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U.S. Embassy in Turkey

Nobody told you to become a robot. Just to be a bit more thankful and respectful.

And to stop trying to troll me every weekend,you naughty boy.

I won't lick European boots. I pay my taxes and do my bit. I don't owe anyone any respect nor gratitude.

Answer my question Greek yoghurt. Are your numbers dwindling? Lately I have been reading a lot of complaints from dear fellow right wingers in Western capitals. They are all very concerned and angry. Their culture is being challenged by immigrants. Their existence is at stake. Immigrant birthrates are higher than white folks. Much higher in fact. Feminism is destroying family structure. Shouldn't you be more vocal with regards to white lives matter?
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I won't lick European boots. I pay my taxes and do my bit. I don't owe anyone any respect nor gratitude.

Answer my question Greek yoghurt. Are your numbers dwindling? Lately I have been reading a lot of complaints from dear fellow right wingers in Western capitals. They are all very concerned and angry. Their culture is being challenged by immigrants. Their existence is at stake. Immigrants birthrates are higher than white folks. Shouldn't you be more vocal with regards to white lives matter?
Greek yoghurt? I thought you said I'm Indian. Or Jewish. Or Pakistani.
Greek yoghurt? I thought you said I'm Indian. Or Jewish. Or Pakistani.

Well you are many things, but for this argument I will opt for Greek yoghurt. Don't ignore my questions.
Well you are many things, but for this argument I will opt for Greek yoghurt. Don't ignore my questions.
Oh no,I will ignore you because you're just here trolling me.
Oh no,I will ignore you because you're just here trolling me.

I will soon open a new topic where you can answer my burning question. For now I leave you off the hook.
Then wtf are you even talking about if you don't know what they pyramids are? Who worships the pyramids in our days? Nobody! And even back then,Egyptians didn't worship the pyramids. You salafis are extreme in your ideologies.
Right now, I'm more concerned with the political leadership of "strategically important" Muslim countries, not monumental or historic objects.
Then you prove ignorant of the events in the region,once again. If you ignore the problems Turkey has right now and you think Egypt has more problems because the MB Tripoli government could MAYBE win the war and get hold of all of Libya IF Turkey helps them and that could pose a problem to Egypt because of the MB there.
There are bigger problems for Turkey RIGHT NOW.
Turkey's biggest problem is America's attempt to provoke a Grecco-Turkish war. But it's a challenge Erdogan can survive. Sisi on the other hand is unlikely to survive a war with or in Libya that involves direct Egyptian intervention.
Wishful thinking. They may or may not.
They likely will. Elections already around the corner. PTI chief reconciling with military leadership. Polititians have tonned down rhetorics.
If you think that it's the West and not their own buffoonish politicians,military leaders and their own people who are fanatically devoted to most corrupt leaders,you're mistaken. You're ignorant.
Every country has a some bad eggs that a smart enemy can use to great effectiveness ... even if such bad eggs are few.
Even I,who've just been here since August 202,understood a bit of the chaos and problems Pakistani politics bring to their country. And you're a self-proclaimed "specialist" in Muslim world affairs and again,all you say comes down to "evil West".
It's the only nuclear armed Muslim country, and the West is at war with Islam. They must be foolish to let Pakistan stabilize and progress. It'll probably take leaders like Imran Khan to overcome this huge obstacle in Pakistan's path to success and power.
Most Pakistanis here take responsibility and say it's their country's own people and leadership for ruining Pakistan.
What an adult can see sitting down, a child cannot see from a treetop
People like you,Salafis and some other conservative Muslims,always try to find blame in others.
Request for proofs instead of blind condemnation
That's what Erdogan has been doing as well,no wonder your views align. You see him as a great leader,he sees himself as a great leader and blames everyone else for Turkey's problems,making the poor conservative masses believe it's always an external enemy who causes problems in every aspect of society.
I consider him a great leader due to Iman Atip schools, Syrian, Libyan, Qatari, and Somali crises. He's a great leader for building a robust defense industry and frustrating Western designs in the MENA.
Turkey's biggest problem is America's attempt to provoke a Grecco-Turkish war. But it's a challenge Erdogan can survive. Sisi on the other hand is unlikely to survive a war with or in Libya that involves direct Egyptian intervention.
I've explained to you again and again,that it's Erdogan's government that has been persistently trying to provoke an incident.
I mentioned events to you,I don't remember if I even showed you videos of AKP government rhetoric,provocations at the borders in Evros and at sea,but I remember than no matter what,you insisted that it's "USA provoking Greece to start a war".

