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Pakistan Has Over 100 Nuclear Weapons Pointed At India (And Millions Live At Risk)

And my brain size is doesn't matter in this scenario, the main point is that your gov/establishment/RSS goons threaten Pakistan always, look the whole election campaign of MODI was anti Pakistan rants and hate speech, this your pathetic shining fcuk democracy is, ok i have brain size of check pea but you have no brain but instead a brain you have a dog shit in your head

Why are you getting triggered my friend ??

Haven't you heard your lawmakers threatening India with Nukes in the past ?? And why are you taking everything these politicians (irrespective of our nations) blabber at face value ?? Grow up kid. :-)
Why are you getting triggered my friend ??

Haven't you heard your lawmakers threatening India with Nukes in the past ?? And why are you taking everything these politicians (irrespective of our nations) blabber at face value ?? Grow up kid. :-)
Always in replay against India, India always started first then we replay, i am getting out of control because you first try to abuse/insult me
Always in replay against India, India always started first then we replay, i am getting out of control because you first try to abuse/insult me

When, where ?? Where did I tried to abuse you ?? Even now I haven't restored in calling names unlike you. ;)

And about India starting it. If it were so the entire Kingdom of Kashmir would have be part of union of India back in 1947. We actually came late for the party. History is the proof, how hard you try to deny. :p:
Pakistan Has Over 100 Nuclear Weapons Pointed At India (And Millions Live At Risk)

Let's hope they never use them.

by Kyle Mizokami

Key point: South Asia is one of the world's most dangerous nuclear-weapons zones.

Sandwiched between Iran, China, India and Afghanistan, Pakistan lives in a complicated neighborhood with a variety of security issues. One of the nine known states known to have nuclear weapons, Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal and doctrine are continually evolving to match perceived threats. A nuclear power for decades, Pakistan is now attempting to construct a nuclear triad of its own, making its nuclear arsenal resilient and capable of devastating retaliatory strikes.
Pakistan’s nuclear program goes back to the 1950s, during the early days of its rivalry with India. President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto famously said in 1965, “If India builds the bomb, we will eat grass or leaves, even go hungry, but we will get one of our own.”

The program became a higher priority after the country’s 1971 defeat at the hands of India, which caused East Pakistan to break away and become Bangladesh. Experts believe the humiliating loss of territory, much more than reports that India was pursuing nuclear weapons, accelerated the Pakistani nuclear program. India tested its first bomb, codenamed “Smiling Buddha,” in May 1974, putting the subcontinent on the road to nuclearization.
Pakistan began the process of accumulating the necessary fuel for nuclear weapons, enriched uranium and plutonium. The country was particularly helped by one A. Q. Khan, a metallurgist working in the West who returned to his home country in 1975 with centrifuge designs and business contacts necessary to begin the enrichment process. Pakistan’s program was assisted by European countries and a clandestine equipment-acquisition program designed to do an end run on nonproliferation efforts. Outside countries eventually dropped out as the true purpose of the program became clear, but the clandestine effort continued.

(This first appeared last March.)

Exactly when Pakistan had completed its first nuclear device is murky. Former president Benazir Bhutto, Zulfikar Bhutto’s daughter, claimed that her father told her the first device was ready by 1977. A member of the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission said design of the bomb was completed in 1978 and the bomb was “cold tested”—stopping short of an actual explosion—in 1983.

Benazir Bhutto later claimed that Pakistan’s bombs were stored disassembled until 1998, when India tested six bombs in a span of three days. Nearly three weeks later, Pakistan conducted a similar rapid-fire testing schedule, setting off five bombs in a single day and a sixth bomb three days later. The first device, estimated at twenty-five to thirty kilotons, may have been a boosted uranium device. The second was estimated at twelve kilotons, and the next three as sub-kiloton devices.

The sixth and final device appears to have also been a twelve-kiloton bomb that was detonated at a different testing range; a U.S. Air Force “Constant Phoenix” nuclear-detection aircraft reportedly detected plutonium afterward. Since Pakistan had been working on a uranium bomb and North Korea—which shared or purchased research with Pakistan through the A. Q. Khan network—had been working on a uranium bomb, some outside observers concluded the sixth test was actually a North Korean test, detonated elsewhere to conceal North Korea’s involvement although. There is no consensus on this conclusion.

Experts believe Pakistan’s nuclear stockpile is steadily growing. In 1998, the stockpile was estimated at five to twenty-five devices, depending on how much enriched uranium each bomb required. Today Pakistan is estimated to have an arsenal of 110 to 130 nuclear bombs. In 2015 the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the Stimson Center estimated Pakistan’s bomb-making capability at twenty devices annually, which on top of the existing stockpile meant Pakistan could quickly become the third-largest nuclear power in the world. Other observers, however, believe Pakistan can only develop another forty to fifty warheads in the near future.

