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Muhammad Ali Jinnah - The Great Leader

Jinnah was only one of his kind! Not a single compatriot of him in the entire subcontinent was like him!!! He was that unique, and so his achievements! Allah-u Azimushshan made him the Vesile for the emancipation of the two thirds of the Muslims in the sub-continent, and saved them from annihilation...

If a person saves another person, as if he has saved the entire humanity - a theme in the Kuran-I Kerim
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Fatima Jinnah (31 July 1893– 9 July 1967) widely known “Mather-e-Millat” was the youngest among the seven brothers and sisters.

In appearance, Fatima resembled her eldest brother, Mohammad Ali Jinnah. In 1902, she was sent to Bandra Convent in Bombay where she remained in the hostels as her parents had died. In 1919, she enrolled in Dr Ahmed’s Dental College at Calcutta. On graduating in 1923, she became the first female dentist of undivided India. She opened her dental clinic in Bombay but with the passage of time, she became a close associate and an adviser to her older brother. She was a strong critic of the British Raj and emerged as a strong advocate of the two-nation theory and a leading member of the All-India Muslim League.

Fatima Jinnah died in Karachi on 9 July 1967. The official cause of death was heart failure, but rumours persist that she was murdered at her house by the same group who killed Liaquat Ali Khan. She is buried next to other national dignitaries, at Mazar-e-Quaid, Karachi.



Fatima Jinnah in her youth.
Date c. 1920s

Personality is defined as a person’s characteristic features and qualities. It is a combination of one’s body, mind, character and conduct. Quality of each of these defines your personality.

Time tested traits like integrity, honesty, courage, loyalty and fortitude defines good character which is exhibited through words and actions.

Leadership is about inspiring people to do things they never thought they could have.

Selfless, dedicated, charismatic, competent, honest, professional and unimpeachable in his integrity; these are just some of the words that have been used to describe the personality of the founder of Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

Jinnah, a man of principles, set very high standards and values in politics.
He never compromised on principles. Gutter politics was not his style. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s statesmanship lay in his two traits; Firstly his rational approach towards politics, and secondly his keen knowledge of objective ground realities, however awkward or complex, he made the right choice at the right moment.
He was no doubt one of the most charismatic leaders in recent history.

Why would pakistanis take pride in this?? This man was well dressed because he was pampered by british empire just like rest of elite muslims of brtish empire.
Unlike empires of the past, british empire used local leaders to work for british exit strategy.
In reality it was brtish empire who created pakistan just like they created india and rest of the nations that were once under its empire.
i wish if i could give you negative rating
all i can say is your filters are choked
No matter from which angle you see and try to read face of Mr. Jinnah,
you will always feel a warmth in your soul and a smile on your face

Jinnah was among the person Chosen
And the Chosen one's are never wrong
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Btw do you believe in freemasonary and illuminati stuff?
Everything is possible

as much as i have seen in life, i can say there are very very high chance of existence of freemasonary and illuminati
threre are less chances that such stuff do not exist in my opinion
Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Did you know?

The New York Times listed Mr. Jinnah as 1946's best-dressed man in the British Empire.
Jinnah dressed himself perfectly, his elegant and magnificent personality gave him respect wherever he went. It is narrated that on visit to London for political meeting he stayed in hotel. In the morning, he descended from his hotel suite into the breakfast hall, using stairs. When the people present in the restaurant noticed him they all rose involuntary and stood up as a gesture of respect to him.

Jinnah was one of the New York Times best dressed men of 1946. Expressing his thoughts on Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Lord Wavell (Viceroy of India, 1943-1947) said, "Mr. Jinnah was one of the handsomest men I have ever seen; he combined the clear cut, almost Grecian features of the West with oriental grace and movement."

A research states that one of the main reasons why Muhammad Ali Jinnah is considered one of the most well dressed men in history has to do with the fact that he was a huge supporter and wearer of the well-tailored suit. Never one to sit back and wear whatever came through the door. It is said that before independence, Jinnah came to own over 200 suits, which he wore with heavily starched shirts with detachable collars. As a barrister, he never wore same silk tie twice. Even on his deathbed, he insisted to be formally dressed saying: "I will not travel in my pajamas."

Jinnah's outfits were always unique; he rarely appeared wearing the same thing more than once. In a time when poverty ran rampant, Jinnah was one of the few who was able to partake in the wondrous ways of fashion. Congratulations to Muhammad Ali Jinnah for being voted the Fifth Best-Dressed World Leader of all-time.

