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PN mini-submarine fleet

PN is looking to have 2 to 3 different force structures in future. on the west coast it will mostly be OPV and Older ships mostly performing anti submarine function and coastal patrol.

While the larger ships and submarines will be assigned open water operation in Arabian sea.

The most important theater will be on eastern coast close to Indian border. this is where it will need these unconventional assets. Along with FAC Gun boat, helicopter PN will definitely deploy these small coastal submarines. And they will be a very potent area assess denial assets and can also be used as surprise attack options as well targeting Indian ships with torpedoes and if they can be equipped with small cruise missiles that will be even more effective for both anti ship and land attack as well.
The underwater - glider scheme can be used as a very long range detection platform. Actually I see it is currently used for this purpose.

"It is an experimental class whose models were originally intended to track quiet diesel electric submarines in littoral waters, move at 1–3 knots and remain on station for up to six months"


Satcom would be necessary like uavs. When it surfaces it transmits data back.

Another option that comes to my mind is usage of solar panels(open-close hatch at the top) to recharge it on surface. That way it can stay on duty for years and have ranges competing with nuclear subs. And it will be very cheap making life much more difficult for enemy sub fleet.

Another idea that comes to my mind is two passive sonars seperated side by side on it can estimate range of the target as well as direction quietly without giving away its location or I think they can work in pairs. This way two passive sonars can separate away from each other and communicate getting range data from the target.

There wont be anything hidden under water.
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I don't think those have this kind of capability which these have
How do you know their capability? If they weren’t good enough then PN would have ordered foreign ones already, it’s not like they’re shy about purchasing things from Turkey.

A midget submarine is not hard to make Compared to other things Pakistan has already worked on. Even if it’s not as good, a local option has many other benefits.

Though maybe PN can buy both, we operate two types currently, the modernized Cosmos class and the local SWAS. These could replace the cosmos.
Pakistan is already making its own.
Are you able to elaborate a bit more. I know we had a few X crafts from Italy and we do have some capability to manufacture them. However, to the best of my knowledge other than one highly speculative article which based its theory only on a picture , there has not been any information that we are manufacturing SWATS. Help would be greatly appreciated.
Are you able to elaborate a bit more. I know we had a few X crafts from Italy and we do have some capability to manufacture them. However, to the best of my knowledge other than one highly speculative article which based its theory only on a picture , there has not been any information that we are manufacturing SWATS. Help would be greatly appreciated.
HI Sutton is a trusted source when it comes to naval matters. It was his article that highlighted the submarine originally based off the satellite images. (https://www.forbes.com/sites/hisutt...ce-with-pakistani-navy-seals/?sh=6cf3d3613ba2)
But this submarine was listed in the ministry of defense production yearbooks, which means it was definitely constructed and inducted. According to the yearbook the design and manufacturing was both done locally. I suppose that based on the PN and SSG(N)s needs, more will be inducted as well, however we don’t know about it’s capabilities.
The other midget submarines PN operates are the MG110 “Cosmos” class submarines, these are Italian origin, 110 ton submarines. PN has three of them, they are pretty old but PN has modernized them, I remember a modernization project for them back in the 2000s.

HI Sutton is a trusted source when it comes to naval matters. It was his article that highlighted the submarine originally based off the satellite images. (https://www.forbes.com/sites/hisutt...ce-with-pakistani-navy-seals/?sh=6cf3d3613ba2)
But this submarine was listed in the ministry of defense production yearbooks, which means it was definitely constructed and inducted. According to the yearbook the design and manufacturing was both done locally. I suppose that based on the PN and SSG(N)s needs, more will be inducted as well, however we don’t know about it’s capabilities.
The other midget submarines PN operates are the MG110 “Cosmos” class submarines, these are Italian origin, 110 ton submarines. PN has three of them, they are pretty old but PN has modernized them, I remember a modernization project for them back in the 2000s.
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The PN has 2 requirements.

1. the mini-sub replacing the Cosmos MG110

2. shallow water attack (SWAT) sub -- basically a fully capable AShW/ASW sub with ELINT in a smaller package.

We may be working on the mini-sub/Cosmos MG110 replacement on our own, but the SWAT will be an import.
The PN has 2 requirements.

1. the mini-sub replacing the Cosmos MG110

2. shallow water attack (SWAT) sub -- basically a fully capable AShW/ASW sub with ELINT in a smaller package.

We may be working on the mini-sub/Cosmos MG110 replacement on our own, but the SWAT will be an import.
What about 2nd strike capability, excluding Babur?
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