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Political reforms in Newly Merged Districts of FATA-News,Updated and discussions

ISLAMABAD: Even as the much-touted ‘parallel and concurrent’ political, administrative, judicial and security reforms are being hailed as long overdue in an area plagued by acute poverty and militancy, people privy to the formulation of the report term several recommendations of the Fata Reforms Committee hard to implement because of technical intricacies.

The committee, headed by Adviser on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz, is divided over the merits of some of the recommendations, with Minister for State and Frontier Regions Abdul Qadir Baloch expressing displeasure over the finalised version of the report.

The panel, constituted by PM Nawaz Sharif on November 8 last year, includes National Security Adviser Lt-Gen (r) Nasser Khan Janjua, Law and Justice Minister Zahid Hamid and Safron Minister, Lt-Gen (retd) Abdul Qadir Baloch.

“He (Baloch) was angry over some of the recommendations which were incorporated in the final report without his approval,” an official of the Safron ministry said, adding the minister could not attend the last few meetings of the committee because of illness.

He protested before the committee members before the report’s launch on August 25.

According to officials privy to the report, the final draft was different from what was actually agreed upon during the meetings held by the committee, and it did not recommend the merger of Fata with Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa. Instead, the original version called for retaining the special status of the tribal areas along with introducing ‘parallel’ reforms and carrying out ‘concurrent’ development there.

Moreover, the major criticism faced by the committee is that the biggest stakeholder in the whole process, K-P, was not even consulted at any level, except the presence of the K-P governor who represents the federation and took charge of his office in March.

In case Fata is merged with K-P, the area would not be able to send five lawmakers to the National Assembly as is currently the case. The strength of Fata lawmakers would come down because Orakzai, South Waziristan, Kurram and Bajaur would be merged with other areas owing to their thin population density, thus making the future of lawmakers from these agencies uncertain. And there will be no senator from Fata, because the upper house has equal representation.

Two days before making the report public, the reforms committee met with Fata lawmakers who refused either to give their assent or reject any recommendation(s) of the report because details were not shared with them. Now they will submit their input individually by Tuesday.

Other ‘undoable’ recommendations in the report are: about 3% of the divisible pool in the National Finance Commission will be allocated to the area for 10 years to execute economic development plan for Fata.

Speaking on the condition of anonymity, a lawmaker commented on what would happen after 10 years. “Similarly, how will the provinces allow the federal government to let Rs90 billion go for Fata when they are already asking for more from that pool,” he said.

Muhammad Jamaldin, an incumbent government lawmaker from South Waziristan, said people and several stakeholders were not satisfied with some of the recommendations.

He also stated that first temporarily displaced persons should be resettled and then they (the committee members) should talk about the implementation of such reforms.

“First, they should send those people back to their homes and let them settle, and then ask them to follow the rules and reforms.”

Published in The Express Tribune, September 3rd, 2016.


KHAR: Members of the Fata Political Alliance (FPA), Bajaur Agency chapter, on Saturday took out a rally against Frontier Crimes Regulation (FCR) and demanded the federal government to abolish the draconian law.

Led by FPA Bajaur Agency president Said Badshah, the protesters took out the rally from press club to Khar Bazaar.

The participants of the rally chanted ‘Go FCR Go’ slogans demanding the federal government to merge the tribal region with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province within a year.

Among others FPA general secretary Khan Bahadur, senior vice president Qari Abdul Hameed, Aurangzeb Inqilabi, Gul Afzal Khan and Shah Naseer spoke on the occasion.

They also asked the government to announce local government elections in the tribal region within a year. The speakers urged the tribespeople to participate in large number in September 8 rally.


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FATA local govt system by 2017
By Webmaster -
September 3, 2016

