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Moroccan strategic Projects: news, discussions & updates

Reuters: Royal Air Maroc launches a tender to purchase 200 aircraft before the end of 2023


Royal Air Maroc announced on Monday that it will launch a tender by the end of 2023 to purchase 200 aircraft that will be delivered within 10 years to meet the increasing demand from tourists ahead of the 2030 World Cup.

The CEO of Air Maroc, Abdelhamid Adou, told Reuters that the company seeks to buy mostly medium-haul aircraft, but it will also buy long- and short-haul aircraft to enhance its competitiveness in a growing African market.

* Most likely the deal will be with Boeing.. Because 80% of Morocco's current fleet is from Boeing..

And since Morocco will soon begin manufacturing engines and their parts and maintaining them locally with Pratt & Withney, in addition to most aircraft parts being manufactured locally in Morocco... even the national economy will benefit greatly from this deal..

Morocco will allocate $25 billion to acquire new aircrafts

The Director General of Royal Moroccan Airlines, Abdelhamid Adou, announced that the company intends to allocate $25 billion to double its fleet four times from the current 50 aircraft to 250 aircraft during the next ten years.
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Morocco conquers the world and wins... Moroccan wealth surpasses that of Europe and the Middle East

Uranium in Morocco and how new discoveries put the Kingdom of Morocco at the forefront of the world with this wealth, surpassing Australia's reserves 3 times over.. with almost 7 million tons,.

The sea tunnel, the dream project between Morocco and Spain

The Spanish newspaper Larathon repeated the topic of the sea tunnel expected to be built between the Kingdoms of Morocco and Spain. The newspaper indicated that it is expected to be exploited before the year 2030, the date of the whistle blowing for the Tripartite World Cup between the two countries plus Portugal. The newspaper confirmed, according to its sources, that the duration of the works is estimated at 5 years.

Morocco’s National Company for the Studies of the Strait of Gibraltar (SNED) is revisiting plans for a marine tunnel project, connecting Morocco and Spain, according to a report from SNRTnews.


Map shows shortest distance across Strait of Gibraltar

If the project goes ahead, the aim will be for it to be completed ahead of 2030, when Spain, Portugal and Morocco will jointly host the Fifa World Cup of football.

The tunnel, first proposed in 1979, would deliver a high-speed railway link between Casablanca in Morocco and Madrid in Spain, which could reduce travel time between the two cities to just five-and-a-half hours.

Together with its Spanish counterpart, SECEGSA, the SNED is now said to be undertaking surveys to determine the appropriate technology for constructing the tunnel.

SNED said it and SECEGSA have undertaken a total of 44 oceanographic surveys, covering more than 10,000km of geophysical features using seismic reflection, plus more than 5,000km of side sonar surveys and 5,000 samples gathered from the seabed.

A number of wells have also been drilled in locations such as Bologna and Tarifa in Spain, as well as near Morocco’s Tangier.

Huge engineering challenges

One of the challenges for the project is that the shortest distance between the two continents – approximately 14km – is also the deepest route, with sea depths in some areas reaching up to 900m.

There are also seismic challenges associated with the Strait of Gibraltar, with heightened tectonic activity due to the convergence of the Eurasian and African plates and the Alboran sub-plate.

Organisations, including the European Commission, the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, the Center for Transport Studies for the Western Mediterranean, the Arab Maghreb Union and the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) have all showed interest in the project, given its potential to benefit the international community.

SNED and SECEGSA are jointly responsible for overseeing the financing of the proposed tunnel project. While no official figure has been released for its construction, recent estimates put the total cost at around €6 billion.



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Morocco manufactures helicopters locally with advanced European technology

Apache helicopters by Moroccan hands

The Moroccan nuclear program, from ballistic missiles to nuclear reactors

The Great Man-Made River in Morocco...the largest project to transport water from the north of the Kingdom to its south

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Morocco penetrated East Africa with Egyptian blessing

Morocco manufactures semiconductors (5nm) and surprises the world..

Morocco will building a strategic submarine squadron with Brazilian Technologies..

This is why Morocco is moving towards BRICS

Morocco manufactures the first Italian car locally with international specifications and advanced technology

Morocco manufactures the first drone with 100% local capabilities

Morocco localizes German technology by bringing Volkswagen to the port of Nador

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Morocco localizes Chinese technology to manufacture Geely cars

Nuclear cooperation between Morocco and Russia


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