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Featured Remains of 215 children found at former indigenous school in Canada

For God's sake can somebody please ban this Shazzad123 guy? As a Pakistani I am getting tired of seeing he's useless posts. He is embarrassing our people. Always pushing "Pakistani this and Pakistani that" down people's throat's.
These facts were available a long time ago, but the people who pushed these facts were labelled as mad.
All this "You", as if I'm personally responsible.

There is no "whataboutism" from me, I literally just stated a fact. You clearly don't know what "whatavoutism" is; I'll give you a hint, it's something certain Chinese members do on this forum, whenever I point out a problem in China, and they suddenly start changing the subject and attacking western countries.

I have Asian Canadian friends, and they're doing just fine, but yeah, go ahead and pretend there is an ethnic cleansing against Asian going on in Canada. It'll distract from what China is doing, which is why this thread was posted in the first place.

Also, Asians are Canadians before they're Asians, I have every right to defend them from your stupid accusations. Unlike in China, ethnicities isn't as important here.

Here's the truth, you don't care about native Americans, you don't care about Asian canadians, you don't care about anyone else, and all this is an exercise in deflecting from what China is doing. You know it, I know it.

But I know the usual brigade will come to your defense, because facts don't matter to you all, only feelings and propaganda do.

All these attempts to slander me, and all you've proven is how pathetic you really are, good job.

Sir we don't engage in talks with idiots , we annihilate them
For God's sake can somebody please ban this Shazzad123 guy? As a Pakistani I am getting tired of seeing he's useless posts. He is embarrassing our people. Always pushing "Pakistani this and Pakistani that" down people's throat's.

Yeah that guy thinks he's the best lol
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LOL you are the one posting in a thread about Canadian atrocities, trying to justify that atrocity with whataboutism :rofl:

Then you pretend to have Asian Canadian friends whom you "defend" by ignoring and then justifying their ethnic cleansing. You immediately took the side of white people when I pointed out http://theconcordian.com/2021/03/anti-asian-hate-crimes-spike-in-canada/

LOL the Great Wall is a defensive fortification to fight wars. Are you claiming that Canadian concentration camps for Native Indian children is a defensive fortification?
First of all, I didn't defend anything. Instead, I acknowledged Canada's horrific past.

Learn to read.

Second, hate crimes are not the same as ethnic cleansing.

Third, we both know what you're doing. This attempt to try and attack me is only proving just jow pathetic you are.

Forth, I don't have to prove anything to you about myself, so you can shove your accusations where the sun don't shine.

I'm done with you.
Sir we don't engage in talks with Wumaos or 50 centers , we annihilate them

Yeah that guy thinks he's the best lol
As a TTA, I have an obligation to tell you that terms like wumao and 50center are banned on the forum as offensive. I suggest editing your post.
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First of all, I didn't defend anything. Instead, I acknowledged Canada's horrific past.

Learn to read.

Second, hate crimes are not the same as ethnic cleansing.

Third, we both know what you're doing. This attempt to try and attack me is only proving just jow pathetic you are.

Forth, I don't have to prove anything to you about myself, so you can shove your accusations where the sun don't shine.

I'm done with you.

As a TTA, I have an obligation to tell you that terms like wumao and 50center are banned on the forum as offensive. I suggest editing your post.

Dam terms like Wumao is banned , I thought this was a Pakistani forum not China lol
You are a shameless liar
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1st commit the genocide then XX years later acknowledge ...then repeat the cycle:o:
you got 30 guys out of 30 million people means nothing. Candian white women do not like brown men. They hate us brown men. They are more interested in fair skinned guys. A Kashimiri Pakistani or Pashtun Pakistani is more likely to get a white girl coz they are fair skinned. People like me brown skin are hated like we are animals.

Secondly, They tend to date Asians usually koreans or Chinese born Canadians because they got money and swag. Most of the Chinese people who come from China stay with their own due to language barrier.

that women giving a BJ is fake from a movie.

Koreans and Chinese have swag? Lol in what world do you live in? They can't even speak properly. No where on planet earth are those plate faces desired except in your own basement. Dating sites from Canada are proof of this

Asian guys are stereotyped as asexual and shy across the west.

Im 100% sure brown guys have more swag and extroverted nature. There is even guys like Nav and Jay Sean who have made it in the Rnb black industry. You never find an Asian guy making it in the rap and Rnb top label industry. This is also why you never see them in management positions because they have no personalities and hit the bamboo ceiling.

If their interested in fair skinned. They would stick to white guys who are the whitest in the shed. They wouldn't need to go to Kashmiris or Pashtuns or Afghans. They wouldn't need to go to black guys. Whose more whiter than anglo saxon white guys? Nobody

They already have the whitest guy in the world. Why they date some brown middle eastern or darker toned Middle Eastern? Why would they hate a slit eyed mongol face guy with a small pee pee when they have Anglo Saxon white guys who rule the world and have caucasian features?

You're wrong, brown guys are actually right there with black guys in Toronto. Even stormfront white guys admit seeing more Indian guys with white females in Canada at a blue jays game than black guys

Im sure just black guys do well with white women

The rest of these East Asians and Middle Easterners are nowhere on the scene in canada

The reason why is because I never see white guys from Canada on stormfront saying Korean men taking their women. Its literally two guys mentioned. Black guys and Punjabi guys on stormfront.
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You say the Asian men have money. Lol no.

