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Poll : Will Russia use nuclear and WMD weapons against Ukraine?

Poll : Will Russia use nuclear and WMD weapons against Ukraine?

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Oct 2, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
The drone attacks on Moscow should not be taken lightly. Recently, Ukrainian armed forces and their agents inside Russia launched a drone attack against a wealthy neighborhood of Moscow killing and injuring a few civilians.

Although Ukrainians denied any involvement in the attack, Putin immediately called it a terrorist act and accused Ukrainians threatening them of its severe consequences.

That incident aside, drone attacks against Russian capital is turning into a norm among Ukrainian military planners.

We already know that Russia has deployed nuclear warheads to Belarus its traditional ally and called Belarus safety as Russian safety.

On the other hand Mr. Putin also personally talked about using every possible weapon in case Russian soil is threatened and directly attacked. An important point is that Putin's threats are real and unlike Medvedev who occasionally speaks emotionally, Putin tells what he intends to do. So the most important reason for this question is Putin's personal words. He always implements his threats when his mentioned conditions are met.

Possible cases that might persuade Russians to carry out a nuclear strike against Ukraine are :
1) Crimea is bombed and hence lost to Ukraine
2) Russian important cities such as Moscow, St. Petersburg and tye bordering cities are severely bombed with hundreds of civilian casualties. In case Ukraine uses long range ballistic and cruise missiles donated by western countries esp UK, Germany and USA.
3) Russian military and Russian nationalists who once supported Putin's rise hence helping him to become number 1 man of Russia try to overthrow him because of failing them in Ukraine. It can be a consequence of severe losses from Russian military in East of Ukraine.
4) One of Russian bordering cities is invaded by Ukrainian forces.

Western reaction
For sure, a nuclear strike on Ukraine will not only leave thousands of Ukrainian civilians dead and affected by dangerous chemical elements but also it will affect European countries close to Ukraine such as Poland, east European countries and even Germany and Netherland. It might even cause a chain of reactions from European countries which will surely lead to a military confrontation with Moscow. France and UK are missile and naval powers of Europe, Germany and Italy and Poland will fight in the air and on the ground. Moscow on the other hand as the beginner of this chain will not hesitate to punish Europeans by every means esp considering the fact that it was Europe that supported mass mureder of Russian ethnics in Ukraine. One of the primary reasons for Russian operation inside Ukrainian territories.

It will severly weaken Europe. From my pov, USA maybe announced and express anger over Russian aggression against Europe but in the end they will avoid direct confrontation with Russians and will be satisfied with providing Europeans with advanced military hardwares and even manpower. American thinktanks have always preferred a weak Europe to be able to control them one way or an other. Let's not forget that The Russo-phobia is led by American propaganda machine and Hollywood movies that specifically demonizes Russians. Actually war with Russia is what advertized in American propaganda movies which tried to empower the paganist ideology among Europeans whose biggest enemy is introduced as their Russian neighbor. Therefore i predict in case of a Russian-European military confrontation, USA will remain untouched, militarily neutral till Russia is completely destroyed and they will focus more on China having weakened both Europe and Russia at same time. They will also be satisfied with conducting terrorist attacks on Russian targets while leaving no trace of themselves.

Other parts of the world
Obviously, other countries will denounce such an attack on civilians of Ukraine, most importantly India and China as important allies and partners of Russia. Question is, would Russian leaders care about what Indians or Chinese have to say? Answer would be, Obviously not. Russia can live and thrive in complete isolation according to their historical records and therefore Putin will not care about others' words. Russians like alwyas will go their own way.

Others such as Asians and Africans and South Americans will also denounce it but point is, non of them will have any major effect on either side. And most probably they will also remain untouched.

USA as the first user of nuclear bombs on Japanese civilians will not give a shit about Ukrainians but they will consider it a blessing since it will weaken all of European countries. That way USA can make money and control European cannon fodders better than before.
"Putin’s threats have included both strategic nuclear weapons, which can reach the United States, and tactical nuclear weapons, which are generally smaller in explosive power and could be launched from shorter distances to strike Ukraine. His threats include preemptive strikes against those who threaten the survival of Russia. Unlike Ukraine, the U.S. and NATO have their own nuclear weapons to deter a Russian strike. But they have made it clear they will not use their nuclear weapons to defend Ukraine. This leaves Ukraine especially vulnerable to nuclear attack."

This one source insists that even if Russia uses nuclear weapons against Ukraine, it would be tactical warheads and according to the text of this article it would be inevitable to keep Crimea untoutched.

Why should Russia use nuclear weapons for a puny country like Ukraine?

But Russia will use it against NATO.

Why should Russia use nuclear weapons for a puny country like Ukraine?

But Russia will use it against NATO.
Dear friend, i had my own reasoning plus other sources suggested that Russians will use tactical nuclear weapons in case the push comes to shove. Question is when?
" 1) Crimea is bombed and hence lost to Ukraine
2) Russian important cities such as Moscow, St. Petersburg and tye bordering cities are severely bombed with hundreds of civilian casualties. In case Ukraine uses long range ballistic and cruise missiles donated by western countries esp UK, Germany and USA.
3) Russian military and Russian nationalists who once supported Putin's rise hence helping him to become number 1 man of Russia try to overthrow him because of failing them in Ukraine. It can be a consequence of severe losses from Russian military in East of Ukraine.
4) One of Russian bordering cities is invaded by Ukrainian forces."

See also

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