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Pakistani Made Grad rockets not Good

The Ukrainians don’t like Pakistani Made GrAd rockets.

Pakistan should stop giving ammunition to Ukraine and let them be overrun by the Russians!

Ukraine war: Bakhmut defenders worry about losing support​

7 hours ago
Grad in the field

The call from Ukraine for more weapons and ammunition to bolster its defences has grown louder as the war has gone on
By Jonathan Beale
BBC Defence correspondent, Bakhmut
A year ago Volodymyr and his men were firing all 40 barrels of their BM-21 Grad rocket launcher in one go. Now they can only afford to fire a few at a time at Russian targets.
"We haven't got enough ammunition for our weapon," he explains.
His unit, the 17th Tank Battalion, is still being called on to provide fire support to Ukrainian forces desperately clinging on to the edges of Bakhmut, the eastern Ukrainian city which Russia has spent months trying to capture.
Russian forces are getting ever closer to their goal of taking the city, but at enormous cost.
While we're waiting in a line of trees, hidden from view, Volodymyr receives a call to fire his rocket launcher at a Russian mortar position about 15 kilometres away.
Grad missile launcher hidden in trees

Some of the Ukrainian Grad missile supplies are coming from the Czech Republic, Romania and Pakistan
His men remove the branches camouflaging their vehicle. They drive towards an empty field about a kilometre away and quickly work out the range.
They elevate the rocket barrels towards the target while, out of sight, a Ukrainian drone hovering above assesses their accuracy.
They're told their first rocket misses by about 50 metres, so they adjust the elevation and fire another two and quickly return to the trees for cover. This time they're told they've hit the target.
Volodymyr however, is frustrated they can't do more. "We could have provided more support to our guys who are dying there."
He says Ukraine has already burned through its own stocks of Grad ammunition, so is relying on rockets sourced from other countries. Volodymyr says supplies are coming from the Czech Republic, Romania and Pakistan. He complains the rockets originating from Pakistan are "not of a good quality".
Good we are getting rid of shit stock


Ukraine gets the reject stuff only
Yes for sure...Ukraine is also complaining about western weapons not working.
And what exactly is that?
Is that IMF deal or loan restructuring???

Because FOR now it seems it's only green cards and European 🏰🏰 for CORPS COMMANDERS
That depends on how this goodwill is used to reset relations with the west.

Ideally, a leadership with long term vision would go for an IMF deal and loan restructuring in the short term and easy terms to allow an increase in exports as well as FDI for the medium and long term. In exchange, giving more share of infrastructure projects to western companies and balancing between east and west. For the US, more people to people contact will also help rebuild a better image of the the U.S. amongst resident Pakistanis that usually don’t see the benefits of the relationship.

If there is one key variable in the west’s favor it’s the large consumer market and the attracting FDI especially in the services sector for our college grads and skilled industrial workers.

P.s. Pakistan is going to need Ukrainian engines if it plans to get the Atak-2 attack helicopter as well.
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Do the Ukrainians ever stop complaining? The idiots are not even paying for them😅
and indian are shit so before opening your rear hole, come up with facts
no no

Indian is also very strong in now a day's

we are having nuclear triad of:

land and

air and sea + undersea also

anytime can launch ICBM inside PAKISTAN

however, peace is good :)
This is important feedback Rather than being bellicose, take in the criticism and improve the quality.
Here is a good analysis on the reasons for some failures.

I agree with the author that the same rockets with their upgraded launcher preformed very very well In Azirbaijan. These are used by 40 countries….. so this makes sence

Double loss:

1. Anger Russia to please Western masters.
2. Ukraine isn't satisfied with supplied weapons.

Weren't certain members on PDF justifying sale of weapons to Ukraine not so long ago? In the end the Ukrainians end up criticizing the quality of supplied rockets.
Double loss:

1. Anger Russia to please Western masters.
2. Ukraine isn't satisfied with supplied weapons.

I would take unhappiness of Ukrainian with with a grain of salt. Ukraine is not happy with western equipment aswell. It’s just that the Russian juggernaut is slowly defeating them. It’s the whole Stalingrad story if the Russians were defeated in WW2 by the Germans!


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