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PMLN and the Amritsari Vote

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Mar 15, 2023
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Someone has to say it, so I will.

PMLN's hardcore voter base are mainly East Punjabis (called Amritsari) who immigrated to central Punjab in and around 1947. This is where PMLN gets the majority of its support from. When I say Amritsari, I’m referring to the East Punjab Muslim elites/landlords/British bootlickers who were part of the Punjab Unionist Party at one time.

Today they support and view PMLN no differently than how some Urdu speakers in Karachi viewed MQM in the past- the difference between the two communities couldn’t be any different. Urdu speakers seem to have evolved over the past 75 years and have always been racially profiled as not being “real Pakistanis” despite always defending their identity and referring to themselves as Pakistani only.

PMLN supporters are still impressed by paved roads being called “gifts”. What’s also interesting is how they like to maintain a separate identity from the “other Punjabis”. You’ll notice them intermarrying and trying to keep the wealth and power they’ve amassed within the community.

PMLN today was not around in 1947, and it would be foolish to assume that this Zia ul Haq invented political party is a continuation of the original Muslim League. We all know how Zia’s former predecessor deposed of Fatima Jinnah.


Rather, PMLN has disturbing similarities with the former Punjab Unionist Party which disappeared in 1947.

They too were heavily dominated by East Punjabi Muslims. Funny enough, they opposed Pakistan's independence and represented to views of the landlords and wealthy elite of Punjab - sound familiar?

I'm not saying all Amritsaris vote for PMLN, and I'm not saying all Urdu speakers vote for MQM, but what I'm noticing is how the hardcore PMLN supporters narrative is slowly beginning to change its tone from a fake nationalist view to a fake "Punjabi" view, which is disingenuous.

1. East Punjabis don't represent the majority of Punjab's population.

2. PMLN's entire leadership actually consist of Kashmiri immigrants to East Punjab. Ethnically Nawaz Sharif's entire family are all Kashmiris, who settled in East Punjab at the turn of the 19th century due to famine in the Kashmir Valley.

Hilariously, most Kashmiris from the valley disown them and the Sharif’s themselves regard Jati Umra as their ancestral home.

If I’m trying further trying to dig a hole for the Pakistan Dalla Movement on social media, I would push this narrative hard. These people have never had Pakistan’s interests at heart…ever.


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I have seen this trend recently, a mod did the same thing When he was dog whistling our people by dividing us into east and west, another thread popped on PDF recently along the same lines of East punjabis bad, pro PMLn, maasta we are good, pleaj

East Punjabi Muslim and west Punjabis are one in the same thing connected by blood, culture, language, traditions, trauma, suffering, familial linkages, ONLY difference being that one was a relgious minority one was not - STOP this ridiculous line of thinking

This is the most important piece of information on this website.

Thanks for sharing bro
It is an interesting discussion. Not condoning a certain narrative but it is important to understand what drives PMLN core supporters.

The Sharifs have been nurtured by the establishment, corrupt, presided over the worse financial meltdown, taken every institution to task, flouting the law yet they survive and have their core supporters. Even in certain surveys we see now, PTI leading in all polls by a huge margin, there is still some support of PMLN within Punjab.

Lets try to understand why this is happening?
Someone has to say it, so I will.

PMLN's hardcore voter base are mainly East Punjabis (called Amritsari) who immigrated to central Punjab in and around 1947. This is where PMLN gets the majority of its support from. When I say Amritsari, I’m referring to the East Punjab Muslim elites/landlords/British bootlickers who were part of the Punjab Unionist Party at one time.

Today they support and view PMLN no differently than how some Urdu speakers in Karachi viewed MQM in the past- the difference between the two communities couldn’t be any different. Urdu speakers seem to have evolved over the past 75 years and have always been racially profiled as not being “real Pakistanis” despite always defending their identity and referring to themselves as Pakistani only.

PMLN supporters are still impressed by paved roads being called “gifts”. What’s also interesting is how they like to maintain a separate identity from the “other Punjabis”. You’ll notice them intermarrying and trying to keep the wealth and power they’ve amassed within the community.

PMLN today was not around in 1947, and it would be foolish to assume that this Zia ul Haq invented political party is a continuation of the original Muslim League. We all know how Zia’s former predecessor deposed of Fatima Jinnah.

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Rather, PMLN has disturbing similarities with the former Punjab Unionist Party which disappeared in 1947.

They too were heavily dominated by East Punjabi Muslims. Funny enough, they opposed Pakistan's independence and represented to views of the landlords and wealthy elite of Punjab - sound familiar?

I'm not saying all Amritsaris vote for PMLN, and I'm not saying all Urdu speakers vote for MQM, but what I'm noticing is how the hardcore PMLN supporters narrative is slowly beginning to change its tone from a fake nationalist view to a fake "Punjabi" view, which is disingenuous.

1. East Punjabis don't represent the majority of Punjab's population.

2. PMLN's entire leadership actually consist of Kashmiri immigrants to East Punjab. Ethnically Nawaz Sharif's entire family are all Kashmiris, who settled in East Punjab at the turn of the 19th century due to famine in the Kashmir Valley.

