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South China Sea Forum

1)I am merely sending wikipedia source infos,
2)not like you little Viva_Viet, call me barking dog!!When the Vietnamese have nothing to say, they can only carry out personal attacks on others!

Who is ruining the Far east section really?!
Are you denying that you called me Chinese barking dog multiple times?

@waz please ban
this guy called and is still calling me barking dogs multiple times!
Mod pls ban this @Adam WANG SHANGHAI MEGA . he the first one keep calling others monkeys.

Chairman Xi, this guy support Fake news against CN Govt.Based on CN laws, he must get some punishment for posting and supporting Fake news.:cool:


Like private credit scores, a person's social score can move up and down depending on their behavior. The exact methodology is a secret — but examples of infractions include bad driving, smoking in non-smoking zones, buying too many video games and posting fake news online.

Last edited:
The position of "Dongfang 13-2 CEPB," platform is in China water, not disputed zone like in 2014.

Unilateral actions in East Vietnam Sea a threat to regional economic growth: EU

The European Union (EU) on Wednesday warned that a deteriorating maritime security environment caused by recent “unilateral actions” in the East Vietnam Sea represents a serious threat to the region’s economic growth.

“Unilateral actions during the past weeks in the [East Vietnam Sea] have resulted in mounting tensions and a deterioration of the maritime security environment which represents a serious threat to the peaceful economic development of the region,” EU spokesperson for foreign affairs and security policy Maja Kocijancic was quoted as saying in a statement posted on the European External Action Service’s website.

The statement came amid repeated infringing activities of a Chinese marine research vessel escorted by coast guard ships in Vietnam’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and Continental Shelf since July.

Kocijancic said all parties in the region must “exercise self-restraint, take concrete steps towards reverting to the status quo ante, refrain from militarizing the region and resolve disputes through peaceful means.''

Such actions must be done in accordance with international law, notably the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), she added.

The spokesperson proposed that the sides seek third-party assistance “in the form of mediation or arbitration” to facilitate the settlement of their respective claims if necessary.

“The EU will continue to fully support regional ASEAN-led processes, in order to further promote a rules-based regional and international order, to consolidate multilateral cooperation, as well as closer cooperation with third parties,” spokesperson Kocijancic continued.

ASEAN, or the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, is a political and socio-economic bloc consisting of ten member states, namely Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Spokesperson Kocijancic said the EU is looking forward to a swift and transparent conclusion of the talks on an “effective, substantive and legally binding” Code of Conduct (COC) of parties in the East Vietnam Sea.

“The EU is committed to the legal order for the seas and oceans based upon international law, maritime security and cooperation, as well as the freedom of navigation and overflight, in the interest of all states,” the statement concluded.

The Vietnamese foreign ministry’s spokesperson Le Thi Thu Hang said on August 16 the Chinese survey ship Haiyang Dizhi 8 and its escorts had resumed their infringement of Vietnam’s EEZ and Continental Shelf from August 13.

The Chinese fleet had previously violated Vietnam’s EEZ and Continental Shelf in the southern area of the East Vietnam Sea from July 4 to August 8.

“This area lies entirely within the Vietnamese waters,” Hang said, underlining that Hanoi has sovereignty, sovereign rights and jurisdiction over the waters in the East Vietnam Sea, as established in the provisions of the 1982 UNCLOS.

Japan’s oil rig Hakuryu-5, which is in operation in the East Vietnam Sea. Photo: PetroVietnam" class="outer-img fancybox" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px 0px 1rem;">

Japan’s oil rig Hakuryu-5, which is in operation in the East Vietnam Sea. Photo: PetroVietnam

The EU spokesperson’s statement came a day after Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs Taro Kono said Tokyo also opposes any action that intensifies tensions in the East Vietnam Sea, according to Vietnam News Agency.

Kono said on Tuesday that the East Vietnam Sea is an important sea line for Japan and many other countries, and is directly related to stability and peace of the region.

He added that the international community, including Japan, is paying serious attention to the situation in the sea.

The foreign minister said he has raised concerns about the serious situation in the East Vietnam Sea after the recent East Asian Summit (EAS) Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Bangkok, Thailand in early August.

FM Kono held that the international community should oppose any unilateral attempt to change the status quo, or any serious action with coercion by any country.

The top Japanese diplomat asked all the parties concerned to demilitarize facilities or institutions in the sea, stressing that any dispute must be solved according to international law, including the 1982 UNCLOS.

The countries should continue to emphasize the need to uphold the rule of law in the East Vietnam Sea, he stated.

Vietnam demands that China immediately withdraw the geological survey ship Haiyang Dizhi 8 and its escorts from its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and Continental Shelf, the foreign ministry said on Thursday after confirming the Chinese ships have violated Vietnamese waters for the third time in two months.

The Chinese group of ships has since September 7 resumed infringement upon the Vietnamese waters, the foreign ministry’s spokesperson Le Thi Thu Hang told reporters in Hanoi.

Vietnam “resolutely opposes” this illegal action by China, Hang said.

The Haiyang Dizhi 8 first entered Vietnam's EEZ in the southern area of the East Vietnam Sea on July 3 and appeared to conduct a seismic survey. It left the area on August 7 and returned a week later escorted by Chinese coast guard vessels.

This is the third time since July the Chinese fleet has entered the area, which “lies entirely within the sovereignty and jurisdiction of Vietnam,” Hang said.

“The Haiyang group of ships has continued to seriously violate Vietnam’s sovereignty and EEZ,” the spokesperson added.

Vietnam requires that China immediately pull these ships from Vietnam’s EEZ and Continental Shelf as defined in the provisions of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), Hang said.

Hanoi pressed the same demand during the previous incidents, having asked Beijing to respect Vietnam’s sovereignty, jurisdiction, rights and legitimate interests in the East Vietnam Sea.

Vietnamese authorities have continued to implement measures to enforce the country’s legitimate sovereignty, sovereign rights and jurisdiction in accordance with local and international laws, the spokesperson added.

Vietnam attaches great importance to peace, security and the rule of law in the East Vietnam Sea, and is willing to resolve disagreements through peaceful measures, she added.

Hanoi always values, and wishes to promote, friendly relations with Beijing in the interests of the two countries and peoples, as well as of peace, stability, and security in the region and the world, she said.

At the same time, Vietnam will resolutely and persistently protect its legitimate rights and interests, Hang underlined.

Vietnam calls on relevant countries and the international community to make active contributions to maintaining regional and global peace, stability and cooperation, including those in the East Vietnam Sea, the spokesperson said.

VCG, VRS... are always proteced EEZ of VIETNAM, CHINA GET OUT OF VIETNAM
Only to avoid another Diaoyu Islands situation in the future, quick decisive action is necessary now.

"The Universe is an ocean, the moon is the Diaoyu Islands, Mars is Huangyan Island. If we don't go there now even though we are capable of doing so, then we will be blamed by our descendants. If others go there, then they will take over, and you won't be able to go even if you want to. This is reason enough."
- Ye Pejian, Head of China's Lunar Mission


https://archive.is/3kKgt/2cf187043e603d1c831f02b6a30a1f9961ec58aa.jpg ; https://archive.is/3kKgt/ff93adcd78cb2f563da475bc27895d4816d84523/scr.png
1. China's space program and territoriality.



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