Albert Tse: investment banker. Rich.
Jessica Rudd: daughter of PM of Australia, board of directors for eCargo and ambassador for Alibaba Australia. Elite super rich.

Steven Pan: photographer. Poor.
Julia Stegner: actress and model. Rich.

Jay Chae: nurse and gamer. Middle class.
ST Peach: social media celebrity pulling in millions. Rich.

Grant Imahara: electrical engineer. Middle class.
Jennifer Newman: actress and costume designer. Rich.

Btw, for some fun anecdotal video here's some women flying to South Korea on their own money to sexualize Korean men.

The girl in that photo looks like some weebo. She doesnt even look like a woman

Lol sexual korean men?

How can you sexualize this

The girl in that photo looks like some weebo. She doesnt even look like a woman

Lol sexual korean men?

How can you sexualize this

I can smell the desperation where you're furiously searching Youtube and Google and everything trying to increase the awareness and value of Pakistani men and put down East Asians. As I noted before you were the one that started this and your ego seem to be too fragile to handle a little clapback. Not exactly big dick energy here pal.

Your goal of trying to increase Pakistani men's worth by putting others down is a flawed one because that just means you're trying to coast off the value of others, not yourself. And one person can't change global perceptions. Raise yourself up first.

Anyhow since you've spent so much of your time googling about other men's penises and abs, here's some gifts back since you like looking at that stuff so much.

Enjoy BTS (Korean) and Zhang Lay (Chinese):


Here's an audience shot from BTS concert in Texas


Here's Kris Wu (Chinese) performing in Minneapolis during the Super Bowl

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Man you're pathetic and sad , imagine shitting on East Asian yet your people your dam kind hasn't made one new discovery or even any new invention that we use today that are crucial.

East Asian nations are the reason you have paper and gunpowder and many more things

Buddy I fucking dare you to go to 4chan and try to test white supremacist and see how long you can last before they kick your ***.

I dare you to try to say Pakistanis are superior in front of them

Stop trying to be superior when your own people isn't doing well

I go to apricity and stormfront all the time to tell white boys off. We have pimp gangs in Britain filled with white females. The easiest females for Pakistani guys in Britain are white females. I don't even have to introduce myself on stormfront. They're al
I can smell the desperation where you're furiously searching Youtube and Google and everything trying to increase the awareness and value of Pakistani men and put down East Asians. As I noted before you were the one that started this and your ego seem to be too fragile to handle a little clapback. Not exactly big dick energy here pal.

Your goal of trying to increase Pakistani men's worth by putting others down is a flawed one because that just means you're trying to coast off the value of others, not yourself. And one person can't change global perceptions. Raise yourself up first.

Anyhow since you've spent so much of your time googling about other men's penises and abs, here's some gifts back since you like looking at that stuff so much.

Enjoy BTS (Korean) and Zhang Lay (Chinese):


Here's an audience shot from BTS concert in Texas


Here's Kris Wu (Chinese) performing in Minneapolis during the Super Bowl

Even the muscular guys you posted don't look masculine at all. I've seen more muscular white females than those guys. Also Kris wu sounds like a knock off Eminem with the crowd being mostly Chinese.

This is real talent

The crowd all nonPakistanis

So the Children Church murdered and buried these Native North American Indian Children???

And madrassas are the pure evil?
Remains of 215 children found at former indigenous school in Canada

The remains of 215 children, some as young as three years old, were found at the site of a former residential school for indigenous children, a discovery Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau described as heartbreaking on Friday.

The children were students at the Kamloops Indian Residential School in British Columbia that closed in 1978, according to the Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc Nation, which said the remains were found with the help of a ground penetrating radar specialist.

"We had a knowing in our community that we were able to verify," Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc Chief Rosanne Casimir said in a statement. "At this time, we have more questions than answers."

Canada's residential school system, which forcibly separated indigenous children from their families, constituted "cultural genocide," a six-year investigation into the now-defunct system found in 2015.

The report documented horrific physical abuse, rape, malnutrition and other atrocities suffered by many of the 150,000 children who attended the schools, typically run by Christian churches on behalf of Ottawa from the 1840s to the 1990s.

It found more than 4,100 children died while attending residential school. The deaths of the 215 children buried in the grounds of what was once Canada's largest residential school are believed to not have been included in that figure and appear to have been undocumented until the discovery.

Trudeau wrote in a tweet that the news "breaks my heart – it is a painful reminder of that dark and shameful chapter of our country's history."

In 2008, the Canadian government formally apologized for the system.

The Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc Nation said it was engaging with the coroner and reaching out to the home communities whose children attended the school. They expect to have preliminary findings by mid-June.

In a statement, British Columbia Assembly of First Nations Regional Chief Terry Teegee called finding such grave sites "urgent work" that "refreshes the grief and loss for all First Nations in British Columbia."

They need start digging at every school

Whites, include Canadians, genocided all natives and robbed their land , sold blacks into slaves, bombed Muslim civilians into pieces, nowadays all dandy about human rights

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