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Modern Submarine Discussions


Each of the new submarines will cost around £1bn to make.

They have space for 38 weapons to stowed - including Spearfish heavy torpedoes and Tomahawk cruise missiles.

Each will measure 97m (318 ft) in length and weigh 7,400 tonnes.

Almost 40,000 acoustic tiles are placed on the Astute class submarines to mask their noise as they move through water, and make the ships virtually undetectable by enemies.

The Astute Class is being built by BAE Systems and were ordered 15 years ago.

Similarly to the Vanguard class, the ships have space for each member of the crew to have their own bunk.

The ships are fitted with a dry-deck so special forces can deploy while they are submerged.

They can circumnavigate the world without ever surfacing.

Each will have a sonar system so powerful it can detect ships leaving harbour in New York City from a listening point below the waters of the English Channel, 3,000 nautical miles away.


HMS Ambush is the second of the Astute class submarines to be launched but defects have been identified.

Second boat of this class HMS Ambush has yet to launch after 57 operational defects were found.
This chart shows every model of military submarine in service around the world
by Jeremy Bender
May 6, 2015,

Submarines give navies around the world a huge strategic and tactical advantage.

Ballistic-missile submarines can serve as nuclear deterrents if a country's land-based launch systems have been destroyed. Meanwhile, nuclear-powered attack submarines can effectively hunt enemy subs and can sink enemy naval targets. During war games in March, a French Rubis-class sub even "sunk" a US aircraft carrier.

Smaller non-nuclear attack submarines, though incapable of operating underwater for as long as nuclear vessels, can be even more difficult to track than their nuclear-fueled counterparts. These subs can also be used for naval and anti-submarine warfare in shallower waters.

The following graphic from Naval Graphics shows every model of submarine in service around the world as of 2015:


You can see the graphic in closer detail here»

On average, the largest submarines in service are ballistic missile-armed. As these submarines are intended for nuclear strikes or long-range missile attacks, few nations have the need or desire to operate them. Today, only Russia, China, France, the US, and the UK have ballistic-missile submarines in their navies.

Likewise, the same five countries are the only nations to possess nuclear attack submarines, though the Indian Navy is operating a loaned Russian sub. These subs are generally slightly smaller than ballistic-missile submarines and are capable of staying submerged for months at a time.

In general, the greatest number of submarines owned and operated around the world are of the non-nuclear variety. These submarines are powered via air-independent propulsion, diesel-electric engines, or a combination of both.

Though these non-nuclear submarines are small and cannot remain submerged as long as nuclear subs, newer models can potentially run quieter than the nuclear-powered models, allowing them to evade detection and attack surface ships or other submarines.

Submarine in service around the world - Business Insider
Indias Kalvari stealth submarine starts sea trials
MUMBAI (PTI): Kalvari, Indian Navy's first indigenous Scorpene-class stealth submarine, on Sunday sailed out of Mumbai Harbour for sea trials even as the plan to purchase heavy-weight torpedos for the vessel remains stuck due to the VVIP chopper scam.

Kalvari is the first of the India's six Scorpene-class submarines being built under the much-delayed Project 75. The vessels are being built by Mazagon Dock Limited (MDL) in collaboration with French company DCNS.

In October 2015, Kalvari had been set afloat. "The sea trials of Kalvari have begun today. It is a proud moment for us," a Navy official said.

However, the plans to acquire heavy-weight torpedos for the submarine is stuck in the Defence Ministry even though the Navy had been pushing for it, citing national security imperatives.

WASS Italy, a Finmeccanica company, had emerged as a successful bidder in the procurement for the torpedos for Project 75 submarines.

Subsequently, because of the group's alleged involvement in the VVIP helicopter case, the procurement was put on hold in July 2014.

Navy Chief Admiral R K Dhowan, while stressing on the importance of getting heavy-weight torpedos, had said that the Defence Ministry will take a final call on it.

India may have to go in for two more Scorpene-class submarines after the first six are delivered to the Navy.

Kalvari is expected to enter service by September end. The remaining five submarines are scheduled to be rolled out every nine months.

The Navy has, at present, 14 operational submarines, including nine Russian-made and four German HDW vessels.

Chakra, a Russian nuclear-powered submarine, is on lease with the Indian Navy.

India's first indigenous nuclear-powered submarine, Arihant is already undergoing sea trials and is expected to be inducted shortly............See more
BAE Systems to Develop Undersea Navigation and Positioning System for U.S. Navy
MERRIMACK, N.H.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has selected BAE Systems to develop an undersea navigation system aimed at enhancing the U.S. Navy’s ability to provide precise, global positioning throughout the ocean basins. The contract will support a program called the Positioning System for Deep Ocean Navigation (POSYDON), which seeks to allow undersea vehicles to accurately navigate while remaining below the ocean’s surface.