Pakistani nuclear weapons are under control of the military’s Strategic Plans Division, and are primarily stored in Punjab Province, far from the northwest frontier and the Taliban. Ten thousand Pakistani troops and intelligence personnel from the SPD guard the weapons. Pakistan claims that the weapons are only armed by the appropriate code at the last moment, preventing a “rogue nuke” scenario.

Pakistani nuclear doctrine appears to be to deter what it considers an economically, politically and militarily stronger India. The nuclear standoff is exacerbated by the traditional animosity between the two countries, the several wars the two countries have fought, and events such as the 2008 terrorist attack on Mumbai, which were directed by Pakistan. Unlike neighboring India and China, Pakistan does not have a “no first use” doctrine, and reserves the right to use nuclear weapons, particularly low-yield tactical nuclear weapons, to offset India’s advantage in conventional forces.

Pakistan currently has a nuclear “triad” of nuclear delivery systems based on land, in the air and at sea. Islamabad is believed to have modified American-built F-16A fighters and possibly French-made Mirage fighters to deliver nuclear bombs by 1995. Since the fighters would have to penetrate India’s air defense network to deliver their payloads against cities and other targets, Pakistani aircraft would likely be deliver tactical nuclear weapons against battlefield targets.

Land-based delivery systems are in the form of missiles, with many designs based on or influenced by Chinese and North Korean designs. The Hatf series of mobile missiles includes the solid-fueled Hatf-III (180 miles), solid-fueled Hatf-IV (466 miles) and liquid-fueled Hatf V, (766 miles). The CSIS Missile Threat Initiative believes that as of 2014, Hatf VI (1242 miles) is likely in service. Pakistan is also developing a Shaheen III intermediate-range missile capable of striking targets out to 1708 miles, in order to strike the Nicobar and Andaman Islands.

The sea component of Pakistan’s nuclear force consists of the Babur class of cruise missiles. The latest version, Babur-2, looks like most modern cruise missiles, with a bullet-like shape, a cluster of four tiny tail wings and two stubby main wings, all powered by a turbofan or turbojet engine. The cruise missile has a range of 434 miles. Instead of GPS guidance, which could be disabled regionally by the U.S. government, Babur-2 uses older Terrain Contour Matching (TERCOM) and Digital Scene Matching and Area Co-relation (DSMAC) navigation technology. Babur-2 is deployed on both land and at sea on ships, where they would be more difficult to neutralize. A submarine-launched version, Babur-3, was tested in January and would be the most survivable of all Pakistani nuclear delivery systems.

Pakistan is clearly developing a robust nuclear capability that can not only deter but fight a nuclear war. It is also dealing with internal security issues that could threaten the integrity of its nuclear arsenal. Pakistan and India are clearly in the midst of a nuclear arms race that could, in relative terms, lead to absurdly high nuclear stockpiles reminiscent of the Cold War. It is clear that an arms-control agreement for the subcontinent is desperately needed.

Kyle Mizokami is a defense and national-security writer based in San Francisco who has appeared in the Diplomat, Foreign Policy, War is Boring and the Daily Beast. In 2009, he cofounded the defense and security blog Japan Security Watch. You can follow him on Twitter: @KyleMizokami. This article first appeared last year.

Image: Reuters.

And ENDians nukes are aimed at who?...

He/She is probably a douch ugly indian using a fake japanese name, and also the website probably belongs to those 300 fake websites operated by the douchbag indians.
And about India starting it. If it were so the entire Kingdom of Kashmir would have be part of union of India back in 1947. We actually came late for the party. History is the proof, how hard you try to deny
are you out of your mind read the history kid you illegally occupied the valley in 1947 you were the one who capture the valley without doing referendum/plebiscite and accession from Dogra raj is worth nothing because he was Hindu/Sikh and valley is mostly had Muslim population:crazy::crazy:
are you out of your mind read the history kid you illegally occupied the valley in 1947 you were the one who capture the valley without doing referendum/plebiscite and accession from Dogra raj is worth nothing because he was Hindu/Sikh and valley is mostly had Muslim population:crazy::crazy:

Oh, did we ?? Then learn to live with it.

No one is going to give you something on a table that you lost in a war. Not once but multiple times. And India is not any exception. Sad but hard truth of life. ;)

Again who broke the standstill agreement with the Kingdom of Kashmir ? India ?? :azn:
Oh, did we ?? Then learn to live with it.

