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UAE and France sign deal for 80 Rafale fighter jets

December 3, 2021 - 09:52
DUBAI (Reuters) - France and the United Arab Emirates confirmed on Friday that they had signed deal on the supply of 80 Rafale warplanes, manufactured by French company Dassault Aviation.

French President Emmanuel Macron has forged a good relationship with Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan (MBZ), with investments flowing between both countries. Paris has a permanent military base in the Emirati capital.

(Reporting by John Irish; Writing by Benoit Van Overstraeten; Editing by Sudip Kar-Gupta)

This is really great news for French military sales after the $90 billion FAILURE Australia - U.S. last minute submarine deal.
This will definitely improve confidence of French Aviation industry.
Besides Rafales are better product than F-16s.
France was remembered for the military tenders it lost throughout the 2000s. However, the recent export success is admirable. Moreover, although they have lost big in Australia, they continue to develop their market shares, especially in Arab countries.

I want to share a remarkable anecdote:

Top 5 clients of France's arms export (2010-2019):

India ~ €13.4 billion
Qatar ~€11.1 billion
KSA ~€10.8 billion
Egypt ~€ 7.7 billion
UAE ~€ 4.8 billion

Probably UAE (and newcomer Greece) will find a places again, in next decade's top-5.
Let's not forget the UAE was the only country outside of France to buy the Leclerc and in big numbers. If I'm not mistaken,some 400 pieces? The UAE spent a lot of money on French and Russian equipment back in the late '90s and early 2000s.

The French have top quality stuff,but sometimes their deals can be difficult. But then again,the Americans can be difficult too.
If you remember back in IDEX 2021, Tawazun and MBDA signed an agreement for the joint development of the Smartglider.


Also, local company Halcon is developing an air to air missile and want to test it by 2025. It could be used on the aircraft instead of the Meteor.

“Next year, we are looking into propelled air-to-ground weapons,” he says. “By 2024 we hope to demonstrate a ground-to-air capability and by 2025 air-to-air. We are putting into place building blocks that will take us there.”
19 BN is such a large figure. One must argue about the logic behind such deal. Keeping production time frames, training, logistics in mind it will take quite a few years before the first Rafales arrive.

The UAE would have been better off investing in its own local industries and producing it own 5th generation design. This deal is mainly about replacing the UAE Mirage-2000s but those are still the latest models and are good for atleast 2 decades....

Looks more like a back payment to the mafia to stay in power :D
Commenting on this deal, Major General Staff Pilot Ibrahim Nasser Al Alawi, UAE Commander of the Air Force and Air Defense, said: "The UAE has been in a process of a thorough review of global markets for options. Based on our talks with our French counterparts, we came to a mutual agreement that the Rafale provide the best option for the UAE security and defense."

Major General Al Alawi added, "The signed contract with France is not a substitute for the US F-35 ongoing discussions. It's rather a complementary to our Air Force capabilities as we continue to develop our air defense systems and seek new products and advanced technologies as part of our overall National Security Strategy."

@Raider 21 @SQ8
They are still interested in the F-35 as we thought.
Let's not forget the UAE was the only country outside of France to buy the Leclerc and in big numbers. If I'm not mistaken,some 400 pieces? The UAE spent a lot of money on French and Russian equipment back in the late '90s and early 2000s.

The French have top quality stuff,but sometimes their deals can be difficult. But then again,the Americans can be difficult too.

French are very easy to deal with and give good kick backs. That's how they won the Indian Rafale deal.
Commenting on this deal, Major General Staff Pilot Ibrahim Nasser Al Alawi, UAE Commander of the Air Force and Air Defense, said: "The UAE has been in a process of a thorough review of global markets for options. Based on our talks with our French counterparts, we came to a mutual agreement that the Rafale provide the best option for the UAE security and defense."

Major General Al Alawi added, "The signed contract with France is not a substitute for the US F-35 ongoing discussions. It's rather a complementary to our Air Force capabilities as we continue to develop our air defense systems and seek new products and advanced technologies as part of our overall National Security Strategy."

@Raider 21 @SQ8
They are still interested in the F-35 as we thought.
My best guess is that the UAE has seen the Israeli model and its effectiveness of the Air Force being the tip of the spear to dominate all others in the region. They are looking at a 250+ fighter fleet(including coalition assets in Dhafra) as a guarantee against both the persians and neighbors as well.
Of course you also paid them more than anyone 😂😂😂
And that he doesn’t see the irony in that is priceless
Let's see where Qatari Mirages end up first. India has been buying attrition replacements from France as well airframes for spare parts. They have also slowed down the upgrade program for now but these UAE ones could very likely end up there too or in Egypt.
Pak should have
Couple of points

