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Pakistani Man Killed in Turkey with "Pig Tie" method

Well Pakistanis also dont behave like humans. I mean if Pakistanis were any good, they would have fixed their own country. I have said this before, a time will come when the whole world will close its doors to Pakistanis and would consider Pakistanis as a disease.
Well Pakistanis also dont behave like humans. I mean if Pakistanis were any good, they would have fixed their own country. I have said this before, a time will come when the whole world will close its doors to Pakistanis and would consider Pakistanis as a disease.

100% true

with the new leadership under army selected bilawal Bhutto our future is secure
That’s horrible , Poor guy. Everyday turkey is becoming very openly intolerant towards migrants in their country. No different to EU countries wanting controlled immigration. Sky News yesterday showed a whole ship of migrants they were mostly Arabs and especially a young very polite innocent Egyptian lad on board gave an interview sent out by his family help them. It broke my heart looked so innocent and vulnerable . Very sad times for Muslims from poor homes. Allah have mercy on them.
I highly doubt this is a hate crime. Unfortunately, refugees from Pakistan and Afghanistan are fighting and killing each other on a regular basis in Turkiye.

Yes. But mostly from the Afghan side. Afghans have been attacking Pakistanis overseas as well.
In Iran the Pakistani ambassador was attacked by an Afghan national.

They never stop.
No, this method of execution belongs to a radical fundamentalist and Kurdist terrorist organization that was completely dismantled in 2000. This terrorist organization was also used as an apparatus against the PKK within the repertoire of the Atlanticist/NATO gladio counter-guerrilla clicks, but in essence, it carried out its major murders against secular journalists and intellectuals. This method of execution brings only one thing to mind in TR, which is why the term 'pig tie' is so important here.

Although the statement of the Security Police and other news agencies completely deny this, the headlining of this criminal event in this way is a post-truth work. This is what I want to say. You are completely bypassing the polarization and arguments in the electoral process in the country and you are addressing this issue in an inauthentic way because of the nationality of the person who lost his life. The main debate is the AKP's decision to bring Hüdapar to parliament. Hüdapar is declared by the entire opposition bloc as the political extension of this terrorist organization. In this case, putting the allegation of pig ties in the headline essentially means that the Kurdish hizbullah is back. Indeed, if you look at the reflections on Turkish social media, you will see that this is what is being discussed, not the nationality of the deceased.

And this is not the only issue you are confusing. The PKK is a terrorist organization diametrically opposed to Islamists. And moreover, it is the main reason for the rise of anti-immigrant allergy in the country. Today, at least 2 million Syrian Kurds, Turkmens and Arabs have taken refuge in Turkiye, fleeing from areas controlled by the PKK's Syrian branch, the US proxy YPG. The youth organizations of the political party extension of the same terrorist organization, PKK, have been publishing calls to start street protests on social media throughout the day today. You are looking at the issue through a tiny hole, you don't really have an awareness of what is happening inside the room.

For us the main debate is that an innocent Pakistani lost hos life. We have eyes and ears too. You cannot ignore when certain Turks openly resort to racism and discrimination against Arabs, Afghans and Pakistanis. This makes an ordinary Pakistani suspicious.

I am absolutely willing to entertain your arguments regarding PKK, but at this moment we will have to wait for the investigation.

Well Pakistanis also dont behave like humans. I mean if Pakistanis were any good, they would have fixed their own country. I have said this before, a time will come when the whole world will close its doors to Pakistanis and would consider Pakistanis as a disease.

Pakistanis are a lazy and irritating bunch. They won't make their own country progress. Abroad they work like donkeys and obey the rules. Of course Pakistanis will be scolded and abused.

That’s horrible , Poor guy. Everyday turkey is becoming very openly intolerant towards migrants in their country. No different to EU countries wanting controlled immigration. Sky News yesterday showed a whole ship of migrants they were mostly Arabs and especially a young very polite innocent Egyptian lad on board gave an interview sent out by his family help them. It broke my heart looked so innocent and vulnerable . Very sad times for Muslims from poor homes. Allah have mercy on them.

