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Muhammad Ali Jinnah - The Great Leader

Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah in Peshawar, NWFP, 1948 (c).


From L to R :...... KB Haji Arbab Ahmed Ali Jan Khan (DC Peshawar), Qayyum Khan, Fatima Jinnah, Arbab Nur Muhammad Khan (District President Muslim League), Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Barrister Sultan Muhammad Khan of Shiwa, extreme right is Ex Governor, Fida Muhammad Khan, at their back is Administrator Municipality M Ashraf.
Don't forget this photo:
There are many people who Jinnah as a hero

Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s funeral in Karachi, which took place on 12th September 1948. It was a day of tremendous hysteria and grief, as an entire nation mourned for the loss of its father.

Maulana Shabbir Ahmed Usmani conducted the funeral prayers, after which he said:

“The Quaid-i-Azam is dead, but the nation he brought into existence still lives and hopes to live a life of honour and strength. The Quaid-i-Azam is no more. The loss is irreparable for Pakistan, nay, I should say for the whole Muslim world. He was gifted with heart and was a rare example of nature’s gift to humanity. His selfless services to Pakistan and the Muslim nation will be remembered by all and in all ages.”

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