Hilariously, most Kashmiris from the valley disown them and the Sharif’s themselves regard Jati Umra as their ancestral home.

If I’m trying further trying to dig a hole for the Pakistan Dalla Movement on social media, I would push this narrative hard. These people have never had Pakistan’s interests at heart…ever.

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Punjab not east Punjabis supported unionists in elections not because people liked India (if they did would have voted for Congress) but opposed/feared partition
Rightfully so as NO other placed suffered from partition like how people suffered in Punjab and Jammu,- around a dozen east Punjab cities had Muslim majority or a sizable minority,why tf would they want to go ahead with partition, even if they liked Pakistan, they wouldn't want to give up their buisnesses, homes, farmlands

That's why Jinnah didn't want partition (he wanted Pakistan but not partition of regions) and tried his best to avoid partition (not avoid Pakistan but partition of administrative units)

they foresaw the carnage thus were not keen on partition - that doesn't make them traitors but humans
Now whatever happened afterwards happened,now all are proud Pakistanis and it's our motherland

Move on and judge people by their current status

Unionists opposed partition and had ethno- nationalist tendencies unlike Congress with Indian nationalism and ML with Pakistani nationalism, it's a different beast than oh they were traitors to Pakistan and liked India, they were no fan of India but didn't like the idea of partition either thus demanded their own country in the end to avoid partition

Although by 1946 elections even Punjab became pro -ML and unionists lost our

But supporting unionists doesn't make someone traitors, or Indian sympathizers- history is way more nuanced than that
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I have seen this trend recently, a mod did the same thing When he was dog whistling our people by dividing us into east and west, another thread popped on PDF recently along the same lines of East punjabis bad, pro PMLn, maasta we are good, pleaj

East Punjabi Muslim and west Punjabis are one in the same thing connected by blood, culture, language, traditions, trauma, suffering, familial linkages, ONLY difference being that one was a relgious minority one was not - STOP this ridiculous line of thinking


Why are you getting mad at me? Don’t tell me this, tell Amritsaris who intermarry among themselves and literally look down upon West Punjabis as inferior.

Punjab has been led astray by these pseudo-Punjabis. As a Jatt you should know better!

West Punjab was dominated by Jatt’s until the Arain clans and Rajput clans migrated in during British rule and after 1947.

PMLN lower ranks are dominated by Rajputs while some have moved up the ladder like Rana Sanaullah and Ahsan Iqbal…both of whom have ancestry in East Punjab.

PMLN elite ranks were dominated by landlords/Arians which migrated from East Punjab in large numbers. Nowadays they are divided between PMLN and PTI.

Majority of Jatts were already living in West Punjab in 1947. Jatts now are mostly in PTI camp but before that they were in PPP and Q league camp.

I have seen this trend recently, a mod did the same thing When he was dog whistling our people by dividing us into east and west, another thread popped on PDF recently along the same lines of East punjabis bad, pro PMLn, maasta we are good, pleaj

East Punjabi Muslim and west Punjabis are one in the same thing connected by blood, culture, language, traditions, trauma, suffering, familial linkages, ONLY difference being that one was a relgious minority one was not - STOP this ridiculous line of thinking

East Punjabi Muslims have done more for Pakistan than the people hating on them.
East Punjabi Muslims are some of the bravest and most religious Muslims.
The people hating on them wouldn’t have the guts to dare talk that shit to a Muslim East Punjabi irl.
And lastly, there’s no such thing as east or west Punjabi. We are one. Our blood is mixed. I have both east and west Punjabi relatives. Punjabis are one and our ancestors intermixed and married amongst each other.
Punjab not east Punjabis supported unionists in elections not because people liked India (if they did would have voted for Congress) but opposed/feared partition
Rightfully so as NO other placed suffered from partition like how people suffered in Punjab and Jammu,- around a dozen east Punjab cities had Muslim majority or a sizable minority,why tf would they want to go ahead with partition, even if they liked Pakistan, they wouldn't want to give up their buisnesses, homes, farmlands

That's why Jinnah didn't want partition (he wanted Pakistan but not partition of regions) and tried his best to avoid partition (not avoid Pakistan but partition of administrative units)

they foresaw the carnage thus were not keen on partition - that doesn't make them traitors but humans
Now whatever happened afterwards happened,now all are proud Pakistanis and it's our motherland

Move on and judge people by their current status

Unionists opposed partition and had ethno- nationalist tendencies unlike Congress with Indian nationalism and ML with Pakistani nationalism, it's a different beast than oh they were traitors to Pakistan and liked India, they were no fan of India but didn't like the idea of partition either thus demanded their own country in the end to avoid partition

