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We need two more years to defeat Pakistan | Subramanian Swamy

I actually agree with this Swamy dude on india deploying 200,000 troops in Afghanistan.

The day these bharatis make the mistake of deploying 200,000 troops in Afghanistan will truly be a dream come true for Pakistan. We could slaughter as many bharatis as we like and destroy india's economy.

What you say guys: @Aeronaut @DESERT FIGHTER @qamar1990 @Abu Nasar @That Guy @Bratva @Zarvan @Akheilos @KingMamba , et al.
I've always supported India deploying troops inside Afghanistan. If the Indians are so concerned about Afghanistan's future, they may as well provide military security. If India just happens to go bankrupt, then so be it, at least they'd go bankrupt for a cause they naively believed in.


Hehe, yeah that would be epic.... Dr. Swamy is definitely heading towards the stupidity level of his counterpart from our western neighbour.

Thank you for proving my point Sir.
You really have no shame do you. Quoting me like a sick man hungry for more insult. Get a life f tard :)
Hehe, yeah that would be epic.... Dr. Swamy is definitely heading towards the stupidity level of his counterpart from our western neighbour.

Zaid Hamid for the win. Swamy is a dark horse.
Hahahaha ker tag aur admins ko teri phatt rhi hai kea ab. Madarchodh Hahaha

I'm obviously not a MaCho troll like you. I'm here for the long haul. Try changing that you $h!tstained crotch!
Q: Swamy, let’s come to the concept of ‘Hindu Rashtra’. Can you explain what do you mean by ‘Hindu Rashtra’ and how will it be different from today’s Secular India?

Swamy: Let me start with this. This election was an amalgam of three issues.

One was Narendra Modi’s governance record. People were convinced that this man can rule the country. And it was a big plus for us because on the other side was the ‘buddhu’. There was no match.

Second was the fight against corruption which I led. People got convinced that yes these people can remove corruption. There was not a single corruption charge either against me or Modi. So the people were convinced and there was support for BJP as party of honest people.

Third, the cadre of the BJP which had gone to sleep after 2004, after 6 years of secularism of NDA, they suddenly got fired up that Modi means Hindutva with RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat putting the entire weight behind him. So Hindutva was the third factor. And all three factors are important. You can’t just do governance and expect people to support you. There is large number of Hindus who believe that they have got a raw deal. And it also includes particularly educated young people.

Now coming back to your question of ‘Hindu Rashtra’, it does not mean that only a Hindu can be a prime Ministry. ‘Hindu Rashtra’ does not mean only Hindus can occupy public office. That is a ‘Muslim Rashtra’, ‘Christian Rashtra’ but never a ‘Hindu Rashtra’.

All through history, even Shiva ji, who spoke about Hindu Rashtra, had a Muslim as commander-in-Chief. In 1857, we made Bahadur Shah Zafar as emperor who appointed a Hindu his Prime Minister. If your secularism is that the church and the state are to be separate, and that is the original definition, then we have already done that throughout the history.

Second, the Hindu concept of secularism is ‘Sarva Dharma Sam-bhava’ and it means that all religions lead to God. So we show respect to all religions. The Jews came, we looked after them. The Parsis came, we looked after them. The Arab Muslims came and we looked after them in Kerala. But will the Muslims say that all religions lead to God? No, they’ll never say that. They’ll say if you don’t believe in Islam, you are Kaafirs. And you are fit for either conversion or killing. Christians will say that you are pagans if not Christians and that devil has got your souls. You are to be saved and in extreme form like crusade they will kill also. So the only religion in the world that has practiced Sarva Dharma Sam-bhava is Hinduism.

Q: My question is how would this Hindu Rashtra be different from the secular India that we have today?

Swamy: We’ll teach Sanskrit. We’ll teach them the correct history of India. We’ll say that all Hindus are one. That varna is not birth based. Its discipline and duty based.

Q: You had written an article in DNA for which Harvard had dropped your courses. In that article you wrote that those Muslims who don’t accept Hindu ancestry should be disenfranchised. Do you still stand by that?

Swamy: First of all, my courses had nothing to do with that. The courses related to Economics.

Yes, I stand by that statement because it’s drawn out of the partition of India. India was one country, there was no country called Pakistan. So the British had to create a legal entity called Pakistan. So they had introduced a bill in parliament that was called “Indian independence Act”. It was passed in June 1947 after a big debate.

In the debate, they said that there are Muslims who say that we have no connection with Hindus except for the fact that we ruled over them and we don’t want to live with them. The British said that we can’t abandon them and it’s our job to protect them. So we’ll partition India into two countries – India and Pakistan.

For Muslims who said that they have no connections with India and that they didn’t want to live with Hindus, partition was created. Therefore, Muslims who wanted to live separately went to Pakistan. But those Muslims who stayed on were people who accepted that they are willing to live with Hindus and they had connections with Hindus. And what is that connection? That is the ‘Scientific study on DNA’, published in the University of Cambridge, Journal of Genetics. There were studies in Houston, Mysore University as well. All these DNA studies show that the Hindu DNA and Muslim DNA is the same. So what does it mean and that’s what I had said. And if you don’t want to identify with Hindus, Pakistan is there for you.

Q: You are also supposed to be an authority on foreign relations, how do you look at what is happening in middle-east especially the way ISIS is marching ahead with vengeance? According to some media reports, the ISIS has the vision of an Islamic state that stretches up to Gujarat in India. How serious is that from Indian perspective.

Swamy: Serious enough for us to prepare for war. We’ll have a war.

Q: War with whom?

Swamy: War with the Islamic caliphate that will be set up very soon which will include Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Q: What should the Government of India do?