Again,I'm telling you,you are wrong. You are obviously not familiar with events here the last 5-6 years. Stop insisting on that.

What an adult can see sitting down, a child cannot see from a treetop
I'd like to see Pakistanis commenting on that @Bleek @LeGenD @villageidiot @Corruptistan @PakFactor @SecularNationalist @Meengla @Maula Jatt @_NOBODY_ @-blitzkrieg-

This Nigerian salafi,insists he knows better about what's wrong with Pakistan,than Pakistanis themselves.

Request for proofs instead of blind condemnation
There's your proof. Your friend Erdogan. Your islamist president.

I consider him a great leader due to Iman Atip schools, Syrian, Libyan, Qatari, and Somali crises. He's a great leader for building a robust defense industry and frustrating Western designs in the MENA.
Erdogan is going back and forth,backstabbing and then asking for deals. Insulting and then asking for friendship. Pretending to be a strong and independent leader and then doing everything contrary to that.

And why? Because simpletons like you,believe his rhetoric and populism.
I've explained to you again and again,that it's Erdogan's government that has been persistently trying to provoke an incident.
I mentioned events to you,I don't remember if I even showed you videos of AKP government rhetoric,provocations at the borders in Evros and at sea,but I remember than no matter what,you insisted that it's "USA provoking Greece to start a war".

Again,I'm telling you,you are wrong. You are obviously not familiar with events here the last 5-6 years. Stop insisting on that.

I'd like to see Pakistanis commenting on that @Bleek @LeGenD @villageidiot @Corruptistan @PakFactor @SecularNationalist @Meengla @Maula Jatt @_NOBODY_ @-blitzkrieg-

This Nigerian salafi,insists he knows better about what's wrong with Pakistan,than Pakistanis themselves.

There's your proof. Your friend Erdogan. Your islamist president.

Erdogan is going back and forth,backstabbing and then asking for deals. Insulting and then asking for friendship. Pretending to be a strong and independent leader and then doing everything contrary to that.

And why? Because simpletons like you,believe his rhetoric and populism.

Not surprised at his feelings as most Muslims think Pakistan is some beacon of light for the Islamic World, and there is nothing wrong with that. However, many fail to see that Pakistani leadership ultimately and humiliatingly could not live up to its fullest potential. With their hands, they've turned it into a banana republic.
I've explained to you again and again,that it's Erdogan's government that has been persistently trying to provoke an incident.
I mentioned events to you,I don't remember if I even showed you videos of AKP government rhetoric,provocations at the borders in Evros and at sea,but I remember than no matter what,you insisted that it's "USA provoking Greece to start a war".

Again,I'm telling you,you are wrong. You are obviously not familiar with events here the last 5-6 years. Stop insisting on that.
Seemingly aggressive Turkish actions towards Greece are intended to deter this war. They are signalling to the Greeks that if you start a war with Turkey on America's behest and to protect the petrodollar and Western dominance of the world, there'll be a heavy price to pay.
I'd like to see Pakistanis commenting on that @Bleek @LeGenD @villageidiot @Corruptistan @PakFactor @SecularNationalist @Meengla @Maula Jatt @_NOBODY_ @-blitzkrieg-

This Nigerian salafi,insists he knows better about what's wrong with Pakistan,than Pakistanis themselves.
Understanding something better than another person doesn't make you superior in knowledge. They may also understand something you don't. But whoever is knowledgeable in a particular field is the adult in that field and can see farther than a beginner. Not every Pakistani has for 12 years studied America's war on Islam.

Pakistan is just a small chunk of the Islamic world. I study the Muslim world as a whole, not just one or two countries. Pakistanis who haven't studied how the U.S. is fighting the Islamic world to destroy it will always think the cause of their problems is domestic.
There's your proof. Your friend Erdogan. Your islamist president.
Check my profile for proofs and refutations of your deceptions, disinformation, and propaganda that the Grecco-Turkish tensions aren't about the petrodollar.
Erdogan is going back and forth,backstabbing and then asking for deals. Insulting and then asking for friendship. Pretending to be a strong and independent leader and then doing everything contrary to that.

And why? Because simpletons like you,believe his rhetoric and populism.
That was how he managed to outsmart the sell-out generals in the Turkish military and destroyed them - a major reason why the West hates him so much. He's all but eradicated their human assets in Turkey. It's also part of the reason he's the only Islamist Turkish president to defeat the coupists. He's brought an end to coups in Turkey InshaAllah and the military under civilian control. This man is a hero by all standards.
Seemingly aggressive Turkish actions towards Greece are intended to deter this war.
What nonsense is this? And you're completely ignored on the subject and not just that,you're also willingly naive.In the exact same manner,I could reply with "Americans don't really want to fight Muslims,they love you and only warn you by bombing you".

