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Turkish Missile Programs

We already have them, they are called Type 209s

We need border security.

We need security for MAVI VATAN

Aircraft Carrier under protection by Destroyers , Submarines and ASW Helicopters

Type-209s-214s will have to take a lot of risks

We need 1.000+ km hypersonic Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile as like Chinese DF-21D capable of targeting a moving Aircraft Carrier Strike Group from long-range

We have 1.000+ km CENK Ballistic Missile technology

to add these technologies for anti-ship missile capability
-- active radar guidance
-- maneuverable reentry vehicle (MaRV) with a terminal guidance system

based on 1.000+ km CENK Ballistic Missile

or based on 560+ km TAYFUN Ballistic Missile

But we are ready to help Greece in case of. Even if it comes from a supposed friend and member of NATO.

USA Navy is another level
but tiny French Navy could be easy target for the upcoming Turkish Armed Forces

-- Subsonic and Supersonic anti-ship Missiles
-- Hypersonic Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile
-- Long range subsonic Kamikaze Drones
-- Kamikaze unmanned naval vehicles with warhead of 200-250 kg
-- Unmanned naval Vehicles armed with anti-ship Missiles and Torpedos
-- ANKA-3 and KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jets
-- KAAN stealth Fighter Jet
-- GUR ( Type209 ) modernized Submarines
-- REIS ( Type214TN ) class AIP Submarines
-- ADA class Corvettes
-- HISAR class OPVs
-- ISTIF class Frigates
-- MEKO-200TN modernized Frigates
-- TF-2000 class Destroyers
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We need security for MAVI VATAN

Aircraft Carrier under protection by Destroyers , Submarines and ASW Helicopters

Type-209s-214s will have to take a lot of risks

We need 1.000+ km hypersonic Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile as like Chinese DF-21D capable of targeting a moving Aircraft Carrier Strike Group from long-range
View attachment 1015062

We have 1.000+ km CENK Ballistic Missile technology

to add these technologies for anti-ship missile capability
-- active radar guidance
-- maneuverable reentry vehicle (MaRV) with a terminal guidance system

based on 1.000+ km CENK Ballistic Missile
View attachment 1015118
or based on 560+ km TAYFUN Ballistic Missile
View attachment 1015198

USA Navy is another level
but tiny French Navy could be easy target for the upcoming Turkish Armed Forces

-- Subsonic and Supersonic anti-ship Missiles
-- Hypersonic Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile
-- Long range subsonic Kamikaze Drones
-- Kamikaze unmanned naval vehicles with warhead of 200-250 kg
-- Unmanned naval Vehicles armed with anti-ship Missiles and Torpedos
-- ANKA-3 and KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jets
-- KAAN stealth Fighter Jet
-- GUR ( Type209 ) modernized Submarines
-- REIS ( Type214TN ) class AIP Submarines
-- ADA class Corvettes
-- HISAR class OPVs
-- ISTIF class Frigates
-- MEKO-200TN modernized Frigates
-- TF-2000 class Destroyers
Navies are more vulnerable now with the advancement in missile technology, no ship is 100% protected . With hypersonic missiles u can take down even a carrier
Navies are more vulnerable now with the advancement in missile technology, no ship is 100% protected . With hypersonic missiles u can take down even a carrier
Hypersonic missiles fly much higher and they get detected much earlier, making them easy prey for SM-6 or SM-3

Something like ATMACA is still better.

What Turkey needs is actual border security. Any Afghan with a bag full of cocaine pass through the border.
250 km ATMACA anti-ship Missile is not enough for deterrence against Aircraft Carrier Strike Group

even Iran has anti-ship Ballistic Missile with range of 700 km

We needs 1.000 km anti-ship Missile to cover all Eastern Mediterranean

for example
France can send Aircraft Carrier to South of the island of Crete to block our connection with Libya

and We can engage on French Aircraft Carrier with 1.000 km hypersonic anti-ship Ballistic Missiles


French Aircraft Carrier armed with 32 x ASTER-15 SAMs but ASTER-15 can not intercept Ballistic Missiles

French HORIZON class Destroyer armed with 48 mix of ASTER-15 and ASTER-30 SAMs

Aster 30 Block 1NT (New Technology) Missile has ballistic missile interception capability
but we can use swarm attack of 50 SUPER SIMSEK Kamikaze Drones to run out of their air defense missiles early

Thanks to 700 km turbojet engined SUPER SIMSEK Kamikaze Drone to do it

then 1.000 km hypersonic anti-ship Ballistic Missiles to turn enemy Aircraft Carrier into scrap of metal in the second wave of attacks

These 2 Missiles will be of vital importance for the protection of our national interests in the Eastern Mediterranean

250-300 km air launched supersonic anti-ship Missile
1.000 km land based hypersonic anti-ship Ballistic Missile

Mutual defence clause​

The Treaty of Lisbon strengthens the solidarity between European Union (EU) Member States in dealing with external threats by introducing a mutual defence clause (Article 42(7) of the Treaty on European Union). This clause provides that if a Member State is the victim of armed aggression on its territory, the other Member States have an obligation to aid and assist it by all the means in their power, in accordance with Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations.

This obligation of mutual defence is binding on all Member States. However, it does not affect the neutrality of certain Member States and is consistent with the commitments of countries that are NATO members.

This clause is supplemented by the solidarity clause (Article 222 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union), which provides that Member States are obliged to act jointly where one of them is the victim of a terrorist attack or a natural or man-made disaster.

From the theoretic Point of View it's possible that EU could intervene on behalf of Greece in any future Conflict. It's neccasarry to prepare for an Confrontation with an multinational EU Battlegroups.

This mean to strike Targets far behind enemy Lines and also AC, LHD or LPD which could threaten turkish Interests in eastern Mediterran. Turkey need Hypersonic ASBM and Supersonic AShM, to counter these Threats.

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