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Self measures that needs to be taken - Coronavirus potential outbreak in Pakistan

What is the state of Soap supply in Pakistan? The government should at the very least ensure everyone has access to soap and a place to get clean water.

If there is a shortage, or generally not a universally available item, the government should pay people sitting out of work to make soap.

It may sound simple, but soap and water will protect people from this virus and other illnesses. This crisis should be used for a positive outcome, universal supply of soap; free of cost or at very low cost to all people in the country.
virus reaching the lungs.

Once infected, virus will already be there. There is lots of confusion around this topic going around on internet, that virus stays in throat or the ways to prevent it from reaching lungs. That's not the case. The goal is to prevent developing pneumonia. So lung clearance will be key to prevent pneumonia/ respiratory distress but not to stop the virus reaching the lungs.

This virus enters body via mucosal membranes via eyes, noes, mouth. Once inside the body it will multiply and affect the organs it affects the most, in coivd-19 case lungs are one of them. Inflammatory response of respiratory tract will start both upper and lower, causing respiratory distress and cough. Now how bad it will be only depends on person's immunity, age, comorbidities. So in this particular respiratory condition the goal will be to keep lung's oxygen carrying capacity at maximum. If pneumonia develops it will lead to complications.
What helped me get through a coronavirus quarantine in France

By Adnan Rafiq P
March 17, 2020

I myself was recently put in quarantine while I was in Paris when some of my fellow participants in a global strategic policy dialogue were diagnosed with COVID-19. The thought of something supposedly originating from bats in China having entered your body on the other side of the world is undoubtedly scary. The likelihood that I had been exposed to it was high, given that I spent three days travelling in the same bus, attending various discussion sessions and having meals in the same dining hall with those who tested positive. However, was this interaction enough for me to catch the virus? Had our hosts and their the staff contracted the virus as well? The uncertainty was simply nerve wracking.

Outside, the city of Paris and by large, the whole of France was in turmoil. The number of cases in the country have already shot up from 100 at the start of this month to almost 5,500 in little over two weeks. The healthcare system is understandably overwhelmed and emergency services have their hands full. At the time, I was not exhibiting any symptoms and so, I was not being offered the coronavirus test, something that I desperately wanted. However, given how most healthcare systems are indifferent to testing requests of individuals who are not exhibiting symptoms, most people will have to cope with such uncertainty.

We were put in a hotel room where food was left at our door step. The staff that was tasked with providing us food looked like astronauts with their prominent face masks, gowns and gloves which only added to my already burgeoning nervousness. Of course, I knew that these measures were necessary and that the staff was not acting over the top. Regardless, it was still hard to come to terms with the gravity of the situation and the enforced social isolation which essentially felt like banishment. Humans are social beings and do not necessarily respond well to social isolation and the resulting stress. Being in quarantine can therefore trigger feelings of being left out, abandoned, unwanted and can result in frustration, confusion, anger and fear. That being said, what can we do to maintain our sanity if ever we are put in such a situation? Here are some of the things that helped me calm my nerves during quarantine.

Connect with others

It is important to keep talking to others. Share your concerns and feelings with a trusted friend or a family member for emotional support. This can be done through the phone or video chat. It is also helpful to talk to others in a similar situation. Talking to people you trust who have been quarantined with you or separately from you will help reduce the feelings of isolation and could actually improve your bond with them.

Maintain a sense of hope and positive thinking

Similar to my case, there is a chance that you have not been infected by the coronavirus even if you were in contact with someone who was. If you have tested positive, for a vast majority of people, there is a decent chance that you will overcome this illness like a rudimentary bout of flu if your immunity is strong enough. It is important to keep things in perspective and maintain a positive frame of mind.

Avoid excessive media coverage

Constantly viewing footage and images of scenes related to the epidemic from around the world can invoke an adverse emotional response. It is therefore best to avoid obsessively following round- the-clock media coverage of COVID-19 and instead, stay abreast by looking at the news a few times a day and reading guidelines prepared by responsible sources on dealing with the situation at hand.

Take care of yourself

Take deep breaths, meditate and stretch. Walking within the room and getting fresh air from the window can be very helpful. Also, make sure to eat well, making certain that what you consume boosts your immunity and drink plenty of water. It is also important to keep yourself busy by reading books, watching movies, following up on your work, channeling any frustrations through writing and undertaking other home-based leisure activities such as board or video games that can can help you ease through these testing times.

Make a rational assessment

If you develop severe symptoms over the quarantine period, seek immediate medical help. If you are over 60 years of age, have a weak immune system or other pre-existing conditions, you must seek immediate medical help even if you are experiencing mild symptoms. In all cases, stay calm and make rational decisions such as not being shy when it comes to calling for help, if indeed you do require medical assistance. Please make sure that you are well stocked with food and other necessary amenities. These include basic medicine to help relieve symptoms. However, it is imperative that your move to stock items is backed by rationale and not by panic. Therefore, purchase with a view to ensure sufficiency and resist the temptation to ration for a nuclear apocalypse.

