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public deportations in Italy start

On second thoughts, don't bother explaining yourself. Let me give you some insight.

Intelligence division (the standardised IQ distribution, also called the bell curve or Gaussian distribution) has a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15 IQ units.

The results that the two researchers have published show significant differences in average intelligence between countries:

Several Asian countries, such as Japan and China, have an average IQ of 107.

Sweden and several European countries have an average IQ of around 100.

Many African states, such as Somalia, Congo, Tanzania, Uganda, Sudan, Angola, Rwanda have an average IQ of about 70. Several Arab countries, such as Iraq, also have an average IQ level significantly below the Swedish.

Students from these countries have appallingly low educational success and an alarmingly high unemployment rate. These problems are marginalised by both historians and politicians.

Today an IQ level between 50 and 70 (ICD-10) is considered a cognitive developmental disability. A large percentage of the students from above-mentioned states thus have, by Western standards, a developmental disability, which means that they must be taught in “remedial classes” or in special needs schools. Two per cent of Swedish pupils falls into this group, while 50 percent of immigrants from low-IQ countries are found in that same group.

This is apart from adult IQ testing of migrants in Sweden that has independently confirmed that the median IQ of migrants is at par with the bottom 10% of ethnic Swedes. So these are the people who are supposed to make a prosperous Europe?

Think again.

So against all evidence, you choose to believe in the nonsense that uneducated, low IQ people who are cultural misfits will magically make Italy and other European nations a better place. Not everyone is as good at contributing to the local economy as Bangladeshis who run Indian restaurants serving Balti cuisine, you know?
IQ tests are 'fundamentally flawed' and using them alone to measure intelligence is a 'fallacy', study finds
Results cast into doubt tests that have been used to link cognitive ability to race, gender and class
The idea that intelligence can be measured by IQ tests alone is a fallacy according to the largest single study into human cognition which found that it comprises of at least three distinct mental traits.

IQ tests have been used for decades to assess intelligence but they are fundamentally flawed because they do not take into account the complex nature of the human intellect and its different components, the study found.

The results question the validity of controversial studies of intelligence based on IQ tests which have drawn links between intellectual ability race, gender and social class and led to highly contentious claims that some groups of people are inherently less intelligent that other groups.

Instead of a general measure of intelligence epitomised by the intelligence quotient (IQ), intellectual ability consists of short-term memory, reasoning and verbal agility. Although these interact with one another they are handled by three distinct nerve “circuits” in the brain, the scientists found.

“The results disprove once and for all the idea that a single measure of intelligence, such as IQ, is enough to capture all of the differences in cognitive ability that we see between people,” said Roger Highfield, director of external affairs at the Science Museum in London.

“Instead, several different circuits contribute to intelligence, each with its own unique capacity. A person may well be good in one of these areas, but they are just as likely to be bad in the other two,” said Dr Highfield, a co-author of the study published in the journal Neuron.

The research involved an on-line survey of more than 100,000 people from around the world who were asked to complete 12 mental tests for measuring different aspects of cognitive ability, such as memory, reasoning, attention and planning.

The researchers took a representative sample of 46,000 people and analysed how they performed. They found there were three distinct components to cognitive ability: short-term memory, reasoning and a verbal component.

Professor Adrian Owen of the University of Western Ontario in Canada said that the uptake for the tests was astonishing. The scientists expected a few hundred volunteers to spend the half hour it took to complete the on-line tests, but in the end they got thousands from every corner of the world, Professor Owen said.

The scientists found that no single component, or IQ, could explain all the variations revealed by the tests. The researcher then analysed the brain circuitry of 16 participants with a hospital MRI scanner and found that the three separate components corresponded to three distinct patterns of neural activity in the brain.

“It has always seemed to be odd that we like to call the human brain the most complex known object in the Universe, yet many of us are still prepared to accept that we can measure brain function by doing a few so-called IQ tests,” Dr Highfield said.

“For a century or more many people have thought that we can distinguish between people, or indeed populations, based on the idea of general intelligence which is often talked about in terms of a single number: IQ. We have shown here that’s just wrong,” he said.