Islamabad—Local government system will be established in Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) by 2017 as proposed by FATA reforms committee set up by the federal government. According to FATA secretariat sources, the new local set up will be part of FATA reforms and political parties will contest the elections. The government has plans to launch far-reaching reforms in FATA to bring the region in the national main-stream. The reform proposals were prepared by a five-member committee headed by foreign Affairs Adviser Sartaj Aziz and include sweeping political, administrative, judicial and security measures for FATA.
A massive reconstruction of the area is also underway and many projects will be completed before the end of 2018. The committee has recommended a 10 year multi billion comprehensive development plan for the region. The committee has recommended the formation of a special committee of experts and officials under the KP governor to prepare the development plan. While another milestone will be that the temporarily dislocated persons will be rehabilitated by the end of 2016.
The government will also initiate implementation of legal reforms besides undertaking a comprehensive capacity building program for law enforcement agencies and a well defined and well designed program for land settlement. The issue of land ownership is vital for tribesmen in an area where land is still collectively owned. The proposed legal reforms include extending the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court and the Peshawar High Court to FATA and deletion of the collective responsibility clause from the FCR.
Among the recommendations that need to be further debated at public forums including parliament is the replacement of the FCR with a “Tribal Areas Rewaj Act”, retention of the tribal jirga system for both civil and criminal matters with judges appointing a `council of elders’ to decide cases in accordance with rewaj (traditions). Frontier Crimes Regulation (FCR) was enacted by British in 1901 to govern the tribal areas for its own objectives.Another proposal is the gradual merger of FATA into Khyber Pakhtunkhwa under a plan.
The FATA reforms are initiated under the National Action Plan formulated in December 2014. The reforms enjoy widespread support as the Sartaj Aziz led committee visited all tribal agencies and held meetings with the elected representatives of those areas – including businessmen, tribal elders (Maliks), educated youth, religious leaders and members of civil society – to ascertain their point of view before finalising the recommendations for the future of FATA. The panel also held meetings with the notables of all frontier regions (FRs) and other stakeholders before putting the reform proposals before Prime Minister at a meeting.—APP



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ABPPA welcomes proposed reforms in FATA
By Webmaster -
September 5, 2016

Khar, Bajaur—Leaders of All Bajaur Political Parties Alliance (ABPPA) Sunday welcomed the reforms proposed by the committee formed by the federal governemnt for tribal areas and called for their early implementation.
They were addressing an anti-FCR (Frontier Crimes Regulations) rally here, which was participated by workers of different political and religious parties, students and civil society activists.
Holding placards inscribed with anti-FCR slogans, the participants started marching from Bajaur Press Club and converged at the Main Chowk of the city after passing through the GT Road. They chanted slogans against the tribal elders for supporting the colonial governance system in the tribal areas.
ABPPA President Haji Said Badsah, Khan Bahadar, Qari Abdul Majeed, Gul Afzal Khan, Dr Khalilur Rahman,Qari Mustafa, Haji Hazir Muhamamd and Abdul Haq Yar, Haji Said Ahmed Jan, and Shah Naseer addressed the rally. They said almost all the people across the tribal areas wanted repeal of the colonial governance system in the region while only a handful people were resisting the move for their vested interests.
They urged the federal government to finalize the reforms at the earliest as delay in that regard was creating disappointment among the people. The speakers said the extension of regular laws to the tribal areas was need of the hour as the tribals were fed up with the colonial system of governance.—APP


So the politicians and the intellectuals and the people want the FCR gone and a merger whereas the tribal jirga leaders who have benefited from FCR don't want it gone.

The govt must realize that what they have in their hand is the opportunity to make history by ending the FATA issue which was always on cards since our inception. We cannot play this british colonial game forever. Its time to end this monstrosity of the British era and merge FATA with KPK. The govt must have an iron hand in this.

The same should be looked upon for GB. They have a provincial govt but again no national representation like other provinces have through direct elected individual which is bulshit of the highest order. Need to pass a reforming amendment to grant them full on national representation as well as provincial status or benefits of a province atleast.

These are very serious issues that need to be dealt with. In 30 years we will be a 100 years old. Let's make sure that after hundred tears of our inception we still don't have these undefined and short term solutions like FCR or GB provincial govt but not national which are exactly what they sound like. Short term solutions that will have start to have a negative effect as time passes by.
One of the major initiatives taken by the Quaid-e-Azam soon after independence was the withdrawal of troops from Fata. Instead of building on this historic announcement to mainstream the tribal people and territories into the national life, the governments that followed made such a mess that the troops have had to return to clean it up. We are back to square one, and a committee on Fata reform has come up with another transition programme. In a series of columns in November 2012, “How the West was Lost,” this writer highlighted the thinking of the past planners about the development of Fata. The first five-year plan (1955-60), arguably the first and, unfortunately, the last home-grown plan, had all the right ideas for the settled territories and the provinces. In the case of Fata, however, the plan almost concluded that the area was too poor to develop and proposed settling some of the tribal people in the upcoming Thal development area in Punjab. For those left behind, the Jirga system run by the maliks was described as democratic enough and the political agents good enough to look after tribal people’s welfare within this framework, besides watching government’s interest. This political and administrative structure was expected to gradually increase political stability and socioeconomic contact with the rest of the country. A colonial project was thus expected to deliver national dreams.

