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My personal rant


Aug 16, 2015
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United States
I wake up every morning betting with Allah swt that society can not be more fukt up as it is. In the face of Allah swt, I always lose.

I go on YouTube and see endless videos of random children talking about blue pill and red pill. Some of them being faggots, while others insulting women.

As an ethnic Punjabi, when I listen to these white faggots insult women my blood boils. My father told me that in our society, the women would build the house using mud clay. My grandmother built our house with her own hands in our village. We live in that house to this day.

This is the society I am living in. The US as a country may be powerful, but it’s a country that is powerless. The new generation is disgusting not only because of their opinions but because of their behavior.

Family values, religion, and the lack of searching for a purpose makes me vomit. I was born in 1990 and the world was becoming such a wonderful place. I was excited.

Today I am absolutely disgusted. I feel like I don’t belong here. I go to work and feel so dissociated with the people I speak with.

People that I speak with seem like the spawn of the devil.

I have gotten married in 2019 and have a child. He seems so happy in Pakistan, I feel like bringing him to the US will **** his mind. In the same token I feel like him living in Pakistan will be no different as the military elite in our country are also faggots and on the payroll of foreign faggots.

Human beings are so fucked in the head they praise AI projects that will replace their own jobs. I can’t even talk to stupid **** people like this.

I don’t know wtf I am doing here on this earth anymore. News songs or movies bring me no joy. American and or western society is no longer exciting because they are on a downward spiral.

I don’t understand wtf I am living life for anymore except that I am a Muslim and suicide is no option. Do I feel suicidal? All the fucking time. Everything disgusts me. When I wake up I feel disgusted. I don’t understand what has happened to me. Is it age or depression or what?

I don’t know wtf is going on. The world has gone crazy but maybe it’s not the world, but just me.

I’m in a very weird place right now. If any of you can relate with me, please show me a way out. I just don’t understand.
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I wake up every morning betting with Allah swt that society can not be more fukt up as it is. In the face of Allah swt, I always lose.

I go on YouTube and see endless videos of random children talking about blue pill and red pill. Some of them being faggots, while others insulting women.

This is the society I am living in. The US as a country may be powerful, but it’s a country that is powerless. The new generation is disgusting not only because of their opinions but because of their behavior.

Family values, religion, and the lack of searching for a purpose makes me vomit. I was born in 1990 and the world was becoming such a wonderful place. I was excited.

Today I am absolutely disgusted. I feel like I don’t belong here. I go to work and feel so dissociated with the people I speak with.

People that I speak with seem like the spawn of the devil.

I have gotten married in 2019 and have bore a child. He seems so happy in Pakistan, I feel like bringing him to the US will **** his mind. In the same token I feel like him living in Pakistan he will be no different as the military elite in our country are also faggots and on the payroll of foreign faggots.

Human beings are so fucked in the head they praise AI projects that will replace their own jobs. I can’t even talk to stupid **** people like this.

I don’t know wtf I am doing here on this earth anymore. News songs or movies bring me no joy. American and or western society is no longer exciting because they are on downward spiral.

I don’t understand wtf I am living life for anymore except that I am a Muslim and suicide is no option. Do I feel suicidal? All the fucking time. Everything disgusts me. When I wake up I feel disgusted. I don’t understand what has happened to me. Is it age or depression or what?

I don’t know wtf is going on. The world has gone crazy but maybe it’s not the world, but just me.

I’m in a very weird place right now. If any of you can relate with me, please show me a way out. I just don’t understand.

Do you eat spicy food? Do you live in a big city? Do you always go through this in mornings or gather the same thoughts at sunset too? Do you eat in a healthy way? Do you keep a bodily active routine? How much screen time do you bare per day? Are you overworked or in need of vacations?

Have you shared this with your immediate family?

Sorry we need data.
I couldn't have stated it better. Feel exactly the same. Its not us, its our surroundings making us feel this way. Muslims are in a constant battle living in the West as their core belief system clashes with the degeneracy spreading and being forced down the throat of everyone in the West. That shyt is even infecting Pakistan now. It's called Dajjals influence and its getting worse by the day. We just have to stand strong and be true to yourself.
Do you eat spicy food? Do you live in a big city? Do you always go through this in mornings or gather the same thoughts at sunset too? Do you eat in a healthy way? Do you keep a bodily active routine? How much screen time do you bare per day? Are you overworked or in need of vacations?

