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The Arab World Isn't Just Silent on China’s Crackdown on Uighurs. It's Complicit

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May the deep love and concern shown by the powerful countries for Uighurs' repression and genocide also extend to Kashmiris, Palestinians, rohingyas, and indian Muslims as well.May their persecutors be held accountable for their evil deeds.
But, really, as much as I wish for that, It won't happen, because It's all about china, and not about any genuine concern for protecting Muslims.
Yeah, what about the real mass genocidal mass killings of humans in Iraq, Afghan, Libya and Syria recently by the evil US and NATO ? Who are going to hold these Western genocidal murderers and war criminals responsible for their heinous crimes ?
I'm not talking about seperatists, nobody cares about them. I already said, if seperatism and terrorism were the real issues, then China could have simply applied Russias Chechniya model to Uighurs and all seperatism would immediately cease to exist.

I'm talking about normal Uighurs who face the worst oppression in the world, far more worse than Kashmiris, far more worse than Palestinians!
Oppression of uyghurs existed in you sick brain washed hypocritical religious fanatics' minds only. You don't know anything about China, Chinese uyghurs and you have never been to Xinjiang, China. You only know that the uyghurs share the similar religion as you so you have no right to speak on that matter of "uyghurs oppression". With similar religion as the uyghurs doesn't give you people the pretext or right to poke your nose or interfere in Chinese affairs. China is a sovereign nation and need no lectures from you people on how to run its own affairs. You people should be more concerned about things such as the human rights violations of women's rights in your countries.
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Yeah, what about the real mass genocidal mass killings of humans in Iraq, Afghan, Libya and Syria recently by the evil US and NATO ? Who are going to hold these Western genocidal murderers and war criminals responsible for their heinous crimes ?
Bro. You missed my sarcasm. I'm saying just the opposite of what you think I'm saying.
'The detentions, forcible training as well as alleged abuses inside enclosed government facilities were later described by the United States and many international human rights groups as a form of genocide constituting “crimes against humanity”.

China has rejected the allegations, saying its policies towards the Uighurs and other Muslim minorities living in its far western region, are necessary to “fight extremism” and to promote upward economic mobility for the impoverished ethnic groups.