Understanding something better than another person doesn't make you superior in knowledge. They may also understand something you don't. But whoever is knowledgeable in a particular field is the adult in that field and can see farther than a beginner. Not every Pakistani has for 12 years studied America's war on Islam.
When you say "studied",you mean read stuff as a hobby. But by all means,keep claiming that you know better than Pakistanis themselves...

That was how he managed to outsmart the sell-out generals in the Turkish military and destroyed them - a major reason why the West hates him so much. He's all but eradicated their human assets in Turkey. It's also part of the reason he's the only Islamist Turkish president to defeat the coupists. He's brought an end to coups in Turkey InshaAllah and the military under civilian control. This man is a hero by all standards.
If the West hated him so much,they would have removed him in various ways. And they can remove such people. Through complete sanctions,through Saddam/Gaddafi actions,through other means. But all that would have brought chaos to Turkey and they want Turkey within the sphere of NATO. And they know he comes around once they put slap him once too many times. Which you saw,when he went back asking for F-16s and a meeting with Biden. Repeatedly. And then he went asking for investments to the Saudis,Emiratis and became friends with Israel again. Even asked came trying to be friends with "dictator" Sissi and "tyrant" Assad. A half-hearted weird coup was put down and you think he's a hero.

The wanker who called the people to the streets to protect his seat,not caring about their lives. He used them as pawns by calling them to block the tanks and military,like a real dictator. Good leaders first think about the good of their people,not saving their power.
What nonsense is this? And you're completely ignored on the subject and not just that,you're also willingly naive.In the exact same manner,I could reply with "Americans don't really want to fight Muslims,they love you and only warn you by bombing you".
Whenever you study events in the Eastmed, just try to figure out who benefits from a war between Turkey and Greece. Even if you think Erdogan's party is the main benefactor, try to look for other benefactors. How does a war with Greece help a developing country trying to reinstate Islam's glory?
When you say "studied",you mean read stuff as a hobby. But by all means,keep claiming that you know better than Pakistanis themselves...
Putting words in my mouth won't help your argument. It only exposes your lack of reasons for the argument.
If the West hated him so much,they would have removed him in various ways. And they can remove such people. Through complete sanctions,through Saddam/Gaddafi actions,through other means. But all that would have brought chaos to Turkey and they want Turkey within the sphere of NATO. And they know he comes around once they put slap him once too many times. Which you saw,when he went back asking for F-16s and a meeting with Biden. Repeatedly. And then he went asking for investments to the Saudis,Emiratis and became friends with Israel again. Even asked came trying to be friends with "dictator" Sissi and "tyrant" Assad. A half-hearted weird coup was put down and you think he's a hero.

The wanker who called the people to the streets to protect his seat,not caring about their lives. He used them as pawns by calling them to block the tanks and military,like a real dictator. Good leaders first think about the good of their people,not saving their power.
They did not think Erdogan will become very powerful and dangerous so fast. His Islamism was tolerable until the early 2010s.

You've claimed many times how the U.S. military can easily destroy Turkey. I never challenged your claim for a lack of time. However, it's time to debate this topic with you since you've repeated the claims here.

The U.S. no longer has the luxury to invade countries from a safe distance. A war between the U.S. and Turkey or Iran will lead to hundreds of thousands of U.S. deaths. It'll end their presence in the Middle East and with it the petrodollar. An example is the Iran strikes on U.S. bases in Iraq in 2020.

U.S. military bases are within range of Turkey's missiles and drones, right up to Europe. Even aircraft carriers are extremely vulnerable today due to long range surveilance drones that can locate and track it, and guide missiles to hit the aircraft carrier even if it's protected by many battleships, planes, and submarines. Ankinci has a range of 5000km+. No U.S. jet fighter has half that range. Their heavy bombers with 12000km+ aren't designed for air defense missions and will be ineffective against drones.

Akinci drones carry a huge payload and can strike targets from up to 200km away (in addition to their 5000km+ range). This is enough range to deliver a devastating salvo of missile strikes on ships and aircraft carriers.