After meeting Jinnah at the Viceroy's dinner in Simla, a British general's wife wrote to her mother in England: "After dinner, I had Mr. Jinnah to talk to. He has a great personality. He talks the most beautiful English. He models his clothes and his manners on Du Maurier..., and his English on Burke's speeches. I have always wanted to meet him and now I had my wish."

His monocle, his double-breasted jackets, and his Craven "A" cigarettes gave his personality a unique style. He was fond of smoking expensive and finest 'Craven A cigarettes. He also smoked a special kind of 'Havana' cigars, and sometimes a pipe.

When Allama Inayatullah Khan Mashriqi, the founder of the Khaksar Movement, was released from a U.P. jail, the Quaid-i-Azam, on the advice of some of his friends, went to see him along with his colleagues. He was accompanied by Liaquat Ali Khan, Sir Abdullah Haroon and Pir Ali Mohammad Rashidi. In Qarul Bagh, Allama Mashriqi was staying in a huge tent in the middle of the Khaksar Camp. An ordinary dari had been spread on the floor inside the camp. There was no chair.

The Quaid-i-Azam was wearing a white suit of China silk. He was not in the habit of sitting on the ground. However, as there was no alternative, he sat down on the floor after shaking hands with Allama Mashriqi. The Quaid then took out his cigarette case and offered a cigarette to him. Allama took the cigarette and tried to give two paisas to the Quaid. The Quaid-i-Azam asked: What is this? Allama said: A Khaksar does not accept any thing without paying its price. On hearing this, the Quaid took back his cigarette from Allama and said: The price of my cigarette is much more than two paisas and I don't think you can afford it.

His monocle was a part of his majestic personality. In a court of law while making arguments, monocle, which Jinnah was using, for reading from his notes slipped from his eye and dropped on the floor. The magistrate mischievously grinned and felt delighted, anticipating that Jinnah would have to bend in his court to pick up the monocle. He was disappointed when Jinnah put his hand in his pocket, brought out another monocle, and applied it to his eye while continuing the arguments.

By the late 1930s, He was mostly seen wearing a 'Karakul' hat, also known as 'Jinnah Cap,' over his western clothing. The moment he became a leader of a Muslim country, he chose to wear a sherwani. He stopped wearing the UP and Delhi style chooridar or tight pyjamas, and preferred a loose fitting 'Shalwar' the Jinnah cap and white or cream colored sherwani become the trend of that time. Meanwhile, he wore suits for his day-to-day office work and on informal occasions.

The Quaid's magnificent personality traits left deep impact to everyone. Patrick Spens, the last Chief Justice of undivided India, paid the following tribute to Jinnah: "The tallness of the man, the immaculate manner in which he turned out, the beauty of his features and the extreme courtesy with which he treated all; no one could have made a more favorable impression than he did. There is no man or woman living who imputes anything against his honor or his honesty. He was the most outright person that I know."

The Quaid usually travelled by train during the pre-independence time. Journalist once confronted Jinnah with a question as to how Congress leadership travelled in third class like the working class while he enjoys the first class journey. Quaid's reply was sharp. He said that he travelled in first class but pays from his own pocket to buy the ticket, while the congress leaders travel in third class without ticket. It made headlines. Dear father of the nation you will be in our memories forever.

P. S: Please bear with me for making you read such a long write up on a person par excellence I have admired the most and adulated & emulated as my leader .. Mr Muhammad Ali Jinnah our Father of the Nation. I assure you his personality couldn't be described in fewer words than these. May his soul rest in peace, Ameen.

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Amazing stuff one can find about Jinnah and the history behind the struggle of our Independence, one more awesome example of this is that did you know that the National Treasury of the new born Turkish Nation was formed by Mustafa Kemal by the funds collected by Khilafat Movement. This is a fact I came to know from my friends of Turkish Origin, after doing some research I found that out, I think this topic deserves a thread of it's own.
Yes that's very nice dear, but Pakistan is about more than just any one man. We know all this history since childhood. In fact what to speak of Jinnah, Allah almighty had said about humankind's final prophet upon whom be peace: He is a prophet, like other before, and should he pass away will you wallow and turn, flee and stagnate in what you want to do?

I can feel his energy in my veins, he is the author of my soul of my sacrifice my civilization. You can stay trapped as a slave, I am free like him.
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Pakistan's First Cabinet


From left: Fazlur Rehman, Ghulam Muhammad, Liaquat Ali Khan, M A Jinnah, I I Chundrigar, Abdul Rab Nishtar and Abdul Sattar Pirzada
MashaAllah, Quaid-e-Azam celebrating first Eid Milad-un-Nabi after independence, 25 January 1948.


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