Have you shared this with your immediate family?

Sorry we need data.

I eat spicy food.

I live in an emerging city. Not the biggest but getting huge.

These thoughts emanate in my mind at all times. It has nothing to do with mornings or evenings.

I use my hands to eat. I don’t know of a healthier or unhealthier way to eat food. I use my right hand.

I have a rowing machine which I use to excercise. I don’t lift weights because I become very aggressive/angry when I start to lift weights.

I am on the screen at all times due to my job and then looking for an outlet to decompress. Less than average compared to modern generation because I don’t use social media.

I don’t have any vaccination but have just recovered from Covid after 2 weeks.

I don’t believe I am over worked, but I am over saturated with the type of work that I do.

My immediate family does not know what I am feeling because I am a Muslim Pakistani and we are not pussies, so I keep everything to myself.
I have gotten married in 2019 and have bore a child. He seems so happy in Pakistan, I feel like bringing him to the US will **** his mind.
stay together whatsoever...

for the rest.. watch his complete show. and no, he is not a rapist.. but yes house arrested..
I couldn't have stated it better. Feel exactly the same. Its not us, its our surroundings making us feel this way. Muslims are in a constant battle living in the West as their core belief system clashes with the degeneracy spreading and being forced down the throat of everyone in the West. That shyt is even infecting Pakistan now. It's called Dajjals influence and its getting worse by the day. We just have to stand strong and be true to yourself.

I feel like at this point of my life, I am not close to my deen. I do the necessary things, but I don’t feel involved personally. Does that make sense?
I think you can visit a psychologist and/or a psychiatrist. This level of frustration seems like a clinical issue requiring counseling and/or medication - at least for short term.

For long term, I would suggest reciting Quran with translation, and listening to Islamic lectures about life and mission of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Quran provides a perfect guideline for soul searching, and life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the perfect practical demonstration of that guideline. Beyond reading recitation, comes the ability/skill to read Quran without requiring any translation, and that's a whole new world.

This world has always been challenging; in fact, the life of human(s) has been a trial from day one. Hence, it's important to understand our mission to stay focused admist all the clutter.
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I wake up every morning betting with Allah swt that society can not be more fukt up as it is. In the face of Allah swt, I always lose.

I go on YouTube and see endless videos of random children talking about blue pill and red pill. Some of them being faggots, while others insulting women.

As an ethnic Punjabi, when I listen to these white faggots insult women my blood boils. My father told me that in our society, the women would build the house using mud clay. My grandmother built our house with her own hands in our village. We live in that house to this day.

This is the society I am living in. The US as a country may be powerful, but it’s a country that is powerless. The new generation is disgusting not only because of their opinions but because of their behavior.

Family values, religion, and the lack of searching for a purpose makes me vomit. I was born in 1990 and the world was becoming such a wonderful place. I was excited.

Today I am absolutely disgusted. I feel like I don’t belong here. I go to work and feel so dissociated with the people I speak with.

People that I speak with seem like the spawn of the devil.

I have gotten married in 2019 and have bore a child. He seems so happy in Pakistan, I feel like bringing him to the US will **** his mind. In the same token I feel like him living in Pakistan he will be no different as the military elite in our country are also faggots and on the payroll of foreign faggots.

Human beings are so fucked in the head they praise AI projects that will replace their own jobs. I can’t even talk to stupid **** people like this.

I don’t know wtf I am doing here on this earth anymore. News songs or movies bring me no joy. American and or western society is no longer exciting because they are on a downward spiral.

I don’t understand wtf I am living life for anymore except that I am a Muslim and suicide is no option. Do I feel suicidal? All the fucking time. Everything disgusts me. When I wake up I feel disgusted. I don’t understand what has happened to me. Is it age or depression or what?

I don’t know wtf is going on. The world has gone crazy but maybe it’s not the world, but just me.

