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Is there a list on PDF with prohibited media outlets?

Your actions are similar to an indian. You can paint it however you want it, you are still an indian, and your actions/intention on this forum show that.

I would dare you to give examples of this and then give me the chance to reply.
I would dare you to give examples of this and then give me the chance to reply.

If you want to not have your threads banned, here are some suggestions.

1. Is the source credible? Is it possible this is fake news?

2. Is it possible this source is planted by RAW, Mossad?

3. Can this inflame sentiments of Muslims and/or Pakistanis on PDF? Is the article offensive to the sensibilities of PDF readership.

I am saying this because recently all of your posts regarding Palestine, Pakistan, and other topics have fallen into those categories.

In short, you are spamming offensive content on our forum.

You still need to learn a lot.

Think about it.

What if everyone on PDF only posted articles about how great Muslims are and Pakistanis.

This would be good for your ego, but would you learn from this?

I do not think so.

It is good for PDF to have articles that are critical of Muslims and Pakistan.

These articles helps you to reflect on the current state of Muslims and Pakistan.

They help you to understand what needs to be changed and improved.

It is also good for PDF to have articles with different points of view.

Different point of view keep the debate alive, instead of one view for the whole forum, which will have it result in being an echo chamber.

Different points of view might also include that of your enemy or enemies.

Do you not want to know how your enemy thinks?

You who praises Muslim leaders from the past.

Do you not think that these Muslim leaders knew how strategically important it was to know how the enemy thinks?

You praise them, but you do not learn from them.
You still need to learn a lot.

Sure, but not from your bogus threads.

You are focusing on one point and ignoring the rest of the points. Let me stop you before you go further in your moral preaching.

I mean here specifically two types of threads which you posted: ones where you are supporting and relishing recognition of Israel, and other threads where you post propaganda of terror and separatist groups in Pakistan.

Those will earn you ire of Muslims and Pakistanis.

We were neither an echo chamber before you came, nor are we going to be one after you leave. That applies to all Indians too, since you guys feel it justifies your antics here.

You who praises Muslim leaders from the past.

Do you not think that these Muslim leaders knew how strategically important it was to know how the enemy thinks?

You praise them, but you do not learn from them.

What are you on, man? Get down from your high horse.

I can praise anyone I wish, how is that applicable here?

Your threads are locked because you post from dubious propaganda sources to push your narrative and agenda.

Try using reuters more often or some neutral sources. Try to post verified news only.
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You are focusing on one point and ignoring the rest of the points. Let me stop you before you go further in your moral preaching.

I mean here specifically two types of threads which you posted: ones where you are supporting and relishing recognition of Israel, and other threads where you post propaganda of terror and separatist groups in Pakistan.

I was not supporting and relishing in recognition of Israel.
I was posting news related to the agreement.
Besides, do you not want to what other countries think (whether they are friend or foe) ?
It might be that countries that you (or Pakistan) see as friends support the agreement (which some did).
Do you not want to know this?
Do you not want to know who the traitors are?

Then, on propaganda of terror and separatist groups in Pakistan, can you give me a concrete example?

We were neither an echo chamber before you came, nor are we going to be one after you leave. That applies to all Indians too, since you guys feel it justifies your antics here.

I believe that PDF was not an echo chamber before.
But if you want to silence everyone who posts articles critical of Muslims and / or Pakistan, then it will eventually become an echo chamber.

What are you on, man? Get down from your high horse.

I can praise anyone I wish, how is that applicable here?

What I was trying to say is, if you want to win a war against you enemy you need to know how that enemy says and thinks.
Ignoring what the enemy says and how he thinks, will result in ignorance and failure on your part.

I know that many Muslim leaders knew the importance of knowing your enemy.
You praise them, but you do not learn from them.

If you would have learned from them, then you would not want to ban all information coming from your enemy.

Try using reuters more often or some neutral sources. Try to post verified news only.

I already do.
Many posts are from Reuters, other news agencies or based on feed from the agencies.
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You have your own thoughts, I just gave you some concrete advice.

