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Taliban 'poised to retake Afghanistan' after Nato pullout

Why bro, why so much hate for the pious Pakistani Talibans? Are you not a Muslim? It's time we start thinking about Pakistan's Islamic future. Afghanistan under Taliban leadership can be a role model to follow.

Pakistan, Zindabad! Taliban, Zindabad! Beards and AK47, Zindabad!

masha'Allah by the grace of Allah the blessed pakistan is a large country of 339,697 sq mi almost 30% the size of india 1,238,830 sq mi to take care of it self it would be better for you if you worry about bangladesh instead
joy bangla

BBC :BBC NEWS | Country Profiles
No, Taliban will not come back. At most they may share power in the government.
No, Taliban will not come back. At most they may share power in the government.

i think they will if call right or wrong they have the upper hand they have now made offices in qatar which sounds like an embassy at most they will get their good share of afghnaistan if not complete rule but i think they will go for the complete government
no members from Afghanistan here? my girlfriend is afghani, she is dumb though. I should ask her to join.
Many people are expressing their views here but non consider one thing. It is USA and NATO who have commenced TERRORIST activities against Afghanistan and Iraq. Afghanies have not entered USA to kill them. If they kill a US Soldier, they perform their national duty. If they are killed, they are really martyred. What US and Nato soldieres are fighting for? Any solid cause in front of them! They are just fighting for the silly interests of BIG STUPID ELEPHANTS. So, ultimately they have to be defeated, as it is the history of Afghanistan. Afghanies are paying for their freedom heavily, but at last these BEAR FOOTED PEOPLE shall win.
You Indians, what about your character in Kashmir. For a population of say 5 million, you have deployed nearly 0.8 million forces personnel in Kashmir, i.e. One Armed Personnel for every 6/7 persons. Too brave you are! Don't you feel shie?
no members from Afghanistan here? my girlfriend is afghani, she is dumb though. I should ask her to join.

Your GF has escaped the Taliban (I believe?)to live peacefully in Canada. I can guess what her opinion on this will be. Most expat Afghans are liberal and free thinking unlike the Pakistanis who usually become more radical when they are outside their country.
If the Talibs get the feeling of having conquered the Americans after the NATO pullout, I doubt they will feel satisfied just going back to their old ways stoning women for national entertainment. One day they will run out of statues and landscapes to blow up with their spare firepower. Maybe then they might want to venture east and expand themselves, knowing that Pakistan was not challenging enough when it was with US, and they have nothing to fear from Pakistani nukes since they are already living in the stone age. So for Afghanistan it's just a matter of time until it becomes Pakistan's and the world's biggest concern if NATO-Pak army/ISI fail to fix it.
Cograts to Pak Army and ISI strategies related to Afghanistan. After bleeding USSR to death they are very near to Bleed the so called super power of present time the US. Once again the western borders of Pakistan will be peaceful and Pak armed forces will be free from defending it as Taliban will return for their second term in power. Everybody remembers the whole Pak army was on Eastern front at that time.
Dear readers,

We understand there might be public interest in a classified document being exposed, but it is critically important to understand the context of what this document is. This document aggregates the comments of Taliban detainees in a captive environment, without considering the validity of, or motivation behind, their reflections. Any conclusions drawn from this would be questionable at best. We continue to stand by our assessment that Taliban momentum has been significantly reversed. The Taliban-led insurgency in Afghanistan has suffered dramatic losses of leadership and resources. We continue to see evidence that fighters are ignoring the orders of absentee commanders, and joining the reintegration and reconciliation process. Afghan security forces are growing and maturing at a rapid rate, and governance combined with the growing security apparatus here limits the Taliban’s ability to exert influence.

The report amounts to a summary of Taliban detainee reflections and commentary. It is what they think, or what they want us to believe they think. I highly recommend not trying to draw any conclusions based on information in this document.

MAJ Nevers,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command |
Many people are expressing their views here but non consider one thing. It is USA and NATO who have commenced TERRORIST activities against Afghanistan and Iraq. Afghanies have not entered USA to kill them. If they kill a US Soldier, they perform their national duty. If they are killed, they are really martyred. What US and Nato soldieres are fighting for? Any solid cause in front of them! They are just fighting for the silly interests of BIG STUPID ELEPHANTS. So, ultimately they have to be defeated, as it is the history of Afghanistan. Afghanies are paying for their freedom heavily, but at last these BEAR FOOTED PEOPLE shall win.
You Indians, what about your character in Kashmir. For a population of say 5 million, you have deployed nearly 0.8 million forces personnel in Kashmir, i.e. One Armed Personnel for every 6/7 persons. Too brave you are! Don't you feel shie?

oh oh oh, just hold on. The army in kashmir is not for the kashmiris, they are protecting the indians from pakistanis terrorist. Moreover the kashmiris in india is better safer than the people of pakistanis. If there is no interference of pakistan in kashmir issues then kashmir will become one best peace place in the world.
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