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Rubbish cleaning delays PIA’s Manchester flight

you expect respect from UK community after cursing them out as ethnic group do you think they dont know this, this is why you see mess on the floor it a way of saying up yours you mother fcukers for ripping me off from day one.

That is some very Lame excuse. Come on dude, don't lower your standards by defending these dirty filthy Pi.gs.
That is some very Lame excuse. Come on dude, don't lower your standards by defending these dirty filthy Pi.gs.

i have to; they are animals but hey it works both ways if i am going to be treated second class and forced bribes and endure borderline racism n jealousy then i would pi ss on the seats too.
IF PIA god's chosen ppl with bloodline of the chosen ones, treat guest passengers with respect and proper decency, without the habit of asking the victim open your wallet or bags for any gifts to pocket.
Then the brit community will also behave like humans.
Lets not get overly sensitive about this. You've seen the state of Pakistani streets, heck even the beautiful mountains of the North or the sea in the south is not free of Pakistani trash.

I have to add, some parts of British society are filthy too. You should see the state of cinemas, or stadiums after matches/concerts. The streets where there are many clubs and bars are cleaned by an army of cleaners every weekend evening. Realistically there is no excuse. Like I always said - when the container had food in it, the person looked after it with care, why dump it when it's empty? Look after it in the same way.
Which coming back to what I said earlier, you don't have to be a Pakistani to be a horrible person.
well i would but pakistan side will sell me off like musharafs time for few dollars to be sent off to guantamino. if it was up to my community we would have freed kashmir by now not make execuses and then sit down with the enemies at the table and drink whiskey. Sorry kid the ball is in pakistans hand not ours. oh thanks for liking my speech :azn:

great idea but lets add to it passengers are entitled to video staff if they feel threatened or forced to give bribes or other illeal activity and can add the staff details to app and record it and file it, staff should be fired immediately and put on newspaper.
Thanks God your kinds don't live in Pakistan anymore otherwise there would have been more mess. Show some balls and fight for your land rather than eating benefits and spewing venom against Pakistan and its people.

incidentally I've seen both of these videos before. but you miss the point, my first message took it has a given that they're different languages and I asked you: why are you speaking Hindi rather than Urdu, or at least more Hindi than Urdu?

on them being separate languages, I've nothing much to say. Urdu is an Indian language anyway, originating in UP and spoken by a specific set of UP elites. literary Urdu is Hindustani stuffed with Persian and Arabic, literary (Modern Standard) Hindi is Hindustani stuffed with Sanskrit. stuffing Arabic words in Hindustani is perhaps weirder than stuffing Sanskrit, considering the sentence structure etc, and I don't know much about the Persian.

but they're both unnatural and nobody speaks like that. you speak Hindi with the same sentence structure as the rest of Hindi with 3/4 Sanskrit origin (through Prakrit) words anyway.
Thanks God your kinds don't live in Pakistan anymore otherwise there would have been more mess. Show some balls and fight for your land rather than eating benefits and spewing venom against Pakistan and its people.

Thank god we live in England and your kind dont run nothing here except your known for being inferior sell outs wannabe goray. Yes i have heard it all before benefit eaters this and that but look at pakistan prostitutes, drugs, gun smuggling, rapes, robbing foreigners, institutions run on corruption,
Begging to imf isn't that like asking for benefits except who going to pay it back.
People of pak can spew venom against brit paks day n night call us all kinds of names, but if it wasnt for brit pak contribution towards azad Kashmir you would have had separation by now.
Thank god we live in England and your kind dont run nothing here except your known for being inferior sell outs wannabe goray. Yes i have heard it all before benefit eaters this and that but look at pakistan prostitutes, drugs, gun smuggling, rapes, robbing foreigners, institutions run on corruption,
Begging to imf isn't that like asking for benefits except who going to pay it back.
People of pak can spew venom against brit paks day n night call us all kinds of names, but if it wasnt for brit pak contribution towards azad Kashmir you would have had separation by now.
Thanks for showing your real face, like i dont know what your kind is doing in liverpool, rochdale ,oldham, bradford and the list goes own. your kind is famous from grooming young girls for prostitution to insurance fraud to God knows what not, dont try be an angel here. I always say kashmiris and are non trustworthy sell outs. Ask your dad what passport he used to travel from Pakistan, was it kashmiri or a Pakistani. you and your kind must be very happy seeing young mirpuris selling drugs and making fantastic money, no wonder the mansions you have made in kashmir using all this drug moneis by sending it through hundi Million dollar question is can you declare this money in britain and leave them into a local bank.
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Thanks for showing your real face, like i dont know what your kind is doing in liverpool, rochdale ,oldham, bradford and the list goes own. your kind is famous from grooming young girls for prostitution to insurance fraud to God knows what not, dont try be an angel here. I always say kashmiris and are non trustworthy sell outs. Ask your dad what passport he used to travel from Pakistan, was it kashmiri or a Pakistani. you and your kind must be very happy seeing young mirpuris selling drugs and making fantastic money, no wonder the mansions you have made in kashmir using all this drug moneis by sending it through hundi Million dollar question is can you declare this money in britain and leave them into a local bank.

Dont be jealous you cheap Pakistani. you people die when you see us having alil bit of wealth and can afford to build house in azad kashmir. You see you ppl dont like us because we can say it to your face and physically kick your a ss. Name one azad kashmiri sell out but many like musharaf sold out.
We were building houses since early 90s dont be jealous not like pakistan give us assistance instead like cheap chor you flooded the villages to build dam to feed yourselves. Why should we be singled out when your kind is the biggest hypocritical gangsters out there, look state of pakistan beggars on st, no technology, prostitution, bribes every were, wanabe goray rich kids cringe level 10.
IMF beggars shoudnt insult others at least we send some money otherwise azad kashmir will say fcuk you we want separation.
incidentally I've seen both of these videos before. but you miss the point, my first message took it has a given that they're different languages and I asked you: why are you speaking Hindi rather than Urdu, or at least more Hindi than Urdu?

on them being separate languages, I've nothing much to say. Urdu is an Indian language anyway, originating in UP and spoken by a specific set of UP elites. literary Urdu is Hindustani stuffed with Persian and Arabic, literary (Modern Standard) Hindi is Hindustani stuffed with Sanskrit. stuffing Arabic words in Hindustani is perhaps weirder than stuffing Sanskrit, considering the sentence structure etc, and I don't know much about the Persian.

but they're both unnatural and nobody speaks like that. you speak Hindi with the same sentence structure as the rest of Hindi with 3/4 Sanskrit origin (through Prakrit) words anyway.
well you end up making a very beautiful, sexy language...
Indians like to think that Muslim culture of SC is Arabized but its not true its Persianized and whatever "Arabization" you feel is second hand Arabization
and they didn't stuff in words at random - only words with poetic undertones - Ghalib - the architect of modern Urdu (before it was very persianized) would throw out words that sounded bad to him
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Nothing has changed then. I once travelled on PIA.......Never again!!!!!!!!!!!
Pakistani people, natives and foreign on the large (I'm sorry to say) are selfish, self serving and lacking basic etiquette. I was once on a trip from Dubai to Lahore via Emirates. 70% of passengers were complete jahils. Screaming, shouting, littering, intruding personal spaces, barging etc....
Why do Pakistani's have to approach life with a pendu attitude? Change starts with the grass roots and until Pakistanis don't look in the mirror and improve themselves for the better, the nation as a whole will unfortunately remain shafted. Simple as that!


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