Studies over the past 50 years based on IQ tests have suggested that there could be inherent differences in intelligence between racial groups, social classes and between men and women, but these conclusions are undermined by the latest findings, Dr Highfield said.

“We already know that, from a scientific point of view, the notion of race is meaningless. Genetic differences do not map on to traditional measurements of skin colour, hair type, body proportions and skull measurements. Now we have shown that IQ is meaningless too,” Dr Highfield said.

IQ tests are 'fundamentally flawed' and using them alone to measure intelligence is a 'fallacy', study finds
Results cast into doubt tests that have been used to link cognitive ability to race, gender and class
The idea that intelligence can be measured by IQ tests alone is a fallacy according to the largest single study into human cognition which found that it comprises of at least three distinct mental traits.

IQ tests have been used for decades to assess intelligence but they are fundamentally flawed because they do not take into account the complex nature of the human intellect and its different components, the study found.

The results question the validity of controversial studies of intelligence based on IQ tests which have drawn links between intellectual ability race, gender and social class and led to highly contentious claims that some groups of people are inherently less intelligent that other groups.

Instead of a general measure of intelligence epitomised by the intelligence quotient (IQ), intellectual ability consists of short-term memory, reasoning and verbal agility. Although these interact with one another they are handled by three distinct nerve “circuits” in the brain, the scientists found.

“The results disprove once and for all the idea that a single measure of intelligence, such as IQ, is enough to capture all of the differences in cognitive ability that we see between people,” said Roger Highfield, director of external affairs at the Science Museum in London.

“Instead, several different circuits contribute to intelligence, each with its own unique capacity. A person may well be good in one of these areas, but they are just as likely to be bad in the other two,” said Dr Highfield, a co-author of the study published in the journal Neuron.

The research involved an on-line survey of more than 100,000 people from around the world who were asked to complete 12 mental tests for measuring different aspects of cognitive ability, such as memory, reasoning, attention and planning.

The researchers took a representative sample of 46,000 people and analysed how they performed. They found there were three distinct components to cognitive ability: short-term memory, reasoning and a verbal component.

Professor Adrian Owen of the University of Western Ontario in Canada said that the uptake for the tests was astonishing. The scientists expected a few hundred volunteers to spend the half hour it took to complete the on-line tests, but in the end they got thousands from every corner of the world, Professor Owen said.

The scientists found that no single component, or IQ, could explain all the variations revealed by the tests. The researcher then analysed the brain circuitry of 16 participants with a hospital MRI scanner and found that the three separate components corresponded to three distinct patterns of neural activity in the brain.

“It has always seemed to be odd that we like to call the human brain the most complex known object in the Universe, yet many of us are still prepared to accept that we can measure brain function by doing a few so-called IQ tests,” Dr Highfield said.

“For a century or more many people have thought that we can distinguish between people, or indeed populations, based on the idea of general intelligence which is often talked about in terms of a single number: IQ. We have shown here that’s just wrong,” he said.

Studies over the past 50 years based on IQ tests have suggested that there could be inherent differences in intelligence between racial groups, social classes and between men and women, but these conclusions are undermined by the latest findings, Dr Highfield said.

“We already know that, from a scientific point of view, the notion of race is meaningless. Genetic differences do not map on to traditional measurements of skin colour, hair type, body proportions and skull measurements. Now we have shown that IQ is meaningless too,” Dr Highfield said.


Not to mention that IQ results see also affected by education and nutrition.

As an example, S Asia is supposed to have average IQ of 81 but in UK S Asian children get better test results than White children.
Does this means that whites are less clever than S Asians? No, just that immigrants have a harder study ethic.
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IQ tests are 'fundamentally flawed' and using them alone to measure intelligence is a 'fallacy', study finds
Results cast into doubt tests that have been used to link cognitive ability to race, gender and class
The idea that intelligence can be measured by IQ tests alone is a fallacy according to the largest single study into human cognition which found that it comprises of at least three distinct mental traits.

IQ tests have been used for decades to assess intelligence but they are fundamentally flawed because they do not take into account the complex nature of the human intellect and its different components, the study found.