I’m in a very weird place right now. If any of you can relate with me, please show me a way out. I just don’t understand.
If possible make Hijrah to a Muslim majority country you can comfortably live in. If it’s not possible then try moving to a more rural or conservative but peaceful areas of USA. That should temporarily give you ease against wokeism. Try to be as religious as possible. Wake up for tahajjud and engage in voluntary prayers alongside mandatory prayers through out the day. Recite as much Quran as you can. I know this might sound repetitive as everyone might gave you the same advice but trust me it actually works. Have an Arabic/English Quran so you can understand what the words mean when you recite it in Arabic. The reason Quran will cleanse your heart and help you give strength to bare your challenges. Read about the lives of the prophets and companions so you can understand their struggles. Apart from the religious aspect, try finding some hobbies. I have recently gotten into archery it’s very fun when I feel stressful. Working out is also something I love to do. Limit your social media and limit listening to news to only the necessary stuff you need to hear. News and social media causes unnecessary stress. Spend as much time as you can with your family. Spending time with family helps with stress. Try talking about what your struggling with to someone who can help you like maybe your wife or a close friend(s) of yours. If you work a 9-5 try starting a side business and eventually having that business be your only job. A 9-5 is always stressful whereas business is stressful but also gives you much more flexibility. If you have any debts pay them off asap. Make a plan of where you want to see your self in the next 5-10 years financially and just in general. Financial planning is the key to a stressful free life. Life is gonna get more tuff with each passing day. Don’t give up and remember for what purpose your here. Always thank Allah for everything you have and believe in Allah.

Allāh does not charge a soul except [with that within] its capacity…
-Quran 2:286
I eat spicy food.

I live in an emerging city. Not the biggest but getting huge.

These thoughts emanate in my mind at all times. It has nothing to do with mornings or evenings.

I use my hands to eat. I don’t know of a healthier or unhealthier way to eat food. I use my right hand.

I have a rowing machine which I use to excercise. I don’t lift weights because I become very aggressive/angry when I start to lift weights.

I am on the screen at all times due to my job and then looking for an outlet to decompress. Less than average compared to modern generation because I don’t use social media.

I don’t have any vaccination but have just recovered from Covid after 2 weeks.

I don’t believe I am over worked, but I am over saturated with the type of work that I do.

My immediate family does not know what I am feeling because I am a Muslim Pakistani and we are not pussies, so I keep everything to myself.

The phrase we are what we eat is not just a fashion statement. An experiment with less spicier diet maybe something you should try.

You have gone through quite a few life changes as most others during the pandemic and everyone will settle to their own pace. If you believe that a stagnant workplace is not conducive enough to offer work life balance, you can look a for new one.

You weren't pussy enough to share it with the digital world so I am sure you can give your immediate family some hints if they aren't on it already given how curious humans are. Being apart from family is taking a toll on you.
If possible make Hijrah to a Muslim majority country you can comfortably live in. If it’s not possible then try moving to a more rural or conservative but peaceful areas of USA. That should temporarily give you ease against wokeism. Try to be as religious as possible. Wake up for tahajjud and engage in voluntary prayers alongside mandatory prayers through out the day. Recite as much Quran as you can. I know this might sound repetitive as everyone might gave you the same advice but trust me it actually works. Have an Arabic/English Quran so you can understand what the words mean when you recite it in Arabic. The reason Quran will cleanse your heart and help you give strength to bare your challenges. Read about the lives of the prophets and companions so you can understand their struggles. Apart from the religious aspect, try finding some hobbies. I have recently gotten into archery it’s very fun when I feel stressful. Working out is also something I love to do. Limit your social media and limit listening to news to only the necessary stuff you need to hear. News and social media causes unnecessary stress. Spend as much time as you can with your family. Spending time with family helps with stress. Try talking about what your struggling with to someone who can help you like maybe your wife or a close friend(s) of yours. If you work a 9-5 try starting a side business and eventually having that business be your only job. A 9-5 is always stressful whereas business is stressful but also gives you much more flexibility. If you have any debts pay them off asap. Make a plan of where you want to see your self in the next 5-10 years financially and just in general. Financial planning is the key to a stressful free life. Life is gonna get more tuff with each passing day. Don’t give up and remember for what purpose your here. Always thank Allah for everything you have and believe in Allah.

Allāh does not charge a soul except [with that within] its capacity…
-Quran 2:286

Out of everything you said, I found it useless except for when you suggested to me that I need to read Quran Sharif.

I have not read Quran Sharif in over 5 years. Thank you brother.

The phrase we are what we eat is not just a fashion statement. An experiment with less spicier diet maybe something you should try.

You have gone through quite a few life changes as most others during the pandemic and everyone will settle to their own pace. If you believe that a stagnant workplace is not conducive enough to offer work life balance, you can look a for new one.

You weren't pussy enough to share it with the digital world so I am sure you can give your immediate family some hints if they aren't on it already given how curious humans are. Being apart from family is taking a toll on you.