The report of the latest committee suffers from the same exceptionalism and evolutionism. Using new terms for old, like riwaj for FCR, and by throwing up all kinds of options for future political status, it once again skirts the fringes of the issue. The hidden assumption here is that unless the tribesmen cease to be tribesman, not much can be done for their economic welfare and political development. The same is not said for the Punjabis or Sindhis, although half of their population i.e., women, also suffers from the machinations of their respective versions ofriwaj.

It seems that the people of Fata figure nowhere. How they organise their economic and social life should be for them to decide. The role of the federal government is to provide them a framework to do that. And the framework must not be any different from the rest of the country. It should avoid the future tense and muster the political will to immediately amend the Constitution to declare Fata as a province like any other. There will thus be no need for any other reform, as the Constitution fully lays down the rights and the responsibilities of a province. The legislative powers and the process, the administrative arrangements, the fiscal powers and formula-based share in the federal divisible pool of resources are laid down in their minute details in the relevant chapters of the Constitution. The federal government has the right to appoint a governor, who can be given some special powers in the interim to oversee the process of becoming a full-bodied province. Let the Elections Commission hold elections and let the elected assembly form a government to take charge of the affairs of the new province. Let this assembly decide the name of the province, the seat of the provincial government and the administrative nomenclature. It should be the prerogative of this assembly to seek mutually beneficial arrangements with the adjoining provinces.

Idealistic? When Balochistan was belatedly recognised as a province, there were many problems. A good number are still there. Quite a few are federally created. These too will be resolved as democracy takes roots. The new province for the tribal people will have similar problems. But that is no argument to deny them their democratic rights.

Published in The Express Tribune, September 9th, 2016.


Although the writer paints the struggle of FATA as well as the inability of pakistan to integrate fata into the federation to extend complete control adequately however his call for making it a province falls flat bcz the geography of FATA will make it difficult.


There are seven districts and each of these districts are well connected with KPK with some having a far better connection with kpk and Peshawar than with each other.

I would also feel uneasy having a provincial capital which also the border. Don't we understand the strategic And moral importance of a provincial capital.

Lahore borders India
Muzzafarrabad borders IOK
Quetta borders Afghanistan
Karachi borders the sea

You know you gotta give credit to the army that considering our history and neighbours we have never lost a provincial capital or administrative capital especially to India.

But that aside, making FATA a province would also the tribal cheifs still in power making sure their people don't receive development. The writer compares the situation with Baluchistan and how fata will undergone growing pains of a province but fails to understand that Baluchistan was ruled by sardars after being made a province and their power was absolute and they were ruthless to their people and were the main factor of the lack of development and poverty in the province after all education and literacy is always against the bonds of chains that such sardars or chief like to keep the people in.

Integrating it Into kpk will see their power diminish as well as bringing rhe provincial capabilities along with KPK. The people also wish for this so I think this should be done as soon as possible.

ISLAMABAD (Web Desk) – The Committee on FATA Reforms, 2016 has recommended that the Federally Administered Tribal Area (FATA) should be merged with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa ascreation of new province is difficult.

This was stated by Adviser on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz after he tabled the report of the committee’s report in the National Assembly.

Explaining the salient features of the report, Sartaj Aziz said comprehensive proposals have been prepared by the committee formed by the Prime Minister to address the problems of FATA residents.

He said report was prepared after holding detailed consultations with all the stakeholders including elected representatives of FATA, traders, journalists and civil society members of the area.

The Adviser said the committee recommended that FATA should be merged with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa ascreation of new province is difficult. However, he said the process will take time.

On the other hand, Minister for States and Frontier Regions Abdul Qadir Baloch told the House that TDPs will be fully rehabilitated within first five years and in the second phase mega development projects will be implemented in the area.

He said that local bodies’ elections have been proposed to be held in FATA next year.

ISLAMABAD: The government was advised on Friday to implement the Fata reforms as soon as possible in a bid to thwart the ‘elements’ who oppose the plan.

When Adviser to Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz introduced a report of the principles committee in the National Assembly, lawmakers from Fata, ANP, QWP-Sherpao and PPP advised the government to not waste time in implementing the reforms.

“Don’t delay the implementation for five or ten years, because there are some elements who do not what these [reforms] to happen,” said Ghulam Ahmed Bilour of the ANP. He did not elaborate.

He asked the government to take credit for doing the much-delayed job of merging Fata with the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Bilour went on to suggest the government complete the task before the next general elections so that the people of Fata could have representation in assemblies.


