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Pakistan issues a notification for a ballistic missile test in the Arabian Sea 1/13/21

Meanwhile our apprehensive neighbour sharing thoughts.
Bharat Rakshak.png
What are we looking at lads, any new missile or retest of previous one?
Nothing on the navy website that usually carries over the sea warnings.
It might be from army not from NAVY, so army will issue a waring over land and at the sea not navy
What are we looking at lads, any new missile or retest of previous one?
lets wait and see what will be the test, nobody knows it will be a new missile test or we will restest the older versions
Just out of interest, did PN issued any NOTAM for yesterday's missile firing.
can pakistani missiles reach Nicobar island, Diego Garcia or countries that house its traitors?

Live out of fear, show strength, with a population of 220Mill you can be one of the most powerful country.
shame on you for living in fear
ooof, Diego Garcia. you realize that houses a US base right???
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