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Similarities of NAZI Germany under Hitler & forthcoming HINDUTVA India under Modi


Feb 22, 2019
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Similarities of Nazi Germany under Hitler & forthcoming HINDUTVA India under Modi

The last 5 years and especially forthcoming scenario after coming elections of India is very similar to Nazi Germany under the time of Hitler.

The situation can be
ascertained by the recent BJP tweet in which the BJP tweet indirectly yet quite explicitly said in clear terms that they will remove Muslims from India after coming into power.


1) RSS was founded in 1925 after being inspired from Nazi party. It's political arm is the current ruling party of India i.e. BJP. RSS is similar to paramilitary organization of Hitler's SS.

2) SS used to terrorize anyone who opposed Hitler. They used to do riots, beat people and even murder them on the streets even before Hitler came into power. Today, the same thing is happening in India under Modi where Hindutva gangs are beating/murdering Muslims on the streets under Modi.

3) Nazis installed its members after coming into power in bureaucracy, judiciary and military. Modi in India has done the same thing by installing RSS thugs in bureaucracy,
judiciary and military.

4) SS used to recruit, brainwash and train youth to use weapons and physical force. Today in India RSS is doing the same thing by running gangs of Shakhas.

5) Hindutvas present India’s Hindu majority as a victim by stoking fears of being outnumbered one day, and claiming that Hindus are under threat and attack from the country’s minorities. They use this pretext to justify violence and exclusion as "self- defense".
Nazis used to do the same thing.

6) After Hitler came into power in 1933, he gave all his attention to Nazification of Germany. Today, the Hindutva-fication of India will be completed after Modi gets his second term.

7) Education was Nazified during Hitler's era and false and bullshit history used to be taught to students. Today in India, education has been completely under the spell of Hindutvas who have erased the entire history of India under Muslims. While bullshit history lessons like ancient 5000 year old spacecrafts invented by Hindus is being taught.

8) Media in Nazi era used to be nothing more than propaganda tool for Nazis who used to brainwash their nation into hating Jews. Today, Indian media is nothing more than propaganda tool propagating hate against Muslims and Pakistan.

9) Nazis and Hitler were helped and funded by industrialist tycoons like Krupp etc. Today, industrial tycoons like Ambani are helping BJP and Modi in India.

10) During the reign of Hitler, German nation hated Jews to the core. No matter whether they are professors or highly educated people or masses. Today in India, almost every Hindu-even the ones who call themselves liberal-hates Muslims, their history, their religion fundamentally.

Future Plans

1) Hitler after coming into power sent military forces and annexed Rhineland permanently. Today, even though the political autonomy of Indian occupied Kashmir is just a farce but BJP has said that they will remove this special status of Kashmir as well. Which means that they will do settlement of Hindus in Kashmir and remove Kashmiris from their lands just like Israel is doing in occupied Palestine.

2) Hitler after coming into power removed Jews from their posts, banned their businesses and started revoking their citizenship. Today, BJP is saying that it will also revoke the nationality of Muslims in India. Which would mean all Muslims in India would end up without a country.

3) Hindutvas want to create a Hindu Rashtra which is only for Hindus similar to Nazi Germany only for Germans.

4) Hitler and Nazis believed in ideology of Greater Germany. They waged a war and burned Europe and Germany in trying to achieve their dream. Hindutvas under Modi also believe in ideology of Greater India from Myanmar to Bamyan (Afghanistan). And they know that as long as Pakistan is standing, their dream of Greater India will only remain a Hindu's wet dream. To create Greater India, BJP/RSS wants a final war with Pakistan.

Pakistan should be ready as war is coming for us whether we want it or not........

@Rashid Mahmood
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Had Hitler not ruled Germany , it would have been one of the greatest power of our time. But he broke the backbone of an economically and militarily powerful country because of war mongering and hatred.

Same goes for India, although India is far poorer and has far less resources than Germany , things would have been different if India had a better leadership over the last 5 years. Numerous opportunities have been missed by India. India would have been a model for the smaller countries in the region. However India decided to chose path of Hindu supremacy and Hinduvata ideology which is destined to fail and collapse. If Modi's BJP comes to power again you ll see further deterioration of Indian social fabric.
Yes, but Modi and his coterie are an extremely third grade copies of Hitler and his disciples.

i think indian hindus are much worst than hitler

Good points. It’s true that Indian leadership today is more malicious than early days of Nazy Germany. But thankfully, they are a lot more incompetent. So their attempt at being destructive domestically and internationally fall flat on its face. A recent example is the failed spat with Pakistan.