Naveed Qamar of the PPP acknowledged the government’s efforts and support of political parties [in compiling the report], saying that it would help the people of Fata to have rights like other Pakistanis.

He cautioned the government against prolonging the transition period, saying building a political consensus over any issue was an uphill task and it should not be wasted.

Qamar said that financial matters should be discussed in the Council of Common Interests [CCI], otherwise the government’s decision would be considered unilateral.

Aftab Sherpao said that some issues still remained to be decided, including allocation of seats in the National Assembly and the provincial assembly. “But for this, you need to have a census,” he added.

“The transition period should be as small as possible,” he added.

Sahibzada Tariqullah of the Jamaat-i-Islami (JI) congratulated the government and said 99 per cent of Fata’s residents wanted the region’s merger with the K-P. “A notification should be issued at the earliest,” he added.

Earlier, Shah Jee Gul Afridi from the Fata almost killed PTI’s protest in the assembly when he stood up and asked party members to sit down and let Sartaj Aziz table the report. PTI members were demanding a point of order on the Panama Leaks keeping in view the presence of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.

Afridi said that although the people in Fata were less educated, but they had never torched the country’s flag nor raised anti-Pakistan slogans in the past 70 years.

He also urged the prime minister to visit the tribal areas and make the announcement.

Safron Minister Lt-Gen Abdul Qadir Baloch briefed the MPs about the entire process the reforms committee had gone through.

According to him, Fata should be allocated three per cent from the divisible pool which would ultimately amount to Rs100 billion.

Baloch said that the government had proposed a 10-year programme for completing the entire process.

Meanwhile, Jahangir Khan Tareen clarified his position and said that he never received a show-cause notice from the SECP — the basis of the speaker’s decision on a reference seeking his disqualification.

Tareen said that Chaudhry Sugar Mills owned by the ruling Sharif family had been shifted to Rahim Yar Khan in violation of the rules and a stay order had been obtained from the Lahore High Court in this regard. “The PM is disregarding the court’s order,” he said.

Later, Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui of the MQM said that tall claims about peace in Karachi were unreal, because there could be no peace without justice. He said more than 100 MQM workers were missing and announced his party’s walkout over the issue

PESHAWAR: Jamaat-i-Islami has demanded merger of Fata with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa before the 2018 general elections and representation of the tribal people in the provincial assembly of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Speaking at a press conference here on Sunday, JI provincial chief Mushtaq Ahmad Khan rejected the proposed Rewaj Act, which he believed, was a new shape of the Frontier Crimes Regulation (FCR).

He said the Fata Political Alliance and tribal people wanted merger of tribal area with KP in the light of the 22nd constitutional amendment and that the federal government should announce economic package for the area to address deprivation of the local people.

The JI leader said issue of Fata was very important and without resolving this crucial issue stability could not be established in the country and the region. He said people of Fata had rendered sacrifices for Pakistan but successive governments ignored them.

Except JUI-F, other mainstream political parties are supporting integration of Fata into the province. JUI-F wants to make Fata as fifth federating unit of the country. The ruling Pakistan PTI also supports merger of Fata with the province before the next general elections.

A high-level committee headed by Adviser to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz has finalised its report about mainstreaming of Fata and proposed merger of the area with the province.

Published in Dawn, September 12th, 2016


PESHAWAR: A resolution has been passed on Sunday by FATA Grand Jirga to urge the government to hold a referendum in the agencies.

Elders from all seven tribal areas participated in the jirga held in the city on the same day.

Speaking on the occasion, Qaumi Seerat Council Pakistan Chairperson Pir Muhammad Noorul Haq Qadri said the delicate security environment of Fata hangs in the balance. “As a result, the federal government and FATA Reforms Committee should respect the wishes of its population before taking any major decision.”

“It is sad that decisions regarding certain areas in this country are taken behind closed doors,” Qadri said. “One such decision was taken by the FATA Reforms Committee as the decision was taken without the consent of tribespeople.”


Qadri has urged the government to hold a referendum to decide the fate of Frontier Crimes Regulations, saying it was the only fair way to gauge public opinion.

“If the residents decide to vote for Fata’s merger with K-P then the government will not face any opposition. However, if the public votes against the merger, than the wishes of the people should be respected.”

Regarding the decision made by the FATA Grand Jirga, Qadri said the government should heed to the demands of the jirga otherwise they will take to the streets after Eidul Azha.