But secret documents have revealed a “deliberate strategy” to lock up ethnic minorities and erase their language and way of life.'
yeah, keep listening to the West's BS and fabrications and you are brain washed.
Natives in Australia and America have equal citizenship with special recognition and benefits. Australia and America aren't teaching the natives against their religious practises calling it a virus infection. You cannot justify Chinese horrors today based on what these countries did in the past. If you want to talk about past atrocities we can pull out the record of atrocities in Chinese history too.
You shameless Aussie think you now can white wash or forget about the real heinous crimes and sins you people committed by mass genocidally wiped out the Natives as a race in Australia ? You hypocrites pretend you people care about the West fabricated so called "uyghurs oppressions" in China ? And you should care more about and prosecute the Aussie who committed the real mass killings of Afghan civilians recently ! Shame on you savage Aussie !
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You shameless Aussie think you now can white wash or forget about the real heinous crimes and sins you people committed by mass genocidally wiped out the Natives as a race in Australia ? You hypocrites pretend you people care about the West fabricated so called "uyghurs oppressions" in China ? And you should care more about and prosecute the Aussie who committed the real mass killings of Afghan civilians recently ! Shame on you savage Aussie and descendants of criminals !
Australia apologized for the wrongful killing (and probably paid compensation) something which Communist China is incapable of admitting it ever does because it is always right, or you get punished. The cultural revolution killed how many and the Tiannemen square massacre? Australia treats natives with special recognition and benefits. They even have an Aboriginal flag. And I am not a White Aussie.
Australia apologized for the wrongful killing (and probably paid compensation) something which Communist China is incapable of admitting it ever does because it is always right, or you get punished. The cultural revolution killed how many and the Tiannemen square massacre? Australia treats natives with special recognition and benefits. They even have an Aboriginal flag. And I am not a White Aussie.
Again white washing your crimes by making superficial hypocritical on the surface apologies and little compensations don't make your sins of killing millions of Natives as a race go away, it just make you Aussie feel good about your crimes. It also make you Aussie feel good and superior when on festival occassions the Natives are always called out to display their primitive culture such as dances. same thing goes here in Canada where tens of thousnads of Natives were genocidally savagely murdered by the so called civilized superior society recently. If you Aussie are really sorry about your crimes aginst the Natives, you people should give back Australia to the Natives and you Aussie should go back to Europe ! As for the cultural revolution, many Chinese were affected to some degree in the chaos, the Chinese gov did admit that mistakes were made and that the cultural revolution was a mistake. As for the Tiananmen incident, it was the mobs and hooligans who attacked the PLA in the streets first and some hundreds of people including some PLA soldiers were killed, the Chinese gov never admitted that the Chinese gov and army did anything wrong in response. Not a single student in Tiananmen square itself was killed, as opposed to the West's lies that ten thousand students were killed in the square. In fact, many of the students in the square later went out of mainland China to Taiwan and the West. The whole Tiananmen incident was instigated and meddled by the US CIA. And what about US national guards and police open fired on US citizens who are just protesting about Vietnam war on the campus, who are just protesting about 2020 election on capitol hall, and who are just being Blacks in general ? Why you hypocritical Aussie never dare to condemn such killings by the army and police of your master USA ?
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Again white washing your crimes by making superficial hypocritical on the surface apologies and little compensations don't make your sins of killing millions of Natives as a race go away, it just make you Aussie feel good about your crimes. It also make you Aussie feel good and superior when on festival occassions the Natives are always called out to display their primitive culture such as dances. same thing goes here in Canada where tens of thousnads of Natives were genocidally savagely murdered by the so called civilized superior society recently. If you Aussie are really sorry about your crimes aginst the Natives, you people should give back Australia to the Natives and you Aussie should go back to Europe ! As for the cultural revolution, many Chinese were affected to some degree in the chaos, the Chinese gov did admit that mistakes were made and that the cultural revolution was a mistake. As for the Tiananmen incident, it was the mobs and hooligans who attacked the PLA in the streets first and some hundreds of people including some PLA soldiers were killed, the Chinese gov never admitted that the Chinese gov and army did anything wrong in response. Not a single student in Tiananmen square itself was killed, as opposed to the West's lies that ten thousand students were killed in the square. In fact, many of the students in the square later went out of mainland China to Taiwan and the West. The whole Tiananmen incident was instigated and meddled by the US CIA. And what about US national guards and police open fired on US citizens who are just protesting about Vietnam war on the campus, who are just protesting about 2020 election on capitol hall, and who are just being Blacks in general ? Why you hypocritical Aussie never dare to condemn such killings by the army and police of your master USA ?
Load of rubbish.


See the picture of Australian, Aboriginal, and Torres Strait Islander flags flying together in the above link. It is a common sight. Compare the inclusiveness with the horror below.

'Uighurs comprise less than 1% of China’s overall population but historically were the majority in Xinjiang, a region China has controlled since 1949. As China has developed Xinjiang economically, the government has encouraged Han Chinese to migrate to the province. This migration has inflamed tensions between the Han majority and the Uighur minority. Since 2000, Uighurs have protested unfair treatment by the majority and multiple riots have broken out, including a riot in 2009 in which 200 people died. Claiming this violence was caused by separatist-fueled terrorist groups, the Chinese government has responded in recent years with widespread repression targeting the broader Uighur population. The government began implementing surveillance and policing tactics against the Uighur in 2016 that have arguably made Xinjiang one of the most heavily monitored places on earth. Uighurs are banned from fasting during Ramadan, naming their children with traditional Muslim names, and wearing “abnormal beards.” In 2017, the Chinese government began detaining large portions of the Uighur population in what they call “reeducation centers” but are reported to be prison camps. Eyewitnesses and human rights experts have reported that political indoctrination, torture, and forced sterilizations of women occur in these camps. More than one million Uighurs are thought to have been detained.'