Swamy: Start preparing. Send troops to Afghanistan. Make friends with Iran because they are Shiites and those militants are all Sunnis.

Q: You want India to send troops to both Afghanistan and Iraq?
Swamy: Yes, to Iraq to save our people and I’m happy that India has send its warship there. India should send at least 200,000 troops to Afghanistan.

Q: There is a fear that once these Americans leave, these Talibans will get upper hand and they will turn their focus towards Kashmir.

Swamy: There is no fear, it’s a certainty. Americans will hand over Afghanistan to Taliban and go. And their appetite is Jehad and Kashmir is the obvious place. So we should be ready to go to war. You don’t start the war. They’ll start it and you finish it.

Q: A related question is, what, according to you, would be the solution for Kashmir dispute because it’s lingering for quite a long time.
Swamy: Military solution as there is no peaceful, democratic solution. We have to disown Jawaharlal Nehru and say that he took this matter to UN without the sanction of the cabinet and therefore, it’s an illegal application. Withdraw the application from the UN and put Pakistan on notice and clear out.

Q: Do you think India has the military might to defeat Pakistan?

Swamy: We can acquire the military might. We have the man power for that .

Q: Till the time we acquire that, what should we do?

Swamy: How much time do you want? Have you studied the problem? I have studied it. We need two years only.

Actually, we can defeat Pakistan even today. But we have to neutralize China.

Q: But Pakistan is a nuclear weapons state.

Swamy: So what? Let them use nuclear weapons. We’ll use it on them. There will be no Pakistan left. May be 100 million will die, no problem.

Somebody misled Modi to say nation needs 'bitter medicine', says Subramanian Swamy (India TV Exclusive)

Hain:what::girl_wacko: psycho!
I can barely understand your comment. So I'm not even gonna bother.

The fact is that you yourself have admitted that you don't know what would happen, because it isn't your job. Since you've said it yourself, I think you shouldn't even bother speculating.

It's all fine and well to say that India would negotiate with China, but the reality is different from what you claim. There is a reason why China is allying itself deeply with Pakistan, and that is something India can never replace.
Then ask yourself this, why is China offering to invest more than 20 times what it has offered Pakistan.
Why has China offered so much investment, which if accepted by GoI, will make India the single largest physical investment of China in any country in the world.

When you get the answer to that, you will have solved the puzzle.
Then ask yourself this, why is China offering to invest more than 20 times what it has offered Pakistan.
Why has China offered so much investment, which if accepted by GoI, will make India the single largest physical investment of China in any country in the world.

When you get the answer to that, you will have solved the puzzle.
To make India reliant on China, there is no puzzle here, just one that you're making up from the top of your head. Really, how do you think investments work?

By the way, it's the size of the economies and populations that dictate how much a organization or nation invests in the target market. India has a larger population, and bigger economy, so China expects a larger return, but in order to do that, it must invest a lot too. Pakistan just can't compete at that level.

Having said that, what Pakistan is offering China cannot be replaced by India. If you can offer China a better route than Gwadar, and give up your global ambitions, not to mention give up your regional and global rivalry, then you'll find that China will be cooperative.

As far as China is considered, as long as India remains a rival, Pakistan is needed as a counter balance to keep India preoccupied. No amount of land or deals will change that fact, unless (like I said before) India gives up it's ambitions.

If India gives up it's ambitions, than Pakistan and India have no real problems, so a war would be next to pointless.

So your entire train of thought is pointless. It's simple logic, based on geopolitical realities.
I can see Pakistanis are scared of Subbu. Lol. Lot of scared voices in this thread. Pretty understandable tho. lol
This is how the story goes.
  • Indian Muslims share DNA with the Hindus which makes them Hindus.
  • Caliphate will be established and India will go to War with Caliphate.
  • India should wage War and send 200,000 troops to Afghanistan (invasion)
  • Keep dumping your head in the sand on Kashmir
  • We can defeat Pakistan in a War, but we need two more years
  • Before we go to War with Pakistan, we need to 'neutralize' China through War.
  • Start a Nuclear War , doesn't matter how many Indians die (as long as i'm not one of them), we have to finish the satanic, evil Pakistanis.

    End of thesis, good luck to India. May God give you more of these 'Think Tanks'.
This is old school trolling, this is what people did before the advent of internet. i hope he discovers pdf, he would compete the our resident trolls.
Just like two years were needed to get rid of load shedding in Pakistan. Brown people and their promises before coming to power and systematic extensions into forever after coming to power.
Will India have to fight Islami jehadis in the near future?
people like @Zarvan many like him think so.

Are extremists like hafiz sayeed, zaid hamid, salauddin, mohd hafiz, baghdadi calling for jihad against India?
yes they do, and along with them a few million loonies too.

Will the jihadi scum flow from CA, afghanistan through pakistan into india?
yes it will - there is no other route.

Have wholesale terrorist scum attacked India before?
yes - in 1948, and throughout the 90's after the soviets withdrew.

Does India anticipate terrorists along with pak regular troops attacking Indian territory again?
yes we do. Similar to what happened in 65, 99 etc.

Do we anticipate a major terrorist attack on Indian soil directed from Pakistan?
yes we do - there are multiple anti India terrorist organizations in pakistan run by the pakistani state and intelligence.

Will either a jihaadi invasion or a major terrorist attack on India metamorphose into a indo pak war?
most likely yes, chances are that nukes will come into play.

Does pakistan pose a danger as in - becoming a terror hub for the world, become a islamic ruled islamic state, khorasan, caliph run amalgamation?
There are dangers of that happening because it has been on the brink for a while.
The ''Machar'' thing needs to be rephrased...... ''Eik interview hi admi ko hijra sabat kar deta hey. !!

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