PESHAWAR: Jamaat-i-Islami chief Sirajul Haq demanded on Friday that the federal government immediately implement reforms in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata) and conduct census there.

He rejected the government’s plan to merge Fata into Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in 10 years and said the merger should be initiated as soon as possible. The 10-year reform process seems to be fiction, he said.

The idea of reforms might be changed with the change of governments, he said, adding that the proposed reforms should be implemented immediately.

Speaking at a press conference after a meeting with representatives of the Fata Political Alliance (FPA), Mr Haq demanded census in the tribal areas forthwith, saying development was not possible without census.

Provincial chief of the Jamaat-i-Islami Mushtaq Ahmed Khan, Fata chief Sahibzada Haroon Rasheed and general secretary Dr Munsif Khan, FPA president Nisar Mohmand, the Awami National Party’s Shah Hussain Shinwari and PPP’s Hazrat Wali Afridi attended the meeting.

The Jamaat chief demanded Fata’s merger into KP prior to the 2018 general elections so that the region has its seats in the provincial assembly.

He said the tribal people were not satisfied with the plan of Fata’s merger into KP in 10 years and they wanted the step to be taken immediately.

The JI chief said universities and colleges for women should be set up in Fata, adding that without education development was not possible in the tribal areas.

He said leaders of all political parties had reached a consensus that quota for the students of the tribal areas should be increased across the country.

He said that unrest had prevailed in Fata for years as the area had been used as a shield before and after the creation of Pakistan.

He said the people of the tribal areas had bravely defended the motherland whenever it was attacked by foreign forces.

He said millions of tribal people had been suffering as the National Database and Registration Authority (Nadra) had blocked their national identity cards. He asked the Nadra authorities to unblock the identity cards of the people living in Fata.

Published in Dawn, September 17th, 2016

SHABQADAR: Tribal elders in the Bajaur tribal area on Tuesday reacted sharply to the Fata Reforms Committee’s report proposing a merger of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas with Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa after introducing ‘parallel and concurrent’ political, administrative, judicial and security reforms, as well as a massive reconstruction and rehabilitation programme.

Malak Abdul Aziz, Malak Sultan Zeb, Malak Hazrat Noor and others, while addressing a press conference at Khar, also announced launching a series of strikes to oppose the proposed merger.

They were of the opinion that K-P is an under-developed province and said a merger with the province will pile more miseries on Fata people. He also sought an elected and independent legislative council for the tribal areas that will decide the fate of Fata.

Published in The Express Tribune, September 21st, 2016.


So the story is that the tribal elders only want some reforms in FCR and don't want merger bcz the merger brings them within the Democratic setup where they loose all of their power while the politicians and the intelligentsia want a kpk merger bcz that would empower the Democratic setup in FATA and also bring power to the politicians as well as bring FATA under the governance of pakistan and attain the provincial rights.

This is going to require arm twisting as well as politics which I personally find far above the level of our politicians as this is battle with sardars and jagidars all over again.

The govt must kick out FCR and merge fata with kpk. Its up to the people of fata to fight the elders with this otherwise they will make sure fata stays in the 12th century.

KHYBER AGENCY: Granting status of a separate province to Federally Administered Tribal Area (FATA) would be more suitable for the tribesmen where all powers and resources would rest with tribesmen and they would be authorized to utilize it for their own benefits, said Maulana Rahat Hussain, Former Senator and Jamiat Ullema-e-Islam-Fazal (JUI-F) Deputy Secretary General, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP).

He was addressing to Faqr-e Sheikh ul Hind conference held in Jamia Abu Hanifa, Ash Khel tehsil Landikotal on Monday evening.

The religious gathering was organized under the auspice of JIT, Landikotal chapter and was attended by large numbers of tribal, religious scholars beside students of different seminaries.

The JUI-F FATA General Secretary and Ameer Khyber Agency Mufti Ijaz, Ameer JUI-F, Landikotal Qari Mujahid, Qari Jihad Shah and Maulana Tehseenullah also spoke on the occasion.

Maulana Rahat said that Sindhi and Punjabi establishment favoured merger of FATA into KP for its own interests.


This makes absolutely no sense. If data merges with kpk then the seats of kpk increase as well as budget size. Yes they inherit a difficult area but with progress happening and situation improving fata would be good for kpk.

