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Monkey business on Indian railway


Feb 12, 2006
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Monkey business on Indian railway

NEW DELHI (Reuters) - They say it takes a thief to catch a thief, but India's Delhi Metro has hired a monkey to frighten off other monkeys from boarding trains and upsetting passengers.

The langur monkey, trained since the age of three months, has been patrolling monkey-prone stations on a leash.

In June, a monkey boarded a train at the underground Chawri Bazaar station and reportedly scared passengers by scowling at them for three stops. It then alighted at Civil Lines station.

The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation says it hopes the new hire will avert a repeat of that episode.

"It started working about a month ago and since then we've not had a single incident," said Anuj Dayal, a metro spokesman.
The langur's keeper -- or langurwallah -- is being paid 6,900 rupees ($150) a month.

Langur monkeys are similarly employed around the grounds of parliament and some government buildings in New Delhi.
how absurd

where are these monkeys coming from ? do monkeys roam the overcrowded streets of delhi just like that... wtf
How do they train these langoors?

Do the get a rank aswell?

Officer Lagoor? :D
Averröes said:
how absurd

where are these monkeys coming from ? do monkeys roam the overcrowded streets of delhi just like that... wtf

I believe monkies are sacred to hindoos. They live in and around the cities, I've seen many colonies in numerous temples.
They can become a serious health hazard. The conditions of several cities usually constitute that, but add stray animals to that equation, and aouch.
I think its cute....as we've learned over oh so many years...India is pretty versatile...anything and everything happens there! you either love it or you hate it..well, the opinon would be pretty obvious on this forum, but you all get my point ;)
Averröes said:
They can become a serious health hazard. The conditions of several cities usually constitute that, but add stray animals to that equation, and aouch.

Can u read whats was written its employed by Delhi metro and not all over India!!!
Salim said:
No, Minister Langoor!

:lol: Sir at times i also believe in sub-contenant ministers sometimes or may be realy act like Langoors.

Waise yeh sarae Langoor aik jaise kyon lagtae hain :laugh:
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