I don’t agree with anything you said. But the fact that you gave time out of your day to try and make me feel better. May Allah swt bless you and your family.

Thanks man. I mean it sincerely.
I wake up every morning betting with Allah swt that society can not be more fukt up as it is. In the face of Allah swt, I always lose.

I go on YouTube and see endless videos of random children talking about blue pill and red pill. Some of them being faggots, while others insulting women.

As an ethnic Punjabi, when I listen to these white faggots insult women my blood boils. My father told me that in our society, the women would build the house using mud clay. My grandmother built our house with her own hands in our village. We live in that house to this day.

This is the society I am living in. The US as a country may be powerful, but it’s a country that is powerless. The new generation is disgusting not only because of their opinions but because of their behavior.

Family values, religion, and the lack of searching for a purpose makes me vomit. I was born in 1990 and the world was becoming such a wonderful place. I was excited.

Today I am absolutely disgusted. I feel like I don’t belong here. I go to work and feel so dissociated with the people I speak with.

People that I speak with seem like the spawn of the devil.

I have gotten married in 2019 and have a child. He seems so happy in Pakistan, I feel like bringing him to the US will **** his mind. In the same token I feel like him living in Pakistan he will be no different as the military elite in our country are also faggots and on the payroll of foreign faggots.

Human beings are so fucked in the head they praise AI projects that will replace their own jobs. I can’t even talk to stupid **** people like this.

I don’t know wtf I am doing here on this earth anymore. News songs or movies bring me no joy. American and or western society is no longer exciting because they are on a downward spiral.

I don’t understand wtf I am living life for anymore except that I am a Muslim and suicide is no option. Do I feel suicidal? All the fucking time. Everything disgusts me. When I wake up I feel disgusted. I don’t understand what has happened to me. Is it age or depression or what?

I don’t know wtf is going on. The world has gone crazy but maybe it’s not the world, but just me.

I’m in a very weird place right now. If any of you can relate with me, please show me a way out. I just don’t understand.
I know what you mean, to an extent.
An equally proportionate amount of Young people as well as old are becoming disillusioned that the society we built is crumbling from the inside.

I completely agree with you, I feel equally lost in this world.
But trust me when I say that praying five times a day, reading Quran on the daily and praying tahajjud as well as finding an interesting hobby will solve it.
I literally did this for a good while and felt immensely fulfilled and any traces of depression went away and were not seen again (I did this when IK was ousted and I had lost complete faith in Pakistan, the entire life I had planned to build had crumbled around me)

As for redpill and blue pill, trust me society needs a bit more of that. That stuff is the polar opposites the woke invasion and LGBTQABCD apocalypse that is invading the West.

Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times.

The hard times are upon us, the fruits of the labour of the weak men are being beared.

It's likely this will lead to a large scale decay in society as well as a multitude of conflicts.

Raise your son well and upon the Deen, and he will have nothing to fear.
Out of everything you said, I found it useless except for when you suggested to me that I need to read Quran Sharif.

I have not read Quran Sharif in over 5 years. Than you brother.
5 years, ooofffff.

Read it daily bro, even if it's a verse. Read it with translation too and it will help.
I know what you mean, to an extent.
An equally proportionate amount of Young people as well as old are becoming disillusioned that the society we built is crumbling from the inside.

I completely agree with you, I feel equally lost in this world.
But trust me when I say that praying five times a day, reading Quran on the daily and praying tahajjud as well as finding an interesting hobby will solve it.
I literally did this for a good while and felt immensely fulfilled and any traces of depression went away and were not seen again (I did this when IK was ousted and I had lost complete faith in Pakistan, the entire life I had planned to build had crumbled around me)

As for redpill and blue pill, trust me society needs a bit more of that. That stuff is the polar opposites the woke invasion and LGBTQABCD apocalypse that is invading the West.

Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times.

The hard times are upon us, the fruits of the labour of the weak men are being beared.

It's likely this will lead to a large scale decay in society as well as a multitude of conflicts.

Raise your son well and upon the Deen, and he will have nothing to fear.

5 years, ooofffff.

Read it daily bro, even if it's a verse. Read it with translation too and it will help.

Thank you brother. You are a little child compared to me, but Allah swt has given you wisdom and sent you to me to correct my actions.

Stay blessed and thank you for taking the time out of your day to advise me.

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