The kpk govt has been very vocal has been very vocal for a merger so where is this Sindhi Punjabi bullshit coming from. This is beyond ridiculous!!
Following the recommendations of the special committee on the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) reforms, which included the merger of the tribal region with the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, a group of elders from the Khyber Agency has shown their opposition to the plan. Instead of the merger, the local elders from the region have urged the government to form an independent FATA legislative council to decide the future of the tribal belt. Haji Bazar Gul Afridi, a tribal elder, told reporters at the Peshawar Press Club that the merger of FATA with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa was unacceptable to tribal people. He said that the proposed legislative council should be formed to legislate on the tribal region’s future in line with the local social and political traditions. He added that the legislation and policies on FATA should be made in light of local traditions and customs. The elder also called for the abolition of the Frontier Crimes Regulation (FCR), and said that the unlimited powers of the political agents should be reduced to overcome injustices.

The other main contention was the extension of the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court and high courts to FATA region. Haji Bazar said that the residents knew very well how to resolve their issues through a jirga system. He added that the tribal people want the constitutional protection of their traditional tribal jirga and customs. He said keeping in view the damages caused by the prolonged war against terrorism in FATA the region should be included in the next National Finance Commission Award, while a Rs 100-billion financial package should be announced for it.

It must be taken into consideration if the group is opposing the merger just for the sake of opposition, or due to some personal interests, or the demands are justified. Whatever the case may be, government cannot simply ignore their demands. These tribal leaders are highly revered in their region and have been responsible for the functioning of a system that has governed the region for decades. There is no argument against the abolishment of the FCR, and it should be done away immediately, but negotiations should be held on the extension of the jurisdiction of courts to the area of under the constitution of Pakistan. The reforms committee had suggested that the jirga system would stay for the time being and will be reformed in phases. The committee members should brief the tribal elders in detail on all the aspects of the reforms recommended by it. While it is unfortunate that the region is still decades behind in development aspect, and being governed by centuries-old laws, the local traditions and customs must be respected. However, the tribal leaders should also be informed to give some space where there is not any other possibility left.

Lastly, the region has been ignored for far too long. The demands for the development of the region cannot be disputed in any way. Government should focus on the construction of houses, schools and health facilities for the rehabilitation of the IDPs at the earliest. This is the region that has been most affected by the war on terror and deserves special attention of the authorities for the rehabilitation process. *
ISLAMABAD: Lawmakers on Monday called for the swift implementation of a string of legislative and administrative changes recommended by the Fata Reforms Committee after lengthy discussions in the National Assembly.

Since the start of the current session, the reforms in Fata have been a talking point in the house. However, not all parliamentarians have shown an equal amount of interest in the debate. Not surprisingly, it was the Fata lawmakers who seemed most eager to list its merits.

Starting the debate on Monday, Pakistan Peoples Party’s parliamentary leader Naveed Qamar stated that the Fata reforms should be implemented as soon as possible.

“The reforms should be implemented immediately, lest the current report be turned out like 13 other reports on Fata released during the last few decades,” he said.


He urged the government to give the people of the tribal areas the right to vote, adding a few basic points could be implemented at the stroke of a pen.

“Do it now; why wait for the next five years for its first phase of implementation; hold local bodies elections and end political agent’s hegemony and the colonial system in the area,” he urged the government.

He also said the report did not carry any details about how things would evolve before and after the implementation process in the wake of the merger of Fata with Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa.

Qaumi Watan Party’s chief Aftab Sherpao also gave the report a thumbs up. He ruled out the possibility of a referendum on the merger issue, saying, “Article 247 of the constitution (which deals the administration of Fata) had no mention of referendum in Fata”. Sherpao added that a constitutional amendment would be introduced in case a new province was to be established.

He was responding to the demand made by JUI-F chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman who had suggested a referendum in Fata over accession of Fata in K-P.

“It is time for political parties to avoid point-scoring on Fata. We need to hold political agents of the agencies responsible who, to my knowledge, have been taking Rs300 million to Rs400 million for their individual appointment,” Sherpao said.

Sherpao added that the report made no mention of a census which is crucial for development. “I believe the population of Fata now exceeds 10 million”.

While pointing at the treasury benches, he said nobody was there to note down these suggestions. “Not even Minister for Safron Lt-Gen (retd) Abdul Qadir Baloch and Law Minister Zahid Hamid, who were part of the reforms committee.”

Bilour also demanded swift implementation of the report and called the delay a disservice to the people of Fata. He said he endorsed the report on behalf of the party.

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf’s Shireen Mazari stood up and pointed out the empty hall of the assembly having only 30 lawmakers and stated that how the house would function if that was the interest of the members on such an important issue.