The results question the validity of controversial studies of intelligence based on IQ tests which have drawn links between intellectual ability race, gender and social class and led to highly contentious claims that some groups of people are inherently less intelligent that other groups.

Instead of a general measure of intelligence epitomised by the intelligence quotient (IQ), intellectual ability consists of short-term memory, reasoning and verbal agility. Although these interact with one another they are handled by three distinct nerve “circuits” in the brain, the scientists found.

“The results disprove once and for all the idea that a single measure of intelligence, such as IQ, is enough to capture all of the differences in cognitive ability that we see between people,” said Roger Highfield, director of external affairs at the Science Museum in London.

“Instead, several different circuits contribute to intelligence, each with its own unique capacity. A person may well be good in one of these areas, but they are just as likely to be bad in the other two,” said Dr Highfield, a co-author of the study published in the journal Neuron.

The research involved an on-line survey of more than 100,000 people from around the world who were asked to complete 12 mental tests for measuring different aspects of cognitive ability, such as memory, reasoning, attention and planning.

The researchers took a representative sample of 46,000 people and analysed how they performed. They found there were three distinct components to cognitive ability: short-term memory, reasoning and a verbal component.

Professor Adrian Owen of the University of Western Ontario in Canada said that the uptake for the tests was astonishing. The scientists expected a few hundred volunteers to spend the half hour it took to complete the on-line tests, but in the end they got thousands from every corner of the world, Professor Owen said.

The scientists found that no single component, or IQ, could explain all the variations revealed by the tests. The researcher then analysed the brain circuitry of 16 participants with a hospital MRI scanner and found that the three separate components corresponded to three distinct patterns of neural activity in the brain.

“It has always seemed to be odd that we like to call the human brain the most complex known object in the Universe, yet many of us are still prepared to accept that we can measure brain function by doing a few so-called IQ tests,” Dr Highfield said.

“For a century or more many people have thought that we can distinguish between people, or indeed populations, based on the idea of general intelligence which is often talked about in terms of a single number: IQ. We have shown here that’s just wrong,” he said.

Studies over the past 50 years based on IQ tests have suggested that there could be inherent differences in intelligence between racial groups, social classes and between men and women, but these conclusions are undermined by the latest findings, Dr Highfield said.

“We already know that, from a scientific point of view, the notion of race is meaningless. Genetic differences do not map on to traditional measurements of skin colour, hair type, body proportions and skull measurements. Now we have shown that IQ is meaningless too,” Dr Highfield said.


Kindly tell me the relevant general cognitive ability test on which people who are assessed as developmentally challenged will do significantly better, as the alternatives that I am aware of (psychometric, Raven's Progressive Matrices, elementary cognitive tasks) are all specialized for individual aptitudes.

Furthermore, there seems to be a conflation between two concepts. On one hand is the entirely plausible theory that human intellect is shaped by the environment, and on the other hand is the evident consequence of that.

I am the first person to concede that research shows that life experience may well be the decisive factor, even insofar as triggering genes that modulate cognitive abilities. That is what evolutionary psychology seems to suggest. In fact, I am engaged in a rather complex discussion on the subject on another thread, if you wish to have a look:

‘Declare India a Hindu Rashtra’

You can refer to my previous posts on the thread to make sense of what it is all about...

However, that is not to say that we can deny the consequences of what certain exposure does. Not one article I have read about IQ scores concludes that it means that certain groups are inherently smarter. All they do is lay out the numbers on the table. The factors responsible for the same are entirely outside their purview.

The confusion arises from a misinterpretation. It is concluded that any attempt to measure intelligence is some form of Eugenics, which it is not. Rest assured, if you do locate a credible general alternative to IQ tests, Social Justice Warriors and post-modernists will discredit it in no time as well.
Kindly tell me the relevant general cognitive ability test on which people who are assessed as developmentally challenged will do significantly better, as the alternatives that I am aware of (psychometric, Raven's Progressive Matrices, elementary cognitive tasks) are all specialized for individual aptitudes.
WHy would I need to do that to INVALIDATE the use of IQ test, esp. in the manner used here. Do your own research.
i understand but this is just pure two faced thinking. no problem to bomb the sh it out of them no problem to steal oil. however you going to get refugee problem why bomb them then complain of refugees coming over.