1) This order (if the planes are made in France) means any IAF follow on order may take 4-5 years to fufil
2) These jets will not be delivered for another 3-4 years, UAE will slowly start phasing out Mirage 2000-9 then, but this technology may be old hat by then (no AI, no AESA etc)
3) This seems very much the second option after F-35 issues

All in all great news for UAE, but nothing major in terms of changing the strategic balance, they already have the F-16E/F and decent stand off weapons. The Rafales give them Meteor but even this missile may be outranged very soon.
iae signed mirage upgrade deal with france last year also
How did that happen

modi hai to mumkin hai

One party of inter-govt agreement can't remain aloof
Rafale: Cong questions Modi and Rajnath's silence on French probe
'France is investigating what it calls ‘corruption’, ‘influence peddling’, ‘money laundering’ and ‘favouritism’ in the Rafale deal, INC spokesperson Pawan Khera said
Prime Minister Narendra Modi and then French President Francois Hollande are locked in a hug in Hyderabad House, New Delhi, on January 25, 2016, after it was announced that the two countries had inked a memorandum of understanding on the Rafale fighter aircraft. In September that year, the inter-governmental agreement on 36 Rafale aircraft was signed

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and then French President Francois Hollande are locked in a hug in Hyderabad House, New Delhi, on January 25, 2016, after it was announced that the two countries had inked a memorandum of understanding on the Rafale fighter aircraft. In September that year, the inter-governmental agreement on 36 Rafale aircraft was signed
File picture

Our Special Correspondent | New Delhi | Published 05.07.21, 01:53 AM
The Congress on Sunday questioned the silence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and defence minister Rajnath Singh on the French investigation into the Rafale deal, asking how one party to an inter- government agreement could remain aloof when the other had initiated a probe.
“France is investigating what it calls ‘corruption’, ‘influence peddling’, ‘money laundering’ and ‘favouritism’ in the Rafale deal,” Congress spokesperson Pawan Khera said.

“How does all this happen in a government-to-government deal in which no middleman was supposed to be involved? And in an inter-governmental deal, how can one party remain silent when the other has ordered an investigation?”
Khera said the deal now looked like an open and shut case of corruption.
“What does the Prime Minister have to say? After all, the deal was between France and India and one side suspects corruption. Rajnath Singh wasn’t the defence minister then but he should come out with the facts now,” he said.
“Why was the anti-corruption clause deleted? Is it even imaginable that the Government of India would remain silent when the entire world is looking at the deal being investigated? It is ironical that the beneficiary is investigating and the country which lost huge money is silent.”
Khera added: “Let me make one thing abundantly clear — this is not a loss to France, it is a loss to India. It is not France that has been cheated or robbed, rather it is every single Indian taxpayer who has been cheated and robbed.”

Rahul Gandhi had tweeted in the morning: “Why is the Modi Government not ready for a JPC (joint parliamentary committee) probe? 1. Guilty conscience 2. Friends need to be saved 3. JPC doesn’t need Rajya Sabha seat 4. All these are correct.”

Then Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi, who had headed a three-judge bench that dismissed a petition seeking a probe into the deal, had been nominated by the President to the Rajya Sabha nearly four months after he had retired from the Supreme Court.
Referring to the Rafale deal, Priyanka Gandhi tweeted: “Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth — Lord Buddha.”

Former finance minister P. Chidambaram alluded to a chronology alleged in French media reports that hints at secret, parallel processes that undermined the official negotiations.
“There are new dates revealed in the Rafale aircraft deal: 25-03-2015, 26-03-2015, 08-04-2015, 10-04-2015, 09-11-2015, January 2016, September 2016, 28-11-2016,” Chidambaram tweeted, adding that the Prime Minister “can tell us what events happened on these dates”.
“If there is no mystery, why not tell the whole story in one sitting? Why should ‘events’ and ‘facts’ tumble out of the cupboard one by one?” Chidambaram tweeted.

Rajnath’s predecessor Nirmala Sitharaman and Modi have stated multiple times that the question of corruption cannot arise as it was a government-to-government deal.
On Sunday, the Congress said: “It is clear the deal was negotiated between the governments of France and India. Now, given that the French public prosecution services, PNF, has initiated an investigation into corruption allegations against the previous and probably the current President of France, who was one of the parties to this deal, why is no inquiry being ordered on the role, on the undeniable role of the key functionaries of the Government of India, which is the other side of this multi-crore inter-governmental agreement?”
Khera said: “Inter-governmental contracts happen for three major reasons: (A) To ensure the lowest price for procurement; (B) To do away with any middlemen; (C) To ensure there is no corruption. But, in case of this inter-governmental deal, charges of ‘corruption’, ‘influence peddling’, ‘money laundering’, ‘favouritism’ among others are being investigated in France (along with) its government representatives responsible for the finalisation and execution of this inter-governmental deal.”
Khera alleged that fighter jets worth Rs 570 crore were purchased for over Rs 1,600 crore, using taxpayer money. “One has to question, why is the person who caused the loss to the Indian exchequer not being investigated?” he said.
modi hai to mumkin hai