Muslims are a disunited bunch. Just have a good look at how Western nations cooperate and tolerate each other. There was a time when Western nations were suffering in the dark medieval age. The people took matters into their own hands. Finally the leaders understood that cooperation is the only way forward. We Muslims are donkeys who only know how to hate and destroy each other. Islamic nations don't even tolerate refugee brothers and sisters from other Islamic nations. We scold each other. There is infighting and disagreements. We hate each other over petty things. Islamic countries don't get along. Many Islamic nations have some of the most illiterate and disgusting dictators around. Barring a few exceptions. The truth is that many Islamic countries are just there to be exploited by outsiders. Islamic nations are invaded. Their countries are looted and bombed. Dictators and lapdogs are installed as leaders. There is not a single leader within the Islamic world that has a few brain cells to unite everyone. It is divide and conquer.
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We have good relations with pro-Erdogan Turks. Not with Kemalists who hate Pakistan and Pakistanis.

It might be news to some, but Turks are fiercely divided.

Kemalists can be pro-Pakistan as well. Many of them admire Jinnah. But a segment of them dislike Pakistanis and just about all other non-Turkish Muslims under the pretext that they are "secular" and all other Muslims are "religious."

The one I knew did not fancy himself as European. He claimed Turks have nothing in common with Europeans. But he hated Pakistanis.

He liked Indians and Bollywood because he thought it made him look "secular" he supported India's stance on Kashmir.

He claimed Pakistanis are Muslim fundamentalists and that Pakistan was a state founded on Shariah law.

He was basically projecting his guilt onto Pakistanis. He kept lecturing me about how many human lives were lost during the imaginary "partition" and how badly non-Muslims are treated in Pakistan.

I'm not claiming he's entirely wrong. Our country has become relatively radicalized since General Zias dictatorship.

He also claimed to live in downtown Toronto where he saw very religious Pakistanis living in his area. He said it with a derogatory tone Pakistanis.

But it's wrong to claim that secular Turks necessarily hate Pakistanis, although the haters usually come from non-religious Turks.

We had a non-religious Europeanzied Turkish friend from Istanbul and she was a very nice and kind person.

Plus I also faced abuse on YT once from a theistic Turk. He called us "Pakis" and "brown cockroaches" and that we invited the wrath of God or something like that.

I told him I don't believe in his God or his concept of God. He asked how can I not believe in God? I checked out his profile.

He had a video of driving a car and wearing sunglasses replying in his language to a female. Maybe his girlfriend or sister.

He was indeed a Turk. He was not an Indian or Afghan impersonator.

My point is you cannot simply root out Pakistan haters from one group of Turks. They are very much a divided group of people.

Not different from Pakistanis. It's not so simple as this or that is what I'm claiming.
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What is a pig tie method?

Just write "Domuz Bağı" you will see. This method is Kurdish Hizbullah's signature execution.

You can't make terrorists out of Nationalists & Ataturkists.
Kemalists can be pro-Pakistan as well. But a segment of them dislike Pakistanis and just about all other non-Turkish Muslims under the pretext that they are "secular" and all other Muslims are "religious."

The one I knew did not fancy himself as European. He claimed Turks have nothing in common with Europeans. But he hated Pakistanis.

He liked Indians and Bollywood because he thought it made him look "secular" he supported India's stance on Kashmir.

He claimed Pakistanis are Muslim fundamentalists and that Pakistan was a state founded on Shariah law.

He was basically projecting his guilt onto Pakistanis. He kept lecturing me about how many human lives were lost during the imaginary "partition" and how badly non-Muslims are treated in Pakistan.

I'm not claiming he's entirely wrong. Our country has become relatively radicalized since General Zias dictatorship.

He also claimed to live in downtown Toronto where he saw very religious Pakistanis living in his area. He said it with a derogatory tone Pakistanis.