Turkey's militray is connected. Threat spotted by a surveilance drone can be destroyed by any ship, submarine, drone, jet, or even ground-based missiles. Enough missile strikes on U.S. airbases and carries will effectively cripple the U.S. military. Even aerial refueling tankers do not provide a safe range from drone strikes. And Turkey's drones can basically rain missiles and bombs on these airbases and carriers. Air dominance is key to America winning battles. That's the American way of war. But recent tech advances have made that strategy obsolete, especially long-range drones, precision cruise and ballistic missiles, and silent submarines.

I'm not saying Turkey is militarily stronger than America. I'm saying that America CANNOT invade Turkey even if it tried to.

Cavusoglu said the U.S. risks losing its neutral status regarding the Grecco-Turkish tensions. This statement means several things, one of which is that Turkey will not let the U.S. amass a massive invasion force around Turkey unchallenged like it did with Saddam's Iraq (Saddam's biggest mistake was letting the U.S. do this). Currently, the U.S. is slowly building bases in Greece. But every single base is identified and there's adequate Turkish couter strategy to cripple it very fast in the event of a war. At some point, the building of these bases will stop. Just like the U.S. has an excuse to start a war with Turkey, so too does Turkey have the excuse to start a war with the U.S. if and when necessary. For both, the excuse is Greece.

This military reality is the reason that many countries no longer fear the U.S. It's also the reason why America hasn't started a war with Iran though it started one with Libya as recently as 2011. Iran represents a major nuclear proliferation problem for America. By nuclear prolifereation, I mean many countries in the Islamic world acquiring nuclear weapons after Iran does (Saudi, U.A.E., Turkey, Egypt). America's biggest weapon today is the petrodollar. And Islamists will destroy that weapon.

Even Russia's air defense systems haven't defeated drones yet and they are by far better than any air defence system America or Europe ever made. Besides, both PAC-3 and THAAD couldn't stop the 2019 Abqaiq strike and latter strikes.
Whenever you study events in the Eastmed, just try to figure out who benefits from a war between Turkey and Greece. Even if you think Erdogan's party is the main benefactor, try to look for other benefactors. How does a war with Greece help a developing country trying to reinstate Islam's glory?
How about you ask for your friend Erdogan,who at some point had Turkey's Armed Forces involved in Syria,Iraq,Libya,Azerbaijan at the same time,while threatening to open a front with Greece,Cyprus,Egypt. Turkish economy was very bad,the people complaining,he was predicted to lose the elections,a victory in a small incident in the Aegean or East Mediterranean would have boosted his popularity and supported his and Bahceli's expansionist dreams.

You still imagine that whatever Erdogan does is justified,but whatever other does is a provocation and the Americans are behind.

I can sit down and keep replying to you,but I wonder what's the point when whatever I say,you will still rant about your own things and ignore it. Just like another guy here...

Putting words in my mouth won't help your argument. It only exposes your lack of reasons for the argument.
You yourself said you've "studied" it. So you either studied something as a student,which 12 years is impossible for geopolitics studies or unless you are referring to the Pakistanis,you also said you know better than them.

The U.S. no longer has the luxury to invade countries from a safe distance. A war between the U.S. and Turkey or Iran will lead to hundreds of thousands of U.S. deaths. It'll end their presence in the Middle East and with it the petrodollar. An example is the Iran strikes on U.S. bases in Iraq in 2020.
Here we go with the "petrodollar" again...

Ok,first things first. I'm sure that if you were around back in 1990,you would have said the same about the US' imminent attack on Saddam's forces. You would have hailed Saddam as a "great muslim leader".

Now you'll tell me "don't compare Saddam's Iraq and Erdogan's Turkey". Ah,there are differences and advantages for Turkey,yes! Big ones too,compared to Iraq! But there are also big disadvantages: Bad relations with almost all neighbors,for years,Turkish Defence Industry not entirely independent and self-sufficient. Lack of spare parts for F-16s and Phantoms,as well as other US and western equipment and systems that Turkey cannot manufacture.

A total embargo on the given moment,would have had Turkey's economy completely crippled and raw materials hard to find,in case the war dragged on.

The Americans could use bases in Saudi Arabia,Kuwait,Greece,Jordan,maybe even Iraq,Israel and eastern Syria. They would bring entire aircraft carrier groups and possibly even allies. Western,Arab or other. Turkey's already collapsing economy and new weapons projects (most of which haven't even finished yet) would have been no match for the Yankee warmachine if they were serious about it.

You think they would enter just like that? No. They would bomb and bomb and bomb Turkey's military bases,defence industry,government buildings and infastracture. Then they would slowly enter,by using the Kurds as allies and giving them control of the Kurdish-majority towns they walk in to.

