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They can't even answer: ISRAEL


Dec 7, 2005
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These people ant even answer and justify, why they are attacking muslims. i found this video on PDF and wish everyone to go through this.

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melb4aust said:
These people ant even answer and justify, why they are attacking muslims. i found this video on PDF and wish everyone to go through this.


he is saying only one casualty!. bloody Idiot.:mad:
I think he is not in his sences.
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B4 dominating the Muslims hadnt you guys noticed that streets of so called developed world were how much dirty, how much poverty was there.

Now after runing short of oil, energy the lifeline of development and economy these days, they had find the Muslim world in abondance of it easy they see their down fall so before that they want to colonise the Muslim World again.
Oh yeah they have answered. Hizbollah has struck an israeli naval ship. Extent of damage unknown but this event along with haifa strike involving many casualties (much much more than announced 8) has forced Israeli military to start giving indications of unilateral ceasefire. Many are saying that Hizbollah which is the most developed and best trained guerilla outfit in the world has developed enough instruments with the help of Iran to surprise and disturb Israel. Israel on the other hand, is yet to get out of that naval ship shock claims that hizbollah had used Iranian "Fajr" Missiles. A jordanian reporter Moueen Rabbani said on a TV channel that coming days will see israel halting its operations in a very clandestine manner as Hizbollah people are behaving very genuinely this time "not throwing everything out on israel instantaneously rather trying to drag her armies more and more in to the game" before unleashing devastating consequences.
Lets pray all. Its a must. I am going to pray after each prayer.
:flag: :army:
In any debate, israelis can't hold ****.

because facts convict israel, but multi million dollar PR campaign and media spins help it turn towards their view.

check out Professor Norman Finkelstein vs aipac on Gaza bombardment in the beginning of this month. It's in realplayer format and you can read the transcript on the site:



NORMAN FINKELSTEIN: I think it is useful to begin with what the human rights groups have to say about this. Let's leave aside the background for a moment and look narrowly at the incident that triggered the Israeli invasion. Let's see what Hamas did not do, what the Palestinian militants did not do. Number one, they did not liquidate the corporal, which Israel routinely does, namely its political assassinations. That's a war crime under international law. Israel routinely does that. Hamas did not do that to the corporal.

Number two, they didn't kill the corporal while trying to arrest him. Israel routinely does that. If you look at July 2005, B'Tselem, the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories, they put out a very hefty report entitled "Take No Prisoners." And the report shows Israel routinely, during so-called arrest operations, kills Palestinians, documents a case of a Palestinian who was wounded, on the ground, no weapon. Israel killed him. Hamas didn't do that to the corporal.

It said by this – by [inaudible], it said that they took him hostage, they kidnapped him. Okay. Israel routinely takes Palestinians, Lebanese hostage. In fact, Israel was the only country in the world, in 1997, which legalized hostage-taking. The liberal head of the Israeli High Court, Aharon Barak, he said it's legal, legitimate, under international law to take what he called bargaining chips in order to get prisoners, Israeli prisoners being held by the Lebanese. The decision was reversed in 2000, but Israel continued to hold Lebanese hostages until 2004. So, at worst, Hamas is being accused of what Israel legalized and routinely does.

And finally, let's talk about those 9,000 Palestinians who are effectively hostages being held by Israel. 1,000 of them are administrative detainees.

AMY GOODMAN: You're talking about prisoners.

NORMAN FINKELSTEIN: Yes. Administrative detainees who are being held without any charges or trial. And the other 8,000 are being held after military courts have convicted them, almost always on the basis of confessions which were extracted by torture. So if we're going to look simply at the numbers, we have one hostage on the Palestinian side, and effectively we have about 9,000 on the Israeli side.
Jana said:
B4 dominating the Muslims hadnt you guys noticed that streets of so called developed world were how much dirty, how much poverty was there.

Now after runing short of oil, energy the lifeline of development and economy these days, they had find the Muslim world in abondance of it easy they see their down fall so before that they want to colonise the Muslim World again.

Fact is that without oil, the Muslim world would be in problems again..what does it have to offer the west in terms of technology or economic advantage?
Arrow said:
Fact is that without oil, the Muslim world would be in problems again..what does it have to offer the west in terms of technology or economic advantage?
That is an excellent question.
Tophatter said:
That is an excellent question.

Nothing, Perhaps you may heard there is a bit of sense of urgency among arabs, realising whats gonna happen in future, thats why they tried to buy or whatever tried lease some US ports plus they are developing their major cities to promote touarism. Dubai is an example........Palm City is a future.......
Jana said:
B4 dominating the Muslims hadnt you guys noticed that streets of so called developed world were how much dirty, how much poverty was there..

What the hell is your point Jana...

Jana said:
Now after runing short of oil, energy the lifeline of development and economy these days, they had find the Muslim world in abondance of it easy they see their down fall so before that they want to colonise the Muslim World again.

jana..... US has the largest reserve of oil in the world and have been maintaining that from many years so what has changed in the past years.

Arab nations are just filled with ******,dollar chewing morons.Arab nations are just filled with ****** and dollar chwewing morons.Tell me one arab nation that shares the wealth or has got a proper judiciary system.
melb4aust said:
Nothing, Perhaps you may heard there is a bit of sense of urgency among arabs, realising whats gonna happen in future, thats why they tried to buy or whatever tried lease some US ports plus they are developing their major cities to promote touarism. Dubai is an example........Palm City is a future.......

All this u r speaking is about Dubai, which is just a dot in the middle east,whats the rest of the arab world doing????
Bull said:
All this u r speaking is about Dubai, which is just a dot in the middle east,whats the rest of the arab world doing????

Yes, Perhaps you did'nt read my post fully, i said its nothing to offer. You're right what the hell rest of the arab is doing? and you has given the answer byurself.
Its not just Dubai; its the entire U.A.E that has become a model for the entire Arab world. Following closely are Kuwait and Egypt (the closest IMHO).

Its about time that Saudi Arabia learnt from this instead of buying (for example) endless planes for its Saudi Airlines that hardly get used and are only used to line-up on the runway for incoming foreigners to see and wonder why so many airplanes just sitting on the tarmac for nothing.
Well, not only arabs fail but India is quiet and even closed arabs news channels. Somehow politics are much different then peoples reality. And like usual media and objectivity is apples and bananas... At the same time UN has no longer a valuable role. Put it simple. US is financing Israel. Europe is supporting Israel. The rest is not even worth to post about so why trying to explain it? Israel is finishing the job and Lebanon can start rebuilding after that. The rest is theater...
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