So India is just like a horrible Bollywood actor in a villain role that make people laugh at the performance instead of bring feared in the scene. So India is a like an advertised scary movie that become a comedy because of bad script and acting.

No facist movement has ever had a happy ending.

Internet Hindus here think we are trolling them, I'm reality we are warning then.

Don't go down the path of hate, it never ends up being good.
Too late on their path. But the hatred is balanced by their sheer incompetence. So I won’t worry too much. They sucks at everything, including being evil.
Good points. It’s true that Indian leadership today is more malicious than early days of Nazy Germany. But thankfully, they are a lot more incompetent. So their attempt at being destructive domestically and internationally fall flat on its face. A recent example is the failed spat with Pakistan.

So India is just like a horrible Bollywood actor in a villain role that make people laugh at the performance instead of bring feared in the scene. So India is a like an advertised scary movie that become a comedy because of bad script and acting.

Too late on their path. But the hatred is balanced by their sheer incompetence. So I won’t worry too much. They sucks at everything, including being evil.
Excellent points, the only people they can really terrorize are happens minorities in their own country.

Another Muslim was just killed the other day by cow vigilantes
  • Modi India
  • Nehru India
  • Indira India
  • Bajpayee India
  • Rajiv India
  • Shastri India
  • Congress India
  • BJP India
Is there a differance? Nope. They are all manifestions of the same enemy. Indira Gandhi's India sliced Pakistan in half. Nehru's India occupied Kashmir. Rajiv's India occupied Siachin. Bajpayee's India almost attacked Pakistan. Kashmir, the bone of contention has been continously occupied by India, through decades, through dozen leaders.

So Modi is no differant. His is the latest face of a enemy of 70 years.
Excellent points, the only people they can really terrorize are happens minorities in their own country.

Another Muslim was just killed the other day by cow vigilantes

Since Indians can’t take a punch, they only go after the defenseless.

The Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, and none Brahmins/high caste Indians need to respond to Indian bullying. Indians only respond if they get a punch in the face as they are only civilized enough to respond only to violence, not reasoning.
  • Modi India
  • Nehru India
  • Indira India
  • Bajpayee India
  • Rajiv India
  • Shastri India
  • Congress India
  • BJP India
Is there a differance? Nope. They are all manifestions of the same enemy. Indira Gandhi's India sliced Pakistan in half. Nehru's India occupied Kashmir. Rajiv's India occupied Siachin. Bajpayee's India almost attacked Pakistan. Kashmir, the bone of contention has been continously occupied by India, through decades, through dozen leaders.

So Modi is no differant. His is the latest face of a enemy of 70 years.

Excellent analysis. You have nailed it. Only difference between Modi and Nehru, as far as Pakistan is concerned, is that the former is crude and naked, while the later was subtle and surreptitious.
Excellent analysis. You have nailed it. Only difference between Modi and Nehru, as far as Pakistan is concerned, is that the former is crude and naked, while the later was subtle and surreptitious.
I beg to differ. Thus far Nehru is the leading contender in the damage he did to Pakistan and even arguably South Asian peace. He was the reason we have a 70 year, three wars Kashmir and nuke face down, followed by his daughter Indira who was responsible for Bangla. By comparison Modi is just puffed up hooligan.
  • Modi India
  • Nehru India
  • Indira India
  • Bajpayee India
  • Rajiv India
  • Shastri India
  • Congress India
  • BJP India
Is there a differance? Nope. They are all manifestions of the same enemy. Indira Gandhi's India sliced Pakistan in half. Nehru's India occupied Kashmir. Rajiv's India occupied Siachin. Bajpayee's India almost attacked Pakistan. Kashmir, the bone of contention has been continously occupied by India, through decades, through dozen leaders.

So Modi is no differant. His is the latest face of a enemy of 70 years.

The only way to rule India is by breaking it up to the political entity of India prior to British arrival. So a good Indian leader is the one that has the courage to split up India and revert the British imperialism.
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