Although by 1946 elections even Punjab became pro -ML and unionists lost our

But supporting unionists doesn't make someone traitors, or Indian sympathizers- history is way more nuanced than that
East Punjabis suffered the most.
Gurdaspur district was highly majority Muslim but was given to india by British.
East Punjab even tho it had kaffir majority in many areas it was kaffir majority by a large margin. It was barely kaffir majority and more closer to half and half.
Muslim Punjabis make up like 90%+ of Punjabi population.
Punjab was all suppose to be part of Pakistan because Punjabis in majority by a huge margin are Muslims.
In the partition of Punjab it was us Punjabis who suffered. NO ETHNICITY SUFFERED AS MUCH AS PUNJABIS DURING PARTITION.
We Muslim Punjabis FOUGHT kaffirs for our rights and defended our self.
MILLIONS of Punjabi Muslims died in this war against kaffirs for Pakistan.
We had to fight our own blood and our own tribesmen but we didn’t once blink. We fought our own for Pakistan.
Millions of Punjabi families were displaced in this partition. Millions of our women were raped and captured by kaffirs. It’s rumoured that many Sikh Punjabi women look Muslim because of partition.
The zulm we faced for Pakistan is unmatched.
We took revenge for the atrocities taken against us and we didn’t beg or need any other ethnicity to help us.
Go ask Muslim Punjabi elders you won’t find a single one who hasn’t slain kaffir Punjabis.
Which ethnicity has sacrificed so much for Pakistan and went total war against their own for Pakistan.
I will say this now.
Pakistan is alive thanks to the sacrifices of Punjabis.
Even nowadays Muslim Punjabis fighting for Pakistan all over the world. We are used to defend Pakistan interests in Afghanistan and Kashmir. We get abused but still continue to lay down our lives for the country.

I don’t wanna get nationalistic but no ethnicity and I mean NO ETHNICITY in the entire subcontinent has the right to even speak about Muslim Punjabis in a bad manner.

Once they suffer and contribute as much as we did than they can talk. And for their kind info, sharifs are Kashmiris ethnically.

Why are you getting mad at me? Don’t tell me this, tell Amritsaris who intermarry among themselves and literally look down upon West Punjabis as inferior.

Punjab has been led astray by these pseudo-Punjabis. As a Jatt you should know better!

West Punjab was dominated by Jatt’s until the Arain clans and Rajput clans migrated in during British rule and after 1947.

PMLN lower ranks are dominated by Rajputs while some have moved up the ladder like Rana Sanaullah and Ahsan Iqbal…both of whom have ancestry in East Punjab.

PMLN elite ranks were dominated by landlords/Arians which migrated from East Punjab in large numbers. Nowadays they are divided between PMLN and PTI.

Majority of Jatts were already living in West Punjab in 1947. Jatts now are mostly in PTI camp but before that they were in PPP and Q league camp.
Shut up liar
I have heard that the Ambarsarya restaurant in Lahore has the best taste in the city.
East Punjabis suffered the most.
Gurdaspur district was highly majority Muslim but was given to india by British.
East Punjab even tho it had kaffir majority in many areas it was kaffir majority by a large margin. It was barely kaffir majority and more closer to half and half.
Muslim Punjabis make up like 90%+ of Punjabi population.
Punjab was all suppose to be part of Pakistan because Punjabis in majority by a huge margin are Muslims.
In the partition of Punjab it was us Punjabis who suffered. NO ETHNICITY SUFFERED AS MUCH AS PUNJABIS DURING PARTITION.
We Muslim Punjabis FOUGHT kaffirs for our rights and defended our self.
MILLIONS of Punjabi Muslims died in this war against kaffirs for Pakistan.
We had to fight our own blood and our own tribesmen but we didn’t once blink. We fought our own for Pakistan.
Millions of Punjabi families were displaced in this partition. Millions of our women were raped and captured by kaffirs. It’s rumoured that many Sikh Punjabi women look Muslim because of partition.
The zulm we faced for Pakistan is unmatched.
We took revenge for the atrocities taken against us and we didn’t beg or need any other ethnicity to help us.
Go ask Muslim Punjabi elders you won’t find a single one who hasn’t slain kaffir Punjabis.
Which ethnicity has sacrificed so much for Pakistan and went total war against their own for Pakistan.
I will say this now.
Pakistan is alive thanks to the sacrifices of Punjabis.
Even nowadays Muslim Punjabis fighting for Pakistan all over the world. We are used to defend Pakistan interests in Afghanistan and Kashmir. We get abused but still continue to lay down our lives for the country.

I don’t wanna get nationalistic but no ethnicity and I mean NO ETHNICITY in the entire subcontinent has the right to even speak about Muslim Punjabis in a bad manner.

Once they suffer and contribute as much as we did than they can talk. And for their kind info, sharifs are Kashmiris ethnically.

Shut up liar

Too much emotion…not enough reading.

Read what I wrote again slowly.
Millions of our women were raped and captured by kaffirs. It’s rumoured that many Sikh Punjabi women look Muslim because of partition.

How to differentiate Punjabi Sikh and Punjabi Muslim women in terms of looks?
Another Brain Fart from Punjab Bashing feel goods 🤣
I am.pretty sure the OP doesnt even know a thing about Punjabi Politics.

Any ways Its better to ignore such rants instead of Making a discussion out of it.
Muhajir Punjabis integrated into Pakistan despite all the difficulties. And rest is history. Unlike some other communites whose leaders always played love hate card with Pakistan.
OP wants to draw a parallel between the Fat Pig Altaf Party and his manipulation of Karachi people with PMLN politics in Punjab. 🤣
Slow clap
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