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Mental Health Corner

Nice to hear from you and see you on pdf after a long time.

I am trying not to waste time but I can see a large portion of my day being unproductive. Will strive to go out and play Basketball and indulge in other activities which will also help change evironment. Incidently, I got into a car accident yesterday. Alhumdulillah safe and unhurt.

For youngsters, Drive at safe speed and always wear seatbelt. Those were found lacking in me. And the incident also made me realize how easy it is to kill or get hurt others and self. And how lucky we are everyday and should pray for Aafiyat!

Sorry for late reply been keeping myself really busy these day.
I have finally decided to go full speed with my sci-fi/fiction novel series, have completed almost 40% of the writing, and intend to complete the first novel by November end. Once I have at least three completed novels I will start publishing them.

Amazing Amazon has made the life of writer much easier, no more money hungry stupid publishers.

Anyways, OCD is not a disease, its a condition just like Autism or the spectrum. Unlike people on spectrum people with OCD are not socially uncomfortable generally, its just that they prefer to do do everything in a specific manner if it doesn't suit their nature they tend to redo it many time, they are prone to panic attacks so what. These symptoms not collectively but individually found in a wide variety of population.

Most of the doctors don't understand it and for them treatment of every emotional challenge is Prozac and other such medicine. Which in turn are a problem themselves having serious withdrawal issues, impotence, etc etc.

Best is to seek a confidant or a therapist and try and vent there, pick up a hobby as I have mentioned in my earlier post, adopt a healthy life style, go to park regularly early morning and not the evening, and try to stay away from medication as much as possible.
Hi there! I want to share my little story with you. For a long time, I was under the supervision of a psychotherapist, who claimed that there was nothing wrong with me. It was just anxiety, excessive emotionality, and occasional burnout at work and in life. My ex was of the same opinion, and when I started saying that I thought something was wrong, he always brushed me off and told me to stop whining and making things up. A friend of mine had been treated for 2 years at one clinic, where I was advised to go FHE (if anyone needs it https://fherehab.com/depression/treatment). And guess what - it turned out to be the only place in our fucking city where they really helped me and listened to my problem. Thank God it was noticed in time, so my treatment for depression was in a mild form. I am very grateful to this place!
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I've read your post, and I would like to say regarding OCD, you hit the nail on the head. It's crucial for people to realize that mental health conditions are diverse and affect individuals differently. Finding a supportive confidant or therapist can be a game-changer. Personally, I've found solace in expressing myself through creative outlets, just like you mentioned. It helps me channel my emotions and clear my mind.And yeah, you're spot on about avoiding over-reliance on medications. While they have their place, exploring natural coping mechanisms can be empowering. I agree that a healthy lifestyle, morning walks at the park, and connecting with nature can work wonders for mental well-being.Also, you can try the mental help hotline. Personally, I find it helpful.
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