If nato gangsters did not invade these countries then there be no refugees and no isis which is obvously funded & trained by western intel you know moderate rebels.
WHy would I need to do that to INVALIDATE the use of IQ test, esp. in the manner used here. Do your own research.

Wow....what a condescending, passive-aggressive response. The sum total of your ", research" consisted of pasting an article that (tangentially) challenged my views. To which I gave what any objective reader would consider to be a thought -out response. It seems you have little to contribute to this discussion so kindly engage yourself by playing to the gallery. I have no use for your ill-read notions.
These migrated people are roaming due to the Europeans wrong policies in the world... They are first bombarded with drones and killed them in their own country when they leave their country just to save their lives is called they are illegal... No one has interested to go someone else country unless he is compelled to leave the country... The European and and rest of the powers should make such policies that should not be favored just to one continent. if such policies are made where the powers have personal interest or looting the other countries wealth then such influx of people have to bear and should take their responsibility in providing the shelter them... One side they are killed in their own country and on the other they are inhumanly deported.... The European and the powers claim that they have great pain for the humanity... It is your humanity which is being humiliated in this way....
We understand you're deporting those who came illegally but what will you gain by humiliating them?

Glad you highlighted that. They should be treated with dignity. Deport them, but deported them respectively.

S Asia is supposed to have average IQ of 81 but in UK S Asian children get better test results than White children.

That's not true at all. Only Indians do better than Whites in the UK and that's because the immigrants to the UK aren't bihari, bangali, or adivasi. bangladeshi children in UK have the same IQ as their bangladeshi counterparts.
Do you have some tangible data as to how a bunch of uneducated people were supposed to revitalize the Italian economy? Sure, they could have driven taxis, waited on tables, done some cleaning and gardening work. But is that what a developed economy needs for growth?

On second thoughts, don't bother explaining yourself. Let me give you some insight.

Intelligence division (the standardised IQ distribution, also called the bell curve or Gaussian distribution) has a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15 IQ units.

The results that the two researchers have published show significant differences in average intelligence between countries:

Several Asian countries, such as Japan and China, have an average IQ of 107.

Sweden and several European countries have an average IQ of around 100.

Many African states, such as Somalia, Congo, Tanzania, Uganda, Sudan, Angola, Rwanda have an average IQ of about 70. Several Arab countries, such as Iraq, also have an average IQ level significantly below the Swedish.

Students from these countries have appallingly low educational success and an alarmingly high unemployment rate. These problems are marginalised by both historians and politicians.

Today an IQ level between 50 and 70 (ICD-10) is considered a cognitive developmental disability. A large percentage of the students from above-mentioned states thus have, by Western standards, a developmental disability, which means that they must be taught in “remedial classes” or in special needs schools. Two per cent of Swedish pupils falls into this group, while 50 percent of immigrants from low-IQ countries are found in that same group.

This is apart from adult IQ testing of migrants in Sweden that has independently confirmed that the median IQ of migrants is at par with the bottom 10% of ethnic Swedes. So these are the people who are supposed to make a prosperous Europe?

Think again.

So against all evidence, you choose to believe in the nonsense that uneducated, low IQ people who are cultural misfits will magically make Italy and other European nations a better place. Not everyone is as good at contributing to the local economy as Bangladeshis who run Indian restaurants serving Balti cuisine, you know?
Of fie! I can't believe you just wrote that !

First of all IQ only measures one kind of intelligence.

Secondly - heard about the Flynn effect? IQ is not stationary or purely genetic - it changes with time and environment.

Thirdly - IQ is not the only or even the most important marker of economic contribution

Fourthly - shame on you man ! How is the sum total of the worth of a human being only his economic contribution? In your nerdy little world Is it's OK to spit on and humiliate anyone with an IQ less than yours?
Of fie! I can't believe you just wrote that !

