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Terrorists from inside Afghanistan across international border.


Mar 21, 2007
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Pakistan has consistently requested Afghanistan to ensure effective border management & strongly condemn use of Afghan soil by terrorists against Pakistan.

Pak Army is determined to eliminate the menace of terrorism & such sacrifices of our brave soldiers further strengthen our resolve.

Two senior TTP commanders killed in Afghanistan​

Asadullah Pehelwan and Mudasir Iqbal were killed in two separate incidents in Kandahar

Our Correspondent
October 27, 2022

file photo of tehreek e taliban pakistan militants photo reuters

File photo of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan militants. PHOTO: REUTERS

Two senior commanders of the outlawed Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) were killed in separate incidents in Afghanistan on Thursday.

Local sources told The Express Tribune that TTP commander Bismillah alias Asadullah Pehelwan has been assassinated by unknown gunmen in Spin Boldak in Kandahar.
The sources said that 35-year-old Pehelwan belonged to the militant wing of the radical group and had moved to Kandahar to avoid target-killing alongside others.

The renowned Taliban commander was killed by unknown gunmen who left them on the spot.
Another militant Mudasir Iqbal, who hails from Sialkot in Punjab province, was picked up by unknown gunmen a few days earlier and his body was found on the roadside today.

Mudasir was the terrorist who had released a video after the APS school attack, claiming that he was among the attackers.

Earlier this month, TTP commander Maulvi Abdullah was critically injured in a targeted attack in Afghanistan’s Kunar province.

The former chief justice of the Bajaur tribal district was inside a vehicle when an improvised explosive device (IED) attack resulted in him getting critically wounded, sources confirmed to The Express Tribune.

The driver of the vehicle and two aides of Abdullah onboard were also seriously injured, while a passerby was killed in the attack.

The TTP commander’s condition is said to be critical as he was moved to an undisclosed location along with his two aides and the driver where they will receive medical treatment.

The sources told that the blast took place in the Marawara district of the Kunar province.

The little defensive position at the lower right of this picture looks inadequate if there is a mass attack and they are caught far from the fort and maybe part of the reason we have brave soldiers embrace shahadat on the border.

Any chance they can build simple pillboxes (with gun slits) with a periscope to better protect the troops?

The sooner they realize the futility of their frontal assaults, they will have to find a way to come to terms with the border. With more passive defenses, these pillboxes could even be automated with remote control guns and sensors, and decrease the need for as many men on the border.

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If you had more money you would have armed drones patrolling and a concrete wall.

Can't do much on a budget especially when their cousins are working as border guards and letting them in without documents or a bribe.

7 injured near Kurram border following firing from Afghan side over land dispute: officials

Javid Hussain
November 20, 2022

<p>A picture of the Kurram border with Afghanistan on Sunday. — Photo by author</p>

A picture of the Kurram border with Afghanistan on Sunday. — Photo by author
Seven people, including two children, were injured following firing from across the Afghan border in Kharlachi and Borki near Kurram border on Sunday, according to officials.

Parachinar District Headquarters Hospital (DHQ) Deputy Medical Superintendent Dr Qaiser Abbas Bangash told Dawn.com that the children were seriously injured while several livestock were also killed due to shelling from Afghanistan on the local community.

He said the injured, which also include three security officials, were under treatment at the hospital.

Federal Minister for Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development Sajid Hussain Turi, while confirming the incident, condemned the firing.

In a statement shared on Twitter, he said: “Afghanistan’s violation of Pakistan’s Kurram border at Kharlachi and Borki and targeting the civilian population is condemnable.”

He called for an immediate ceasefire and said the people of Kurram and the Pakistan Army knew well how to “protect their land and befittingly respond to any aggression”.

Turi stressed that aggression and war were not a solution to any problem, adding that Pakistan wanted to solve all problems with Afghanistan and other neighbouring countries through dialogue.

The federal minister also stated that Afghanistan was a brotherly country and Pakistan wanted all “outstanding issues to be resolved through diplomatic channels and dialogue”.

Turi said that land disputes between the people living on both sides of the border should be resolved through bilateral jirga and diplomatic channels so that no such incident takes place in the future as it will damage the fraternal and friendly relations between the two countries.

“He said that we have already held jirgas and negotiations with the Afghan government on the land dispute and more negotiations are needed, and the people across the border should not try to unsuccessfully occupy the Pakistani lands of Kharlachi and Borki,” the statement shared on Twitter reads.