“We’ll use this same technology to revolutionize undersea navigation for the POSYDON program, by selecting and demonstrating acoustic underwater GPS sources and corresponding small-form factor receivers.”
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POSYDON aims to replace current navigational methods that pose a detection risk for undersea vehicles forced to surface periodically to access the space-based Global Positioning System (GPS), which cannot sufficiently penetrate seawater. In addition, access to above-water GPS may be denied by hostile signal jamming. Under DARPA’s POSYDON program, a BAE Systems-led team will create a positioning, navigation, and timing system designed to permit vehicles to remain underwater by using multiple, integrated, long-range acoustic sources at fixed locations around the oceans.

“BAE Systems has more than 40 years of experience developing underwater active and passive acoustic systems,” said Joshua Niedzwiecki, director of Sensor Processing and Exploitation at BAE Systems. “We’ll use this same technology to revolutionize undersea navigation for the POSYDON program, by selecting and demonstrating acoustic underwater GPS sources and corresponding small-form factor receivers.”

The vehicle instrumentation needed to capture and process acoustic signals for accurate navigation will also be developed under this program. The company will leverage its expertise and capabilities in signal processing, acoustic communications, interference cancellation, and anti-jam/anti-spoof technologies for the program. Other members of BAE Systems’ POSYDON team are the University of Washington, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the University of Texas at Austin. ...........See more


Each of the new submarines will cost around £1bn to make.

They have space for 38 weapons to stowed - including Spearfish heavy torpedoes and Tomahawk cruise missiles.

Each will measure 97m (318 ft) in length and weigh 7,400 tonnes.

Almost 40,000 acoustic tiles are placed on the Astute class submarines to mask their noise as they move through water, and make the ships virtually undetectable by enemies.

The Astute Class is being built by BAE Systems and were ordered 15 years ago.

Similarly to the Vanguard class, the ships have space for each member of the crew to have their own bunk.

The ships are fitted with a dry-deck so special forces can deploy while they are submerged.

They can circumnavigate the world without ever surfacing.

Each will have a sonar system so powerful it can detect ships leaving harbour in New York City from a listening point below the waters of the English Channel, 3,000 nautical miles away.


HMS Ambush is the second of the Astute class submarines to be launched but defects have been identified.

Second boat of this class HMS Ambush has yet to launch after 57 operational defects were found.

Was just wondering. UK and US both operate same SLBMs and both have a daunting task of replacing their SSBN fleets.

Won't it be economical and easier for both US and UK to join hands in building a common platform ?

Or there is an international law stopping it ?

Was just wondering. UK and US both operate same SLBMs and both have a daunting task of replacing their SSBN fleets.

Won't it be economical and easier for both US and UK to join hands in building a common platform ?

Or there is an international law stopping it ?

Might depend on time table, plus the strategic consideration of wnating to maintain the capability to design and build nuclear submarines domestically. (technology base)

A total force of seven Astute class fleet submarines is planned.

As of April 2016, the first three boats are in commission (resp. 2010, 2013 and 2016) and in service, while boats four to six are in various stages of construction. Boat number seven was confirmed in the October 2010 Strategic Defence and Security Review and long-lead items have been ordered. The seventh boat should enter service 2024.

Currently there are still 4 Vanguard in service. A successor to the Vanguard class of submarines is in its early stages, with 'Main Gate' decisions to be made in 2016. The programme will seek to replace the current Vanguard-class ballistic missile submarines starting sometime during the mid-to-late 2020s, i.e. when the oldest Astute is about 20 years old.
UK Nuclear Sub Dinged in Collision With Merchant Vessel
LONDON — One of the Royal Navy’s newest nuclear submarines has collided with a merchant vessel off the coast of Gibraltar.

The collision took place while HMS Ambush was submerged during a training exercise July 20, the Royal Navy said in a statement.

The accident resulted in damage to the front of nuclear attack submarine’s conning tower after what the sea service described as a “glancing collision” with a merchant vessel.

The Royal Navy said that there was no damage to the boat's nuclear power plant. The merchant ship showed no signs of damage.

The Astute-class submarine, which has the motto "Hide and Seek," has entered the dockyard at the British overseas territory for further checks.

Ambush was commissioned in 2013 at a cost of around £1.1 billion, or US $1.45 billion. It’s the second of what will eventually be seven Astute-class submarines being built for the Royal Navy by BAE Systems.

The third boat, HMS Artful, entered service earlier this year...................See more

During 800 days USS Florida submarine was one of the most versatile and clandestine platforms for US Navy
18 May 2020


The Ohio-class guided-missile submarine USS Florida (SSGN 728) returns to its homeport, Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay, Georgia, May 9, 2020. (Picture source U.S. Navy)

During 800 days of deployment, the Ohio-class guided-missile submarine USS Florida (SSGN 78) was one of the most versatile and clandestine platforms in the fleet of U.S. Navy. Guided-missile submarines are capable of carrying up to 154 Tomahawk land-attack cruise missiles and host up to 66 Special Operation Forces.

