sunday.
The Trans-Iranian Railway is locally known as the Rah-Ahan Shomal-Jonub which literally translates as North-South Railway. It was completed in 1938 after 11 years of construction which involved massive works on mountains and terrains up and down the country.
The masterpiece of engineering spans 1,394 kilometers from the Caspian Sea to the Persian Gulf and goes through several climate regions that are home to people from various ethnic and linguistic backgrounds. The railway is now the 25th Iranian title on the World Heritage List. That makes the country one of the richest in the world in terms of the protection of cultural heritage.
CEO of Islamic Republic of Iran Railways Saeid Rasouli hailed the listing as a great achievement for Iran’s transportation sector.
Rasouli told the semi-official Fars news agency on Sunday that Iran had become only the fifth country in the world with a railway designated as a world heritage site.
“This creates a valuable opportunity for the country’s tourism sector and we hope we could benefit the most from this opportunity,” said the official, adding that UNESCO experts had been convinced during a October 2019 visit to Iran that the Trans-Iranian Railway should be promoted to the status of a global heritage site.

Indeed, their are plenty of available ideas. For some reason this country is addicted to dam building when the current size of the population outweigh the supply/consumption of water. We are not the US, or UK where we can have hundreds of dams. They utilized a natural resource of their flowing rivers to develop their country, we have the sun as our natural resource. F***ing use it!

It may not be very efficient, but as you said many local towns and villages can greatly benefit from this technology without even needing large plants for the main cities. Heck, if we need Chinese panels it'll do fine, they have enormous solar farms.

I don't want to pretend I'm knowledge in the area, but if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, then it probably is a duck, in this case, it looks and is f***ing stupid what they've been doing
Iran has more natural gas than any country on earth. Iran is no 1 when it comes to natural gas reserves. For a long time people thought it was no2 but no its number 1. However natural gas extraction is not good for the environment. Iran has massive potential for renewable energy. I believe that that's the best long term solution for Iran, renewables and a combination of other methods
Anything is better than dam building at the moment.

Interesting news about Infrastructure in Iran.(sorry only farsi print is available to me).

For the first time in Iran the the methodology of construction will be altered via a Strategic and national project to optimize the construction of buildings . Modular techniques tailored to Iranian tradition will be introduced. for example a building that take 3 years to complete with the current techniques will be done in 6 months...

I think the rumors of one million housing units per year under new government may not be rumors after all..lol

here is the report in farsi
آغاز پروژه ملی «طرح صنعتی‌سازی ساختمان توسط وزارت

قالیباف حاتمی

با حضور رئیس مجلس شورای اسلامی و وزیر دفاع و پشتیبانی نیروهای مسلح، طرح ملی صنعتی سازی ساختمان توسط وزارت دفاع افتتاح شد.
به گزارش مشرق، طرح ملی صنعتی‌سازی ساختمان توسط وزارت دفاع صبح امروز(دوشنبه) طی مراسمی با حضور محمد باقر قالیباف رئیس مجلس شورای اسلامی و امیر حاتمی وزیر دفاع و پشتیبانی نیروهای مسلح افتتاح شد.
این پروژه به عنوان یک طرح استراتژیک برای تغییر ریل ساختمان سازی کشور در وزارت دفاع و پشتیبانی نیروهای مسلح که با حمایت ستاد کل نیروهای مسلح از مهرماه سال ۹۸ آغاز شده و طی آن کشور به دانش طراحی ساخت و نصب ساختمان های مدولار که تاکنون در انحصار دو یا سه کشور بوده، دست یافته است.
در این طرح، چرخه احداث یک ساختمان ۱۲ طبقه با زیر بنای حدود ۱۱هزار متر مربع با ظرفیت تقریبی ۷۰ واحد آپارتمان از ۳ سال به حداکثر ۶ ماه کاهش می یابد.

این طرح مطابق با آیین‌نامه‌های روز دنیا طراحی و از نظر کاهش مصرف انرژی، عایق بندی صوتی و حرارتی، زلزله و آتش سوزی بسیار مناسب است و قیمت تمام شده آن نیز مناسب‌تر از سایر روش‌های مرسوم است.
آغاز پروژه ملی «طرح صنعتی‌سازی ساختمان توسط وزارت دفاع»

در این نوع ساختمان‌ها پرت انرژی به شدت کاهش یافته و نسبت به سیستم سنتی اسکلت فلزی متداول در کشور قیمت تمام شده آن ارزان تر خواهد بود.
در معماری این ساختمان‌ها آرامش، آسایش، سبک و الگوی جدیدِ مطابق با فرهنگ اصیل ایرانی اسلامی رعایت شده است.
با ایجاد حجم های هندسی مناسب در پلان، نمای ساختمان از مطلوبیت بصری برخوردار گشته و قابلیت تطابق با بافت و اقلیم مناطق مختلف کشور نیز مدنظر قرار گرفته شده است.
تولید و ثبات دانش فنی، طراحی فرآیند تولید، طراحی ماشین آلات خطوط تولید و مونتاژ کارخانه در زمینی به مساحت ۳۰۰ هزار متر مربع و ۷۰ هزار متر زیر بنا با ایجاد زیر ساخت بسیار مناسب از جمله انتقال آب غیر شرب و انشعابات گاز و برق و ۲۳۰ هزار متر مربع احداث خیابان های ارتباطی، فضای سبز، شبکه روشنایی و محوطه سازی، همگی توسط متخصصین متعهد و نخبه داخلی در کوتاه ترین زمان ممکن محقق گردید و در تابستان امسال شاهد ساخت اولین بلوک ۱۲ طبقه با این روش خواهیم بود.
منبع: مهر
Tehran_shomal freeway
One of Iran's mega road projects, the 121 kilometer Tehran–Shomal Freeway connects Tehran to the Caspian shore region up north. The freeway crosses some of the most mountainous terrain in Iran. The project is divided in four sections with two sections already completed. This freeway is Iran's most expensive and complicated road project and has been in the works for more than 15 years. The final cost of this freeway will exceed Billions of dollars .
There are numerous tunnels and bridges that have to be built in the mountains including Iran's largest road tunnel "ALBORZ" which is indeed a 3 tunnel system.

The section 4 was completed during Ahamdinejad presidency and section 1 was completed during Rouhanni presidency at a (cost of section 1 is at $1billion dollars).

Section 2 and 3 are the most difficult and Albors tunnel is in this section 2. ....70% of section 2 is all tunnels. 59 tunnels and 30 bridges just on this section alone.

The end of section 4 is the north caspian region (completed)


Section 1 is the Tehran region (completed):




one section of the Alobrz tunnel is now ready for operation and will be opened in the next few days.

ALBORZ tunnel 6.5 km long (Three tunnel system) Eastern tunnel, Western tunnel and Interconnect tunnel also service tunnels and emergency Parking spaces.


I will update this project as the data becomes available.

More photos of the Alborz tunnel 6.5 kilometers long and in two directions. The tunnel will be put through operations tomorrow July 29,2021.





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270 Km Yazd - Eghlid Rail road becomes operational
Estimated cost: $2 billion (have to verify this later!)
Contractor : IRGC construction corp (Khatam)
  • First Iron ore cargo train heads to Fars steel mill via this line;
  • One of the longest network interconnect lines.
  • 12 station including one passenger station (5 becomes operational);
  • Travel time reductio: 4 hours;
  • Travel distance reduction: 310 kilometer;
  • up to 3 million passengers will use this line.
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