Muttahida Qaumi Movement’s Abdul Waseem said the people of Fata should have a separate province instead of merging their territory with K-P.

Published in The Express Tribune, October 4th, 2016.


ISLAMABAD - Lawmakers yesterday urged the government to allocate seats in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly for Fata in the general elections 2018.

The National Assembly session, with a thin presence from both sides of the aisle, witnessed several suggestions and criticism about the report of Committee on Fata Reforms laid before the house a couple of days before.

It was suggested to abolish the outdated laws in Fata. The MNAs also raised objections over political agents system in the tribal area.

Taking part in the debate, PPP parliamentary leader Naveed Qamar said there was a dire need for Fata reforms in the area. “Women are not getting proper rights in these areas, as the old system of the British era was still practised in the region,” he said, stressing the need for abolishing the old laws.

He was of the view that the federal government had the power to abolish the existing laws only with a notification in Fata. He also spoke against the political agent system in the area. “Customs are respected, but there should not be any exploitation,” he added.

PPP-S leader Aftab Sherpao, on his turn, lauded the Fata reforms report. “It was being guessed that this report will not be different from that introduced in the past,” he said, lauding different recommendations of the report. He said there was no provision in the law to give Fata the status of province.

Sherpao asked the government to allocate seats for the people of Fata in the elections 2018.

ANP lawmaker Haji Ghulam Ahmed Bilour said there was a need to immediately introduce reforms for Fata. “The process of reforms should be introduced without any delay,” he said.

MQM’s Abdul Waseem said there was no need to merge Fata with KP. “It could be difficult for both KP and Fata due to plethora of issues,” he added. The house will continue the debate on the Fata reforms in its upcoming sittings.

The house passed ‘The Central Law Officers (Amendment) Bill, 2016’, ‘The Legal Practitioners and Bar Councils (Amendment) Bill’ and ‘The Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Bill 2016’ in not more than five minutes. All the three bills were introduced by Law Minister Zahid Hamid.

PESHAWAR: An academician and Director of the Pakistan Study Centre at the University of Peshawar, Prof Dr Fakhrul Islam, has supported the integration of Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata) into Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) by naming the enabling factors which make the assimilation easier. He made the case while delivering a speech at the national roundtable conference on Fata, which was arranged in Islamabad.

The theme of the roundtable conference was “Integration of Fata into Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: Issue and Challenges.”

The event was jointly organised by the Institute of Policy Studies and Federal Ministry of States and Frontier Regions (SAFRON).

Prof Dr Fakhrul Islam supported the Fata integration into Khyber Pakhtunkhwa as enabling factors existed highlighting some enabling factors.

He said geographical contiguity of Fata to KP, same language, culture, age-old dependence of Fata on the settled areas and, above all, the consensus of Fata people over the proposal were the factors that strengthen the case of the Fata integration into KP.

Reviewing the reforms package suggested by Sartaj Aziz-led committee, the UoP Pakistan Study Centre head said that though the committee was not fully representative, yet the body worked hard and came up with workable solutions. He said KP governor, his staff and the KP government played a positive role in finalisation the package.

Dr Fakhrul Islam opined that Fata should be merged with the KP as soon as possible and there was no reason to wait for five more long years. He said the best time would be to finalize the proposal before the 2018 general elections so that tribal people get early representation in the KP Assembly.

The Pakistan Study Centre director believed that an inordinate delay may lead to controversies as some vested interest had started raising voices against merger.

Dr Fakhrul Islam said there was no need to ascertain views of the KP people on the issue because they were unanimous on the merger. He believed that the merger would not only bring Fata people on a par with the settled areas but also strengthen KP in terms of area and population. The academician said the 74,521square kilometers area of the KP would be enhanced to more than 100,000 square kilometers and population will exceed 30 million figure after the merger.


I have high hopes from FATA university and hopefully it will lead the way towards the integration of kpk and fata. The first of its kind in FATA, the university can go a long way in addressing the issues of FATA and can enhance its capabilities with the merger.

The biggest hurdle to this are the tribal elders who don't want neither province nor merger but a special status and fazlu who wants a separate province where he can do unrivaled corruption.

The professor is right that the merger should happen before 2018. Although the govt is under severe pressure, chances are that a merger will not happen before 2018.

My biggest concern are the tribal elders. They have to be convinced. The merger must happen as smoothly as possible and I believe that PTI can work with the federal and answering their queries and issues. The govt of kpk must focus on this.