After enduring a 14-day quarantine, I thankfully showed no symptoms of the coronavirus and was therefore allowed to return to Pakistan. The embassy in Paris was kind enough to send food supplies and stayed in contact throughout. It was nice to know that the state of Pakistan was concerned and remained available for support if needed. Therefore, if you find yourself quarantined in a foreign country, do contact the local embassy and seek their advice on the matter at hand. Please also remember that being in quarantine is not a death sentence because someone like me, who was in close proximity with coronavirus affectees, did not contract the infection and was allowed to leave eventually.

With regards to the experience itself, to me, it highlighted both the vulnerable and the resilient sides of human character. It also showed how connected and dependent we are on each other. The key is to coordinate a collective response to disasters such as these and avoid panicking. Taking prudent decisions and helping each other through this difficult phase can go a long way in fighting the virus itself. Let us console and help those caught in the middle of this crisis through both practical and emotional support, especially those with limited means of earning and resources to fend for themselves.


Adnan Rafiq
The author is a political analyst associated with the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Oxford. He tweets @adnanrafiq (twitter.com/adnanrafiq).
Thank you.

See above the response from @Ace of Spades

Virus is in the whole body yes hence fever but lung collapse is due to mucus containing the highest concentration of virus reaching the lungs.

It's proven by scientists working on this already that throat contains the highest concentration of the Coronavirus with highest transmission levels within first 2-3 days of infection setting in throat.

Please just stop. Mucus in the lungs in ARDS is not from " snorting it in". Its produced in the lungs due to the virus and increased inflammatory response.
Part of your post is as follows:

"It's better to sleep less than letting this virus get in your lungs!…..

I totally disapprove of patients laying on hospital beds and at home in such positions where gravity plays the role in taking the phlegm/nose drip down to lungs!"

Like I said before this is wrong, dear Elite Member. Your only response/evidence has been " you coming from a family of doctors"… and then asking me to explain lung physiology.

Sir I do not need to prove myself to you. This being a public forum I am taking the time to correct ✔ you and am open to see your sources which you have so far not shared; you do have proceeded swiftly to reapond and indirectly question my medical knowledge (which you can) but would not have been the best course of action from a literate and aware professional.

Like I said please believe what you want to believe but don't spread it around without any evidence about the totkas for illnesses.

Thanks. Stay safe and happy.
Lots of jumpy people out there.
Waste of money
I believe these and related beliefs re COVID19 are a form of cognitive bias - people tend to believe and propagate ideas that are easy and will preserve the status quo of their current lifestyle instead of following measures which will affect them more like social distancing (in its true form).
The only way to control the virus is what China has done, otherwise its very difficult. Look at the western world, they have the best facilities but are struggling. The UK government has given the advice to stay inside, dont go hospital, dont call them, just self isolate unless you cant breath. Millions of people have got the virus, people have sore throats, coughs, fever. I believe they are using the herd method

I pray Pakistan can deal with this but it looks highly unlikely. I hope the heat can kill the virus otherwise majority of the population will get it.
"After my corona virus test came positive, I gave 6 thousand rupees to airport staff and came out from airport without any problem." Most probably from Lahore airport. Came from Spain.
wow just wow :hitwall:
لاہور (اردوپوائنٹ اخبار تازہ ترین۔ 20مارچ 2020ء) پاکستان کورونا وائرس سے اس وقت تک بچا رہا جب کئی ممالک میں اس کے سینکڑوں کیسز رپورٹ ہو چکے تھے،پاکستان میں ایک کیس رپورٹ ہوا جس کے بعد دیکھتے ہی دیکھتے مریضوں کی تعداد 458 ہو چکی ہے،یہاں پر حکومتی اقدامات پر کئی سوالات بھی اٹھائے جا رہے ہیں کہ جب کورونا وائرس کو روکنے اور قابو پانے کے اقدمات بھی معلوم تھے۔ایسے میں سپین سے آئے ہوئے گجرات کے علاقہ شادیوال کے رہائشی کورونا وائرس کے مریض بشارت نے میڈیا کو بتایا ہے کہ میرا ائیرپورٹ پر ٹیسٹ کیا گیا تھا جس میں کورونا وائرس مثبت آیا تھا لیکن میں ائیرپورٹ حکام کو 6 ہزار رشوت دے کر باہر نکل آیا۔میں دو تین دن گھر رہا اور لوگوں سے ملتا جلتا رہا۔بتایا گیا ہے کہ بشارت کے صاحبزادے میں بھی کورونا وائرس کی تصدیق ہو چکی ہے۔
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