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'Uighurs comprise less than 1% of China’s overall population but historically were the majority in Xinjiang, a region China has controlled since 1949.
Actually Xinjiang region had many ethnic groups came and go in the history, Uighurs were late comers, Han people resided in Xinjiang long before Uighurs became a people, Qing emporer repopulated northern Xinjiang with Uighurs after Qing army genocided Mongol Dzungar people in 1755, Uighurs never had siginifcant presence in northern Xinjiang before that. You better learn some history first.
Besides, Australiian government killed off almost all the local population and now start to appologize, are you kidding me? To whom you apologize to? they were all long hunted to extinction like animals, and when will you guys give the Australia back to its rightful owners?
Load of rubbish.


See the picture of Australian, Aboriginal, and Torres Strait Islander flags flying together in the above link. It is a common sight. Compare the inclusiveness with the horror below.

'Uighurs comprise less than 1% of China’s overall population but historically were the majority in Xinjiang, a region China has controlled since 1949. As China has developed Xinjiang economically, the government has encouraged Han Chinese to migrate to the province. This migration has inflamed tensions between the Han majority and the Uighur minority. Since 2000, Uighurs have protested unfair treatment by the majority and multiple riots have broken out, including a riot in 2009 in which 200 people died. Claiming this violence was caused by separatist-fueled terrorist groups, the Chinese government has responded in recent years with widespread repression targeting the broader Uighur population. The government began implementing surveillance and policing tactics against the Uighur in 2016 that have arguably made Xinjiang one of the most heavily monitored places on earth. Uighurs are banned from fasting during Ramadan, naming their children with traditional Muslim names, and wearing “abnormal beards.” In 2017, the Chinese government began detaining large portions of the Uighur population in what they call “reeducation centers” but are reported to be prison camps. Eyewitnesses and human rights experts have reported that political indoctrination, torture, and forced sterilizations of women occur in these camps. More than one million Uighurs are thought to have been detained.'
Yeah, you can choose to believe all the lies and fabrications by the West of genocides and oppression of Uyghurs in Xinjiang, China, but the truth won't change, peiod ! If all these horrific atrocities such as genocides of millions of Uyghurs as your sick mind like to believe, there should be millions of Uyghurs escaping out of "hell" Xinjiang into neighouring countries. The fact is none is happening and indeed literally no Uyghur is escaping out of Xinjiang ! Talk of genocide, the Uyghurs population has indeed increased from 1 million to over 13 million in the past 70 years whereas as in real genocide scenario case of you Aussie, you people massacred or wiped out the entire Native race from millions to small number left today ! Uyghurs are free to worship and practice their religion, no one is forcing Uyghurs to give up their Muslim names, the number of mosques in Xinjiang are more than that in US, UK and Australia combined and you stop making BS ! Do I have to say anything more about these "tortures of Uyghurs" fabrications by the the West including you Aussie when the West has shamelessly used a bottle of detergent to fabricate the story of mass destruction weapons by Iraq to start the invasion of Iraq and fabricated the story of North Vietnamese navy attacking US navy in SCS in order to start the invasion of Vietnam ? What credibility of your stories do you think you Western liers have when you have a track record of making consistent blatant evil lies always ? As for Xinjiang, it has been part of China for more than 2000 years since the Han dynasty in China, the Han population in Xinjiang varies from time to time. The history of Han Chinese settling in Xinjiang is much longer the history of Uyghurs there. People including Han and Uyghurs Chinese are free to move around in Chinese territories including Xinjiang. The West including you Aussie's evil wishes and designs on China especially Xinjiang region is no secret as disclosed by Colin Powell's chief of staff colonel's open speech. You Aussie are spearheading West's anti-China attacks so to prove that you Aussie are white enough and hope you will be readily accepted, approved and rewarded by your white masters. You Aussie should just mind your own business ! You notorious savage Aussie have no moral right whatever to lecture Chinese on human rights and how to treat their minorities !
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