But it's wrong to claim that secular Turks necessarily hate Pakistanis, although the haters usually come from non-religious Turks.

We had a non-religious Europeanzied Turkish friend from Istanbul and she was a very nice and kind person.

Plus I also faced abuse on YT once from a theistic Turk. He called us "Pakis" and "brown cockroaches" and that we invited the wrath of God or something like that.

I told him I don't believe in his God or his concept of God. He asked how can I not believe in God? I checked out his profile.

He had a video of driving a car and wearing sunglasses replying in his language to a female. Maybe his girlfriend or sister.

He was indeed a Turk. He was not an Indian or Afghan impersonator.

My point is you cannot simply root out Pakistan haters from one group of Turks. They are very much a divided group of people.

Not different from Pakistanis. It's not so simple as this or that is what I'm claiming.

It is a stark reminder for Pakistanis and other economic migrants that they will be hated, killed and abused in foreign lands for various reasons. Pakistanis are a very unfortunate and sorry lot. Pakistanis have a beautiful country that they can call their own. Yet so many Pakistanis are leaving their country and searching for a better life abroad. For me this is more important and worrisome than some Turk acting strangely out of some weird conviction he or she has.

The truth is that economic migrants will always be exploited and blamed one way or the other. That is the sad truth. Whether it is in Turkey, USA or Pakistan itself.
Probably mad at Erdogan winning so took it out on the Muslim looking immigrant.

I hate subhuman seculars who shit on on their for a subhuman ideology. I hope Erdogan kills each one
In Turkey right now.

Came here last 10 years ago.

They've abandoned their currency lol....everything in euros.

I have to remind the Turks they are not in Europe so use Lira please.

Even respectable looking Turks now beg you for tips or try to scam you.
For us the main debate is that an innocent Pakistani lost hos life. We have eyes and ears too. You cannot ignore when certain Turks openly resort to racism and discrimination against Arabs, Afghans and Pakistanis. This makes an ordinary Pakistani suspicious.

I am absolutely willing to entertain your arguments regarding PKK, but at this moment we will have to wait for the investigation.

Pakistanis are a lazy and irritating bunch. They won't make their own country progress. Abroad they work like donkeys and obey the rules. Of course Pakistanis will be scolded and abused.

Muslims are a disunited bunch. Just have a good look at how Western nations cooperate and tolerate each other. There was a time when Western nations were suffering in the dark medieval age. The people took matters into their own hands. Finally the leaders understood that cooperation is the only way forward. We Muslims are donkeys who only know how to hate and destroy each other. Islamic nations don't even tolerate refugee brothers and sisters from other Islamic nations. We scold each other. There is infighting and disagreements. We hate each other over petty things. Islamic countries don't get along. Many Islamic nations have some of the most illiterate and disgusting dictators around. Barring a few exceptions. The truth is that many Islamic countries are just there to be exploited by outsiders. Islamic nations are invaded. Their countries are looted and bombed. Dictators and lapdogs are installed as leaders. There is not a single leader within the Islamic world that has a few brain cells to unite everyone. It is divide and conquer.

It is not like Muslims are disunited. Rather, Islam spanned across multiple continents which has different independent cultures of its own. Again same thing with Christianity and Buddhism too...Nations, people, and their emotions get united based on culture more than religion. For example, Philipines may be a Christian country, do you ever see the whole West stand behind Philipines if there will be any problem? Rather than the West, people from China, Vietnam, and other East Asian countries will be feeling close to them.
You can extend the same mindset to Arabs and Turks too...Arab and Turkic people have their own civilizations and distinct culture. Even if they are Muslim, i believe, they feel closer to their co-culture people than any South Asian Muslims...

Now, last but the least, in my personal experience, I fear you may not like it, my Lahori friend come to my home and drop off and pick up my son when i go to India than any Hindu from Fiji who is same community....So we may like it or not, Pakistani people may politically hate us, but at human interactions, they are closer to me or even Hindus more than other cultures.
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