One party of inter-govt agreement can't remain aloof
Rafale: Cong questions Modi and Rajnath's silence on French probe
'France is investigating what it calls ‘corruption’, ‘influence peddling’, ‘money laundering’ and ‘favouritism’ in the Rafale deal, INC spokesperson Pawan Khera said
Prime Minister Narendra Modi and then French President Francois Hollande are locked in a hug in Hyderabad House, New Delhi, on January 25, 2016, after it was announced that the two countries had inked a memorandum of understanding on the Rafale fighter aircraft. In September that year, the inter-governmental agreement on 36 Rafale aircraft was signed

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and then French President Francois Hollande are locked in a hug in Hyderabad House, New Delhi, on January 25, 2016, after it was announced that the two countries had inked a memorandum of understanding on the Rafale fighter aircraft. In September that year, the inter-governmental agreement on 36 Rafale aircraft was signed
File picture

Our Special Correspondent | New Delhi | Published 05.07.21, 01:53 AM
The Congress on Sunday questioned the silence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and defence minister Rajnath Singh on the French investigation into the Rafale deal, asking how one party to an inter- government agreement could remain aloof when the other had initiated a probe.
“France is investigating what it calls ‘corruption’, ‘influence peddling’, ‘money laundering’ and ‘favouritism’ in the Rafale deal,” Congress spokesperson Pawan Khera said.

“How does all this happen in a government-to-government deal in which no middleman was supposed to be involved? And in an inter-governmental deal, how can one party remain silent when the other has ordered an investigation?”
Khera said the deal now looked like an open and shut case of corruption.
“What does the Prime Minister have to say? After all, the deal was between France and India and one side suspects corruption. Rajnath Singh wasn’t the defence minister then but he should come out with the facts now,” he said.
“Why was the anti-corruption clause deleted? Is it even imaginable that the Government of India would remain silent when the entire world is looking at the deal being investigated? It is ironical that the beneficiary is investigating and the country which lost huge money is silent.”
Khera added: “Let me make one thing abundantly clear — this is not a loss to France, it is a loss to India. It is not France that has been cheated or robbed, rather it is every single Indian taxpayer who has been cheated and robbed.”

Rahul Gandhi had tweeted in the morning: “Why is the Modi Government not ready for a JPC (joint parliamentary committee) probe? 1. Guilty conscience 2. Friends need to be saved 3. JPC doesn’t need Rajya Sabha seat 4. All these are correct.”

Then Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi, who had headed a three-judge bench that dismissed a petition seeking a probe into the deal, had been nominated by the President to the Rajya Sabha nearly four months after he had retired from the Supreme Court.
Referring to the Rafale deal, Priyanka Gandhi tweeted: “Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth — Lord Buddha.”

Former finance minister P. Chidambaram alluded to a chronology alleged in French media reports that hints at secret, parallel processes that undermined the official negotiations.
“There are new dates revealed in the Rafale aircraft deal: 25-03-2015, 26-03-2015, 08-04-2015, 10-04-2015, 09-11-2015, January 2016, September 2016, 28-11-2016,” Chidambaram tweeted, adding that the Prime Minister “can tell us what events happened on these dates”.
“If there is no mystery, why not tell the whole story in one sitting? Why should ‘events’ and ‘facts’ tumble out of the cupboard one by one?” Chidambaram tweeted.

Rajnath’s predecessor Nirmala Sitharaman and Modi have stated multiple times that the question of corruption cannot arise as it was a government-to-government deal.
On Sunday, the Congress said: “It is clear the deal was negotiated between the governments of France and India. Now, given that the French public prosecution services, PNF, has initiated an investigation into corruption allegations against the previous and probably the current President of France, who was one of the parties to this deal, why is no inquiry being ordered on the role, on the undeniable role of the key functionaries of the Government of India, which is the other side of this multi-crore inter-governmental agreement?”
Khera said: “Inter-governmental contracts happen for three major reasons: (A) To ensure the lowest price for procurement; (B) To do away with any middlemen; (C) To ensure there is no corruption. But, in case of this inter-governmental deal, charges of ‘corruption’, ‘influence peddling’, ‘money laundering’, ‘favouritism’ among others are being investigated in France (along with) its government representatives responsible for the finalisation and execution of this inter-governmental deal.”
Khera alleged that fighter jets worth Rs 570 crore were purchased for over Rs 1,600 crore, using taxpayer money. “One has to question, why is the person who caused the loss to the Indian exchequer not being investigated?” he said.

Thanks it was informative

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