The USS Florida (SSGN-728) Ohio-class cruise missile submarine, is the sixth ship of the United States Navy to be named for the 27th state. She was commissioned with the hull designation of SSBN-728 in June 1983. The USS Florida entered Norfolk Naval Shipyard in July 2003 to undergo a refueling and conversion from an SSBN (Ballistic Missile Submarine) to an SSGN (Cruise Missile Submarine).

Florida is one of just four guided-missile submarines in the U.S. Navy's fleet and comprises half of the guided-missile submarine force in Kings Bay, home to all East Coast Ohio-class submarines to include five ballistic-missile and two guided-missile submarines. It has completed more than 50 patrols before its conversion to a guided-missile submarine. SSGNs are equipped with superior communications capabilities and have the ability to carry up to 154 Tomahawk land-attack cruise missiles. The platform can also be configured to host up to 66 Special Operation Forces.

While forward deployed, the ship sailed more than 98,000 nautical miles, which is the equivalent to nearly four times around the world, and pinned 202 new submariners with their submarine warfare, or “Dolphins.”

As an Ohio-class submarine, Florida has two crews; blue and gold. These crews of roughly 160 Sailors alternate manning the submarine and typically deploy with the ship for three months before swapping. The blue crew brought the submarine back to its homeport. The crew that isn’t deployed, trains at Trident Training Facility Kings Bay, conducting a rigorous training program including simulated missions and scenarios they could encounter while at sea. This constant training regimen helps ensure the crew is always tactically and operationally ready.

On 19 March 2011, in conjunction with other U.S. Navy and Royal Navy warships and submarines, Florida fired scores of Tomahawk missiles at Libyan air defense targets as part of Operation Odyssey Dawn. Operation Odyssey Dawn was the U.S. code name for the American role in the international military operation in Libya to enforce United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973 during the initial period of 19–31 March 2011 The Tomahawk missile strikes allowed British, French, and allied warplanes to begin enforcing a no-fly zone over Libya, preventing Muammar Gaddafi from using his air force to attack rebels in his country. This was the first combat action for the Florida or any other Ohio-class submarine. During Operation Odyssey Dawn, Florida launched 93 Tomahawk missiles, with 90 effective, out of her total magazine of about 160 missiles.

The Tomahawk is a long-range Land Attack Missile (TLAM), all-weather, jet-powered, subsonic cruise missile that is primarily used by the United States Navy and Royal Navy in ships and submarine-based land-attack operations. At least six variants and multiple upgraded versions have been introduced since then, including air-, sub-, and ground-launched variants and conventional and nuclear-armed ones. As of 2019, only non-nuclear, sea-launched variants assembled by Raytheon are currently in service. It has an operational range of 2,500 km.
Trials continue for Russian Navy Project 955A Borei-A class nuclear-powered submarine Knyaz Vladimir
May 2020

Russian_Navy_Project_955A_Borei-A_class_nuclear-powered_submarine_Knyaz_Vladimi -.jpg

Russian Navy Borei-A Knyaz Vladimir submarine during sea trials.

Russian Navy Search-and-rescue forces of the Northern Fleet and the White Sea naval base are supporting the state trials of the Project 955A Borei-A class lead nuclear-powered submarine Knyaz Vladimir, the Russia Defense Ministry’s press office said, on May 15, 2020.

The submarine has gone to the White Sea from Severodvinsk in north Russia, the Russian press office added. The current stage of the trials in the White Sea is being supported by the Zvyozdochka rescue tugboat and the Mikhail Rudnitsky rescue vessel.

“The sea trials will last several days and take place above water and then underwater. During the trials, work to remove faults detected earlier will be checked and then it will be decided when the submarine can join the Northern Fleet,” the press office said.

The major part of the trials, including missile and underwater firing, was completed by the Knyaz Vladimir in late 2019. At that time, the submarine was supported by forces of the Northern Fleet’s White Sea naval base.

The Borei class, Russian designation Project 955 Borei and Project 955A Borei-A are series of nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines being constructed by Sevmash for the Russian Navy. The Borei submarine is approximately 170 meters (560 ft) long, 13 meters (43 ft) in diameter, and have a maximum submerged speed of at least 46 kilometers per hour (25 kn; 29 mph).

Borei-A submarine is equipped with improved communication and detection systems, improved acoustic signature and has major structural changes such as addition of all moving rudders and vertical endplates to the hydroplanes for higher maneuverability, and a different sail geometry. This submarine is also equipped with hydraulic jets and improved screws that allows them to sail at nearly 30 knots while submerged with minimal noise. According to Russian report, the Borei-A is able to carry 20 Bulava SLBM and is armed with 16 SLBMs with 6-10 nuclear warheads atop each, just like the Borei submarines.
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