@WAJsal @haviZsultan @Zibago @notorious_eagle @Irfan Baloch
PESHAWAR: An academician and Director of the Pakistan Study Centre at the University of Peshawar, Prof Dr Fakhrul Islam, has supported the integration of Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata) into Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) by naming the enabling factors which make the assimilation easier. He made the case while delivering a speech at the national roundtable conference on Fata, which was arranged in Islamabad.

The theme of the roundtable conference was “Integration of Fata into Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: Issue and Challenges.”

The event was jointly organised by the Institute of Policy Studies and Federal Ministry of States and Frontier Regions (SAFRON).

Prof Dr Fakhrul Islam supported the Fata integration into Khyber Pakhtunkhwa as enabling factors existed highlighting some enabling factors.

He said geographical contiguity of Fata to KP, same language, culture, age-old dependence of Fata on the settled areas and, above all, the consensus of Fata people over the proposal were the factors that strengthen the case of the Fata integration into KP.

Reviewing the reforms package suggested by Sartaj Aziz-led committee, the UoP Pakistan Study Centre head said that though the committee was not fully representative, yet the body worked hard and came up with workable solutions. He said KP governor, his staff and the KP government played a positive role in finalisation the package.

Dr Fakhrul Islam opined that Fata should be merged with the KP as soon as possible and there was no reason to wait for five more long years. He said the best time would be to finalize the proposal before the 2018 general elections so that tribal people get early representation in the KP Assembly.

The Pakistan Study Centre director believed that an inordinate delay may lead to controversies as some vested interest had started raising voices against merger.

Dr Fakhrul Islam said there was no need to ascertain views of the KP people on the issue because they were unanimous on the merger. He believed that the merger would not only bring Fata people on a par with the settled areas but also strengthen KP in terms of area and population. The academician said the 74,521square kilometers area of the KP would be enhanced to more than 100,000 square kilometers and population will exceed 30 million figure after the merger.


I have high hopes from FATA university and hopefully it will lead the way towards the integration of kpk and fata. The first of its kind in FATA, the university can go a long way in addressing the issues of FATA and can enhance its capabilities with the merger.

The biggest hurdle to this are the tribal elders who don't want neither province nor merger but a special status and fazlu who wants a separate province where he can do unrivaled corruption.

The professor is right that the merger should happen before 2018. Although the govt is under severe pressure, chances are that a merger will not happen before 2018.

My biggest concern are the tribal elders. They have to be convinced. The merger must happen as smoothly as possible and I believe that PTI can work with the federal and answering their queries and issues. The govt of kpk must focus on this.

@WAJsal @haviZsultan @Zibago @notorious_eagle @Irfan Baloch
I personally believe that a seperate province would be a better option integration inside Kpk will create a constitutional and administrative crisis
I personally believe that a seperate province would be a better option integration inside Kpk will create a constitutional and administrative crisis

Hmmm its an option but the support center for the provincial status of FATA is not supported by any discounting JUI-F, whom I personally do not believe have any interest of any person apart from their own.

The kpk govt and especially PTI have been strong and forward advocates for a merger along with the academia and other political figures ( apart from JUI-F) and have openly and quite vigorously through gatherings and jalsas have shown support for the merger.

You raise a good point and I too worry if the kpk govt can handle such a burden as FATA will require loads of reforms and development along with the rehabilitation of the IDPs however the brazen confidence of both the kpk govt and kpk opposition and the confidence of the FATA politicians especially of PTI makes me believe they have the self believe to combat the challenges.

The biggest hurdle as mentioned in above posts is that FATA is far better connected with KPK and at some points better connected than with its own districts and I also fear FATA being made a province then forgotten under the rule of politicians like fazlu who will do only corruption as N ignores them. With PTI and kpk we can at least expect some positive development.

Hmm @Braith would you support a merger or a provincial status.
LANDI KOTAL: Jamaat-i-Islami, Fata chapter, on Friday demanded merger of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa before the 2018 general elections, saying it was in the best interest of people of the region.

Addressing a press conference here, Fata JI chief Sahibzada Haroon Rashid cautioned against any undue delay in the merger process as it would create chaos in the region.

He insisted that almost all the major political forces and other stakeholders had given their consent in favour of merger with KP as it would ensure provision of all the constitutional, legal and political rights to the Fata people.

“The recommendations presented by Sartaj Aziz-led committee are based on facts and are reflective of the genuine aspirations of the Fata people,” Mr Rashid claimed and said that delay in their implementation would cause a sense of deprivation among the residents of Fata.

He said that the people of Fata should be freed from the shackles of FCR as soon as possible.

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