No one is going to give you something on a table that you lost in a war. Not once but multiple times. And India is not any exception. Sad but hard truth of life. ;)

Again who broke the standstill agreement with the Kingdom of Kashmir ? India ?? :azn:
Multiple time what are you talking about:lol::lol::lol: we took a part of your so called Kashmir Kingdom and didn't take it back:azn::azn:, we destroy your air force in 65 (19 vs 110) we reach almost Delhi and Gurdaspur (a way to Kashmir from India) you forget that we destroy your port of dawarka, and you mighty aircraft carrier not went in open ocean because of PNS Ghazi (first sub of subcontinent), why you interfere our internal matter in 71 our air force and Naval assets in East Pakistan is minimal and dispersed Aand thanks for creating Mukhti Bahani and support for Bangladeshi traitors giving them latest weapons and also thanks for Soviet Union that veto all cesefire agreement we were week and alone internationally because of stupid policy of YAHA Khan, according to lord Mountbatten solution/verdict who is (agree by both parties Hindu/Muslim) There were plebiscite in all over British India to decide which country do you wanna live India or Pakistan and you and Britisher didn't allow to do plebiscite in the valley in 1947
And what agreement we broke with Kingdom of Kashmir please tell us
I know you country and religion believes in lies and deception and to oppress minorities;):p::enjoy:
Multiple time what are you talking about:lol::lol::lol: we took a part of your so called Kashmir Kingdom and didn't take it back:azn::azn:, we destroy your air force in 65 (19 vs 110) we reach almost Delhi and Gurdaspur (a way to Kashmir from India) you forget that we destroy your port of dawarka, and you mighty aircraft carrier not went in open ocean because of PNS Ghazi (first sub of subcontinent), why you interfere our internal matter in 71 our air force and Naval assets in East Pakistan is minimal and dispersed Aand thanks for creating Mukhti Bahani and support for Bangladeshi traitors giving them latest weapons and also thanks for Soviet Union that veto all cesefire agreement we were week and alone internationally because of stupid policy of YAHA Khan, according to lord Mountbatten solution/verdict who is (agree by both parties Hindu/Muslim) There were plebiscite in all over British India to decide which country do you wanna live India or Pakistan and you and Britisher didn't allow to do plebiscite in the valley in 1947
And what agreement we broke with Kingdom of Kashmir please tell us
I know you country and religion believes in lies and deception and to oppress minorities;):p::enjoy:

You certainly don't know much about history or you are simply assuming facts that suite your narrative. Pakistan was the country who had a standstill agreement signed with the Kingdom of Kashmir. And it was you who unilaterally tried to change that and that is history even your countrymen would agree.

And the agreement between the parties and Mr. Mountbatten was that either the princely states can join India, Pakistan or they can remain independent (Which the Maharaja Hari Singh choose initially), why do you conveniently forget that last fact ?? :azn:
Why blame India alone, why not China, Soviet SR or even USA. FYI, India was never the first one to develop the weapon.
This article is about India and Pakistan. Between the two, it was India who started this race, yet this author is making it out to be like Pakistan is doing something bad even though it developed it in response to India having it.
You certainly don't know much about history or you are simply assuming facts that suite your narrative. Pakistan was the country who had a standstill agreement signed with the Kingdom of Kashmir. And it was you who unilaterally tried to change that and that is history even your countrymen would agree.

And the agreement between the parties and Mr. Mountbatten was that either the princely states can join India, Pakistan or they can remain independent (Which the Maharaja Hari Singh choose initially), why do you conveniently forget that last fact ?? :azn:

I know your country and religion believe in lies and deception and to oppress your minorities
Give me the solid proof that that's our Muslim leaders of our freedom struggles agrees lord mountbatten proposes this idea that Princey state head decides that in which country you gonna to join, a lame logic by you to justify illegal occupation of IOK
And tell me the legislative Council of Hyderabad dakan and junagarh Ahmedabad decided to join Pakistan what happened then ,read the true history of partition of subcontinent:):azn:
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are you out of your mind read the history kid you illegally occupied the valley in 1947 you were the one who capture the valley without doing referendum/plebiscite and accession from Dogra raj is worth nothing because he was Hindu/Sikh and valley is mostly had Muslim population:crazy::crazy:

The accession was according to the terms agreed by the father of your nation.
This article is about India and Pakistan. Between the two, it was India who started this race, yet this author is making it out to be like Pakistan is doing something bad even though it developed it in response to India having it.

That's because you don't look into the larger picture exactly like the author of this article.

If Pakistan have your own security concerns which forced you to develop Nukes why don't you forget to see that we were also forced to acquire the tech due to similar threat. Doesn't it become imperative ?? :-)

Give me the solid proof that that's our Muslim leaders of our freedom struggles agrees lord mountbatten proposes this idea that Princey state head decides that in which country you gonna to join, a lame logic by you to justify illegal occupation of IOK

Go and read through the following. It was according to the Indian Independence Act of 1947 passed in British parliament and agreed upon by the respective leaders of what is today's India , Pakistan and Bangladesh

Indian Independence act 1947.

And now please tell me who is blatantly lying here, me or you ?? :azn::azn::azn:

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