Currently, the U.S. is slowly building bases in Greece.
The Americans are building bases in Greece for two reasons:

1.Turkey has proved very unreliable the last 10 years and they want to eventually shut down Incirlik and leave turkey.
2.Alexandroupolis enables the Americans to transfer equipment and personnel to Balkan allied countries like Bulgaria,Romania etc. easier and faster. Besides,these are the two main bases they use in Greece. The rest of the NATO bases are not worth mentioning.

At some point, the building of these bases will stop. Just like the U.S. has an excuse to start a war with Turkey, so too does Turkey have the excuse to start a war with the U.S. if and when necessary. For both, the excuse is Greece.
Again,you're wrong. The Americans are not making the country into a huge base. And like I said above,they are not building bases to start a war with the Turks,like the AKP propaganda keeps saying,but because they see Turkey as an unreliable ally.

Also,there's no more "building" of bases. You said "at some point the building of these bases will stop". You make it sound as if they are fortifying the entire country. That's completely wrong.

Even Russia's air defense systems haven't defeated drones yet and they are by far better than any air defence system America or Europe ever made. Besides, both PAC-3 and THAAD couldn't stop the 2019 Abqaiq strike and latter strikes.
And again,you are wrong here. And obviously biased.

The irony is that,throughout numerous wars,Western AA systems have proved more reliable compared to Soviet/Russian ones. For years,I thought that Russians had very strong AA systems,but they only kept the hype by not being involved in so many conflicts. When they had to start using S-300s and others...well...they didn't prove as amazing as everyone thought they were. Of course that is also a matter of debate,because in most conflicts,the countries using them had older versions,
but then again...we did see both a lot of TB2s and Anka falling and some Pantsir being destroyed.

And then came the Ukraine war,where Russian AA defence on one hand eventually shot down all of the Ukrainian TB2s,but later started losing AAs because of other drones,artillery,bombardment and smart tactics used by the Ukrainians.

As for the 2019 Abqaiq attack,it had nothing to do with the systems,but mostly the Saudi crews.

Overall,the Patriot performed very well in Saudi Arabia against Houthi attacks.
First of all, I don't care about a nigerian's opinions on Turkey and I don't read the discussion but I saw this bit and I wanted to say something.
1.Turkey has proved very unreliable the last 10 years and they want to eventually shut down Incirlik and leave turkey.
Turkey didn't "prove to be unreliable" but rather uncontrollable. If the coup in 2016 succeeded, we would be being praised as the greatest ally. Don't buy their narrative.

They try to contain what they can not control.
A total embargo on the given moment,would have had Turkey's economy completely crippled and raw materials hard to find,in case the war dragged on.

The Americans could use bases in Saudi Arabia,Kuwait,Greece,Jordan,maybe even Iraq,Israel and eastern Syria. They would bring entire aircraft carrier groups and possibly even allies. Western,Arab or other. Turkey's already collapsing economy and new weapons projects (most of which haven't even finished yet) would have been no match for the Yankee warmachine if they were serious about it.
That would be a bigger mistake than the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Turkish submarine fleet would be a major threat and we would see the first aircraft carriers being sunk since WWII. Turkish military isn't as big as the US obviously, the sheer number of aircraft they have would be an amazing challenge to withstand but they haven't fought an army of this caliber since WWII either. It could be a second Gallipoli.

Turkey's weakness is the economy. Just demolish the economy and watch the government crumble.
Hear this now and remember because it'll come to pass. As long as the pyramids are in Muslim land and they have a god-like status, they will be destroyed. Sisi cannot stop this. He's probably the last dictator to rule Egypt. If you are an Egyptian who supports Sisi's regime, know that you can only keep Egypt as yours after fighting and defeating Turkey and the Muslim world in Libya. No one is interested in your peace proposals which is the same as requesting the Muslims to submit to this evil world order.

Turkey's and Pakistan's elections are what I'm focusing on. If Imran and Erdogan win, be prepared for tough years ahead for Sisi, MBZ, and MBS. It's time for Pakistan to deploy nukes on Turkish soil. It's time Pakistan expands its nuclear arsenal and build mordern ICBMs. The West must be challenged on the battlefield, starting with toppling their puppets in Egypt, U.A.E., and Saudi Arabia, and turning off the oil taps.
others have tried to destroy Egypt's Heritage in the name of Islam and failed. Religous Extremism is a disease you should be cured of

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