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New Introductions


Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
United States
So the last introductions were getting pretty useless. So here are some guidelines for proper introductions.

1) Tell your interests
2) What do you do.
3) How did you find us
4) What interests you here?
5) What is your profession?
6) Future plans?
So the last introductions were getting pretty useless. So here are some guidelines for proper introductions.

1) Tell your interests
2) What do you do.
3) How did you find us
4) What interests you here?
5) What is your profession?
6) Future plans?

Do we reply here or make individual threads?
1) Tell your interests
long before when i join love of forces

2) What do you do.

work in private firm

3) How did you find us

while searching images of pak forces

4) What interests you here?

what interests someone have at home ?

5) What is your profession?


6) Future plans?
2 kids only
1) Tell your interests
Eclectic and wide ranging, sort of Jack of All Trades.

2) What do you do.

3) How did you find us

4) What interests you here?
Anything to do with Pakistan.

5) What is your profession?

6) Future plans?
Man proposes, God disposes. Who knows what happens in the future?
1) Tell your interests

Singing, Playing Guitar, Traveling and Reading.

2) What do you do.

Recently joined Sarkari Naukri.

3) How did you find us


4) What interests you here?

Learning. I joined PDF to learn about Kashmir Issue. Before joining, I didn't know Pakistan, China too administrate certain parts of Kashmir. I always thought, we administrate entire area which is shown in India's Map. I've Learnt lot of things from this Forum & still learning. Ex: Bangladesh used to be East Pakistan, Khalistan Movement etc. Hence, I regularly visit here.

5) What is your profession?

Sarkari Mulazim

6) Future plans?

Excel in my current job and serve my Nation.:cray:

@WebMaster Make this thread a Sticky.
Last edited:
1) Tell your interests
I enjoy reading, gardening, bicycling and national and international affairs.

2) What do you do.
I am retired so spend my time as I like, only constrained by what my wife thinks I should be doing :-).

3) How did you find us
Searching on the internet for information about Pakistan and the struggle of the USA with terrorism.

4) What interests you here?
The opinions and many articles of interest posted by Members.

5) What is your profession?
I am a retired physicist who did R&D for a fortune 500 USA company and a US patent agent.

6) Future plans?
Sail into the sunset.

Source: New Introductions
1. My interests
Science, reading, making airplane/helicopter models, barbecuing, angling.

2. What I do for living?
I am an academician/researcher

3. How did I find PDF?
While looking for aircraft pictures on the internet

4. What interests me here?
Like to keep up with matters related to Pakistan armed forces, politics

5. What is my profession?
I am a molecular virologist with particular interest in engineering therapeutic proteins/antibodies against HIV

6. Future plans?
Post-retirement plan is to have a cattle farm.
1) Tell your interests
Religion, Business, Economics, Marketing, Psychology, Politics, Military

2) What do you do.

3) How did you find us

4) What interests you here?
Intellectual Discussion, Ukhuwah Islamiyah, Information, Making friend, Defending Islam and my nation, Indonesia, over the net.

5) What is your profession?
Businessman, Marketer

6) Future plans?
All the previous Intro Threads got deleted?
1) Tell your interests
Info Tech, Politics, Military

2) What do you do.
Working for Group Of Co - Pvt

3) How did you find us
Google - I guess :)

4) What interests you here?
Matters related to Pakistan, Armed forces of Pakistan, Politics

5) What is your profession?
Manager IT Division

6) Future plans?
To get few more Top Notch IT Certs, may b start my own IT Consultancy Firm ( ALLAH KNOWS THE BEST)
1) Tell your interests
Pakistan, Military, Defence, Business Intelligence, Bakra Eid, Pakistan, Pakistan

2) What do you do.
Consultant, dealing with database/reporting/security

3) How did you find us
Created it.

4) What interests you here?
Moderation, Pakistan against TTP, Siasat, Foreign Issues, Cricket

5) What is your profession?
BI Consultant

6) Future plans?
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