My my! Do we have a social justice warrior in our midst?

First of all IQ only measures one kind of intelligence.

I repeat my question, what is an alternative to IQ testing as a general measure of intelligence, given that all other alternatives (psychometric, Raven's Progressive Matrices, elementary cognitive tasks) are special aptitude tests? (You do understand what underlining a word means, I suppose?)

Secondly - heard about the Flynn effect? IQ is not stationary or purely genetic - it changes with time and environment.

Already addressed in my response to the Think tank expert. Refer to the part about evolutionary psychology. If you care to read it all, that is.

Thirdly - IQ is not the only

IQ is a marker of potential. Since my response was to a vacuous claim that Italy will be the (potential) loser in rejecting these migrants, I have to address it in terms of potential.

Of course, I have acknowledged that these people could have been handy for gardening, being waiters, taxi drivers and any other form of low-skill labour. But I doubt the Italians will notice that loss.

Fourthly - shame on you man ! How is the sum total of the worth of a human being only his economic contribution?

Refer to the post to which I had initially replied. It was about economic contribution. It would be rather strange to address such a claim by mentioning something that has nothing to do with it, wouldn't it? Unless...of course...I am a social justice warrior!

In your nerdy little world Is it's OK to spit on and humiliate anyone with an IQ less than yours?

I spit on non-scientific drivel. It is the numero uno source of misery in the modern world. And now that we have settled this debate, I suggest you take your egalitarian agenda to another platform. You will not make me feel ashamed about knowing more about certain things than others.
My my! Do we have a social justice warrior in our midst?

Are you against social justice on principle?

Does your objection change if/when you are at the receiving end?

Perhaps in your world social justice is only necessary for the Jacob Martins of the world. Africans? Who cares! Wooly haired! Black! Poor! Let them all die or eat cake!

I repeat my question, what is an alternative to IQ testing as a general measure of intelligence, given that all other alternatives (psychometric, Raven's Progressive Matrices, elementary cognitive tasks) are special aptitude tests? (You do understand what underlining a word means, I suppose?)

Why do you need to measure intelligence in the first place? It is in large part a changeable, environment dependent attribute.

When these same Italians migrated in mass to the new world after WW2 with nothing but the clothes on their back they were taken in without any IQ tests. In return they set up the Mafia and introduced the world to pizza.

If their immigration had depended on intelligence tests at the time, Italians do worse on average than north Europeans,they would have been sent back from the Statue of Liberty to make room for swedes and Germans.

I do understand what underlining means . I also understand what a stuffed up self important pr!ck means - do you?

Already addressed in my response to the Think tank expert. Refer to the part about evolutionary psychology. If you care to read it all, that is.

So we agree. Intelligence is malleable and in the long generational term not an indicator of anything much.

I spit on non-scientific drivel. It is the numero uno source of misery in the modern world. And now that we have settled this debate, I suggest you take your egalitarian agenda to another platform. You will not make me feel ashamed about knowing more about certain things than others.
so what is the difference between you or hitler - who was also a super intelligent guy without any social conscience.

Who is trying to make you feel "ashamed about knowing more". - dude that line will work only with your doting mommy!

Some of the worst people in the history of the world had much scientific knowledge but no principles and no heart. They often ended up hung upside down and beaten with shoes like Mussolini.
I love it. Before the illegals got rounded up and transported out. This changed. They are shamed in public and have to walk in shame in public, board busses under the cameras of the media and get humilated:

Here in Milano:

Love how the officer says "bye bye" to that one illegal :D

@waz @flamer84 @Vergennes @Nilgiri

Keep going and dont stop. There is enough political correctness harming us as it is in the world.

Can you tell me how you identify which country to send them back to given a lot of them have no travel documents/ID etc...and can just avoid answering questions about it when they are caught...and then how do you know the guy is from Mali and not Niger etc.?

What is your best estimate for Italy regarding, how many you are holding in detention of some form, how many are out in the general population right now, how many are incoming per month, and how many you are deporting now per month etc. Just to get a rough idea.

Also is it a bipartisan issue in Italian politics?

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