You can choose to change some posting patterns to keep your threads up, or have more locked and deleted.

Your choice.

Misrepresenting my views or my statements will not help you in this endeavor.

Read my first post in this thread, it does not need any elaboration by you. You can simply ask for clarification instead. That is more honest.

As for propaganda threads, many have called you out on this, just read the posts you have received on those threads.
You have your own thoughts, I just gave you some concrete advice.

You can choose to change some posting patterns to keep your threads up, or have more locked and deleted.

Your choice.

Misrepresenting my views or my statements will not help you in this endeavor.

Read my first post in this thread, it does not need any elaboration by you. You can simply ask for clarification instead. That is more honest.

As for propaganda threads, many have called you out on this, just read the posts you have received on those threads.

Instead of only accusing of posting propaganda threads, give me at least three concrete examples of them (post the links).

Also provide arguments why you think that they are propaganda threads.
Instead of only accusing of posting propaganda threads, give me at least three concrete examples of them (post the links).

Also provide arguments why you think that they are propaganda threads.

Mods have already dealt with it, are you so daft that you missed it?

Go through your thread history and see.
Mods have already dealt with it, are you so daft that you missed it?

Go through your thread history and see.

You claim that I post propaganda.

Mods have deleted two of my threads, as you can see in post #7 and #8.

However, I posted thousands of threads.

If I posted propaganda, why is is then that only two out of thousands of threads of mine have been deleted, and not more than ten have been locked?

Would that not imply that the majority of what I post, as in more than 99 % of my threads, are not propaganda?

How can you then accuse me of posting propaganda threads?

That is why I said in post #24 that if you think that I post propaganda threads, give me at least three examples (of threads that have not been deleted or locked).

And provide arguments as to why you think that these threads are propaganda threads.

When you post content, you can check whether it is mainstream or not (three or more sources reporting the same). There can be themes which are true but not mainstream - in this case, you can post footage or photo to corroborate the story.

But understand that political content will fuel disagreements at times.

There are many websites which are credible - usually technology related. Some members attempt to politicize these themes as well which is diplorable, and I usually take action in this case.

Academic Publications and Reports are highest quality content.

You still need to learn a lot.

Think about it.

What if everyone on PDF only posted articles about how great Muslims are and Pakistanis.

This would be good for your ego, but would you learn from this?

I do not think so.

It is good for PDF to have articles that are critical of Muslims and Pakistan.

These articles helps you to reflect on the current state of Muslims and Pakistan.

They help you to understand what needs to be changed and improved.

It is also good for PDF to have articles with different points of view.

Different point of view keep the debate alive, instead of one view for the whole forum, which will have it result in being an echo chamber.

Different points of view might also include that of your enemy or enemies.

Do you not want to know how your enemy thinks?

You who praises Muslim leaders from the past.

Do you not think that these Muslim leaders knew how strategically important it was to know how the enemy thinks?

You praise them, but you do not learn from them.

We do not want to learn from your propaganda posts.
Ok, this is my last post here.

Everyone is free to look in your thread history of what kind of threads you have been posting lately.

Good day to all.

Not an answer to my request.

I asked YOU to give me arguments as to why my threads are propaganda threads.

We do not want to learn from your propaganda posts.

Well, then I will also ask you to give me examples of threads created by me with argumentation as to why these are propaganda threads.
Does it matter which outlets the news is being sourced from!
The whole point of joining a forum such as this is to learn and share information.
If an Indian shares a news story from an Indian source (not pointing just giving an example) - rather than censoring it we should actively dissect it to actual facts. I know this never happens as 9/10 the thread becomes a slinging match between opposing views and which is why some of the more controversial threads close.

I don't post much but I like to read different threads and absorb the different viewpoints. If such a rule is implemented then what's the point of this forum?
Yes cultural sensitivities need to be catered for but in this day and age of Offendenism where do you draw the line.
Sticks and stones comes to mind.

The Mods do a good job already so such censorship will only stifle the conversation.

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