Separately, while talking to Dawn.com, he also said that Pakistani forces had conducted retaliatory firing after the Afghan side’s targeting of the local populace.
The military and the Foreign Office have not made a comment on the situation yet.

Meanwhile, local tribal leader Inayat Turi told Dawn.com that clashes first took place on Saturday between local tribes and the Taliban on the Pak-Afghan Borki-Kharlachi border over illegal constructions by Afghanistan.

He said a ceasefire was reached with the cooperation of local leaders, Afghan officials, and Pakistan Army officials. However, he added that clashes took place again today after the Afghan side resumed work with a pair of excavators at the same place.

The tribal leader said that there was anger and unrest among the local population, who were now demanding immediate measures by the officials to respond to Afghan attackers since the incident was direct aggression against Pakistan’s integrity.

He said that shelling from the Afghan side on locals was still ongoing and people were expressing concerns about the risks of injuries to innocents.
The development comes amid already tense relations between the two neighbours.

Earlier this week, the border at Chaman was closed for an indefinite period after an armed suspect from the Afghan side opened fire on Pakistani security personnel at Friendship Gate last week, resulting in the martyrdom of one soldier and injuries to two.

A subsequent flag meeting at Friendship Gate between officials from both sides failed to evolve a consensus over the reopening of the crossing.

Chaman border set to reopen today after over a week

Saleem Shahid
November 21, 2022

QUETTA: Pakistan agreed on Sunday conditionally to reopen the Chaman border with Afghanistan, more than a week after firing from the Afghan side on Frontier Corps officials at the Friendship Gate led to its closure.

The decision to open the border was made during a meeting between Pakistani and Afghan officials, Chaman Deputy Commissioner Abdul Hameed Zehri told the media on Sunday.

The details of the talks and the decision to open the border had been conveyed to the civil-military liaison committee of Chaman, which agreed to open the border for trade and travel from Monday.

Consequently, the immigration offices of the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) and Pakistan Customs would also be opened, officials said.

Mr Zehri said that during the meeting, Afghan Taliban officials expressed anger and grief over the November 13 incident and assured the Pakistani authorities that the “terrorists” behind the incident would be arrested and strictly punished.
Pakistan had shut Friendship Gate after shooting from Afghan side
Both sides also decided to take concrete steps to avoid a repeat of such incident.
The border closure since last week resulted in suspension of trade between both countries through the Friendship Gate. A large number of trucks carrying Afghan transit trade goods and containers carrying import and export goods were stranded on both sides.

While confirming the border closure for an indefinite period, Chaman DC Zehri last week said: “A man crossed into Pakistani side at Friendship Gate from the Afghan border and opened fire at the security personnel posted at the gate, resulting in the martyrdom of one soldier and injuring two others.” Shortly after the incident, the official said, the Afghan personnel opened fire on Pakistani forces, which retaliated and the firing continued for some time.

Pakistan border authorities immediately summoned a flagship meeting of the Afghan forces and demanded that the armed men, who had fired at the Pakistani security personnel, be handed over to the Pakistani authorities, but the negotiations remained fruitless at that time, as Afghan officials refused to hand over those involved in the firing, official sources said. The exchange of fire resumed in the evening, which officials said continued with small intervals.

The Chaman border, some 100km northwest of Quetta, is one of the major international border crossings and is used by thousands of people on a daily basis. On the Afghan side, it leads north into Wesh town in the Spin Boldak district of Kandahar province.

Pakistan had earlier refused to reopen the Friendship Gate for transit trade and crossing until the authorities got the custody of the attacckers.

A couple of days later, Pakistani authorities on humanitarian grounds and as a goodwill gesture allowed several hundred Afghan nationals, who were stranded in Chaman due to the border closure, to cross into their country from another area, considering that there were patients among them who had come to Pakistan for treatment.

A spokesperson for the Afghan interior ministry last week told Reuters that the clash had occurred between border forces from both sides due to a “misunderstanding” and the incident was being investigated.
The Afghan border authorities explained that the Taliban forces were not involved in the shooting at Friendship Gate.

“They might be terrorists who were involved in firing,” the officials said.
Published in Dawn, November 21st, 2022
Kohat, KPK:
Nov 21, 2022

Tribal elders from both sides of Pakistan Afghanistan international border has taken the initiative to sort out recent border tensions between the two countries. DC Kohat also participated in talks held in this regard.


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